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Fanfictionskrivande på engelska : Språkinlärning i en nätbaserad praxisgemenskap?

The purpose of this study was to investigate the English writing activities of young Swedes on the site FanFiction.net to determine what type of differences were perceived between this activity and the writing activities taking place in upper secondary English courses, what effects fan fiction had on their English skills as well as what possibilities were perceived in regards to using fan fiction as a tool of learning. Methods used include an interview study along with a textual analysis to determine changes in grammatical complexity, errors and mistakes. Results indicate that partaking in fan fiction-related communities of practice in English can potentially improve language skills. Results also showed that informants valued interaction and practical language use, largely perceiving the formal teaching of English as lacking in opportunities for practical, contextually relevant and creative language use. However, introducing fan fiction and its practices of peer-reviewing in a formal educational setting was also perceived as risky, at the same time as there existed a sense of optimism that the fan fiction format and its practices could both be used to facilitate learning..

Att sälja Tjechovs pistol : En undersökning av identifikation genom produktintegreringar samt dess narrativa funktion med en exempelanalys av Tv-serien House of Cards

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the public libraries work towards SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) based on the views of the overseeing librarians. To study this we have asked the following research questions:What distinguishes the public libraries? work towards SFI according to the responsible librarians? What distinguishes the communication between SFI teachers and the librarians according to the responsible librarians? What opinions are held by the librarians in regards to their work with SFI?We have used a semi structured interview method with seven librarians in charge of the activities with SFI at small and medium sized public libraries in a rural area of Sweden. The theoretical framework is composed of Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model for analysis of the local public library profile and the authors? definition of collaboration.

PR och trovärdigheten : en studie av PR-byrån Four C och dess kund Akzo Nobel

PR appears to be an indistinct division and a complicated resource for companies to value. The current circumstances are negative to the credibility and reliability of PR. This study emphasizes how an application of return on investment contributes to a more strategic use of PR and increases the status and credibility for the division.We experience that measuring the economic value of PR is of great importance and of current interest with few prior studies made. The purpose of this study is to find out how a PR-agency and one of its clients relates to and works with evaluation of PR-activities and to which extent the economic contribution of the activity is measured.The foundation which the theoretical reference grounds on is theories of Delusions of PR and the use of benefit-cost analyzes, Stages and Levels for Evaluating Public Relations Programs, Marketing Return on Investment and PR Return on Investment. The theoretical reference serves as a base during the analyze of the study.The conclusion, based on the empirical body of information, is that an application of return on investment could contribute with a higher status and credibility for the PR-division.

Aktörer och artefakter : Ett samtida perspektiv på bibliotek och automatisering

This bachelor thesis examines the activities and values associated with automation and technical development at four Swedish research libraries. It does so by applying textual analysis to annual reports and job advertisements from the respective libraries. The study also questions whether some assumptions of automation have changed or remain over time, and includes a short historical discussion in relation to the contemporary analysis. As an added perspective it introduces the methods and philosophies of French sociologist Bruno Latour. The author reflects on the merits of Latour in research of library automation.

Mobil handel, tillit & sociala medier : En kvalitativ undersökning i hur sociala medier påverkar tillitsskapandet i samband med mobil handel

Our consumption habits are today under development and alteration. The market for mobile commerce is increasing, as well as the use of social networks with mobile devices. This relatively new approach to online shopping requires that retailers adjust to new strategies related to trust issues. The purpose of this study is to examine how social networks affect the establishment of trust between retailers and customers in mobile commerce. We investigate what kind of strategies retailers apply in order for consumers to gain trust in the mobile environment.

Värdet av FaR - Fysisk aktivitet på recept i kampen mot livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar

Livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar är ett växande globalt problem, och fysisk inaktivitet är en av de största riskfaktorerna. En av sjuksköterskans uppgifter är att motivera till hälsosammare levnadsvanor. En hälsofrämjande metod är fysisk aktivitet på recept, FaR®, som används i flera länder, men vars effekt även har ifrågasatts. Syftet med studien var att undersöka värdet av FaR® och vilka faktorer som påverkar det värdet. En granskning av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes.

Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med psykiska funktionshinder

Syftet med denna studie var att belysa vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder vårdpersonal på en slutenpsykiatrisk avdelning angav vara av betydelse för patienter med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning (EIP). Metod För att svara på syftet i denna studie valdes metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med 6 vårdare som arbetade på slutenpsykiatriskavdelning med speciell inriktning mot vård av personer med EIP. Resultat Genom innehållsanalys av intervjuerna framkom tre teman med tillhörande subteman. Tema 1: Att hantera utåtagerande symptom, subteman: Att hantera splitting, Att hantera ångest, utspel och självskada. Tema 2: Att arbeta tillsammans för att nå omvårdnadsmål, subteman: Enhetligt förhållningssätt, Struktur i omvårdnaden.

Skärgårdsliv för rekreation : En undersökning av möjligheterna till vistelse i Stockholms Skärgård

AimThe aim of this study has been survey the possibilities for short-term stays in the Stockholm Archipelago for people without their own means of transport, own equipment and/or experience of outdoor life.To fulfil this aim, the following questions were formulated:? What communications are available to chalet parks in the Stockholm Archipelago?? What overnight accommodation is available in the chalet parks in the Stockholm Archipelago?? What activities can be pursued in the Stockholm Archipelago?? What is the financial cost of travelling to and staying in the Stockholm Archipelago for a week?MethodWe chose to use six interviews and three observations in order to gain as much insight as possible. Interviews were conducted with Claes Petterson at Waxholmsbolaget, a company that provides transport services in the Archipelago, and with managers for five chalet parks: Rolf Andersson for Finnhamn, Per Englund for Grinda, Arne Johansson for Rånö, Pär Hjärtström and Peter Hösöyen for Gålö and Anders Bedinger for Gålö and Nåttarö. The interviews were recorded in writing and on tape. Observations were carried out at three chalet parks, i.e.

