

321 Uppsatser om Personality - Sida 3 av 22

Personlighet och konflikt - En studie om chefers personlighet, konfliktstil och Locus of control

Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i personlighet och val av konfliktstil beroende av vilken placering respondenterna hade i syskonskaran samt om Locus of control skiljde sig mellan olika åldersgrupper. Samband mellan chefers konfliktstil och personlighet undersöktes också. De 103 respondenterna som var mellan 25-75 år, 63% män och 37% kvinnor, besvarade en enkät som bestod av demografiska frågoroch arbetsrelaterade frågor om chefskap. Tre test användes; ett personlighetstest, RottersLocus of Control och Thomas-Kihlman?s konfliktstiltest.

Personlighetens inverkan på aktivt och passivt jobbsökande, karriärambition och arbetstillfredställelse

Previous research has focused limited attention on how Personality affects job search for university educated people in work and no studies have focused on the difference between active and passive job seekers. This survey-based study that examined university educated economists and engineers with 5-25 years of experience, showed that career ambition mediated active job search for the Personality dimensions of openness, agreeableness and extraversion and also gave clear evidence that active job seekers have lower levels of job satisfaction, and higher levels of career ambition, agreeableness and extraversion, compared with passive job seekers. These findings provide a more nuanced picture of the impact of different recruitment strategies and provide a starting point for in-depth studies on passive job seekers.

Mobbing : Personlighet, kön och andra faktorers påverkan på människan

Mobbing är ett socialt problem. Därför skapades denna studie för att se om samband råder mellan mobbad, mobbare och personlighetsegenskaper. Dessutom gjordes en könsfördelning för att se om det råder några signifikanta skillnader i händelse, kön och personlighet. För att få svar på dessa syften ställdes frågorna: Hur ser mobbingen ut och vilka drabbas? Har kön och personlighetsegenskaper någon betydelse för om man blir mobbad eller utsätter andra för mobbing? Till hjälp användes en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod.

Skönheten i betygsättarens öga : En undersökning av utseendets betydelse vid betygsättning

This study examines the effects of a person's appearence on grading. 80 teachers in Swedish have assessed a text, illustrated with a picture of the supposed author. The pictures were varied by attractiveness, Personality in looks, and gender. Furthermore, a text illustrated by a drawing and an unillustrated text were also used in the study. The texts were sent to the teachers by e-mail and assessed on a scale from 1-10 and the Swedish grading scale IG-MVG (Did not pass ? Passed ? Passed with credit - Passed with great credit).

En islamofobs manifest? En psykobiografisk analys av Anders Behring Breivik, 2083 A European Declaration of Independence och händelserna i Oslo och på Utøya den 22 juli 2011

On July 22, 2011 a bomb detonated in the government building in central Oslo in Norway and eight persons died. Later that day, 69 people, most of them youths, were shot down and killed on the island of Utøya by a uniformed Norwegian man.The purpose of this study is to analyse Anders Behring Breivik's Personality and explain why he became a killer. I have used a Psychobiographical narrative method, which serves to describe the mind of a human being, linking the mind to motives, scripts, unconscious ideas and Personality.My primary sources are Breivik?s Manifest: 2083 A European Declaration of Independence and the inter-views with his father and stepfather, together with the Psychiatric Reports which were submitted to the District Court of Oslo. I have analysed in what way Breivik?s childhood influenced his behavior as an adult.

Personlighets och självkänslas samband med psykisk ohälsa hos studenter vid Lunds universitet

The purpose of this study is to examine whether Personality traits, self-esteem, performance-based self-esteem and demographic data relate to, and can explain the variation in psychological ill-health among students at Lund University. A questionnaire was distributed to students attending the Psychology program, Bio-technology program, Theologian program and Law program. There were 247 respondents to the questionnaire, mainly attending their second or third semester. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Rosenberg's Self- Esteem scale, Hallstens scale measuring performance-based self-esteem, questions relating to demographic data and a short version of the Personality inventory scale Big Five were included in the questionnaire. Positive correlations were found between psychological ill-health and the variables neuroticism and performance-based self-esteem.

Mentaliseringsbaserad behandling av patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning : Infallsvinklar från patientgrupp och behandlare

The aim of this paper was to illuminate the effect of mentalizationbased psychotherapy. The patients in the survey group were interviewed before and after treatment with regard to specific symptoms of borderline Personality disorder and symptoms of other Personality disorders with the semi structured interviews ZAN-BPD and SCID-II. Open interview questions that were worked up in a qualitative manner were as well put to the patients that had received the treatment program. A focus group interview with the staff working with the concept within the frame of the MBT-team of Psychiatry southwest in Stockholm was also carried out. The result shows on a group level between the pre and post measuring a reduction of specific borderline symptoms like impulsivity and cognitive symptoms.

Personlighetstyper och stressrespons hos djur ? med fokus på hund och häst

Animals living in captivity are often subjected to various kinds of stress. Individuals within species can respond differently to the same stressor depending on differences in coping style and physiology. Active and passive coping is a common way to describe different coping styles in animals and it is likely that these strategies have a high heritability. Individuals with an active coping style are characterized by an urge of control and a higher level of aggression than individuals with passive coping style, who in general are more flexible and respond to stress by immobilisation to a greater extent. The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to investigate the presence of different coping styles and Personality types in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and horses (Equus ferus caballus) and to find fields of application for this information.

