

2111 Uppsatser om Physical punishment - Sida 45 av 141

Mobbning i det moderna samhället : Sju kuratorers upplevelser av högstadieskolors arbete och ansvarstagande i mobbningsfrågan.

The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of how secondary schools handle the different forms of bullying in different arenas. The questions we were asking us was how schools work to prevent and treat against bullying based on plans of action, how the schools are responsible in the bullying issues and how the schools and welfare officers have taken account of sex linkage in bullying issues. Our study is based on the result from seven qualitative semi- structured interviews with secondary school welfare officers in Sweden.  The study results show that traditional form of bullying takes place through verbal assault, physical violence, ostracism and glances. Welfare officers coincide that there are gender differences in the approach of bullying.

Små ingrepp med stora steg mot förändring : ett utvecklingsförslag i Durban, Sydafrika

Durban, South Africa?s third-largest city is a socially segregated post apartheid society, struggling with high unemployment and AIDS. The city becomes even more complex with a changing climate, creating an influx of people to the city, putting scarce resources under further stress. Warwick Junction, an important transport hub in the centre of Durban, holds a large site of informal trading alongside the formal markets. This informal sector generates large financial flows and provides for a rapidly growing population. The aim of this thesis is to develop an approach that is realistic and relevant to planning and design of an urban context in South Africa.

Isolera bakterien, inte patienten! En litteraturstudie om MRSA-bärarares upplevelser av isolerings- och barriärvård.

The purpose of the study is to investigate MRSA-positive individual´s perceptions of source isolation and barrier nursing, to find nursing inventions witch can provide these patients wellbeing. Eight scientific research reports have been examined, using the guiding principles of Polit et al (2001). The result of the study shows the patients experiences of mentally health/illness, information and communication, physical restrictions and barrier nursing..

Fem sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.

Hälsofrämjande egenskaper av djurassisterad omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Animals are used in several health care areas and have been shown to promote many aspects of patients? health. Animals have potential for use in nurses? health promotion work. Nurses need a deeper understanding of the importance and health-promoting properties of animal-assisted therapy.Aim: The aim was to describe the importance of animal assisted therapy for patients? health.Methods: A literature review was conducted based on ten nursing science studies with both qualitative and quantitative approaches, which were selected after critical review.

Fem Sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.

Metodik för utmattningsberäkning av svets i vibrationsmiljö

In this work, a method was developed and evaluated for calculating the life of welds under the influence of fatigue loads from a vibration environment. Typically, a shaker table is used for testing a component against vibration loads. The shaker table creates a vibration environment that is defined in the frequency domain by a power spectrum.Similarly, a virtual vibration table can be used to calculate the same type of load environment, which can then be used to calculate the expected lifetime. The benefit of this method is that it can be used in design, as well as in simulation of tests before physical verification tests are carried out.Today there are methods for calculating fatigue life of non-welded base material, but since many components contain welded joints, there is a need to apply this method to those types as well. To achieve this, the thesis combines two different areas, which together provide a method for fatigue assessment of welds using a virtual shaker table.The methodology is carried out by modeling the component, and its welded joints, in a finite element program.

Några vardagshjältars syn på delaktighet : en studie med kvalitativ ansats inom äldreomsorg

The aim of our research in this study, which has a qualitative attempt, is to investigate participation concerning to a few co-workers in the old-age care. The co-workers experience of participation and their definition of participation, and how participation is related to our different themes. Our themes are the present and wanted assumptions, to make participation possible. Further more does this study discuss participation in relation to the themes communication, competence education and to physical and psychic health. The method we used was primary semi-structured interviews and some observations.

Kulturella och ekonomiska överväganden för framtiden : En fältstudie om syriska flyktingar i jordanska värdsamhällen

This thesis examines the everyday resistance, and its interaction with cultural hybridity, of the Saami population in the administrative unit of Torne lappmark during the period 1639?1732. To do this, the thesis uses theoretical concept of everday resistance as it has been described by JamesC. Scott and the theories of cultural hybridity as they have been described by Peter Burke. Primary source material used in this thesis consists of the court records from Torne lappmark, specifically from the courts at Jukkasjärvi and Enontekis.The results of this thesis present a picture of the everyday resistance in early modern Torne lappmark.

