

2111 Uppsatser om Physical punishment - Sida 51 av 141

Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.

Kan supplementering med omega 3 förbättra syreupptagningsförmågan hos idrottare?

AbstractTitle: Does supplementation with omega 3 improve oxygen uptake among athletes?Author: Jonna Gustafsson and Maria Bohlin Nygren Supervisor: Frode Slinde Examiner: Ingrid Larsson Programme: Programme in dietetics, 180/240 hp Type of paper: Bachelor?s thesis in clinical nutrition, 15 hp Date: May 26, 2015Background: Previous research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids may improve cardiovascular functions by decreased aggregation and increased red blood cell deformability. This produces an increased blood flow and could have a potential effect on oxygen uptake. Optimal aerobic capacity is a determinant factor of performance within endurance exercise.Objective: To compile scientific research of the possibility that omega 3 supplementation could improve oxygen uptake among athletes.Search strategy: The literature research is based on searches in PubMed and Scopus with the terms ?Physical Endurance?, ?Oxygen Consumption?, ?Fatty Acids Omega 3?, ?Dietary Supplements?, ?Exercise?, ?Fatty Acids Essential?, ?Docosahexaenoic Acids?, ?Eicosanoic Acids?, ?Fish Oils?, ?oxygen consumption?, ?maximal oxygen consumption?, ?VO2 max?, ?athlete?, ?omega-3 supplementation?, ?physical endurance?, ??-3?, ?omega-3?, ?Maximal Aerobic Power?, ?Oxygen Uptake?, ?VO2? and ?Maximal Aerobic Capacity?.Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCT) with an intervention of omega 3-supplementation during three weeks or more were included.


Gångproblematiken hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom är svårhanterad av både vårdtagare och vårdare och kräver mycket kunskap och förståelse. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att identifiera omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan underlätta gångproblematik hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Tio kvantitativa studier har används i denna litteraturstudie och sökningar har gjorts i Pubmed och i CINAHL. Resultatet från dessa sökningar presenterades i fyra strategier och fynden var rehabilitering, individanpassad träning, stimuli och användandet av dagböcker. Dessa strategier kan användas som verktyg för en sjuksköterska när hon interagerar med personer med Parkinsons sjukdom.

Missilstyrning med Model Predictive Control

This thesis has been conducted at Saab Bofors Dynamics AB. The purpose was to investigate if a non-linear missile model could be stabilized when the optimal control signal is computed considering constraints on the control input. This is particularly interesting because the missile is controlled with rudders that have physical bounds. This strategy is called Model Predictive Control. Simulations are conducted to compare this strategy with others; firstly simulations with step responses and secondly simulations when the missile is supposed to hit a moving target.

Musik och rörelse som vägledningsmetod för ungdomar med ADHD/DAMP

Denna uppsats handlar om musik och rörelse skulle kunna vara en alternativ vägledningsmetod vid studievägledning för ungdomar med diagnosen ADHD/DAMP. Uppsatsskrivarnas huvudsyfte var att undersöka om musik och rörelse skulle kunna användas inom vägledning för att ge dessa ungdomar större möjligheter till ett mer kvalitativt underbyggt val till vidare studier. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa metoder genom intervjuer med studievägledare inom grundskola samt en aktiv studievägledare (verksam med ADHD-elever). Vi har också intervjuat en Tomatis terapeut (En metod som tränar hjärnan att prioritera, sortera och hantera sinnesintryck bättre) samt en användare av metoden. Resultaten vi kom fram till var att Tomatismetoden resulterade i stora förbättringar gällande koncentration och uppmärksamhet, samt att kvarvarande effekter bestod i minst sex månader.

Positionering i små nischade detaljhandelsföretag inom klädbranschen

The purpose of this thesis was to illuminate and create a deeper understanding of how small niche retail businesses within the apparel industry position themselves. We aimed to investi-gate how these small niche retail businesses create their position and how they communicate these positions to their target market. To be able to investigate the positioning-process within these small niche retail businesses a case study was conducted based on interviews with two respondents from two different companies and observations of these businesses physical envi-ronments. The study indicated that the small niche retail businesses mainly make use of emo-tional aspects and their assortment range to create their position. To communicate their posi-tion to their target market they mainly use their in-store personal selling and their assortment range..

Säkert sittande - Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt mot Innovationsslussen i Västra Götaland

A thesis directed towards Innovationsslussen in Gothenburg about securing, improving and simplifying sitting on the toilet for patients with sitting difficulties. The primary target group for the project is patients who have had a stroke and as a consequence from that suffers from various kind of bodily paralysis.An overall goal was to design an aid that was comprehensive enough that the patient could manage sitting securely on the toilet without have a nurse giving physical support during defecation.Five conceptual proposals were developed and evaluated in consultation with Innovationsslussen and one was selected to be further developed.The result was an integrated support at the toilet that facilitates a good sitting posture which minimizes the risk of falling and provides comfortable support when leaning to the side. The product is divided in two with both a redesigned carryingsystem and a new type of support surface adapted for the purpose..

