

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 25 av 67

Effektivisering av byggproduktion med VDC och förstärkt verklighet : Streamlining construction work with VDC and augmented reality

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is currently used more and more within construction design and planning as well as construction as a streamlining tool aiming to improve communication and decrease the number of construction defects. VDC is constantly developing, but what comes next? The augmented reality (AR) technology is currently not used within construction in Sweden but should be considered as the next step in line regarding the integration of reality and digital information. Using this technology design can become reality even before it?s actually built.The purpose of this study has been to carry out an inventory of the existing AR technology and its shortcomings, and also to identify possible applications within the construction phase.

Implementation av en 3D applikation i Macromedia's Director
för Pan Vision Studio

This 3d navigation application is a part of a project that helps the user to learn and find the right position on a map with many exercises, the user has a compass nearby that he/she can use to find the position that requires to get the right answer on that particular exercise. Macromedia's Director is used for the creating of the program, where Lingo has a importent part as the script language for the scenes in Director. A 3D scene is build up with codes in Lingo, a few 3d models and serveral overlays are created and displayed on the screen. Different kind of textures from pict files are is representing the overlays and put on the 3D models. That give the user a more pleasant experience when going through the exercises that helpes the user when he/she is going to navigate on a boat at sea..

Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform by Bit Parallel Implementation and Power Comparision

The goal of this project was to implement and compare Invere Discrete Cosine Transform using three methods i.e. by bit parallel, digit serial and bit serial. This application describes a one dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform by bit prallel method and has been implemented by 0.35 ìm technology. When implementing a design, there are several considerations like word length etc. were taken into account.

Värvningsförbud av anställda och konkurrensbegränsande samarbeten

This thesis focuses on employers? use of non-­?solicitation of employees in commercial contracts within the union?s internal market and how this can result in restrictive practices in violation of European law. Using legal method, legal economic considerations, and guidance from modern American legal development in antitrust law, this thesis is aiming to investigate how this kind of anticompetitive cooperation in the European labor market should be assessed. The result seems to be that despite a distinct and pronounced restrictive approach to the application of EU competition rules in the labor market, there are strong incentives and not any legal impediment to apply Article 101 TFEU on no cold call agreements between employers. .

Consumers? Perceptions of Variety ? the Impact of Private Brands

This study aims to investigate how consumers perceive variety in grocery stores and further how private brands have affected consumers? perceptions of variety in grocery stores.The study focuses on the perceptions and attitudes towards variety and the impact of private brands on perceived variety. Hence, a qualitative rather than quantitative study has been used. Photo elicitation has been used in both focus groups and in-depth interviews, which have been the empirical data collection of the study. Scientific articles and books have also been used in the process.

Competing on the job market- a study of the relationship between product- and personal branding

Purpose: The purpose of our thesis is to analyze the application of models from product branding on job-seeking business students as a way to establish a personal brand.Conclude: We found that the principles of product branding closely resembles those of personal branding and are therefore applicable. The models that build a products brand can do the same for a business student. Thereby we can conclude that personal branding does derive from product branding..

"Roligt, kreativt och inspirerande!" : En kvalitativ studie av aktiviteten på Instagram och dess upplevda meningsfullhet

Syftet med denna undersökningen är att genom det sociologiska perspektivet symbolisk interaktionism, undersöka hur användare av det sociala nätverket Instagram upplever aktiviteten som ett meningsfullt inslag i sin vardag. För att uppnå syftet utformades följande frågeställningar: På vilket sätt upplevs aktiviteten på Instagram som meningsfull? Vilka normer och förväntningar uppstår i aktiviteten? Hur anpassas aktiviteten efter dessa normer och förväntningar? Metod: Kvalitativ metod där användare av Instagram har intervjuats angående sina subjektiva uppfattningar om aktivitetens meningsfullhet. Intervjusvaren analyserades därefter genom det sociologiska perspektivet symbolisk interaktionism, med betoning på Erving Goffmans bidrag till detta. Resultat: Intervjupersonerna upplever aktiviteten på Instagram som meningsfull då det ger dem bekräftelse och skapar en känsla av gemenskap.

