

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 31 av 106

Illiterata invandrares informationspraktiker

The subject of this two year Master's thesis in Library and Information Science is the information practices of illiterate immigrants in everyday life. The purpose is to examine how immigrants seek, identify, understand and value information sources and information, and how the practices have changed with their arrival in Sweden. It furthermore focuses on the barriers that illiterate immigrants meet in accessing and understanding information. It moreover investigates the strategies they use to overcome them.For this purpose twelve qualitative research interviews were carried out, with illiterate immigrants as well as with service providers. The theoretical concepts of the essay is information practices, which means that the information process is within a context, and information poverty, that people in different context do not have adequate and equal access to information and information sources.Using McKenzie's model of information practices, the essay concludes that illiterate immigrants are active in their information process, especially when they interact with information.

Utrustning och utrymmen för uppbyggnad av en rehabiliteringsavdelning för hundar

Physical rehabilitation is a constantly growing field in veterinary nursing. To build a physical rehabilitation center for dogs you need personnel with adequate education and knowledge. In spite of good knowledge it can be hard to know which areas and equipment necessary for the work. It is of interest to describe how a physical rehabilitation center can be planned and which spaces and equipment to prioritize. In this study, data of different spaces and equipment for a physical rehabilitation center for dogs are presented and also the economical perspective is introduced as a background.

Matematikens historia i undervisningen

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the history of mathematics can be used in teaching and whether pupils? attitudes to mathematics can be affected by this. In order to do this a school project about the history of mathematics is planned, implemented and analysed.The following questions are addressed:? Why use the history of mathematics in teaching?? How can the history of mathematics be used in teaching?? Can a historical perspective in teaching affect pupils? views on mathematics?The school curriculum emphasizes the importance of history in teaching. Literature, scientific articles and government inquiries call attention to the positive effects of including a historical perspective in teaching.The school project, which underlies this thesis, is put to practice by 25 pupils in a mathematics science profile class.

Åtgärdsprogram : En studie om lärares erfarenheter kring åtgärdsprogram

The purpose has been to investigate leisure-time centers actual work on children with attention deficit disorder. In addition, the study strives to make leisure-time centers way of working, in relation to their assignments, visible. The study has also compared how the leisure-time centers work and what the research says. The survey was conducted with the help of three exploratory interviews with pedagogues and three-piece observations at the leisure-time centers. It was carried out at three different schools in two counties in Sweden.The results of the survey show that the schools are trying to create clear procedures, though the centers succeed with this in varied degrees.

Lokalisering av landsbygdsutvecklingsområden i strandnära läge

In the constitution of Sweden everyone has the right of common access in the nature. Toprotect these rights, as well as the nature, in areas close to shores the environmental law ofSweden (miljöbalken) protects areas within 100 meters from the waterline. Due to amendmentin this law, Swedish municipalities have to present countryside development areas close toshores. Within these areas, which are to be displayed in the municipality?s comprehensiveplan, it will be possible to get exemptions from the protection if the planned measure willbenefit the development of the region.

Konsumentbeteenden och h?llbarhet. En kvalitativ studie av hur konsumentbeteenden p?verkar h?llbarhetsaspekterna av online f?rs?ljning av kosmetiska produkter, inklusive returer

The ever-growing e-commerce brings many opportunities for society's consumers and businesses. Digitization has strongly contributed to these opportunities and has, among other things, facilitated the search for information and increased the range for the customer. While the opportunities are many, the increased consumption has also brought consequences. The increase in consumption contributes, among other things, to quantities of deliveries and returns as well as increased waste, all of which results in environmental destruction. The issue of sustainability is very topical today and is influenced by almost everything today. In connection with the markets changing, the consumers' behaviors and expectations also change.

Investeringsprocesser i kommunalägda bostadsbolag : En studie om lagen om allmännyttiga bostadsaktiebolags påverkan på investeringsprocessen.

Bachelor thesis in Business administration, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Controller, 2FE13E, spring semester 2014Title: Capital budgeting in Municipal-real estate companies - A study of the law of public housing company impact on capital budgeting.Authors: Axel Erlandsson, Caroline Hellman and Niklas LundqvistTutor: Anders JerrelingBackground: Municipal owned real estate companies  has in the past been obliged to take responsibility for providing housing to Swedish municipal inhabitants. Municipal owned real estate company?s has in the past been prohibited to act in profit purpose. In January 2011 the previous law of public housing was replaced with the new law on public municipal housing companies. The municipality may not provide the municipal owned company with any financial advantages against a private owned real estate company.

