

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 32 av 67

En undersökning om följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner och kläder på en akutmotaggning : en kvantitativ observationsstudie

 AbstractHygiene plays an important role in health care to prevent contamination. Their lack of application of the basal hygienrutinera is a major cause for the spread of microorganisms occurs. The purpose of this study is to examine how rules of basic hygiene and clothing followed in the emergency department a quantentative approach involving the observation was to collect data on this activity. The data collection went on for 1 week at the emergency room, where hospital staff including doctors, nurses and assistant nurses was observed. The study showed that staff at the emergency department did not fully comply to the rules for basic hygiene routines.

Definition av säkerhetsevaluering

Detta examensarbete har gjorts på uppdrag av Compare Testlab på Sätterstrand, Hammarö. Målet med arbetet var att de?nera en uppsättning frågor och punkter som ska vara med i ett lättviktstest med inriktning på säkerhet. Efter mycket studier av böcker och webbsidor kom vi fram till att det inte var så lätt som vi trodde att de?nera ett allmänt säkerhetstest för mjukvaror eller applikationer.

Professionella sporutövare och avstängningen från arbetslöshetsförsäkringen- behöver domstolarnas praxis revideras?

The legal courts in Sweden have developed a case law wherein the application criteria for being eligible to acquire unemployment insurance have become strict and rigid. This is in particular true when it comes to professional athletes who cannot make a living on their athlete wage. It is the 9th to 11th section of the Swedish Law (1998:238) on Unemployment Insurance that set the determinants for who of the unemployed is to be considered as being of disposal to the labour market. The strict and extensive interpretation of the relevant sections has been based upon a literal reading of the relevant preparatory works to the law in question. A substantial amount of relevant cases as well as preparatory works have been examined to investigate whether there is a need for revising this case law.

The role of mast cells and mast cell mediators in the development of atopic dermatitis in a mouse model

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex, often lifelong allergic disease affecting around 10 % of both dogs and humans. The hallmark symptom is severe pruritus, causing a lowered quality of life. Mast cells (MCs) are known to play an important part of the immunopathogenesis, promoting a faulty T helper cell type 2 (Th-2) response which follows by a production of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies towards environmental allergens (Ag). To further investigate the role of MCs and its mediators in the progression of AD, a low-calcemic vitamin D3 analog (MC903) was used to induce AD-like symptoms locally on the ears of two different knock-out (KO) mouse strains. The first strain was Wsh-/- mice deficient in MCs.

Redovisning till verkligt värde: Tillämpningen av IAS 40 i svenska fastighetsbolag

The aim of our master thesis is to study the way valuation of real estate is conducted by real estate companies. Furthermore we want to identify the factors that affect the relevance and reliability of the valuation. The reason for this is the introduction of IFRS, in 2005, and the application of the IAS 40 rules stating that real estate are to be recognized at fair value on the balance sheet. To do this we have performed a case study on 10 Swedish real estate compa-nies listed on the Stockholm stock exchange, OMX, Large Cap and Mid Cap list to see how the share value has performed in relation to the reported net asset value since 2005 and how they value their collection of properties. We also studied the assumptions made by real estate company analysts.

Optimal spelstrategi för yatzy

This report intends to analyze the difference between the original rules and a modification of the rules for the Scandinavian version of the world famous dice game yatzy (yahtzee). Several works are made previously existing strategies for yatzy and Yahtzee.The study was conducted using the optimal strategy calculated and implemented in the programming language Java. The execution of the application to create the file containing the optimal strategy was running on leased powerful servers from Amazon and took just over six hours each.A simulated player played 100,000 games based on the strategy, to obtain data which then was used to plot graphs and analyze the expected score and its standard deviation. The expected value (mean) and standard deviation of the score for the possibility of three or four throws were 233.00 ± 44.82 and 280.07 ± 41.25.In view of the results drawn the expected conclusion that the four possible throws provides increased probability of getting a high score, unlike the case where the player may only be able to throw the dice three times. The fact that the variance is lower in the case of four throw session is equivalent to that the likelihood to get close to the expected value increases..

Läsinlärning och självförtroende : Hur kan barns självförtroende påverkas vid läsinlärning?

In what French philosopher Gilles Deleuze labelled Control Societies, mechanisms reminiscent of censorship ? that is, restriction of information that administrators of power wish to regulate the spreading of ? are present in the concept of copyright. This kind of censorship has theadvantage of not being scrutinized by public eyes in the way that the work of institutionalized censorship agencies such as the Swedish Statens Biografbyrå was. It is not unlikely that expanded possibilities for punishing anyone who spreads copyrighted material will result in larger and larger areas that may not be accessed, as the avoiding of conflict and repressive actions will emphasize the behaviour to take detours around information that is deemed taboo and therefore suspicious and dangerous.The ACTA trade agreement is one proposed tool for such extended possibilities for punishment. This essay does not however claim that copyright and censorship are the same ? but rather that the institutional execution of power that was previously a matter of state censorship has a lot of similarities with current and prognosticated application of copyright laws by corporations.While claiming to protect the individual, the disciplinary power executed actually aims to protect the one executing it; the purpose of the power structure is to replicate itself..

