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The Co-Creative Network

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the co-creation process and how value is created based on a service orientation using a network perspective. The thesis is studied from a social-constructionist philosophy, using a qualitative approach of data collection and the theoretical framework includes network theories, theories of service-orientation and co-creation. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with a small firm and its network, which consists of a customer, a supplier and a partner. We found that Håkansson?s ARA framework combined with Ballantyne and Varey?s triangulation of value-creating activities help to acquire an understanding of the actors? bonds, the resources? ties and the activity links that exist in a network.

Estetiska vägar mot språket : En undersökande essä om estetiska lärprocessers påverkan på språkutveckling

My purpose with this essay is to examine the relationship between esthetic learning processes and language development to find good practices in my work with multilingual children. In my report, I describe a few activities from my work as a preschool pedagogue in a multicultural area, with a large group of children where age and knowledge of Swedish varies. The background to this essay is the problems I experienced in my work with children´s language development in an organization that, in my opinion, is limited by economic factors. The questions I poses are about the way esthetic learning processes can help children develop their language skills as well as their participation in preschool activities. I also pose the question whether there is a connection between the musical ear and children´s development of language.

Engelskundervisning i årskurs 1 : På väg mot A1-nivå i enighet med den europeiska referensramen för språk

The aim of this study was to explore how young students can be taught during their first year of learning English towards the A1 level according to The European Framework of Reference for Languages, and how the students understand their own learning. The study was carried out in two different classes but with the same teacher, who is qualified to teach English to young learners. The result is based on the analysis of a total of twelve observations of English lessons in two classes in school year one and eight group interviews with the students. Recurrent ingredients through all lessons were activities such as listening to teacher talk, watching films or film clips, singing songs and doing rhymes, using drama activities, talking about the meaning of learning English, practicing guessing competence and learning new vocabulary. The teacher consistently talked about and taught different strategies for language learning.

Hund i vården : Fysiska, Psykiska och Sociala effekter av arbete med vårdhund

Background: Pet therapy has existed as a concept since 1964 when the American child psychologist Boris Levinson coined the term. Nowadays Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) are both recognized concepts, and with progressed research the science of pet therapy increases.Purpose: To summate the most recent science in pet therapy (therapy dog) research with focus on physical, psychical, and social effects.Methods: Literature study/review with descriptive design, research on 21 articles published from year 2003 and onward. Articles used in the study were chosen through beforehand decided criteria, subject to quality rating, and summated in an overview. The main results were summated and presented in similarities and differences.Results: The main result of the summation was that important results could be measured in each of the three fields of research. Physical/physiological effects: pain relief, differentiated results on vital signs, and increased activity.

Barnlitteraturens pedagogiska funktion : Pedagoger om barnlitteraturens roll i förskolan

AbstractReading books to children is often an integral part in preschool activities. The purpose of thisstudy is to investigate how educators think about the educational function of literature inpreschool activities. I have in my study used qualitative interviews with active educators andobservations to answer my questions about why the educator reads to the children, how theeducator thinks about the choice of literature and if the literature can contribute to thechildrens development and if so, how. The knowledge- and research background presentsliterature and previous research done on the subject. The results of my study shows that theeducators have many thoughts about the importance of literature in preschool.

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

Tillgång till skolbibliotek i glesbygd

This is a two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies, which purpose is to find out what ideas there are about school libraries and to get an idea of how informants interpret the new Education Act, which requires all students to have access to school libraries. Another intention of this paper is to highlight the potential rural-related attitudes of the responents. The study includes the sparsely populated municipality of Krokom and is based on interviews with librarians, the school director, principals and politicians who work there. The theoretical basis for this paper is Loertscher?s model för school libraries and a centerperiphery perspective.

Modellbygge och regulatordesign av tröghetsmomentsimulator tillreferenssystem för stridsvagn 122

This master thesis holds a modelling in Simulink for a physical model of a main battletank tower, a three-phase induction motor and some mechanics. The aim of this work is to connect an earlier project at AerotechTelub, named StabSim to another called Eldris. In StabSim it has been made a Simulink model of the align and stabilisation system in a main battle tank 122 and in Eldris it has been build a physical model of a main battle tank tower. In this thesis the models that differs between Eldris and a real tower is changed in StabSim, and the parts that only exist in Eldris is added, for example a torque generating system which purpose is to make the model to behave like a real tower in control application, although it only has half the inertia as a real tower. The thesis even includes proposing a calculation of the torque that the torque generating system will actuate at the model..

