7968 Uppsatser om Personal values - Sida 14 av 532
Dags att förändra den svenska utnämningspolitiken! En idéanalys
This paper discuss the possibilities to improve the Swedish political nomination system. It brings up some of the values and norms that can be used to change the existing system. Values as openness, the demand of responsibility and also if there is values from the American spoils system that can be used in the Swedish system. A minor purpose is to discuss the part of the parliament within the nomination process. To investigate this I have some theoretical starting points and a self constructed analysis tool.
Regionalisering och demokratiaspekten : En fallstudie av Region Värmland
This is a study of how democracy is affected by regionalization. The study focuses on values related to the democracy; these values are representative, transparency, participation, anchoring of decisions and accountability. The case study for this essay is the Regional Development Council of Värmland case study of Region Värmland.1997 a proposition was put forward the Swedish government about changes in responsibilities regarding four Swedish counties. It was decided that Kalmar, Gotland, Skåne and Västra Götaland County would be part of pilot project with extended regional autonomy.Region Värmland was formed at 2001 as a Region Development Council and was at 2007 transformed to a co-cooperative body. Region Värmland has an indirectly elected council, i.e.
Egendomsbegreppet enligt Europarätten, särskilt legitima förväntningar och dess betydelse för den svenska rätten
This is an interview- and literature study that discusses teaching about the Second World War and the Holocaust, while working with the basic values in grade 7-9.The purpose with this examination is to see how teachers of history in grade 7-9 choose to teach about the Second World War and the Holocaust, how they work to integrate the basic values in their education and whether the teachers? education can be sustained by the Swedish school curricula.In this study I?ve been doing qualitative interviews with five teachers of history in grade 7-9 from different schools. I have also perused the Swedish school curricula and read some literature and studies about different ways of dealing with the subject: the Holocaust.According to the central parts of the Swedish curricula, LGR 2011, the fields about the Holocaust and the 20.century World Wars are to be studied during grade 7-9. All my respondents in the study teach about this think that the most important thing with this complex time in history, is to give the students a deeper understanding for the time leading up to the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, and why the Holocaust actually took place.Regarding the work with the basic values, all the five respondents agree on the fact that, this subject shall permeate the entire work at school, all the time, every day, but that it?s absolutely essential while studying the Holocaust.
Kommunägd skog i Sverige : en enkät- och intervjustudie av de tätortsnära skogarnas ekonomiska och sociala värde
This Masters thesis is performed at the request of the National Board of Forestry in order to investigate how the Swedish municipalities use their forests. The study is of general character with emphasis on the social values of the forests.
The municipalities? purposes with their forests have varied over time, but lately the social aspects have been recognised as interesting. The social values of the forests can be defined as the values from the forests that contribute to the wealth of humans. This has socio-economic importance for the municipalities.
The study was performed as a quantitative questionnaire survey, complemented with qualitative interviews.
Konduktivitet i vattendrag som indikator på sura sulfatjordar
Increasing attention is being given to acid sulphate soils wherever they occur. The problems that leaching sulphate soils gives with significant lowerings of pH and mobilization of heavy metals influence large spectra of our society from fisheries to agriculture to construction. Mapping these soils is consequently of great importance and the methods of doing this is very much lacking in function and precision. This study was therefore carried out to investigate whether conductivity in running water can be used as a simple instrument to identify acid sulphate soils in the catchment. 31 coastal streams in the county of Västerbotten were analyzed for different catchment properties such as occurence of marine sediments and basic water chemistry including conductivity and sulphate.
Trafikklasser för markplattor av natursten : förslag till klassificeringstabell
This report deals with hard surfaces and the factors which are behind the criteria for dimensioning, also dependent on the level, or volume, of traffic. A test was made on slabs of two kinds of natural stone. This was made to see if the values that were reached for breakload was transferable to the same tables that the concrete industry is using for surface dimensions of slabs and paving stones. The test showed very high values and the result, together with the written study, led to the author?s suggestion for a classification table where slabs of natural stone were divided in to different classes depending on traffic, thickness and durability..
Downside Risk - En studie av riskkompensation på den svenska aktiemarknaden
This paper investigates the compensation for risk in the context of the Swedish stock market with a special focus on downside risk. Using daily market data collected from the A-list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 1983 and 2005 the purpose is to answer the question whether Swedish investors are compensated for holding stocks with high downside risk, measured as downside beta. Using panel data analysis it is shown, in accordance with most previous evidence in international research, firstly that stocks with high beta values on average experience higher returns than stocks with low beta values, and secondly that stocks with high downside beta values experience higher returns than stocks with high beta values in general. On the other hand, cross-sectional regression methodology using a bivariate regression approach shows that downside beta does not explain excess returns very well. Instead, regression analysis suggest that high upside beta does a much better job in explaining excess return over this time period compared to downside beta.