Utvärdering av mikrofon- och högtalarelement för högtalartelefonsapplikation

The project deals with the evaluation and testing of speaker and microphone elements as well as microphone cavity.The first part of the report comprises a comprehensive theoretical part about drivers, microphone elements, and to some extent microphone cavity.The goal was to , on the behalf of the company Limes Audio AB, develop proposals on microphone element and cavity as well as drivers for a speakerphone application, based on specific factors. The main factors were performance, price and form factor.The aim was to create the best possible conditions for Limes Audio's software developers to implement the company's audio-enhancing software, mainly adaptive echo cancellation.The testing was carried out using Adobe Audition and MatLab. The test methods were developed in conjunction with Limes Audio and are described below.The project will result in suggestions for a speaker, a microphone and a cavity. The cavity were removed from the product because the results indicated that the cavity matter little for the end result.The report concludes with a discussion on how the measurements could have been enhanced to simplify the interpretation of the results and making the testing more efficient..

Från pre-human till post-human : Embryots reproduktiva status i skärningspunkten mellan stat och medicin

The aim of the thesis is twofold: the first aim is to identify a number of reproductive logics that are used to construct Swedish regulation of embryo donation for reproductive use as either ethical or unethical in the governmental ? and medical discussions ? and to examine how these logics are interconnected with notions of gender and parenthood. The second aim is to identify a number of tensions that arise in the application of the governmental ethical logic on the embryo and embryo donation and discuss how these tensions can be solved with a feminist material approach. I argue that the terminology used to distinguish between genetic, biological, social and legal parenthood in my material is insufficient for understanding the value of the embryo outside its pre-human status. I therefore argue for an embryonic feminist bioethics that is attentive to the embryos post-human status, and for a reformulation of the parenthood terminology in line with what I call ?reproductive ties?..

Modellbygge och regulatordesign av tröghetsmomentsimulator tillreferenssystem för stridsvagn 122

This master thesis holds a modelling in Simulink for a physical model of a main battletank tower, a three-phase induction motor and some mechanics. The aim of this work is to connect an earlier project at AerotechTelub, named StabSim to another called Eldris. In StabSim it has been made a Simulink model of the align and stabilisation system in a main battle tank 122 and in Eldris it has been build a physical model of a main battle tank tower. In this thesis the models that differs between Eldris and a real tower is changed in StabSim, and the parts that only exist in Eldris is added, for example a torque generating system which purpose is to make the model to behave like a real tower in control application, although it only has half the inertia as a real tower. The thesis even includes proposing a calculation of the torque that the torque generating system will actuate at the model..

Hur sker integreringen av särskoleelever på en högstadieskola?

This essay reflects upon how recruiters working at a recruitment-agency interpret their gender equality plan and their understanding of the term gender equality. This was done by semi-structured interviews with five recruiters. Through theories concerning the gender system, organization theory with a gender perspective and the doing-gender-perspective we have come to the conclusion that the employees of the company lack a coherent interpretation of gender equality. Concerning the gender equality plan there were diverse understandings of its meaning and the application of the plan is partly insufficient. As a recruitment agency there are a number of specific difficulties related to working towards gender equality.

Rullande landsväg

This Thesis is performed in cooperation with Kalmar Industries in Lidhult, Sweden. Theprojects main purpose was to develop a draft design of a test equipment. The equipmentwill simulate and valuate the drive-train and brakes at Kalmar?s bigger forklifts.The equipment will be designed so the wheels of the forklift are placed on two rollers;these absorb and affect the forklifts brake- and driving force. With this characteristic anup- and downhill can be simulated.

Riksdagspartierna på Facebook : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av interaktivitet och multimodalitet i riksdagspartiernas statusuppdateringar

This study focuses on the social medium Facebook. Its intention is to examine the contents of the Facebook statuses the Swedish parliament parties chose to publish in the final two weeks before the parliamentary elections in 2010. The key concepts used in the analysis are interactivity and multimodality. Aspects to be explored are interactivity of their status updates and how the parties used various multimodal objects. A comparison of the parties' usage also follows.

Beslutsstöd för val av angreppssätt vid integrationsprojekt i SME

Denna studie avser att ge information och vägledning vid val av angreppssätt vid ett integrationsprojekt. Med angreppssätt avses facelift och convert som kan jämföras med Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) och Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Det är idag en avsaknad på material angående val av angreppssätt vilket kan försvåra för en organisation att veta hur de skall angripa ett integrationsprojekt. Att genomföra denna undersökning är steg mot att ge organisationer vägledning om hur de skall angripa ett integrationsprojekt och vad som är viktigt att tänka på. Denna studie tar hänsyn till att integrera antingen genom att integrera existerande system med hjälp av middleware (facelift) eller att byta ut de existerande systemen mot ett ERP-system (Convert).

Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack

FlexRay is a new communication protocol which is fast, reliable and flexible and therefore can meet the increasing demands on data communication in the vehicle industry. The protocol is developed by an industrial consortium containing among  others BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Motorola and Phillips. Today (May 2009) Hägglunds is using CAN for data transmission in their systems. CAN is getting obsolete and has difficulties in coping with the increasing flow of communication. In this report FlexRay and its communication capacity is studied.

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