"Jag skulle inte gå till skolan om jag inte visste att det fanns fri lek" : En studie om hur några barn uppfattar fenomenet fri lek på fritidshemmet

Free play is a term that often common in educational activities. The definition of the term is difficult, but it is about the children themselves decides the scope, content and process in their play. On an after-school, this may mean that it is the children are given the opportunity to freely choose their own activity in the leisure constraints. Free play can be an alternative to other, more controlled activities where adults control framework. The purpose of this study is to investigate the variations in how some children perceive and experience the phenomenon of free play in the after-school and how the children perceive the teacher´s role in the free game.

Intern kontroll : Inom mindre grossistföretag

Accounting is a well discussed topic, and an important tool that allows stakeholders and others to interact with the companies. To gain credible reports, the companies require maintenance, activities and monitoring. Wholesalers account for approximately 20% of Sweden's net and is increasing at a steady pace. Few studies on wholesalers are acquired and the internal control has shown to be important for the preparation of the financial statements.Therefore the study will be focusing on the smaller wholesaler?s internal control, all the way to the financial statements.

Glappet i den svenska vargattityden - en fråga om närhet till naturen?

Humans attitudes towards different animals are very complex were culture, genetic, psychology and evolution are some of the factors that influence. The order of animals that can provoke the most intense and extreme attitudes, both positive and negative, are the carnivores. Wolves are a constant debate in Sweden and even though a big part of the population are neutral towards the wolf, a clear friction of the attitudes can be seen. Some factors that have been seen to influence the attitude are age, education and the size of the hometown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether outdoor activities, time spend in rural areas, and time spent in a weekend cottage, also correlate with attitude towards wolf.

Norra Botkyrkas undre värld : En inblick i antihjältarnas vardag

The purpose with this study was to describe and analyse the daily activities of a criminal group in a southern suburb of Stockholm, Norra Botkyrka, and their attitude to drugs, the police, crimes in general, accomplices and their plans for the future. The study is a combination of different qualitative methods that is built on unobtrusive methods and interviews that was carried out during winter in 2006 and spring in 2007 and six interviews. My interest to carry out this study was grounded on my several years of experience as a prison and probation officer in the prison. I chose to ?live? with a group of criminals and participated in some of their social activities.The respondents that I chose to call ?anti-heroes? proudly tell me about their criminal lifestyle that characterizes of violence, drugs, crimes and conflict where this people show no regret.

Den som ger sig in i leken får leken tåla! : En studie om barns maktlekar

Our essay is about children's exercise of power, oppression or domination in games or when playing on school grounds with one and other. We thought it would be interesting to look into how children in preschool and up to the fifth grade use power acts respective power plays in leisure-time. During four days we visited two different after-school center and carried out observations of children during the school day and later inside the recreation centers during leisure activities. In order to analyze our empirical material in relation to power, we have used Magnus Hörnqvist (2012) interpretation of Michel Foucault's theory of power - Another Foucault. We have also used Åsa Bartholdsson (2008) thesis about The regular exercise of power regime ? about normality and power in school.

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

Det medeltida Fårö : en empirisk studie av tre husgrunder på en medeltida ödegård

The aim of the study was to through empirical studies interpret the relation between three partially investigated house foundations, on an abandoned farm in Langhammars on northern Fårö. This relation focused upon two main questions; the time of use and the spatial distribution of the archaeological finds.Trough comparative analysis two of these houses can establish to have been contemporary, the third one is too roughly examined. A discussion about the hypothec idea of two or three contemporary farms was made with a negative result.In house 1 smaller processing of tools of flint has taken place near the fireplace in the larger room. A concentration of pottery was also visible near the fireplace, likely to be connected to cooking and eating. The smallest room in the northeast part of the house could have functioned as a storeroom and/or held workshop activities.The archaeological finds and the distribution of it, strongly indicates that house 1 mostlikely consisted of a dwelling house and house 2 functioned as a workshop; linked to activities with handicrafts.

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