

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 1 av 67

Tidsuppfattning för dövblinda

This project is about the development of a application to aid deafblind people with time understanding. The application is written in C# language and have multiple functions to alarm the user. The application can alarm deafblind persons through a combination of sounds, pictures and vibrations. This makes the application very flexible and can be used by many different groups like deaf, blind and older people. This application have been evaluated by staff from Mo Gård resurscenter..

"En skål för andras lidande" : Bildanalys av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008

En undersökning av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. World Press Photo är världens största fototävling och är prestigefylld att vinna för pressfotografer. Syftet var att undersöka vad de senaste årens bildjournalistik förmedlar till sina betraktare genom nyhetsbilderna som vunnit World Press Photo of the Year under 2000-talet. Syftet har förgrenat sig i frågeställningarna:Vilka teman har vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008?Vad förmedlar innehållet i bilderna?Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader mellan bilderna?Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där vi gjort bildanalyser av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008.

Att dela med sig av sin vardag : En studie om fotoapplikationen Instagram

Photography has long been of importance for humans in aspects of community, sharing and documenting. It has previously only existed in analogue format and with larger cameras. We have presently reached a new generation of cameras and photography. The new smaller compact cameras that are provided with most cellular phones take digital images of varying quality and accounts for a large part of photography. With the emergence of social media, photography and social interaction combined came Photo applications with different features.

Omega System Kalibrering: Strål X-Separation mätning och kalibrering

Micronic Laser Systems AB produces and develops machines for the photo mask production market. One of their products is the Omega machine which exposes photo masks using 5 laser beams simultaneously. It is important that the distance between the each laser beam, the x-separation, is the same. The x-separation is today measured by exposing a photo mask with a certain pattern and thereafter measured with a metrology system. This takes to much time and it is desired to find a faster method to measure the x-separation without loosing precision.The task for this master thesis is to improve an existing measurement method which uses a calibration mask.

Kan rekryterare undvika att påverkas av arbetssökandes utseende?: En experimentell studie

The first information recruiters have access to, when recruiting a new co-worker is the applicant´s CV. It may even happen that the applicants are sending a photo with the CV, which can lead to the possibility that the appearance of the applicant will affect the assessment. Previous research shows that individuals who are regarded as beautiful get a better assessment than those who are considered to be ugly or mediocre looking, but if this can be prevented through awareness, the problem can easily be counteracted. The purpose of this thesis is to, through an experimental study, investigate whether recruiters can avoid being affected by the applicant?s appearance in the assessment of their CV if they receive information about the stereotypical thinking that is tied to a person's appearance.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

En undersökning av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. World Press Photo är världens största fototävling och är prestigefylld att vinna för pressfotografer. Syftet var att undersöka vad de senaste årens bildjournalistik förmedlar till sina betraktare genom nyhetsbilderna som vunnit World Press Photo of the Year under 2000-talet. Syftet har förgrenat sig i frågeställningarna:Vilka teman har vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008?Vad förmedlar innehållet i bilderna?Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader mellan bilderna?Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där vi gjort bildanalyser av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008.

Mobil diabetesapplikation

This report is about the development of a prototype of a mobile application and a web application that will help diabetes patients in their own treatment and ease diabetes nurses work with their diabetes patients. The mobile application is a digital version of a diabetes diary used by the Örebro County Council primary care to ease in diabetes treatments. The report also covers tests with users which were conducted on potential users to get some sort of feedback from groups other than customer and colleagues. Tests with users showed that there was an interest in a mobile application and it was a highly appreciated project. The web application ease diabetes nurses in their work with their diabetes patients in the way that the web application can display graphs of the patient's blood glucose level. .

Portning av applikationen Vasasvahn

In today's society it is important to easily and smoothly get accurate information. Withthe help of the application VasaSvahn it is possible to get expert help for Crosscountry ski waxing. The application VasaSvahn has been ported from an existingversion for iOS to a new version for Android. The application uses a third-party Webservices to obtain necessary information and support distribution of information. Theapplication is also connected to a database.

Sigma energy app

Sigma energy app is a mobile application for subscribers to various energy subscriptions. The subscribers can use this mobile application to access information regarding their consumption, invoices and active subscriptions. The mobile application that was built consists of a GUI and a web API as middleman between the application and the database.                     .

Utveckling av lagerhanteringsapplikation för handterminal : Development of storage management application for PDA

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and System Anderson AB. The assignment was about completing a client application, running on a PDA, and a server application, running as a web service. The web service handles the communication with System Anderssons existing database. The main goal for the application is that it will be used to increase efficiency in storage management. The client application will hold functions for withdrawal, purchase, delivering and inventory.

Varför väljs nativeapplikationer istället för hybridapplikationer? : Prestandaskillnader hos hybridapplikationer

The development of applications for mobile devices has exploded in recent times. This has also led to the introduction of several new mobile operating systems. To streamline application development for multiple platforms, techniques have been developed to be able to reuse the same application regardless of the operating system. If the same application can be used on multiple platforms it will save both a lot of time and money. Today there are three types of techniques to develop an application; web, hybrid and native application, where the latter is specific to the operating system it has been developed to.

Utveckling av Andersson Qwick Mobil för iOS

This thesis has been performed for the company System Andersson as a part of the bachelors degree in information technology at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is based on the development of an iPhone application.System Andersson has an application for Android that is being used for their MPS system (material and production control system). Their customers, however, have also showed interest in being able to use this application for iPhone.The students handle the subject of iOS developing, including the design of the application, the use of the development language Objective-C, the use of the scripting language of Json used for server connections and SQL.The primary goal with this thesis has been to improve the students knowledge in such subjects as application development for mobile platforms, in such areas as Xcode, which is the development platform that Apple uses and Objective-C, which is the development language being used. The result of this thesis is an almost fully functional iOS application, similar to the Android application with some functionality missing..

Second screen - För Tv-serier

Today it is not unusual to use a secondary screen to accompany a primary screen. The possibility to integrate these two in the form of an application for the secondary screen have long been possible but have not been developed to full potential. This thesis aims to study the use of the extra information and functions this type of application would make possible and how this type of application could be used.For this study a prototype-application including a real time newsfeed and a static menu for a specific episode of a Tv-series was created based on the information collected in an online survey. The application was tested on a number of people who got to evaluate the experience in short interviews and were given the possibility to recommend changes in the application.The result after the study showed the people where torn about what kind of information would best fit the application but showed over all that a dynamic newsfeed with information continuously updated with the episode where most appreciated. The problem with the difference in interest around the categories would be solved first and foremost by the application being configurable so that every single user has the possibility to choose which kind of information to be updated in the newsfeed.

Orderhantering via Android

This degree project deals with creating an Android application for managing representation orders placed in stores as well as evaluating Androids usage as a platform for that line of work. The evaluation will be based on tests of the application on an Android phone together with a survey consisting of written questions and a practical test of the application..

Användare & filter : En studie om filterfunktioner på fotoapplikationer

Genom a?rhundraden har bilden varit en viktig del i va?rt samha?lle. Den har varit en ka?lla till underha?llning, sparande av minnen och a?ven ett sa?tt att kommunicera pa?. Bilder har anva?nts pa? ma?nga olika sa?tt och sedan 1800-talet har vi kunnat fa?nga bilder genom fotografier.

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