

7298 Uppsatser om Physical activity in school - Sida 23 av 487

Webbplatsen En integrerad del av folkbibliotekets verksamhet?

In a web environment the library and the librarian continue to function in their role as information provider even when the physical library is closed. Research question is to describe how and in what extent the public libraries websites are integrated in their daily activity and what the causes are for that. The empirical material consists of a survey of number of public libraries websites and qualitative interviews with responsible librarians. I have delimited the study by only investigating the websites of Gothenburg public libraries. In my survey of the websites I have studied four spheres; Services, Contact, Structure and General viewpoints.

Fysisk aktivitet i skolan : Den fysiska aktivitetens betydelse i skolan

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka den fysiska aktivitetens betydelser och effekter, samt hur pedagogerna arbetar med den i skolan. Detta har jag gjort dels för att fysisk aktivitet alltid har legat mig varmt om hjärtat och för att det är en viktig del av mitt framtida yrke och därmed ville jag skaffa mig så mycket kunskap som möjligt inom det område. Studien undersöker hur den fysiska aktiviteten kan främja barn i skolan och vad uteslutning av den fysiska aktiviteten kan leda till dels för det är så att genom positiva upplevelser genom situationsanpassade fysiska aktiviteter kan vi hjälpa barn att utvecklas. En skola med bristfällig verksamhet inom den fysiska aktiviteten kan leda till att barn utvecklar bland annat inlärningssvårigheter. Metoden som använts för att få svar på mina forskningsfrågor var kvalitativa intervjuer med sex stycken verksamma fritidspedagoger på två skolor, tre fritidspedagoger på vardera skola.

Elevers  koncentrationsförmåga under matematiklektioner på förmiddagar och eftermiddagar

This project has aim to examine how students experience their concentration ability during mathematics lessons in the mornings and afternoons, and how students? learning can be in-fluenced by the concentration ability during mathematics lesson in the morning and after-noons respectively? Which role do the methods of learning play in mathematic depending on which time it is carried out during mornings or afternoons with regard to student concentra-tion ability? In order to find out those issues, I used two methods; (interview and observa-tion).Interview with 4 students and 3 teachers and observations of 4 mathematics lessons based on a qualitative method. In order to measure students' concentration ability during ma-thematics education on various times, I distributed questions to 23 students and repeated it during each lesson that I have observed from a quantitative approach in two classes in a sec-ondary school. In the literature I discuss the definition of concentration, and factors affecting the concentration negatively and positively. What is the relationship between concentration, learning and type of activity and how individuals can improve their learning and attention? In addition I studied two earlier studies on the concentration.

"En kropp det är... Du ska ta hand om kroppen" : En etnologisk studie om barns syn på kropp och hälsa

The body that is? You have to take care of the body is an ethnological study of how children look at body and health from their own perspective. During five weeks I did a field work in a school in Uppsala, Sweden. Ten fifth grade students and two teachers were interviewed. They were also participants in observations and did paintings.

Jämförelse mellan hundskolans och Svenska Brukshundklubbens kursdeltagare i Skaraborg :

The aim with the present study was to investigate whether there is a difference between the course participants who find their way to the dog-school respective the Swedish Working Dog Association. The study have focused on four issues; why the course participants have chosen the dog-school respectively the Swedish Working Dog Association, why the participants bought their dog, if the participants are satisfied with their dogs and if it is more likely that they turn to the dog-school?s than to the Swedish Working Dog Association with their first dog? Course participants from two dog-schools and from two of the local clubs belonging to the Swedish Working Dog Association in Skaraborg, Sweden, answered a questionnaire. In total 85 answers were collected, including 60 from the course participants from Swedish Working Dog Associations and 25 from the dog school?s course.

 Dans i grundskolans tidigaste år :  Dans i skolan på kommunala skolor respektive friskolor

Examensarbete lärarutbildningen 2010-06-16 Madelen Handell Svensson Vt 2010 Estetiskt lärande och SpecialpedagogikAbstractIndividualized is among the most important things for students. The teacher always has to provide for every pupil's needs, both special needs and challenge.Dance is a rhythmic exercise that often is carried out to musical. Dance uses human body as a medium and is movements, rhythm and expression of feelings. Dance is a combination of various feelings[1].Dance awakes feelings that are easier to describe in experiences than in words. The word dance is defined differently in different countries, it varies as well from time to time and from person to person[2].

Public Plays : offentlig arena för aktivitet

This project is a contribution in the debate of sustainable city planning. The conceptual ideas in this project can be used on many places and are here applyed on the center of Nacka, outside of Stockholm. The essay is based on an entry in the competition Europan 9, advertised by Europan in collaboration with the municipality of Nacka. The theme of the competition is ?sustainable city and public space?. The discussion of the sustainable city is a very wide subject which needs to be narrowed to suite the context of Nacka.