ByggletMobil : En Android applikation för byggbranschen

Den digitala tekniken utvecklas till olika användningsområden och antal mobila applikationer blir fler och fler både för privatlivet och yrkeslivet. Nu vill projektets uppdragsgivare Bygglet AB expandera mot den mobila marknaden med sin affärsidé. Företaget Bygglet AB arbetar i huvudsak mot byggbranschen och tillhandahåller det webbaserade projekthanteringsverktyget Bygglet.Denna uppsats behandlar examensarbetet med prototypen mobilapplikationen ByggletMobil. Rapporten innefattar både teoretisk och praktisk bakgrund, arbetet med implementationen och en motivation till att denna typ av digital teknik behövs inom byggnadsområdet..

Deep Green i oceana strömmar - en konceptstudie

With growing economies and better living standards in many parts of the world today, there is a need of expanding the capacity of generating electricity. The alternatives for renewable energy technologies are not fully developed and have still some problems to conquer.The company Minesto has developed a technology that is called Deep Green. It is designed to gain electricity from tidal currents. Deep Green works in a similar way as a kite that is attached to the seafloor with a moving wire. It contains of a wing that moves due to the water current.

Hemautomation : Spara energi genom att automatisera hemmet

In today's society there is a significant focus on energy efficiency. Despite this, people leave lamps, televisions and computer screens etc. powered on unnecessarily. The goal of this project is to build a simple prototype for home automation where a user, via an application on a mobile phone, can switch on and off the power of an electrical products in the home and as well as being able to check whether such products are switched on or off. The prototype will also collect data on power consumption for these electrical products.

Business Potential of Software Defined Radio Technology

The business potential of software defined radio (SDR) technology is studied by evaluating whether or not its characteristics correspond to those particular to a disruptive technology. The maturity of the SDR technology concept is illuminated by analyzing the opinions and perspectives of a selection of representatives for different stakeholders in the wireless communications market. Characteristics as, for example, the degree of consensus about the utility of SDR technology and the awareness of features and limitations are studied by application of the theory of technological frames. This theory helps us understand how and when technology evolution takes place. Finally we describe the value network structures of some potentially viable application areas for SDR and suggest some possible business opportunities based on SDR technology.This thesis is carried out as a case study and the research data is obtained from secondary sources, such as literature and Internet publications as well as interviews with people well experienced in the field of wireless communications.

Gränserna mellan ornamentik och improvisation är flytande

The catchphrase this project has been; the boundaries between ornamentation and improvisation are fluid.My aim was to focus on my work process, giving me the space and time so develop my design further regarding shape, color and combination of different styles in patterns.This is an explorative project where patterns were created without a predetermined product of which the patterns would be applied. In a later stage the character of the pattern determined which product that would be most suitable for application.It resulted in a collection of patterns for wallpaper and clothing. The motives are foxes, geometrical shapes and squares from a notebook. These motives form an ornamental expression in the patterns with the purpose of embellishment and therefore increase the emotional value of the product..

Uppkopplad eller nedkopplad? -Konflikt mellan förnuft och känsla : En etnografiskt inspirerad studie av fyra studenters vardag online och offline

Purpose: The aim of this thesis has been to study and obtain greater understanding of the consequences of active social media use. Specifically, in terms of social identity, social life and the sense of belonging. Secondly, the thesis studies the consequences of disconnecting and for a limited amount of time opt out of the social media context.Method/material:  The study is based on an explorative, cultural ethnographically-inspired method, in which four respondents were studied: two men and two women, all frequent users of social media. This was done in three steps: initial interviews, followed by social media diaries and finally a focus group. By allowing these methods to complement each other, the goal was to create an overall picture of the importance of social media in their everyday lives.The study's focus lies on the week in which the respondents kept social media diaries.

En introduktion till de surreella talen

This is a report on the development and implementation of the web shop ?Urballa Ur?, a web application developed by nine students at Linköping university. The report illustrates the methodology and process with intention to answer the question ?How can an online watch store be implemented to increase sales??. During the process the agile method scrum has been used as a working method.

Datahantering vid dynamiska webbteknologier : PHP eller ASP?

The last couple of years the use of Internet has changed in the way that the web pages can be affected of the person that uses them. Because of this dynamic Internet technology has emerged that makes it possible for a web page to receive information from a web browser. This information can then be used to affect the appearance of the page. PHP and ASP are two dynamic Internet technologies. They are integrated in HTML and are executed on the web server.

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