

2111 Uppsatser om Physical punishment - Sida 48 av 141

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The purpose of this studie was to use qualitative methods to find out how teachers perceive what a good classroom environment means for students with ADHD. Know the teachers what to do with the physical environment for students with ADHD? My research questions I wanted to answer was how support or hinder classroom environment children who have ADHD? What can educators how classroom environment to be adapted for students with ADHD? I have presented three different themes based on my interviews, Structure / classroom environment, placement and traditional teachings. Has compiled my answers from informants and analyzed the responses by prior research and theory. The results show that teachers have good insight into what is good for students with ADHD, but what is it that goes wrong?.

Plats för möten : tillgänglighet och inkludering av äldre i utomhusmiljö

This report is about the current outdoor environment in the housing area Brunnsbacken in the city of Eskilstuna. The report examines the various factors in the outdoor environment that can affect the physical and psychic well being of the elderly people through availability and inclusion. The research methods that are affected are qualitative and has been implemented in order to give insight and knowledge about the way elderly people view the outdoor stay in their neighborhood, but also through analysis produce an informed design suggestion..

Friluftsliv bland hus eller träd : En komparativ undersökning av innehåll och omfattning i friluftslivsundervisning

Den senaste kursplanen i idrott och hälsa betonar att friluftsliv ska vara en del av undervisningen. I samband med en flygande inspektion av skolinspektionen 2010 uppdagades det att olika bollsporter var det som förekom mest i idrottsundervisningen. Med detta i åtanke var undersökningens syfte att beskriva innehåll och omfattning i friluftsundervisningen i skolan, och om det fanns några skillnader beroende på om skolan ligger i en stats- eller naturmiljö. Undersökningens syfte var också att ta reda på elevernas uppfattning om vad friluftsliv är och deras inställning till friluftsliv. Undersökningen har en kvantitativ komparativ ansats och resultatet baseras på 76 enkäter.

Resefria möten : Ett projekt för att minska slöserier på arbetsplatsen

AbstractThis degree project is about having meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical meetings.In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden.The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have meetings.Some meetings are just progress meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place.This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle.A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:? Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g.

Nycirkusundervisning i skolämnet idrott och hälsa - Contemporary circus education in the school subject Physical Education

Förestående examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vad nycirkus kan tillföra skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Det är en studie i hur nycirkus där kan användas för att förankra intentionerna i läroplanen om att motverka traditionella könsmönster och stimulera elevers kreativitet. För att undersöka en grupp elevers erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om nycirkusundervisning har följande metoder använts: aktionsforskning, deltagande observationer och enkätundersökning samt fokusgruppsmöte. Följande frågeställningar undersöks: hur kan ett undervisningsförslag i nycirkus se ut och hur fungerar det i praktiken?, hur kan nycirkus användas för att utveckla elevers kreativitet, skapande och estetiska uttryck? och vad har flickor och pojkar för erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om genus utifrån deltagande i nycirkus som aktivitet i skolans undervisning i idrott och hälsa? Resultatet av den insamlade empirin analyseras och diskuteras utifrån teorier om genus, idrott och cirkusverksamhet.

Enkät för skattning av 8-åriga barns fysiska aktivitet : En valideringsstudie. Frågor ur SIH-enkäten jämförda med referensmetoden accelerometri

AimTo validate the STOPP-8-questionnaire (S8Q), containing items from the SIH-questionnaire, against the criterion method accelerometry to estimate its capacity to assess 8 year old Swedish children?s physical activity (PA). Can it assess children?s physical activity? Can it differentiate the active children from the sedentary? If the answer is yes, how well can it do so? MethodData was collected during fall and winter the school year of 2008 - 2009 via the project STOPP-8. Out of 676 children at 12 schools in Stockholm area, 155 (boys n=72, girls n=83) provided complete questionnaire data and wore an accelerometer (Actiwatch 4) during 7 consecutive days which provided data for mean and median activity, time spent sedentary, in moderate to vigorous PA and vigorous PA.

