

3900 Uppsatser om Physical activities - Sida 37 av 260

Läsningens funktion på sjukhus. En kvalitativ studie av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på barn- och ungdomspatienters läsning

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how a number ofhospital librarians look at child and youth patients' reading and itspossible role in a mental and physical healing process. We alsoinvestigate the knowledge, strategies and thoughts the librarianshave on bibliotherapy.Qualitative interviews have been used and seven librarians, at twodifferent hospital libraries with children's and youth activities, wereinterviewed during November and December 2011. The analysis isbased on one theory; we use Sten Furhammar?s model whichincludes four different categories of reading.We can see, according to the librarians? answers, that the mostcommon function of the patients? reading can be explained throughtwo of Furhammar?s categories. Our respondents believe that thepatients mostly read to relax from heavy thoughts and situationswhich can be connected to the category impersonal experiencereading.

Healt Locus of Control i relation till hälsa : - en studie om motionsvanor, matvanor och självkänsla hos lärarkandidater

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Health Locus of Control, Exercise habits, Food habits and Self-esteem (Personal self and Physical self) between two groups of student teachers at a university in the south of Sweden. Is health such as exercise, eating and self-esteem something that is controlled by internal or external factors? Student teachers that participated in Physical and Health programme and student teachers that participeted in other programme were investigeted. The participants (N = 160) answered the questionnaire. The Health Locus of Control scale and Tennessee Self-Concept Scale were used.

Barns rädslor i skogen : En studie om barns okunskap och vad de är rädda för. Samt hur pedagoger väljer att arbeta med barnens rädslor.

AbstractThe Swedish society has always been monolingual, but has for the past decades transformed into a multicultural and multilingual society. The aim of this study is to investigate if and in that case how preschool teachers work with language development in bilingual and multicultural preschools. The concept of linguistic and cultural diversity includes several different components, not least the social interactions that are of great importance to every individual's development, learning and participation in the world. By understanding the importance of language, language development and the role of mother tongue in second language acquisition, we look into various researches done concerning the effects of the preschool teachers? opinions, methods used to language developmental primarily for children who are multilingual and how the physical environment is shaped to promote language in multicultural and multilingual preschools.The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews with preschool teacher working in multicultural or bilingual preschool settings.

Livskvalitet hos personer som genomgått en total höftledsplastik - en litteraturstudie

The purpose of the study was based on scientific literature to describe the quality of life of persons who have undergone a total hip replacement. The method was a descriptive literature review. The results showed that pain was the most obvious change after surgery. Mild pain before surgery was strongly associated with mild pain after surgery. But despite less pain were experienced early, it took 1 year to achieve the full benefits of improved physical function.

IKT på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter om IKT på fritidshemmet

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are constantly evolving in today's information society. The school uses ICT as a teaching tool and it begins to be included at the leisure-time in school by the educators.Aim of this study is to examine how educators describe their perceptions and experiences of using ICT in the leisure activities. The questions is about how the educators use ICT, what they believe children learn of ICT, and which advantages and disadvantages they see with ICT at leisure-time in school.Through a qualitative approach, I have had my questions answered by six trained educators, five of whom are recreational educators and one who is a preschool teacher. These have individually answered my interview questions as an interview took place over a phone call, while the others answered the same questions by e-mail. The interview questions were open-ended questions that were formulated so the educators could respond so freely and fulfilling as possible.The survey shows that teachers use ICT in multimodal approach at leisure-time in school, both in informing parents and in activities with the children.

Släktforskning på nätet : Onlinetjänsters påverkan på släktforskares informationsbeteende

With the technological development of the last decades, an increasing number of genealogists are carrying out their research online. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how and why genealogists' information behavior has been influenced by the use of online services for genealogy. Using a conceptual model of genealogists' information behavior as theoretical basis for the study, I examine how the use of online services affect genealogists? search process, what information they are looking for and what information resources they use.

Får elever bättre uppmärksamhetsförmåga efter fysisk aktivitet? : En experimentell studie om fysisk aktivitets påverkan på uppmärksamhet

The aim of this study is to find out whether there is any difference to be found in the attention ability before and after physical activity. The method used in this study was made of an experimental design. The participants were chosen through a cluster sampling and thereafter divided into a control group and an experimental group. A total of 64 pupils from upper secondary school participated in the study, 25 of them in the experimental group and 39 of them in the control group. Since the measure was repeated, both in respect of time and the comparison between the groups, a mixed design was used.

Samband mellan testosteron, DHEAS, kroppskomposition och fysiska kapaciteter hos unga kvinnliga fotbollsspelare

Testosterone is a steroid and anabolic hormone found in all mammals. Previous research indicates that testosterone levels correlates with physical capacities related to physical performance. However, these studies refers only to men and boys. The aim of present study was therefore to investigate the potential relationship between body composition, strength, power and endurance capabilities in relation to blood levels of testosterone and DHEAS in young female football players. Seventeen female elite football (age: 15,4 ± 0,6, body mass: 57,2 ± 7,4kg, height 1,65 ±0,04m) players volunteered for the study.

