

2111 Uppsatser om Physical punishment - Sida 62 av 141

Tabloidiseringstendenser - i det redaktionella innehållet

The daily newspaper market in Sweden has been a mighty strong media market, except for major market crisis which occurred in the 1990s in Sweden, that led to several newspapers came into an economic crisis. One of the actions that many Swedish newspapers did was to reduce the physical size of the newspaper from broadsheet to tabloid. After studying several academical studies from scientists and students who claim and show in their results that the tabloid tendencies has spread out in the editorial content I discovered that the common thing for these studies where firstly, that there were not many studies that showed the tabloid tendencies of the editorial content in a longer historical perspective, secondly that the studies jointly studied tabloidization tendencies (how the editorial content changed from writing about hard news to write about soft news) in the editorial content of newspapers that have changed the physical format size. The material that was analysed was tabloid tendencies in news articles in two daily Swedish newspapers, Jönköping-Posten (broadsheet) and Aftonbladet (tabloid) in the years 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The goal was to see if or how much of the editorial content of news articles that changed over time by tabloid tendencies in individual daily newspaper as well as a comparison of the various newspaper formats.This lead to the purpose of this master study:To investigate if it exists tabloid tendencies in the editorial content of news articles in the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Jönköping-Posten between the 1950s to 1990s.In addition this purpose was operationalized from theories of tabloidization, the main theories that are used in this master study is developed by the researchers Shelly McLachlan and Peter Golding and their definition for tabloidization range, form and style.The best tool to analyse the material that have been gathered was to use of quantitative content analysis.

Upplevelsen kring en fysisk livsförändring : En studie som undersöker 4 personers upplevelse av att avvika och tillhöra normen

This is a qualitative study that has investigated four people's experiences of making a physical change of life. With narrative depth interviews, the study was characterized by the informants own experience of their experiences and thoughts. With questions surrounding their experiences of alienation, belonging to the standard, people's attitude and prejudices against their appearance. The investigation revealed that the informants experienced shared experiences and things that separated them. The conclusion based on the people in this study was that people with low self-esteem are at greater risk for experiencing alienation.

Användning av IT som resurs i sjukvården : En studie om interoperabilitet i vårdens eHälsosystem

Today significant resources are provided to improve the digital work environment within the Swedish healthcare to create efficiency, good work environment and patient safety. Despite this, major flaws are shown by the lack of communication between the eHealthcare systems. This becomes a stress factor among healthcare professionals because of increased administration and decreased physical contact with patients. The purpose of this study is to create a understanding of the concept of interoperability at different levels in the eHealthcare systems. This has been conducted through a qualitative interview study at a healthcare center where the respondents have been describing their digital work environment and the way it works today.

Systemarkitektur för presentation av geografiskinformation- Utredning av Informationssystem och produkter

Banverket Trafik has a responsibility to make sure that the companies who traffic the Swedish railroad have the correct information about the status of the railroad. One of Banverket Trafiks information systems (Opera) presents the train?s actual position on a map and provides the user with physical information about the trains. Due to increasing demands on the information systems, Banverket Trafik needs to update the present system architecture in order to manage the increasing demands on map graphics and map functions. This paper analysis the information system Opera on the basis of theory and support of methods and discuss problems and demands for Opera.

Utvärdering av energiberäkningsprogram : Att användas i tidigt planeringsstadium för byggnader

The regulations for energy consumption are consistently getting more and morestrict. This leads to a higher customer demand for energy analysis early in the buildingdesign process. Many building planners and architects use powerful modeling softwareto visualize their projects. These digital models contain sufficient information aboutthe building?s physical characteristics for reliable energy analysis.

LEKKROKAR- ?Något att hänga upp leken på?

The research of today shows that natural environments are importantfor children's physical and mental development. It alsoshows that children often opt out of the traditional equipmentplaygrounds have to offer. By breaking the boundary betweenthe playground and park, is it possible to create a new spacethat will encourage rather than demand play? Through gatheringinformation and talking to landscape architects, designers,and children, I realized that today's parks already have environmentsand objects that could be used for playing. But whatthey need is something that makes the environment even moreinviting for children to play.

Gotland ponies on extensive pastures ? a welfare assessment

Swedish farmers have the possibility to be subsidized by EU rural development programme for grazing animals on pastures to promote the biodiversity of flora and fauna. The environmental remedy sometimes does not allow supplementary feed and at the same time the Swedish Animal Welfare Act and the Swedish Agricultural Board?s regulations for animal welfare and protection states that animals, in this case horses, shall be fed with food of good quality and adapted for the species. The regulations also state that they should have an individual feeding regime that enables them to maintain a normal body condition. The aim with this master thesis has been to investigate if it is possible to keep Gotland ponies on extensive pastures, during late spring and summer and still maintain animal welfare. The horses were assessed every fourth week using a welfare assessment protocol developed in line with the Welfare Quality® project (submitted, Viksten et al) where physical, behavioural and resourcebased parameters were observed. Twelve one-year old stallions of the breed Gotland ponies purchased from different breeders were used in the study.