Dammsugare att motivera till dammsugning

How can a vacuum cleaner motivate you to use it? From a sustainability perspective,the author asked the question of how such a solution would looklike? These where issues that the project tackled and devised solutions for. Theproject wanted to explore the physical modeling and a large part of the finalresult consisted of a full scale model. The project found that the problem ofvacuuming largely consisted of the problem of storage the product. The projectfound that the motivation for the job, therefore, could be resolved by a betterdesigned vacuum cleaner with a built-in hose, folding handles, which couldbe stored integrated within the vacuum cleaner.

All-In: En fallstudie om Betssons spelbutik och dess påverkan på den svenska spelmarknaden.

The company Betsson opened its first physical gambling shop in Sweden in May 2008, thereby defying the Swedish government?s legal gambling monopoly. The legal case that has resulted due to the violation of the Swedish gambling law has attracted immense attention from mass media, thus generating vast amounts of publicity for the company. This paper aims to evaluate and describe the company?s decision to open the store, as well as to examine the relationship between market driving practices and market driven practices.

Aktiv lastbilsstol för bättre förarergonomi och hälsa

The project concerns a predevelopment work for Scania AB, a leading manufacturer of heavytrucks, and was performed as a master thesis work for the program Design and ProductDevelopment at KTH. The purpose of this work was to examine how the work situation of truckdrivers, especially long-haulage drivers, can be improved with respect to prolonged sedentaryoccupation. Mental fatigue and under-stimulation due to low cognitive load during long drivescan be major risk factors for traffic accidents. Physical strain injuries to both the skeleton andmuscles are common for this working group and minimal opportunity for daily exercise alsoincreases the risk of developing blood clots in the legs, which can have serious consequences forthe driver's health.An extensive background study, both theoretical and exploratory, was performed to identify thedrivers' concerns and comfort needs. Various treatments such as massage and active sitting wereinvestigated and existing products within the area studied.

Alkoholintag efter träning och dess inverkan på muskeluppbyggnad och återhämtning hos vuxna män - En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Alcohol consumption after training and its effects on muscle gain and recovery adult menAuthor: Frida Carlstedt, Puck JanssonSupervisor: Frode SlindeExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: Today, the Swedish population exceeds the recommendations for alcohol intake while advised to move at least thirty minutes a day. It is well established what happens if you drink alcohol before a workout or if you workout the day after an alcohol intake, but it is less well established how muscle gain and recovery are affected by an intake of alcohol in the phase of recovery.Objective: The objective of this review is to investigate if there is a relation between alcohol intake after a workout and effected recovery and muscle gain. This was performed by measuring the outcomes cortisol, testosterone, creatine kinase as well as different measures of muscle strength. The issue was ?Does an intake of alcohol after training affect recovery and muscle gain??Search strategy: A systematic review in the databases PubMed and Scopus with the MeSH-terms: exercise, muscles, recovery of function, training, athletic performance, performance, sport, alcohol drinking, alcohols, alcohol and ethanol.Selection criteria: Criteria for articles to be included in this review were that they would be RCT- and human studies in healthy subjects as well as containing an ethanol intake after a physical activity that consisted of weight training in the form of resistance training or other forms of activity that promotes strength.Data collection and analysis: A systematic search for literature as mentioned above (search strategy) was performed as well as an analysis with the SBU quality review template for randomized studies, and a quality review for each measure of outcome according to Gothenburg University summarized evidence template for measures of outcome.4Main results: Many studies are authored by the same group of researchers and/or are of a lower quality.

Förskolebarns kommunikation i leken : Lek, kommunikation och språk i sammanhang

The aim of this study is to observe Swedish preschool children in their natural habitat and without any intervention. Four different observations are made and thereafter analyzed. Throughout the whole study the subject of interest is the children's communication in their play. Children can communicate with each other in various ways, for instance with speech and without speech, i.e. with their physical language, aesthetic and multi language.

Aktivitetsmönster hos kvinnor med långvarig smärta

Kartläggning av aktivitetsmönstret hos kvinnor med långvarig smärta ger kunskap om vilka aktiviteter individerna fyller sin dag med och var dessa utförs. I denna pilotstudie medverkade tre kvinnor med långvarig smärta som stått i kö till interdisciplinärt smärtrehabiliteringsprogram i ett år eller mer. Datainsamling utfördes med en aktivitetslogg under två dygn samt ett egenhändigt utformat frågeformulär med kompletterande uppgifter angående livssituation. Denna pilotstudie på tre individer visade likheter avseende aktivitetskategorin vård och att de flesta aktiviteter utfördes i hemmet. Den visade även olikheter angående antalet aktiviteter som utfördes per individ..

Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten

The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer.

Sårbarhetskartering av bekämpningsmedelsläckage till grundvattnet : tillämpat på vattenskyddsområdet Ignaberga-Hässleholm

Målsättningen med detta arbete är att ta fram en metod för att kartera och analysera den rumsliga variationen av landskapets sårbarhet för miljögifter, samt att visa hur geografiska informationssystem (GIS) kan underlätta denna rumsliga kartering och analys. Analysen utfördes inom vattenskyddsområdet Ignaberga-Hässleholm i Hässleholms kommun. Först studerades sårbarheten utifrån markens förutsättningar med hjälp av modellen DRASTIC och sedan studerades var de mest mobila bekämpningsmedlen har använts i förhållande till resultaten från DRASTIC..

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