Revisionsmedarbetares motivation : en kategorisering av motivationsfaktorer och förklaring av vad som påverkar motivationen
Motiverade revisionsmedarbetare är mer organisatoriskt engagerade, mår bättre och är mer produktiva. Vad som motiverar revisionsmedarbetare är ett viktigt ämne eftersom revisionsbyråerna behöver motivera och hålla kvar kvalificerad personal med hög kompetens för att upprätthålla god revisionskvalitet.Syftet med studien är att utforska och förklara vad som påverkar revisionsmedarbetares motivation. Studien avser dels att utforska kategoriseringen av motivationsfaktorer och dels att förklara vad som påverkar revisionsmedarbetares motivation. Med hjälp av en kombination av teorier och tidigare forskning inom motivation, arbetsglädje och work values samt resultatet från en pilotstudie, har en modell utvecklas som illustrerar olika motivationsfaktorer och vad som antas förklara dessa. För att testa modellen empiriskt har en enkätundersökning skickats till revisorsassistenter, godkända och auktoriserade revisorer samt partners, vilket resulterade i 276 fullständiga svar.Genom en explorativ faktoranalys har revisionsmedarbetares motivation delats in i fem komponenter; arbetet i sig, socialt stöd, belöningar, prestige och privatliv.
Kostrekommendationer till personer med övervikt och diabetes typ 2 - Litteraturstudie
The purpose of this literature review was to describe if the nutritional balance of the fats, carbohydrates, proteins and fibers can lead to weight reduction and to improve glucos-/blood lipid for individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes. The method used was a literature review. Twenty-two scientific articles were chosen, which were consistent with the study purpose and questions. The articles were selected based on searches in the Medline database by PubMed. The keywords used were type 2 diabetes mellitus, diet, obesity, comparative, fat, carbohydrate, low carbohydrate, high fat and saturated fat.
Möte med främling ur ett livsvärldsperpektiv
Dagens arbetsvillkor präglas av att vara föränderliga där idealet är flexibilitet. En följd av detta är att arbetsrelationerna tenderar att blir mer tillfälliga och ytliga. Tidigare forskning visar bl.a. att inhyrd personal upplever ett utanförskap och maktlöshet i sin arbetssituation, vilket belyser en ojämlikhet. Utifrån denna bakgrund syftar denna studie till att beskriva och förstå den ordinarie personalens upplevelse av möte med inhyrd personal på arbetsplatsen.
En studie om vad som motiverar expats att stanna i företag
A flat organisation makes a horizontal career development possible, which means that it is more important to develop an individual?s knowledge base than to gain a higher title. This leads to a personal development, which motivates expats to stay. Since the responsibility of the career development mostly lies on expats themselves, companies should create conditions that make individual, internal job search possible. Like in IKEA:s case, it can be done through a strong and prestige less company culture, that penetrates the whole company.
Upplevd arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie om omsorgsgivares erfarenheter av ledningens och organisationens inverkan på deras arbetsmiljö
The aim of this essay was to describe and interpret the managements and organizations impact regarding the caregivers working conditions. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We completed two group interviews and five individual interviews with a total of fifteen enrolled nurses that worked within elderly care. In our interviews we found that the enrolled nurses felt that the organizations economic interests collided with their Personal values regarding good quality elderly care. We also found that the caregivers experienced that they had an impact on their working conditions and that their employer was the main reason for making it possible..
?Som ny var jag nog för snäll? - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers syn på faktorer som påverkar rollen som chef
This study is about being manager in social care and social welfare organisations. Ten women managers participate in the study and share their thoughts about management. Such organisations are an area where women are most frequent, so we wanted to take part of experiences women managers in this area obtain. The study concentrates upon factors these women encounter and which they feel can affect them in their daily work. The study shows that the women we interviewed have a basic interest in humans and a strong commitment to working for human well being.
Lek i förskolan - barnskötares, pedagogers och rektorers medvetenhet om lekens betydelse
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka medvetenheten och lekens betydelse hos personal i förskolan och om det finns en samsyn mellan personal och rektorer om lekens betydelse. Arbetet ger en översikt över tidigare forskning om lekens betydelse för barns utveckling och den delen avslutas med en del om lek som en specialpedagogisk metod. Med hjälp av intervjuer av personal och rektorer har vi undersökt förskolepersonals medvetenhet om lekens betydelse samt om det finns en samsyn mellan personal och rektorer om lekens betydelse. Vi har även undersökt om det finns skillnader mellan olika kommuner. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultatet av vår undersökning på att rektorns inställning och medvetenhet om lekens betydelse har stor betydelse för hur mycket leken diskuteras och medvetandegörs i personalgruppen..
?Sura medarbetare? Skicka dem på kurs!? : En studie om kompetensutveckling av personal i två medelstora företag
En studie om kompetensutveckling av personal i medelstora företag..