

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 53 av 67

Val och byte av företagsform : En studie gällande skatternas roll vid val av företagsform samt de skattemässiga konsekvenserna vid ombildning av företag

In today?s society it is not uncommon for people to move across borders. We are more likely to work and study in other countries, initiate cross-border relationships, acquire property in other states and change our residence. Therefore it is not uncommon for a per-son to leave inheritance in several states. The laws of succession differ between countries which creates an uncertainty among the devisors when planning their successions.

Att möta kunden med användbarhet

In relation to the development of IT-products it is very important that the software supplier is aware not only of the target group but also the field of application. Usability should characterize the whole IT-design process as, in relation to this context, design includes more than merely those aspects which are visible to and thus can be interpreted by the naked eye. The study examines the specific qualities and properties that substantiate the usability and the demands that a customer rightfully expects from an IT-product. The user and the customer are highlighted in the same context in order to demonstrate that it is through the customer that an IT-product is defined as being useful. Thus, from this perspective, the user and customer can be considered as being the same person.

Spelifikationers potentiella värdeskapande i projektarbete

Digital games are today avaliable on all kinds of different platform. Games and game thinking is also increasingly being applied within non-traditional contexts. This thesis explores the term "gamifiation" which can be defined as "the use of game design elements in non-game contexts". The purpose of the study was to identify and give perspective on the discourse surrounding the use and applicability of the term today. More specifically, it explores the possibilities of the potentially value creating ability in the context of work, and focused on the application of gamified software in the context of project work.


The report presents a thesis carried out on behalf of the company SAAB Training and Simulation which is situated in Huskvarna. The authors of this report are going to graduate as mechanical engineers focusing on product development and design, and this thesis should reflect the knowledge obtained during the education. The assignment, given from the company was to develop a concept of a stand that will constitute as a part of a mobile system for target practice. The reader get to follow throughout the project and can hopefully learn from the smart solutions and approaches that have arisen during the process.Today SAAB doesn?t have a mobile application in their portfolio that utilizes the benefits of their sensor measuring system, also called the LOMAH-bar.


This thesis analyses the intertextual relation between Birgitta Trotzig?s I Kejsarens tid and the works of the Polish author Bruno Schulz, using a hermeneutical method. The application of Manfred Pfister?s model for qualification of intertextual intensity initially motivates that the most important intertextual relations should be sought in the realm of ?refer to? rather than ?use?. According to the hermeneutical approach, the conclusion demands an exposition of Birgitta Trotzig?s interpretative practices in relation to intertexts.

Geopolitisk dynamik : Ett teoriutvecklande anspråk

In the social sciences, geopolitical theory is used in order to analyze states actions and commitments when it comes to foreign policy. This thesis develops a new understanding of geopolitical theory. Firstly, the development and application of geopolitical theory, from its foundations in the early twentieth century to contemporary geopolitical studies is discussed. Secondly a revised understanding of the variables integrated in the concept and how it can be operationalized as an analytical tool is presented and tested empirically.The critical assessment of the research field of geopolitical theory tells us that six different geopolitical perspectives have been considered the most influential (room, strategy, power projection, identity, affiliation and governance) when it comes to analyzing state action. This model is applied as an analytical tool and thus tested on a single case.

Mansklubben inom företagsekonomisk utbildning - En fallstudie om varför så få kvinnor fördjupar sig inom finans

Gender balance within the business administration field at university level is an area that has gained increased attention in the last decade. As gender balance contributes positively to the scientific and educational achievements within all disciplines, many studies have tried to understand the decision-making processes of students when selecting a business specialisation. However, little attention has been devoted to the finance discipline although there is a remaining gender imbalance within the field at higher-level economic studies. This thesis was performed as a qualitative case study and is based on interviews with second-year bachelor students facing their choice of specialisation at the Stockholm School of Economics. Through an application of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study aims to examine factors that influence female business students' intentions to choose a specialisation.

Analys av framtida potential för virkesköp från privata skogsägare i Västerbottens län : beslutsunderlag för virkesköpsstrategier

This study was conducted on behalf of SCA forest AB, Västerbottens forest administration. Timber procurement from non-industrial private forest owners has become an increasingly important part of SCA:s wood supply. The objectives of this study was to report the current forest conditions in the private forests in the county of Västerbotten, analyse the potential for procurement of wood from private forest owners, and provide a basis for decisions on future strategies for timber procurement from private owners.Material and data have been collected from different sources, mainly from Swedish National Forest Inventory and SKA-VB08. This material was the basis for the analysis and calculations performed with the Heureka application PlanWise. This study area was divided into six different analytical areas (Coastal south, Coastal middle, Lycksele, Inland south, Inland north, Skellefteå), where each area of analysis is represented by a number of municipalities.In this study, two scenarios were specified; one describing the current forest management with current harvesting levels and the effects of these assumptions, the second to illuminate what potential there is for future timber harvesting.