Kunskap om konflikthantering - Tyst kunskap? : Fem lärares kunskap om konflikthantering i skolan

Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie i ämnet konflikthantering. Vi har valt att utforma den med hjälp av fem lärare som vi har intervjuat. Konflikter kan man inte undvika, varken i livet eller i skolan och där är det lärarens uppgift att hantera dem. Därför tycker vi att det är viktigt att belysa och förstå kunskapen om konflikthantering.Förr hanterades inte konflikter och bråk i skolan som idag. Fram till 1958 var det fortfarande tillåtet att bestraffa elever med aga.

EU-stadgans tillämplighet på skattetillägg och skattebrott : En fråga om rättssäkerhet?

SammanfattningUppsatsen behandlar EU-stadgans tillämplighet på det svenska dubbelförfarandet, påförande av skattetillägg och utdömande av straffrättsliga påföljder vid oriktig uppgift. Framställningen baseras på gällande lagtext vid 1 december 2011, men hänsyn har även tagits till lagförslaget avseende den nya skatteförfarandelagen, SFL, som avses träda i kraft den 1 januari 2012.  Besvarandet av syftet sker ur ett svenskt perspektiv med beaktande av rättssäkerheten för den enskilde. Det klargörs att EU-stadgans ställning innebär att den skall ha företräde framför motstridig nationell rätt. Vidare kan kravet på klart stöd som HD har uppställt för att underkänna det svenska dubbelförfarandet med stöd av Europakonventionen, inte upprätthållas vid EU-stadgans tillämpning. Ett sådant krav skulle strida mot rättssäkerhetskravet på en bestämd rättskällehierarki, och därmed inte tillförsäkra den enskildes rättssäkerhet.

Stålbalkars bärförmåga vid intryckning - orsakad av lokal momentbelastning

This master thesis deals with steel girders subjected to patch loading caused by concentrated moments. There exist no good methods to calculate by hand the ultimate resistance for this load case. In ?tunnplåtshandboken?, (Handbook for sheet metal, which is published by SSAB), one calculation method is presented. It?s however fairly difficult to use, because of many calculation steps and many graphs.

Ökad arbetstrivsel och bättre resultat genom tjänstedesign : Att skapa möjlighet för distansarbete i naturen

The report contains a survey on telecommuting in nature and how concepts around that information could look like. The client for the project is Lars Sandberg, Dotank AB in Karlstad. The project is implemented in the course Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design, MSCG22 of the faculty of health, science and technology at Karlstad University in the spring of 2014.Working flexibly and remotely in the so-called knowledge based professions is growing. That nature is an important source of recovery is a fact. The literature search in this report shows that there are factors that create both physical and psychological stress on most office workers while nature is a source of recovery and inspiration.

Viktiga egenskaper hos framgångsrika svenska skolskogar :

A substantial part of the Swedish outdoor education is being practiced in so called ?school forests?. The concept school forest was first introduced in the 1980?s by the organization Skogen i Skolan. The definition of a school forest is an area that is being used for educational purposes, over which the school and the land owner has reached an agreement of how the school may utilize it.

Digitaliseringens förändring av bokbranschen

This is a bachelor thesis, written at the business studies institute, Uppsala Unviersity, exploring how digitalization has affected the Swedish book industry. This is done by studying how the introduction of the e-book has changed the way the publishers work and what problems and opportunities arise with the new way to publish and consume books. The technology optimists, that existed around the turn of the millennium, when the e-book came, made predictions along the lines of the physical book having ceased to exist within five to ten years. But the physical paper books do very much still exist, so haven?t the change happened as predicted? The purpose of this thesis is as follows: How has introduction of the e-book affected the relationship between the Swedish publishers and the book as a whole? This means that we consider the book as a concept, as a resource or product, and study how a change in this product affect publishers.The theoretical framework used is basically classical network theory.

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