2998 Uppsatser om Physical awareness - Sida 61 av 200
Ungdomars säkerhet på Internet : Uppfattade risker och ansvarsbördan
The purpose of this paper has been to explore how Internet is perceived, with reference to youth, risk and responsibility, by a section of the population in North-West Skåne in Sweden. The questions central to our area of interest were:- Where does the responsibility for a safe Internet environment lie?- What measures are believed to be able to make Internet safer?- Are the opinions about safety on the Internet affected by an individual'sknowledge and experience of the Internet?- Is there an awareness of which institutions are involved in Internet safety?We compared the results of our survey with earlier surveys done by SAFT and Eurobarometern. Additionally we compared various categories such as gender and age to discover any patterns within the groups.There is a clear conflict in the answers given by the group we studied, between the desire to have access to all the information and experiences Internet has to offer and the desire to protect youth from inappropriate content and/or influences from unknown sources. While we did find concern regarding issues of safety we did not find any indication of "moral panic"..
Fysisk aktivitet och hälsa : Leder fysisk aktivitet i form av träning till en bättre självupplevd hälsa i både arbetslivet och på fritiden?
Bakgrund: Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och psykisk hälsa har under senare åren studerats allt oftare. Fysisk aktivitet kan förebygga olika sjukdomstillstånd och många rapporter stöder att motion är bra för människan. För att kroppen ska fungera optimalt behövs fysisk aktivitet. Stillasittande yrken och dålig motion är vardag för många. Folk verkar bli ohälsosammare tidigare och fysisk aktivitet skulle kunna vara en del av en lösning i en hälsosammare livsstil. Det finns ett samband med träning och bättre hälsa och förmåga .
Att vara svensk inuti men inte utanpå. : Adopterades upplevelser och påverkan av fördomar.
The aim of our research in this study, which has a qualitative attempt, is to investigate participation concerning to a few co-workers in the old-age care. The co-workers experience of participation and their definition of participation, and how participation is related to our different themes. Our themes are the present and wanted assumptions, to make participation possible. Further more does this study discuss participation in relation to the themes communication, competence education and to physical and psychic health. The method we used was primary semi-structured interviews and some observations.
KULTURLÅDAN.SE - En etnologisk studie om ett digitalt nostalgotek
Nature and culture are often described as opposites, but at the same time nature is often de-scribed as culture and past. This essay examines how nature and the past are culture. I study how 51 people make shifting distinctions between nature and the past in relation to culture, the present and the future. By using the concept of Orientation of Sarah Ahmed I analyze how the informants direct themselves against nature, past and culture through a questionnaire, ob-servations and walk-alongs. I discuss how their ideas about nature and the past differ with their different starting points and are shaped through their physical meetings with them.
Från behov till bistånd : Föreställningen om kön och dess betydelse vid biståndsbedömning enligt LSS
The purpose of this study is to research whether or not gender has an impact on assessments regarding the support for persons with special nedds (LSS personkrets 3). Administrators working in disability care are to make decisions on the basis of the individual's needs when assessing the need for aid and support. This study is based on qualitative interviews, with six administrators, and one head of operations. The empirical data collected has been thoroughly analysed from a gender perspective, rooted in Butler's theory regarding performativity and subversive actions, as well as Connell's gender regime, and Hirdman's gender contracts. Results show that administrators have ackknowledged and noticed differences in how male and female users express their needs, where the difference lies in the communication; females seem more reserved and shy, whereas males seem more outward and extroverted.
Språkhantering på ett mindre bibliotek: en kvalitativ undersökning om hur ett mindre bibliotek arbetar med minoritetsspråk
The following thesis will examine how a smaller library manages the prioritization of media between Swedish and 'minority language'. We are also interested in the challenges and problems that can occur in such work, as well as how the librarians think about their role in the integration process. We have studied this through several qualitative interviews with librarians as well as earlier related research. The results show that librarians display a high propensity of appreciation related to working with minority languages and consider this an important aspect of their profession ? they fully ingratiate and accept the importance of helping the immigrant population in learning Swedish.
Gender awareness among text book authors : from one curriculum to another
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur läroboksförfattare i historia arbetar med de genus-och jämställdhetsfrågor som enligt kurs- och läroplaner ska behandlas i undervisningen. En jämförelse görs mellan läroböcker från tiden innan Lpo 94 infördes och tiden efter, för att på så sätt försöka påvisa en förändring. Problematiken med presentationen av kvinnor i och-historia behandlas, samt problematiken kring läroböcker gällande olika intressenter och begreppsapparaten kring genus. Läro-och kursplanernas intentioner ställs mot läroböckerna, i syfte att påvisa en ökad genusmedvetenhet. Undersökningen visar att genusmedvetenheten i den betydelse jag använder den, inte ökat, men att man inkluderat fler kvinnor i historieböckerna sedan införandet av Lpo 94, i så kallad och-historia.
Alla är vi lika men ändå olika. Ett mönsterprojekt inspirerat av kroppen
Sweden has a great tradition of pattern in both wallpapers and fabric, where colours and shape matters a lot for the customer. I have through my examination project tried to expand the views and find new alternatives and shapes for the obvious pattern traditions. I have therefore worked with what could be on the verge of attractive or repelling. To create a curiosity of what is considered to be commercial. From the prospective of the body organs I have created physical patterns for fabric and wallpapers.