GPS-­baserad virtuell geografisk inhägnad för mobil enhet

The aim of this paper is to find an algorithm to establish and maintain a virtual enclosure around a mobile unit. The area may take any form and should be scalable up to and including national borders. The enclosure is managed on the mobile unit. The target system is Android. Smartphones, tablets and more recently, cameras is examples of mobile units. A modern mobile unit is part of a computer network.


ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

EKG-Screening för unga idrottare på elitnivå : En systematisk litteraturstudie

ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

Arbetsanpassning och rehabilitering : Arbetsgivarens skyldighet

This essay addresses and treats the employer's obligation to work adaptation for people with a physical disability according to discrimination law and the work environment law. Furthermore it also treats the employer's obligation to rehabilitation of employees that has a reduced working ability as consequence of their work. The essay also intends to investigate if there are any differences in the employer?s obligation to work adaptation when recruiting and the employer?s obligation to work adaption for an existing employment. In this work, there is a background chapter which describes the UN and the European Union's approach to work reduction ability and disability. Furthermore, there is a detailed description of the work environment law, the discrimination law, the social insurance code and the employment protection legislation.

The Current Emphasis : en diskussion om flödesfilosofi och planering

The current planning philosophy is based on a political utopic modernism founded during the first part of the 20th century. The focus is, in planning a defined area, to maximize the internal efficiency and to create a competitivesociety. During the latter part of the former century globalization changed the context, thus creating the need for a new way of approaching physical planning. This paper shows that the historical and philosophicalmetaphor of flow can be applied to meet the demands in the global city. It also shows how the edge, as where interaction takes place, is an important part of the content that has to be defined.

Plantar fasciit : Sjukgymnastiska behandlingsmetoder inom primärvården i Dalarnas-, Gävleborgs- och Västmanlands län

AbstractBackground: Plantar fasciitis is the most common heel injury and is a long-term pain syndrom in the attachment of the plantar fascia to the calcaneus bone. The condition is treated mainly in primary care, but there is currently no treatment guideline for the treatment of plantar fasciitis in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate which treatment that occurred in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, which treatments that were most common alone and in combination with each other. The aim was also to investigate if the four most commonly used treatment methods as physical therapists said they had used were supported in the literature, and if there was any difference between county employees and private physical therapists in the choice of treatment method.Method: 100 physiotherapists in primary care in Dalarna, Gävleborg and Västmanland counties, received a questionnaire by mail. 80 of the 100 physiotherapists were county employees and 20 were private employees.

Atopisk dermatit hos hund :

This student report is about canine atopic dermatitis It includes a description of the immunologic mechanisms and how the reaction affects the body. The symptoms are various, most common is pruritus, erythema and alopecia and directly associated with the immunologic reaction. The diagnostic process includes symptoms, physical findings, differential diagnosis, intradermal test and serological test. The options of treatment are several and vary for each patient. The report includes hyposensitization, medical treatment such as corticosteroids, antihistamin and cyclosporine, topical treatment, fatty acid supplements and environmental treatment. The prognosis is individual for each patient due to their different response to the treatment. It may take a while to find the right combination of treatments to achieve satisfactory control of the disease..

Inställningen till?Din journal på nätet? hosallmänläkare iUppsala läns landsting

ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

Samarbete mellan lantbruksföretag : möjligheter och problem

Nowadays, cooperation is necessary and this study tries to illuminate the possibilities and problems about cooperation in fiction between 7 small/midsize farms in Skåne. Conventional Farming is done with grain and sugarbeets as specialization. Calculation of machine costs have been done and compared in the study, both for the farms in thorough and the fictitious operation companies. Business ratios as depreciation/ha, interest/ha and maintenance/ha have been calculated. In this essay we present a proposal about how a practical implementation can be done. In the proposal there is an example how the distribution of work can be done.

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