

3900 Uppsatser om Physical activities - Sida 41 av 260

?Hatar gamlingar färg och att sitta skönt eller vad är problemet?? En kvalitativ studie av ungdomars uppfattning om folkbibliotek.

The aim of this thesis is to study 15 and 16-year-olds? perception of libraries. Despite the fact that the youth is seen as a prioritized group when it comes to library work, the focus is often drawn to the children, and there is a risk that teens and their needs are set aside. My focus is the public library and how the young people in my study use it in their leisure time. The theory of the thesis is a model created by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Jochumsen and it highlights four possible rooms or functions in a library, concerning inspiration, learning, meetings and creativity.

Förskolekultur : En vetenskaplig essä om hur olika förhållningssätt påverkar förskolan

In my scientific essay, I an experienced child minder, describe two different preschools cultures and investigate how preschool culture can be influenced and created by different conditions. In my first story I describe a professional preschool with a preschool director who is involved in the activities every day. The second story is about a preschool that is characterized by a different preschool culture and members of the staff who are stuck in old patterns and with an absent preschool director. What is it that really creates a professional preschool? I want through my essay highlight pedagogues child perspective, attitude, approach to ethics and preschool values.

Faktorer som kan påverka friluftsundervisningen : - en kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares uppfattningar om friluftsliv och friluftsundervisning

I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöks idrottslärares friluftsundervisning, på skolor i nordvästra Götalandsregionen. Studiens centrala frågeställningar är att undersöka vilka; attityder och erfarenheter, ramar, samt didaktiska tillvägagångsätt, som råder i friluftsundervisningen, och syftet är att undersöka friluftsundervisningens samband med dessa. I studien framkommer det bland annat att:Lärarna har liknande attityder och erfarenheter till friluftsliv, samt att deras syn verkar ha präglats av erfarenheter i senare åldrar.Lärarna är förhållandevis nöjda med de konstitutionella-, organisatoriska- och fysiska ramar som finns, men uppfattar samtidigt att dessa ramar är faktorer som påverkar friluftsundervisningen i hög grad.Lärarna försöker prioritera ämnesområdet friluftsliv i högre grad än tidigare, men de har lite olika didaktiska tillvägagångssätt.För att ta reda på detta används kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod, där fem olika lärare på fem olika skolor, i nordvästra Götaland, har intervjuats. Studien förankras i tre teoretiska utgångspunkter; habitusteori, ramfaktorsteori och didaktik..

"Kung Alkohols utdrivande..." : Folkbildning och nykterhetsarbete hos Logen Leon Gambetta, Varberg 1883-1926

The essay deals with adult education from a local perspective more specifically that ofthe IOGT lodge Leon Garnbetta in Varberg. The material that has been used covers a limited period of time, which stretches from 1883 to 1926.This temperance lodge was founded in 1883 and is still active. The essay provides a historical survey of the temperance movement in Sweden and depicts the ideas behind adult educa­tion, but it also gives a more general historical account of the town of Varberg and its popu­lar movements.By studying handwritten records from the lodge it is possible to establish a picture of its work, activities, discussions, its striving for democracy, educational activities and the principles behind these and finally the lodge's own library which was started at an early stage. All these aspects are then treated in a historical and a political context..

Som små astronauter : -En idrottslärares berättelse om specialgymnastik i skolan

The aim of this work is to examine methodologies at remedial lessons for children with weak mobility, in a common Swedish municipal school in an attempt to determine if a connection to theoretical learning exists.Kadesjö describes how difficulties in concentration can arise as a result of problems with mobility and perception, and according to Piaget very young children develop cogitation through physical movements. These connections are not news but always current.At the meeting with Lasse the question was born whether learning problems in school that are a result of concentration difficulties, could be countered with mobility training.By the selection of Life history as method, it?s possible to follow a physical educator's experiences through his 30 years of work, and to some extent even his private life. Experiences and results are notified from a historical perspective from 1976 until 2006.He is bringing us on a journey that shows the changes in methodology and results after his contact with Sensomotoriskt Centrum..

Intervjuer med sju föräldrar och en pedagog

The aim of this study is to widen our knowledge about the basic idea about having an open preschool for adopted children as understood by parents of adopted children and a preschool teacher. Sweden has a large number of international adoptions, in an international comparison among the highest numbers of adoptions per capita. Interviews were carried out with seven adoptive parents and one preschool teacher teaching at a special preschool for adopted children. It was found that adoptive parents had no particular problems with placing their children in an "ordinary" preschool. However, they choose to place the children in an open preschool solely for adopted children because of the possibility of sharing similar experiences as parents and children as well.

What influence does Tai Chi have on the risk for falling among elder?

