

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 21 av 67

?Arbetet handlar faktiskt om mer än att bara stämpla ut böcker och vara trevlig.? Arbetsuppgifter på svenska folkbibliotek 1990-2000 ur ett kritiskt diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the profession of librarianship by studying tasks in Swedish public libraries. The method is a textual analysis of articles inspired by the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The theory applied consists of the profession theory of Andrew Abbott and the gender theory of Yvonne Hirdman. The questions raised are: how do librarians speak about their tasks, which discourses can be constructed and how can profession theory and gender theory explain the result.

Datorspel = Lärande? : En kvalitativ studie angående gymnasieelevers attityder gällande datorspel som läromedel

The gaming market has become the fastest growing market for leisure and is one of the most popular forms of homeentertainment. This has generated a media debate about how people are affected by gaming and concernes how we are affected by the violence that may occur in games. Games proponents argues that gaming is the future of teaching and computer games are becoming a sustainable and popular instruction strategy. Some studies have long used computer games for educational purposes. By interviewing high school students in focus groups as qualitative research, I studied their attitudes towards computer games as a learning tool.

Utveckling av programvara till ett inbyggt styrsystem

This thesis considers the development of the software for an, newly developed, embedded real-time control system, based on a Periferal Interface Controller (PIC). The control system is developed to be used for several different applications. In this thesis work, software for two different applications are developed. The first task is a time controlled system, while the other task is implementation of aPI-/PID-controller. A user interface is also developed and implemented.The time controlled system is an automatic horse feeder, which is used for feeding horses at certain predefined points in time.


Abstract The purpose of this project is to develop a modular processor card which is intended to work as a platform for Kitron Development Karlskoga. The modular processor card is meant to be used as a control system in development projects, mainly in medical and industrial products. The processor card will consist of a central unit with the basic functions for a control system. Furthermore there will be complete modules with machine commodity and programming, to pick exactly the necessary functions for a specific application. With consideration to the specification of the development and the main unit, I chose an adequate microprocessor (AT90CAN32) as core and interface circuits to stated border areas. The construction is first completed in the program MultiSim and then remade in the program OrCAD Capture. The programming language C was used in the software model.

Vad är Cloud Computing? : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

Rådets förordning 1/2003 : ett hot mot rättssäkerheten för företag inom den europeiska gemenskapen?

Council Regulation 1/2003 regulates the application of the competition rules set out in Articles 81 and 82 of the EC-treaty and establishes a reform of the European Competition Law. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complex of problems that the regulation leads to concerning the legal certainty for companies within the European Community..

Igensättning av övre spalten i centrifugalpump

This report focuses on the upper slit. The upper slit is located between the impeller andthe drive unit. The slit design depends on pump type and application. However it isuncertain why the design varies, The purpose of this report is to clarify why the designvaries and to recommend an improved slit design.A research has been done; information was gathered from interviews, but also fromsearching of databases and studies of drawings, reports and documents. The originalpurpose of the slit was to prevent twining around the driveshaft, and prevent dirt fromentering the cooling system.

Integration mellan informationssystemen & mobila tjänster - Design, utveckling & utvärdering av en prototyp

The company Pilotfish has developed the system MIVEO which is used by car-sharing to wirelessly monitor, book or otherwise manage a fleet of cars. In a car pool the system has three different types of users with varying degrees of eligibility. These are end users, administrative and service personnel. We have chosen to focus on opportunities to streamline the administrator and service personnel work with a mobile service, as these users of MIVEO often are movable and mobile. From this position we have in the study attempted to answer the following question: How can mobile services used to streamline administrative tasks? This study is about developing a mobile application that will contain the same features as the existing system, but must be mobile suit.

Fotogrammetrisk analys av kornstorleksfördelningeni erosionsskydd vid kraftverksdammar

This master thesis was made to investigate the possibilities of using the Matlab-basedsoftware Basegrain to determine grain size distributions of erosion protections onhydropower dams. Basegrain is a photogrammetric tool developed to generate grainsize distributions and other information about coarse flood sediments by analyzing adigital photo of the stone bed. The investigation was made by validating the ability forBasegrain to assess grain size distributions of various materials smaller than the blocksused in an erosion protection by comparing sieving results or manual measurementswith the results obtained by the program. A statistical comparison was then made bycomparing the results from sieving and the program. The possibilities of using thesame method on existing hydropower dams were then investigated by determiningwhether the method was practically viable or not.The results showed that Basegrain generated grain size distributions for coarse gravelthat were very close to the sieving results.