Synen på manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap : Ur ett manligt och kvinnligt perspektiv

The study is quantitative and is about working men and women?s view of male and female leadership. The intention of the study is to see if the men and women have a different perception of male and female leadership and also if they have different Personality types. The method used was a survey where the sample is 80 participants, 31 men and 49 women from four different companies. Previous research shows that the perception of male and female leadership can be different, and that the reason can be prejudices and beliefs.

Polisen: Människan bakom uniformen : En undersökning om hur Polisen i Uppsala länarbetar med att personifiera sitt varumärke

I denna uppsats belyses Polisen i Uppsala län ur ett varumärkesbyggande perspektiv med syfte att undersöka om teorier avsedda för företag i konkurrenssituation även kan appliceras på en offentlig myndighet. En kartläggning av Polisen Uppsalas arbete med personifiering av sitt varumärke i sociala media görs genom intervjuer, innehållsanalys och sekundärdata. Insamlad data avseende hur deras varumärkesbyggande stämmer överens med teorier om corporate brand, corporate brand Personality och corporate brand Personality traits avser besvara uppsatsens syfte. Resultatet visar att en stark koppling mellan Polisen Uppsalas varumärkesbyggande och uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk finns. I undersökningen framkommer att arbetet med personifiering är grundligt utformat genom Polisens värdegrund.

Personlighet och val av utbildning

Påverkar vår personlighet de utbildningsval vi gör i livet? Denna fråga ligger till grund för studien som gjordes på ekonom- och sjuksköterskestudenter på Uppsala Universitet. I studien deltog 120 personer och undersökningsdeltagarna (Ud) var jämnt fördelademellan ekonomer/sjuksköterskor och kvinnor/män. Studien genomfördes genom att Ud fick svara på 48 stycken påståenden som utgick från Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI). Tidigare forskning har påvisat skillnader i personlighet mellan ekonom- och vårdstudenter.

Sjuksköterskors attityder till och upplevelser av att vårda personer med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning

Background: Patients with borderline Personality disorder represent a large group in healthcare who are struggling with painful emotions in life. Caring should be based on strengthening health processes by focusing on the patients, but research made by the patient's perspective has shown that this population rather felt that their health processes was counteracted, than promoted. The patients felt that the nurses displayed a negative attitude towards them. Attitudes are defined as a system of values, emotions and actions towards others. Aim: the purpose of this study was to highlight the attitudes and experiences of nurses towards caring for people with borderline Personality disorder  Methods: A study on the literature based on nine scientific papers was performed. The articles have been analyzed, systematically coded and compiled into a new unit. Results: This study shows that nurses have an overall negative attitude towards patients with borderline Personality disorder.

Huvudet bland molnen : En studie av den grandiosa och sårbara narcissistens kontextuella och uppgiftsorienterade arbetsprestation

The present study investigates the relationship between narcissism, using identified facets in the five-factor model for the grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic Personality, and job performance. The results, based on analyses of correlations from previous studies, meta-analyses and norm-data, show general differences regarding the grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic facet profile and their respective relationship to job performance. The results confirm previous study implications of the facet level data?s ability to capture aspects of the Personality that a broader measure misses. Similarly, the results demonstrated that facets could differentially predict job performance in both a negative and positive direction.

De autistiska barnens dataprogram - hur bör de vara?

This report presents a study of the basic criteria for computer programmes that may be consideredadequate for aiding children with autism in their education and upbringing. I have based thisstudy on descriptions, opinions and proposals from people who deal with treatment and/orother issues concerning children with autism, as well as relevant literature.The study has been carried out in a major Swedish metropolitan municipality. The intervieweeswere civil servants from this municipality and representing different institutional endeavourson the issue of autism.I used a combination of both quantitative and qualitative techniques, as there was need for bothstandardization and qualitative variation. The main aim of the study was to seek suggestionson how computer programmes should be. That is, if they are to be considered appropriate föraiding children with autism develop their Personality.The general conclusion of this study is that computer programmes, that may be consideredappropriate for the above mentioned purpose, should have certain characteristics of whichpedagogic usefulness and user suitability are of primary importance..

Möjliga själv : Samband med personlighet och känsla av sammanhang!

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om möjliga själv är relaterade till personlighet och känsla av sammanhang samt huruvida kön och ålder påverkar dessa relationer. Studien genomfördes på kadetter genom en enkätundersökning. Enkäten bestod av bakgrunds frågor, yrkesrelaterade möjliga själv (The Possible Selves Statements Test), personlighet (The Five Factor Personality Inventory) och känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Resultatet visar att kluster (K-means) av personlighetsprofiler inte skiljer sig signifikant åt vad gäller möjliga själv, däremot uppvisades skillnader mellan personlighetsprofilerna vad gäller känslor och förväntningar kring möjliga själv. Liknande resultat erhölls avseende relationen mellan KASAM och möjliga själv.

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