Behöver skolan skolbibliotek? Skolbibliotekets roll i skolans demokratiuppdrag. En kritisk ideologianalys.

The subject of this master thesis is the school library and how we find its potential unutilized. We look at this problem in connection to the democratic assignment that the Swedish school has. The purpose is to elucidate what the democratic assignment consists of and to establish the role that the school library ought to have in this assignment. To describe the democratic assignment we examine and interpret the documents that regulate school and library activities today, including UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We use critical ideology analysis because we consider democracy to be a sort of ideology and have a critical view of how the school library is used or rather not used in school.

Autism i klassrummet : En studie i hur lärare planerar och genomför sin läs- och skrivundervisning, samt deras förhållningssätt till inkludering.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.

Gympa i förskolan? : En studie om pedagogers syn på motorik och rörelseglädje i förskolan

The intention of the study is to investigate pedagogues understanding of physical activities in preschool. Should special activities be planned in order to stimulate children´s progress in motor skills? I also want to find out if pedagogues found the acitivities in preschool curriculum which says that the aim is to develop children´s body perception and teaching children how to care for their own health. I have interviewed seven pedagogues and focus of the question lied within motor skills and the joy of movement among preschool children. The result shows that pedagogues regard it to be important to stimulate motor activities and to encourage joy of movement in preschool.

"Idag ska vi tälta på skolgården" : Ramfaktorers inverkan på friluftsundervisningen

The purpose of my study was to examine how teachers in physical education experience different frame factors impact on their outdoor education and their choice of didactic approach. My study is based on Lundgren´s frame factor theory and Peitersen´s didactic learning model. I have used a qualitative research method to answer my questions. I have been using semi-structured interviews to interview six PE teachers who all teach at high school level.Based on my results we see that the teachers experience teaching hours and class sizes as the frame factors that mainly affect the outdoor education. Teachers often choose to split up the outdoor activities into sequences in order to achieve better learning.

Förskolebarns motoriska utveckling : -Hur en förskolegård bör utformas för bästa tänkbara utveckling av barns motorik

The purpose of this study was to interview different groups of people (preschool teatcher, parents and theire childen) involved in preschool about their view on outdoor activity and children´s motoric development, and how a preschool yard should be designed to promote childrens development.All parties regard outdoor activity as very important for the development of children. They also think that the outdoor environment today is good but that it could be improved by including some trees and hills. The yard should also contain soil, sand, clay and water. The children prefer grass on the ground over other substrates. This study also gives good indications to decision makers how to build new or to reconstruct pre-school yards in the future..

Drama inom den obligatoriska skolan

In this paper, I have conducted a study of what perspectives educational drama has in theory and practice. The study aims to show an example of how and out of what perspectives educational drama is a part of the school?s activity at a geographically distinct school, from kindergarten on to primary and secondary school years. The general attitude of the faculty and their arguments for and against drama constitute the major aspects of this study, which has been carried out through qualitative interviews at a school in Skåne. The results were that pre-school focuses on teaching drama to develop communicative abilities amongst the students (art educational perspective) while secondary school seemingly abandoned this approach and focuses more on using it for personal development, increasing empathy and understanding of other people by taking it to a more emotional level in order to affect for example moral values of the students.

Navigering i Habermas världsdimensioner : en fallstudie i bedömnings- och betygsförfarande inom praktisk idrottsundervisning

Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how the assessment and grading is designed and practiced in the practical courses of physical education at GIH - the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, along with how it could affect newly graduated physical education teachers? ability to assess and grade students. The study was based on Habermas?s system and life-world theory.What view occurs concerning proficiencies, basis for assessment and marking among teachers who are responsible for examinations within physical education at GIH?How is the examination structured within physical education at GIH?How are skills and proficiencies among assessment and marking further mediated to students in the teacher education at GIH?Method: The case study was realized by performing qualitative interviews with a total of four teachers at physical education at GIH. Additionally, syllabi were text-analyzed to improve the validity of the study.Results: From the results we found that the teachers experience marking as a complicated assignment, where particularly the didactic ability but also the practical ability form a formative and summative assessment.

Beteendeförändring och dess varaktiga resultat : En kvalitativ uppföljningsstudie av Umeå kommuns Kom igång-program

Society and the workplace are two factors that are important for the individual's health status. It is important that the individuals has the right skills to take care of their health. For organizations, it is important to strive for the welfare of their employees. This has proven to have a positive impact on work performance, reduced absenteeism and reduced costs for rehabilitation. In 2007, the local authorities in Umeå implemented a wellness offering for all employees working in the municipality administration.

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