Sexualitet och informationsbehov hos män som behandlats för prostatacancer

Background: Men that have gone through treatment for prostate cancer may lose their sexuality as result of treatment. The sexual ability might symbolize manliness, despite age and sexual activities. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe; Influence on sexuality and the daily life for men with prostatecancer and their experience of informationneeds. Method: The material for the literature study was searched through databases; 13 scientific articles were selected and two articles through manual search, all 15 articles were examined. Result: Five categories were found in the result of the literature study; physical dimension, emotional/mental dimension, social/practical dimension and informationneeds.

Praktisk matematik integrerad med idrott: Geometri i idrottshallen

Vårt huvudsyfte med studien var att undersöka om praktisk matematikundervisning i idrottshallen kan motivera och stärka elevers lärande. Undersökningen utfördes med enkäter i fyra årskurs sju klasser, med totalt 72 elever i samt intervjuer med fyra lärare, på två olika grundskolor i södra Sverige under perioden januari-februari 2008. Eftersom urvalsgruppen var liten, kan vi inte dra några generella slutsatser. Bakgrunden till vår undersökning var att vi hade fått uppfattningen om att praktisk matematikundervisning inte förekom så ofta i grundskolan. Studien visar att lärarna använder praktiska undervisningsmetoder som ett stöd för att få djupare förståelse hos eleverna.

Beröring och dess betydelse för mötet mellan patient och vårdpersonal - En litteraturstudie

Background: Nursing staff use touch on a daily basis, often without reflecting over it. It is not only the touch itself that emerges, everyday nursing staff get involved in the meeting with patients. The use of touch can be divided in to different kinds of touch, due to its purpose these are instrumental- and expressive touch. Purpose: The purpose with the study was to illustrate what physical touch means for the meeting between patient and caregiver. Method: A literature review has been done, based on ten scientific articles and by these four domains emerged.

Arbetsterapeuters uppfattning kring uppföljning av förskrivna hjälpmedel

I förskrivningsprocessen förtydligas det ansvar som är förbundet med förskrivning av hjälpmedel. Ett viktigt delmoment i denna process är uppföljning och utvärdering. Genom uppföljning ges det möjlighet till reflektion över verkställda åtgärder och förhoppningsvis en utveckling av den arbetsterapeutiska kompetensen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken uppfattning arbetsterapeuter i kommunal verksamhet hade kring uppföljning av förskrivna hjälpmedel och hur det faktiskt utfördes. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av intervjuer utifrån egenkonstruerat intervjuinstrument och undersökningsgruppen bestod av 12 distriktsarbetsterapeuter.

Varför träna?

Med fysisk aktivitet avses all kroppsrörelse som är en följd av skelettmuskulaturens sammandragning och som resulterar i ökad energiförbrukning. Det är bevisat att regelbunden fysisk aktivitet har en mycket positiv verkan på många av kroppens system. Därför är syftet med studien att undersöka samband mellan typ av motivation och fysisk aktivitet bland studenter. Fysisk aktivitet och motivation har därför kopplats till teorier, framförallt self- determination theory (SDT). Resultaten framtogs genom en kvantitativ metod som bestod av en enkätundersökning.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av taktil stimulering i daglig verksamhet

Beröringsmetoder och massage har använts under tusentals år och i många olika kulturer för att uppnå lugn och ro. På senare år har intresset för beröringsmetoder i vård och omsorg ökat. Vid en funktionsnedsättning kan beröringen minska och då uppstå en beröringsbrist. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och belysa Taktil Stimulering och dess effekter på personer med utvecklingsstörning i daglig verksamhet ur arbetsterapeutens perspektiv. För att ta reda på fyra arbetsterapeuters upplevelser av taktil stimulering användes en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Behandlingsmetoder mot övervikt och fetma hos barn

Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is increasing. Diseases which earlier occurred exclusively among adults are now also observed among children. There is an urgent need for new treatments that can change this negative trend. The aim of this study was to describe existing treatments for obesity among children in the age of 6-12 and the effect of those treatments. This descriptive literature study is based on 17 research articles published between 2000 and 2007 from different parts in the world.

Omsorg i nöd och lust : kvinnliga och manliga anhörigvårdares upplevelser av att vårda sina makar

In using a qualitative method have I interviewed six women and six men taking care of their wives respectively husbands suffering from physical disease, disfunction or demental disease. The purpose was to find out whether male and female caretakers were differently influenced in their situation, relationship and in their partners, when they became caretakers of their spouse, depending on what the partner suffered from.The results showed that, when a husband or wife was hit by disease or disfunction, the caretaker was influenced both in the partners situation, the relationship and the role towards the partner. The couple still lived in a close relationship and could communicate. For the carers spouse suffered from a demental disease, there was no communication as before or possibility to remember. The carers also felt the loss of community, nearness and sympathy.

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