Värdering och hantering av ungdomsverksamheten inom idrottsföreningar

The aim with this study was to describe how the board members of athletic clubs view and value their youth program. A qualitative approach was used in form of interviews. The interviews were made face to face as well as being taped, this to facilitate the analysis. When the board members viewed their youth program to be in alignment with the overall club philosophy there was a discrepancy between their views and the ?de facto? conditions of the youth program.

Vad drömmer en bibliotekschef om? En undersökning av bibliotekschefers visioner för folkbiblioteket i ett framtidsperspektiv

The main purpose of this Bachelor´s thesis is to investigate the visions chief librarians have for their public libraries. The world around us and our way of living is changing as the society is changing ever more rapidly. This evolvement also influences the public library, its role for society and individuals, its activities and its design. The question is how the public library can face these changes and what function and role it can get and make for itself in the future. Through qualitative interviews with five chief librarians our aim is to answer the main question of this thesis: What are the visions that chief librarians on public libraries have for the public library´s future? This study also contain the role the chief librarians give the public library of today and what they mean is necessary for their visions to be achieved.

Idrottslärares tankar kring hälsa : Hur uppfattar lärare i idrott och hälsa begreppet hälsa?

The goal with this study have been to investigate how teachers in physical education perceive health as a concept, and how they choose to work with in the classes they teach. Health as a concept can be somewhat diffuse and as the Swedish curriculum doesn?t define the concept the teacher are given a freedom in interpreting what health is and how it will be taught to the students. This makes it interesting to study if teachers perceive health differently and if that affect what they are teaching their students.I used interviews as a method to answer my questions and the results show that there wasn?t much difference between the teachers in how they perceive health and how, and what, they teach their students.

?De som kan simma ska få fördjupning?   : en studie om utvalda skolors simundervisning  

AbstractAim: The purpose of this study was to describe and compare education in swimming in grade six in two different schools. Another purpose was to investigate students? perception of their swimming skills and their attitudes to education in swimming. The more précised questions were: (1) How is the education in swimming organized in each school? (2) How do the teachers control that the students reach the goals to attain in swimming in the 5: th grade? (3) How do the students judge their own swimming knowledge? And (4) What attitudes towards the education in swimming do the students have?Method: A quantitative method, a questionnaire, was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study.

Hur skapas genus i postorderkataloger? : Flickor och pojkar i visuella media

A B S T R A C TP U R P O S E / A I M : The main objective of this essay is to investigate the difference of visual representation between girls and boys in two mail order catalogues - Ellos and La Redoute. I want to examine how girls and boys interact in the pictures of the catalogues and what kind of activities are going on. Do these activities differentiate between the girls and the boys? Does the representation differ if the children are in a group or by themselves? A second objective is to compare these representations between the two catalogues.M A T E R I A L / M E T H O D : Two mail order catalogues are used, Ellos (Swedish) and La Redoute (originally French). The material consists of 345 pictures of children.

Aktiviteter ger mening i vardagen - En kvalitativ studie om aktiviteters betydelse för ungdomar som vistas på institution : Activities give meaning in everyday life - A qualitative research of the significance of activities for adolescents residing in ins

Aktiviteter är betydelsefulla för ungdomar som vistas på institution. Forskning visar att ungdomar som har en meningsfull tillvaro med aktiviteter och en variation av sysselsättning under sin institutionsvistelse har större möjlighet att lyckas förändra ett problembeteende. En institutionsmiljö bör tillgodose ungdomarnas behov av en hemlik miljö och kontakt med pro-sociala ungdomar i övriga samhället. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa aktivteters betydelse för ungdomar som är placerade på institution, relationen mellan schemalagda och icke schemalagda aktiviteter samt vilken roll personalen har i utövandet av aktiviteter för ungdomar som vistas på institution. Studiens metodansats bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med professionella som tjänstgör på ett HVB-hem (Vård och boende) för ungdomar.

Go Down Arts Centre : Nairobi, Kenya

The Go Down Arts Centre is a proposal for a new building to an existing organisation in Nairobi, Kenya. The proposal relates to the scale of the city by making a statement on a future urban path, and by welcoming the city in to the building. The proposal houses both activities affiliated to Go Down, such as studios and rehersal rooms, as well as opportunities for the visitor to meet and interact with the culture produced at Go Down, both in formal and informal settings. The building is closed to its surroundings, apart from a grand entrance towards the urban path. There, the city passes through the building to an inner courtyard, where the communication to all the rooms and activities takes place.

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