Vad är balans? : Balansförmåga hos barn i skolåldern

AimThe specific questions in the theoretic part were:What is contained in the terms "balance and balance skill" and how can this skill be measured?The specific questions in the empirical part were:How does balance skill in different age categories of children correlate with biological and physiological parameters such as age, gender, body height, weight and level of physical activity?MethodsLiterature search based on books and scientific papers related to the questions posed above. Selection was made at libraries and on?line through "Pubmed". Specific search words were used.

Lättläst skönlitteratur för barn i mellanåldern på folkbibliotek

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the promotion of easy-to-read fiction for 10-12 year old children in public libraries. The number of easy-to-read fiction books is increasing on the book market. This can be expected to affect the public library. The hypotheses for the study are: 1) Public libraries expose easy-to-read fiction and use it in their reading promotion activities and, 2) The acquisition of easy-to-read books and the use of easy-to-read books in reading promotion activities have increased over the last five years. A self-completion questionnaire was distributed to 44 public libraries in Sweden.

Den långa vägen till biblioteket : En studie om förskolors läsvanor och användning av biblioteket i ett mångkulturellt område

The purpose of this study has been to examine reading habits and the use of the library by pre­school teachers in a mainly multicultural community, and also explore to what extent activities in the local library are aimed at preschoolers.The study used a sociocultural approach based on Vygotsky?s theories of learning and development and Söderbergh?s theory of early childhood language development, and was carried out during the summer 2009. The methodology used was both quantitative and qualitative, with a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were sent out to each section of the municipal pre­schools within the catchments area of the local public library in a multicultural suburb of Uppsala. Three short interviews were carried out with staff at the local and main library branches, as well as library staff at the County Council.The results show that, although preschool teachers find reading important in their work, many teachers read spontaneously and/or sporadically.

Sociala medier - ett stöd för unga vuxna med cancer

The advancements of Internet have contributed to the expansion of social networks and new communities online where people are given an opportunity to get help and support. An important reason why people join these groups and organizations is to share their experiences, meet people in a similar situation and get support. Social media is nowadays an important part of our society. In this study, we will focus on investigating the interaction in closed communities online and blogs. The study aims to investigate whether social media and social networks online can be a support for young adults with cancer in the same way as physical meeting places.

Hur upplevs en främre korsbandsskada som ådragits för mer än 10 år sedan påverka den skadade idag?

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how women who have incurred ACL injury for more than 10 years ago, feel that the injury affects them today.Method: A qualitative semi-structured interview survey with five women who 10- 28 years ago incurred the anterior cruciate ligament injuries when playing handball or soccer has been performed. The study has been inspired by a phenomenological concept of science, mainly by life-world concept. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Main result: Some informants have experienced severe loss of physical ability in both daily living situations and in training, while others did not appreciably felt impacted in daily living and experienced great opportunities for physical activity. Limitations which emerged were restrictions in movement, joint stiffness, pain, swelling, and crepitations that led to the loss of physical ability. One respondent had been diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis.

Aktiv under semestern : En studie av hälso- och träningstrenden inom resande

Vi har genom friluftslivets individualisering sett en allt större efterfrågan på fysiska aktiviteter kopplade till hälsa och träning. Vi har gått mot ett mer upplevelsebaserat samhälle där vi köper livsstilar i form av de känslor och erfarenheter de ger oss och vi söker hela tiden efter nya utmaningar. Syftet med vår uppsats var att undersöka vad som ligger till grund för hur vi genom träning och hälsa inom resande går mot ett allt större individualiserande där det egna intresset är centralt samt granska trenden träningsresors förutsättningar för att bli en trend som står sig stark i framtiden. För att besvara syfte och frågeställningar har vi använt oss av en litteraturundersökning för att undersöka hur trenden hälsa och träning sett ut genom historien samt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där vi har ställt frågor kopplade till träningsresor och fysiska aktiviteter utomlands. De resultat vi kommit fram till i vår enkätundersökning visar att trenden träningsresor har potential att växa även i framtiden, även om den kan tvingas förändras något för att möta nya efterfrågningar. Genom vår litteraturundersökning har vi kunnat se att individualisering och det egna intresset blir allt viktigare genom historien, vilket vi även kan se en fortsatt efterfrågan på i vår enkätundersökning, i form av eget bestämmande över både tid, pengar och aktiviteter..

"Måste det vara så krångligt?" : Att arbeta med teknik i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to explore how preschool teachers succeed in their mission to conduct work that will enhance children's interest and knowledge in technology. The study was conducted by qualitative semi-structured interviews among eight teachers at seven preschools in the same municipality. The method was chosen because I wanted to get as detailed and full answers as possible. I also wanted to find out their individual perceptions. The result shows that most of the teachers think that they have insufficient knowledge to practically work with technology. At the same time they?re expressing that technology is a broad area that sometimes is a little more complicated than it needs to be.

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