Mjuk massage och diakoni : Ett holistiskt perspektiv
IntroductionTactile Massage is a generic term that for example includes Massage therapy, Effleurage, Gentle touch, Tactile stimulation, Soft massage and Aromatherapy massage (SBU 2009). Tactile Massage has been proven to activate the perception receptors of the body and stimulates the system of oxytocin and in that way Tactile massage increase wellbeing and decrease pain. The Church of Sweden was formally separated from the state in the year of 2000 and by this means created greater freedom in facilitating its own social and Deaconal programs in separate parishes. Since 2004 a few numbers of deacons have been integrating Tactile massage as a method in Deaconal ministry within the framework of holistic care in the Church of Sweden.Aim/Research questionsThe aim: From a holistic perspective investigate the use of and to increase the problem-awareness of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden.The research questions: How is Tactile massage being used and how are we to describe the experiences of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry? What possibilities and difficulties are related to the use of Tactile massage in the Deaconal ministry within the Church of Sweden?MethodThis study is the first explorative research about Tactile massage in Swedish church diaconal context.
Förändringsbenägenehet för fysisk aktivitet hos patienter som förskrevs Fysisk aktivitet på Recept, FaR® : En kartläggning av patienter som hänvisades till friskvårdslots i Uppsala läns landsting
Syfte: Att kartlägga patientgruppen som förskrevs Fysisk aktivitet på Recept, FaR® och hänvisades till friskvårdslots i Uppsala läns landsting under perioden 090701-091231 samt att undersöka eventuell skillnad i fördelningen av kön beträffande förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet vid första kontakt med friskvårdslots. Vidare var syftet att se om de patienter som avslutade kontakten med friskvårdslots visade ökad förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet. Metod: Patientdata tillhörande patientgruppen (n = 193) sammanställdes och kartlades efter insamling av friskvårdslotsar i Uppsala läns landsting. Patienternas förändringsbenägenhet för fysisk aktivitet bedömdes av friskvårdslotsen, enligt Stages of change-modellen, i samband med telefonkontakt. Förändringsbenägenheten för fysisk aktivitet vid första och avslutande telefonkontakt undersöktes hos de patienter (n = 39) som inom tidsramen för detta uppsatsarbete hann avsluta sin kontakt med friskvårdslotsen.
"Cronulla riot" - En kritisk diskursanalys om representationer, makt och rasism utifrån tidningsartiklar publicerade om Cronulla riot i The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph samt The Sunday Telegraph.
This research paper aims to show how racism, power, social representations and identity are created and reproduced through the media. The research paper will analyse newspaper articles presented about Cronulla riot in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph using Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis, CDA, as a theory and method. The research paper aims to demonstrate how inequality in the Australian society is reproduced by the media through the use stereotypes and certain social representations and how knowledge and awareness about this is relevant to social work of today..
Att göra stad. Om demokrati och deltagande i det offentliga rummet
Malmö has often been described as a segregated city, with relatively low democratic participation and high poverty and alienation. Behind this kind of statements we often find a material reality, with unequal distribution of assets and potentials that needs to be taken into consideration for political action. At the same time this categorisation of people into different groups can take stigmatising effects and result in increased inequality.I find the theoretical basis for my thesis in Lefebvre?s writings on ?the right to the city?, that shortly means that all inhabitants of a city have the right to take active part in the constantly ongoing process of producing and reproducing the city ? on all levels, from a hands-on everyday life level to a more abstract political level.With an interdisciplinary approach, where the right to the city is discussed in relation to citizenship, presence, representation and public space, I try to understand the connections between democracy, participation, justice and equality. These discussions are then applied to examples from Malmö; both publically initiated projects and individual physical markings in the city.
Svåra samtal? Hur sköterskor på barnavårdscentraler samtalar med föräldrar till överviktiga barn : En intervjustudie
AbstractThis degree project is about having meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical meetings.In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden.The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have meetings.Some meetings are just progress meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place.This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle.A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:? Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g.
Metoder för kommunikation som främjar välbefinnandet hos personer med demens
AbstractAbout 160 000 persons living inSwedensuffer from some form of dementia. Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia and affects mostly people in the age of 65 and older. People with some form of dementia have memory problems and may even have other problems as aphasia and behavioral disorders. This may lead to communication problems and difficulties for the people around them. The number of demented people is increasing; it is therefore important to study methods for communication in order to improve the wellbeing for people with dementia.
Psykiatrisjuksköterskors uppfattning om omvårdnadsforskning
Sjuksköterskors attityd till omvårdnadsforskning och forskningsanknytning i sitt omvårdnadsarbete är en del i omvårdnadens utveckling. Denna studie har för syfte att beskriva psykiatrisjuksköterskors attityd till omvårdnadsforskning och forskningsanknytning. Frågeformulär skickades till 40 slumpmässigt utvalda sjuksköterskor inom vuxenpsykiatrisk vård på ett universitetssjukhus i södra Sverige. Data har bearbetats i SPSS 11.5 och redovisas med
frekvenstabeller och diagram. Resultat från 26 erhållna frågeformulär visar att psykiatrisjuksköterskorna hade en positiv attityd till forskning men att resultat från forskning inte används i någon större utsträckning.