Begreppet samma eller likartad verksamhet : Sett utifrån ett delägarperspektiv

Through the rulings RÅ 2010 ref. 11, HFD 2011 ref. 75 and HFD 2011 not 88 the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court have extended the concept of same or similar activities which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. Through the ruling the Court has partly clarified the application area of the regulation but question marks still remains.In the statutory text there is no definition of what shall be regarded as same or similar activity and the preparatory work does not give any further direction on how the concept should be interpreted. Ever since the amendment in 1995 the general view has been that activities can be transferred between different companies without affecting the waiting period in the company of origin.

Utvärdering av fosforläckageefter stallgödsling med hjälp av lysimeterteknik : Evaluation of phosphorus leaching aftermanure application using lysimeter techniques

Based on laboratory studies with lysimeters, the concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus(DRP) and particulate phosphorus, which is the main part of other P (OVRP), has been studied inpercolating water. The experiment was conducted through irrigation of small soil columnscontaining clay topsoil from an experimental field in Västergötland. Three rain simulations wereconsecutively performed. DRP concentrations in the percolating water ranged between 0.2 - 0.3mg·Lclearly related to the phosphorus concentration in the soil, measured in a soil extract ofammonium lactate (P-AL). Concentrations of OVRP were relatively low and ranged between0.12 and 0.16 mg·Lwas not proven and the experiment may reflect how a relatively slow percolation of water mayrelease DRP.

Applikationsutveckling : med parprogrammering och kundinteraktion i blickfånget

This candidate report describes how a group of students can develop a smartphone applicationwithout any prior knowledge in the field. To make the project more realistic there is also a clientwho has requests and wishes regarding the finished product.The document describes the methods used to produce the application and also includesexperiences that the group gained. How the interaction with the client has been performed togain a good understanding of what they wished the product to become is also accounted for.The research questions focus on how the development has proceeded and how one can learnsomething new in a relatively short timespan as a group..

Rich Internet Application Platforms : En utvärderingsstudie av Adobe Flex, JavaFX och HTML5

Vi lever idag i en värld där sprickan mellan vad som går att skapa med en desktopapplikation och vad som är möjligt att implementera på en webbsida har blivit mindre än någonsin. För tio år sedan var det inte möjligt att skapa avancerade affärssystem på en webbklient, men i och med att tekniker har utvecklats och nya språk har skapats har även nya möjligheter öppnats framför våra ögon. Frågan är var gränsen går? Vad kan vi egentligen skapa med de webbramverk som finns tillgängliga idag. Det är en av frågorna denna rapport ska svara på.Idag finns det en stor mängd ramverk för att utveckla så kallade Rich Internet Applications, komplexa och dynamiska program som körs direkt från webbläsaren.

Skillnader mellan Windows 8 applikationer byggda med XAML respektive HTML5

Microsoft launched a new operating system, Windows 8, during 2012. An interesting feature for Windows 8 is that applications can be developed using different programming languages but still provide the same functionality regardless of the language used. Two combinations of programming languages are: XAML with C# and HTML with JavaScript. This thesis examines if there are any advantages or disadvantages when choosing a specific combination of languages to develop Windows 8 applications with. An application has been developed and analyzed for the SwedishTransport Agency during the thesis project..

"Digi"-war - En uppsats om att utveckla en digital handledare för ett komplext tärningsspel.

This rapport aims to examine the difficulties in presenting a complex game in a way that will invite new players by making the game more accessible. We discuss and present our process on how to create an application named ?Digi?-war that is easy and fast to, both, learn and use. Our solution to this issue includes RFID-tags and readers together with four buttons, as input devices. This simple input device, placed in a gun-type control unit, aims to provide an intuitive interaction..

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