Sorgenfri industrial area - Urban development from a developer´s perspective with particular application to Norra Sorgenfri

Både under min tidigare utbildning, främst inom nationalekonomi vid Lunds universitet, men även senare i min yrkesutövning inom bygg- och fastighetsbranschen under en period av 15 år, har jag främst kommit i kontakt med problemställningar vilka i någon mån haft som syfte att utmynna i en slutsats med kvantitativ relevans. Då jag som del av programmet Urban utveckling och planering skulle skriva en uppsats på D-nivå, ett arbete som resulterade i förevarande rapport, valde jag därför en problemformulering och en metod som båda gav mig möjlighet att bredda min kompetens, snarare än fördjupa den. Denna studie strävar efter att utveckla en teori för stadsutveckling ur ett fastighetsföretagarperspektiv. Den specifika situation som arbetet fokuserar på är stadsdelen Norra Sorgenfri i Malmö. Teorin har genererats med användning av metoden grundad teori och datorprogrammet Atlas/ti. Läsaren finner förhoppningsvis att den teori som utvecklas har en allmän relevans för stadsutveckling och hur kommunens planarbete kan förändras. Den som är intresserad av just vitaliseringen av Norra Sorgenfri bör också kunna finna något av värde.

Möjligheter till ökat utnyttjande av fosfor genom grödan med mineralgödselmedel

The objective of this thesis is to explore opportunities to enhance the phosphorus use efficiencyof inorganic fertilizers in crop production, with techniques available today and in thefuture. Phosphorus is a finite resource of declining quality; therefore a phosphorus use efficiencyin crop production of only 15-30 % is unacceptable. The main reason for low efficiencyis the retention by Ca and Mg in calcareous soils and Fe and Al in non-calcareoussoils. Due to the low mobility of phosphorus, plant uptake is mainly dependent on root growthrather than diffusion. Therefore, measurements need to be taken that benefit contact betweenroot and fertilizer, before fertilizer phosphorus becomes unavailable to the plant.

Alexanderteknik för emotionellt uttryck i musik : Alexanderteknik som metod för en effektiv spelteknik, och en tillfredsställande musikalisk framställning riktat huvudsakligen till den klassiska gitarristen

In this essay, I want to achieve an accessible and applicable entrance to Alexander Technique as a method for learning to use the body in such a way as to allow emotional expression in music. It is necessary to see the real need of Alexander Technique for the active musician, and therefore important components of music-making will be presented. These components are presented from an Alexander-perspective in order to produce a clear picture of the method of application.The prerequisite for emotional expression in music is musicians and music listeners with the ability to generate, and respond after emotional impressions. Alexander Technique provides an approach to make it easier for musicians, especially guitarists, to express emotions in a performance situation.After years of practice and obtaining musical knowledge and practical skills at the instrument, it is common that muscle tension and ingrained patterns contribute to limited expression. Muscle tensions arising from pressured situations such as auditions, competitions and concerts.

Konstruktion av current conveyors via makromodellering

A current conveyor is an active building block that can be used to implement most active and passive components. It differs from the operation amplifier in that it uses current instead of voltage. The current conveyor also has significantly higher voltage gain over a broader frequency range. To simplify the construction of analogue circuits and increase the construction efficiency it is desirable to use a top-down methodology. This means that the whole system is partitioned into a hierarchy of subsystems.

Implementering av "Life Cycle Management" i svensk läkemedelsindustri

It generally takes 10 to 12 years for a new drug to hit the market. The pharmaceutical industry invests huge sums in these early stages of research and development. In spite of the rapidly rising research and development expenditures fewer and fewer blockbuster drugs are being developed. Longer lead times and aggressive generic post-patent competition have narrowed the timeframe for the pharmaceutical companies to profit on their investments.In the face of these threats the pharmaceutical industry has developed a battery of strategies to prolong market exclusivity and to maximize return on investment. These emerging strategies are commonly known as Life cycle management (LCM), which actually is more of a concept than a method.

Nedskrivning av goodwill i svenska storbanker

Background: Sweden and the rest of the world went through the biggest financial crisis at the end of 2008 since the 1930s. The major Swedish banks have goodwill related to their acquisitions inside and outside Scandinavia. Swedbank, SEB and Nordea has acquired in the Baltic countries and Russia, however Handelsbanken has established itself in Great Britain. The crisis in the Baltic countries led that real wages fell, unemployment rose, real estate prices collapsed and the number of borrowers who had trouble repaying their loans increased rapidly. All this led to the problem of impairment of goodwill in the Swedish banks that had expanded rapidly in the Baltic countries.Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the application of IFRS 3 in Swedish banks before, during and after the financial crisis, and to investigate the low-downs in the four majorSwedish banks in 2006-2010.Completion: The study is primarily based on the case studies by the examination of the annual reports from all banks as well as evaluation of the interviews.The authors have chosen to makea strategic choice of a small number of cases through the concentration on the impairment of goodwill in the bank sector of Sweden.Results: The result of this study is that there are problems for banks in implementation of IFRS 3 in practice because of insufficient information in the banks' financial statements.Generous estimates used in the calculation of impairment testing.

Sociala medier. En kvalitativ undersökning om sociala medier i Pr-verksamhet

This thesis was written by order of Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Company, a PR- consultancy firm located in Gothenburg. The assignment was to investigate social media in Pr- activities. The thesis is formed by three main categories:? What is social media?? Who are using social media?? How can you use social media in public relations?The information which is being presented in this thesis is based on academic reports, interviews and research on social media blogs and lectures. It is a qualitative approach since the purpose is to get a deeper understanding for the subject in question.

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