Hur mäts idrottstränares beteenden? : En svensk översättning och validering av skattningsskalan Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport

SyfteSyftet med studien var att översätta och validera skattningsskalan för tränarbeteenden Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S) från engelska till svenska.MetodSammanlagt ingick 545 deltagare fördelade på två urval. Deltagarna var lagidrottare i de två högsta nationella serierna. Deltagarna besvarade en enkät innehållandes CBS-S och skalor för andra tränarbeteenden, motivation, självförtroende och relationen med tränaren. På datamaterialet utfördes explorativ faktoranalys med varimax rotering och korrelationer mellan de olika dimensionerna i skalorna beräknades. 39 av deltagarna besvarade även CBS-S två gånger och på dessa data beräknades test-retestkorrelationer mellan dimensionerna i CBS-S.ResultatFaktoranalysen fann åtta dimensioner med egenvärde > 1.

Hästens (Equus Caballus) ätbeteende då den för första gången får sin högiva beredd i ett slow-feednät

The horse's motivations to forage and eat are behaviors that horse owners should take into consideration when designing the horse's living environment. In today?s housing of horses, horses are often kept alone in boxes and paddocks and are fed with small amounts of energy-rich roughage. Problems that can arise with a shortened feeding-time and long periods of fasting are behavioral changes like stereotypic behaviors and an increased risk for ulcers. A solution to the short feeding-time is that you are feeding roughage in a small mesh hay net, or a so-called Slow-feed net.

Utvecklingsarbete med inriktning på gruppsamverkan

The idea to create authentic learning situations where students are highly integrated made me want to try to develop a new method in the course Restaurant and Catering B MAKU 1208 (another field practicing cuisine). In my quest to do just the practical part as rewarding, stimulating and efficient as possible for the student, I planned for a training model with   focus on group interaction.The implementation of the model for learning was to strengthen students confidence both in themselves and in each other, stimulated to greater cooperation and it has also provided an incentive to the student's own development but not least, a growing self-confidence for many students. Several have also had an increased sense of knowing something, to have something to contribute and that their labour input actually was needed. While highlighting that further education to seek knowledge strengthens the individual's skills and consolidates and increases deeper knowledge in the professional field.In conclusion, training should be done in both individual and group basis for optimal learning process..

Analys av temperament hos långhårig collie

The majority of all collie owners in Sweden are satisfied with their dog and choice of breed and may well consider having another one. This was found in a survey that collie owners who owned a collie between the years 1999-2009 had the opportunity to fill in from May to December 2010. In the questionnaire there were three questions included where the owners could answer whether they were satisfied or not with their dog. These questions were: * Do you think the temperament of your dog is well suited for your way of life and the goal you have with your dog? * Would you be willing to get another dog in the future? * If you were to get another dog, would you consider a rough collie? When the answer to these three questions were compared with the dogs behavior, as described in the other questions in the survey, it seemed that it was mainly the fearfulness of the dog that differed between owners who were satisfied with their dogs and those who were not.

Svårigheterna med försäljning av kläder på Internet

This thesis has enlightened how consumer behavior is when buying clothes via the Internet and the problems and difficulties that could face the companies. This study was conducted through interviews with people that have bought clothes through the Internet, traditional catalogues and real stores. The conclusions showed that the Internet is as suitable as traditional catalogues for buying clothes. Another dimension were put to the aspect of availability to a virtual mall in the design of the catalogues. Finally, it is in the best of the e-business companies interest to study how e-catalogues should be structured and designed for the consumers..

Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolk

Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks.

CAMPUS BTH - ett gestaltningsförslag och en studie av begreppet campus

This text answers the questions how do we define what a campus is, how the concept of the campus came to exist and how it is used today, and how the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) campus can be designed according to site conditions and the conclusions drawn from case studies at Chalmers University of Technology and Karlstad University. The purpose of the case studies is to gain insight into their campuses advantages and disadvantages. This finally results in an interpretation of how the Blekinge Institute of Technology campus can be planned. A campus is the area of land on which a college or university and its surrounding buildings resides on. Campus as a concept meant a field at first, it later evolved at American universities due to their design of college campuses.

Facebook : En intervjustudie om utformandet av Narcissismens kultur på nätverk

Målet med vår uppsats är att undersöka och analysera ungdomars användning av Facebook. Genom intervjuer med 10 gymnasieelever från Stockholm kommer vi granska om Facebook skapar ett narcissistiskt beteende. För att förklara detta utgår vi från teorier om narcissismens kultur, svaga bands styrka, symbolisk interaktionism och dramaturgiska perspektiv. Vi har i denna uppsats kommit fram till att det existerar narcissistiskt beteende, i form av respondenternas attityder och deras syn på andra medlemmar.      .

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