

1584 Uppsatser om Planned behavior - Sida 20 av 106

Kvinnliga romers upplevelser av vårdpersonals bemötande inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine roma women´s experiences of health professionals? attitudes towards them in Swedish health care. Method: Exploratory qualitative study with individual interviews was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women of Roma origin. Data were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis.

Pennygången. 12 familjer 36 vänskaper

The residential area Pennygången in Gothenburg is planned to be restored in a very expensiveway. As a consequence the rents will increase dramatically and about 80% of the peopleliving there today will have to move. Excisting social networks might be disrupted.The aim of this project is to illustrate a part of the present social network at Pennygången inthe form of a photobook.I have photographed 12 families in their homes. These families know each other in 36different ways. The final photobook illustrates all these friendships by presenting the familiesknowing each other in pairs..

Varför svänger stenen? : En studie i curlingens komplexa tribosystem

The tribo system ice-curling stone was investigated in order to understand the mechanisms behind the stones' behavior on the ice sheet. The problem with non-identical stones should also be addressed.The stone curls, that is, its sliding path deviates from a straight line to the right for a clock-wise rotation and to the left for a anti-clock-wise rotation. Several mechanisms to explain this behavior have been proposed over the years but none has been successful.By carrying out experiments at the local curling rink and studying silicon castings of ice- and stone-surfaces with scanning electron microscopy and vertical scanning interferometry, it has been decided that the curl is not due to dry friction, ice-debris or the difference in friction on the left and right side of the stone. The side force comes from the fact that the friction is higher at the back of the stone than at the front.The contact between stone and ice is never completely dry, nor in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime. It is probably a combination of hydrodynamic lubrication and a contribution from mechanical scratching of the ice.

Hästars aktivitet och liggtid på madrasserade gummimattor i box

Sleep is essential for all mammals and they all have different sleep patterns. Wild horses normally spend 2-8.5% of a 24-hour period in recumbent position while stabled horses lie down 11-20%. To fulfil the need of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep the horse must lie down with support against the ground for the head. The lying behavior can be affected by external stimuli such as age, food intake, bedding materials and if the horses feel safe or not. This study investigates the lying behavior of horses on different bedding materials; wood shavings and filled rubber mats (HIT SoftBed®).

Psykologiska mekanismer och miljöperspektivet - sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför samhällets miljöpåverkan

Syftet med studien var att pröva vilka psykologiska mekanismer som påverkar sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför miljöpåverkan hos individer i konsumtionssamhället. Hypotesen var att det finns ett miljömedvetande hos människan, men att det är en skillnad mellan attityd och beteendeintention. Även emotioner inför miljöpåverkan hos deltagarna undersöktes, för att fördjupa studien. Undersökningen har gjorts kvantitativt via en webbaserad enkät, genom utskick via Facebook till vuxna individer i Sverige mellan 18-65 år (N=49). Svarsprocenten var 46 procent. Huvudresultatet visar att det finns en oro hos individer inför miljön och framtiden och 94 procent av deltagarna anser att miljöfrågor är viktiga.

Ska Google eller Facebook verkligen få fälla det sista avgörandet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur rekryterare inom mediebranschen ser på arbetssökandes användning av sociala medier

In this thesis recruiter?s attitudes and usage of social media within the media business has been examined. The purpose was to find out whether a certain type of behavior in social media could or could not lead to a future employment. How much weight is put on the virtual identity and what does recruiters look for when the look someone up on the internet. Personal interviews with recruiters were done in six different media companies in Stockholm to find out how they used social media when searching and employing new employers.

Kaninhållning för sällskapsbruk

The domesticated rabbit stems from the European Wild rabbit and researchers have found that they share most of the characteristics and behaviors of their wild ancestor. They form mating groups in which strong hierarchic orders are formed and they are known for their ability to dig warrens which serve as one of the most important resources for this species. Although research has been performed to increase the welfare of rabbits kept in laboratory settings little is known about the housing, behavior and welfare of the pet rabbit. Among the research that has been performed within the area results have shown that the animals are kept in small solitary cages and that although many rabbits are purchased mainly for the children many animals cannot be handled by children due to display of aggression. Another conclusion drawn is that the animals are kept in ways that differs greatly from their natural environment.