Background: 2007 there was 42 000 fall related accidents in Sweden and they are expected to increase the next few years. Fall among elders results in both increasing economically costs and suffering, but they can be prevented. For example has physical exercise shown an increasing effect on the risk for falls. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to investigate what influence Tai Chi has on the risk for falling among elder. Method: A literature review was conducted where eleven scientific articles were analysed with inspiration of the content analysis.

Jämförelse av kursplaner i gymnastik/idrott mellan Finland och Sverige

This study is comparing curriculums in Physical Education between Sweden and Finland. The comparison was done based on former curriculums and previous research. Results from previous research showed differences between countries and curriculums. The aim of the study was to find out if and why there were differences between the current curriculums based on goals and sports. The method was a literature analysis.

Sånger från graven: En kartläggning av krafterna som hämnar den digitala revolutionen inom svensk musikdistribution

Songs from the Crypt: Mapping the Forces that Hinder the Digital Revolution of Music Distribution This paper seeks an explanation to the low market share growth of the commercial digital music distribution in Sweden. The analysis identifies a spectrum of obstacles that hinder the digital distribution technology from becoming the main form of music distribution in Sweden. These obstacles make the digital music distribution less favourable in comparison with physical distribution from the consumer?s point of view. The authors suggest that in order for the digital distribution of music to become competitive the digital product would either have to be developed further to offer more customer value or the so called a là carte retail model would have to be replaced by a subscription-based distribution model.

Projekt Pedadoggen - Hunden som pedagogisk resurs i en daglig verksamhet

Through this project -?Projekt Pedadoggen?- I have tested dog training as a pedagogical resource at Daily activities. The study was made together with a group of persons with intellectual and neuropsychiatric disabilities, whose daily activities consist of running a day-care centre for dogs. Each participator of the project trained a dog towards a specific goal. This goal was individually formulated by each participator from his or her specific interest.

Data och Tv-spel : Data och tv-spels påverkan på ungdomar

The purpose of this study is to investigate in what extension students experience that computer and videogames affect them. I have chosen to focus on the physical, mental and social affect that this activity might bring them. I have also examined how much time the students spends in front of the computer or the videogame and in which social context they play.The method I have chosen to use is a quantitative opinion poll which I used in three classes of the later junior high and I have also conducted five qualitative interviews.The conclusions I have drawn from this investigation are that computer and videogames affects teenagers both physically and mentally. Physically the affects of playing videogames mostly can be derived to the physical inactivity they expose themselves to. The students themselves did not experienced any positive physical affects from their playing.Amongst the mental affects that stood out the most I recognized the social training that online gaming provided and also the intellectual stimulation that certain games offered the player.

Utveckling och utförande av frekvensstudie vid Rapid Granulator AB

The object of this examination project is to produce a method of work sampling at Rapid Granulator AB. The aim is to perform the method at the company and evaluate if it is executable. The study is delimited to the basic construction of the 45-series in the assembly hall.Preparations to produce the method of the work sampling resulted in definitions of activities, a form and a product tree. Several days were spent studying the assembling to learn and understand the entirety.The work sampling result showed a large amount of no value adding time that was used in the assembling. Some of the activities could be reduced and we observed some problems during the assembly process.

Vad är en sinnesträdgård? : ansats till framtagande av de utmärkande egenskaperna hos fenomenet

The purpose of this paper is to find the true meaning to the Swedish word "sinnesträdgård" as a fenonomen. This paper concentrates on the Swedish use of the word, because the term has different definitions in other countries. Our choice was a phenomenological method after reading literature on, and in relevance with, the subject without finding an answer to the question. According to our six informants - a politician, a project manager, two landscape architects and scientists, and two occupational therapists, the concept has not yet been defined. The results show that a "sinnesträdgård" is complex and means several things, but the main purpose of the concept and place is to stimulate all senses. We have discussed how to distinguish the concepts "sinnesträdgård", design garden and health garden, from each other as they all stimulate the senses.

Lönsam produktion av stärkelsepotatis : timing och skördeanpassade åtgärder

During the cultivation season there are a several cropping activities to carry out. At what time these activities are carried out is affecting the result and also on the economy of the crop production. As the production costs are high in potato production, it is important to keep an eye on the economy. Profitability is the most important factor in most crop production systems. If the costs are not covered, it is difficult to justify the production.

Musikens roll i förskolan : Musikens roll i förskolan ur fyra pedagogers perspektiv

With this empirical essay I want to research how and why pedagogues use music in their preschool activities. Music is important to me and in relation to the new educational plan I have cautions about that the esthetic subjects may be less prioritized than before. The purpose with my study is to find out preschool pedagogues perspective in learning and evolving children?s educational matters through music. I base my literature theories in this study on Vygotskij and Fröbels theoretical perspectives.

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