Kulturellt implementeringsarbete : -En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av organisationskultur inom ett svenskt bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Organizational culture has been described as a shared perception of reality and values ??within a group of individuals. Within the group's shared values ??about what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior and shared values ??make it easier for individuals to understand what is expected of them. If the desired culture from the management team is not consistent with the culture of the employees there might be a collision.

"Låt den rätte komma in..." : - En studie om Kroatiens och Turkiets resa mot EU-medlemskap

EU is an organization that has expanded really fast during the last years. When you read about different EU membership processes you notice that some processes have been much faster than others. Spontaneously you think that this depends om that some countries have not been fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria. However, during the last decennium some scientists have written articles about motives that have affected the membership processes. The basic problem in my essay is how we are supposed to understand a membership process? Since I was interested in if I could see the same inconsistent behavior pattern in other membership processes I chose to study Turkey and Croatia.

Antipredator behavior by the red-tailed guenon, Cercopithecus ascanius

This master thesis was conducted in order to investigate the effects of the browsing species Yeheb on animal tissues in Swedish landrace goats and to make a literature review in order to increase the knowledge of the importance of this plant for livestock production in Somalia. The evergreen Yeheb bush is a very important feeding source for grazing and browsing animals in Somalia during the dry period. Yeheb contains cordeauxiaquinone that stains the bones of the animals red/pink, which has been an increasing problem when exporting meat to foreign countries. In an experiment, two goats were fed dry and fresh leaves from the Yeheb bush for one and two months, respectively. The goats did not feed the intended amount of dry leaves, since the supply and palatability was not as high as estimated.

Organic acids in liquid feed for pigs - palatability and feed intake

Fermented liquid feed is well known for its health promoting effects on piglets. High levels of lactic acid are desired in the feed together with low levels of acetic acid and certain biogenic amines. Limits for acetic acid have been suggested to be 30-40 mmol/kg to avoid a decreased palatability of the feed; however, few studies have been performed. The purpose of this trial was therefore to examine which levels of lactic acid and acetic acid that can be accepted in a fermented feed without affecting the feed intake and thus the weight gain of the pig. A total of 60 pigs (Yorkshire/ Hampshire) were used in a trial during two weeks, between 9-11 weeks of age.

Träningsapplikationer och deras förmåga att motivera vid träning : en kvalitativ studie om hur mobilteknik hjälper till att motivera användaren vid träning

Smartmobilens användande har successivt ökat och blivit en central del i vår vardag. I och med detta har antalet olika applikationer ökat och numera finns det en mängd olika typer av applikationer som tillfredsställer användarens behov. I den här studien har vi därför försökt ta reda på om träningsapplikationer har förmågan att motivera användaren vid träning. Vi har observerat fem kvinnor och tre män, med varierande erfarenheter av träningsapplikationer, som har deltagit i en fyra veckor lång studie bestående av två faser. Under Fas 1 har respondenterna laddat ned två valfria träningsapplikationer som de testat och under Fas 2 har de använt en specifik applikation.

Odefinierade platser i staden : med studie i Söderälje

The purpose of this master thesis is to attract attention to the undefined spaces of our urban landscape and emphasize the need of these spaces in the city. The different values of these spaces are here clearly presented so that they can be considered when real estate developers show a particular interest in any one of these undefined spaces. The term undefinied spaces can mean a lot of things. The spaces that I now choose to define as undefined spaces are neither planned nor designed. It could for instance be a piece of leftover land in between two residential areas, or as times change, a formerly planned area might be forgotten and left to its own.

Ungdomar, alkohol och normer

This master essay is about teenagers, alcohol and the preventing measures taken by the Swedish government. Consequences of the rising consumption of alcohol among adolescents and how to prevent dangerous alcohol consumption in the future is one of the most prioritized issues in the Swedish society today. Today there is no prevention that clearly shows any effect on teenager?s alcohol consumption and the education about the dangerous effect of alcohol is clearly not the same in schools around Sweden. To gain knowledge about how teenagers view their own consumption of alcohol we have used the Grounded Theory.

Nyhetsverkstans informationsbehov : en domänanalys av Gefle Dagblad

This two years master?s thesis consists of a domain analysis on the local Swedish newspaper Gefle Dagblad (GD). The domain analysis was developed by the Danish library and information scientist Birger Hjørland. The purpose of this theory is to understand the information behavior of individuals by studying the social and collec-tive context which surrounds this person. According to Hjørland, four different areas need to be studied in order to analyze a domain.

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