

7413 Uppsatser om Person-centered care - Sida 2 av 495

Tvång som vård : Patienters upplevelser av tvångsvård och tvångsåtgärder ? en litteraturöversikt

Background For patients in need for psychiatric care who refuse treatment, coercive care might be necessary due to The Law of Psychiatric Compulsory Care, LPT. The purpose of this law is to make sure the patient later on will be able to increase autonomy. The most frequent patients in coercive care suffer from psychosis, heavy depression or having high risk of committing suicide. One of the most important tasks in the nurse profession is to increase patients? autonomy.

Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem

This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out.The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians..

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

Äldres upplevelser av palliativ vård och omsorg : - en kunskapsöversikt

Elderly patients experiences of palliative care ? a rewireThe purpose of this paper was to study elderly patient?s experience of palliative care with present knowledge as starting point. The questions were; what criteria do the elderly, dying person think is most important to fulfill in palliative care? and how satisfied is the elderly, dying person with the palliative care that are giving to him/her? The information were collected by a data based search trough science magazines and technical literature. Four relevant studies were found; Costello (2001), Heyland (2005), Wilson (1999) and Formiga (2004).

Äldres upplevelser av palliativ vård och omsorg : - en kunskapsöversikt

Elderly patients experiences of palliative care ? a rewireThe purpose of this paper was to study elderly patient?s experience of palliative care with present knowledge as starting point. The questions were; what criteria do the elderly, dying person think is most important to fulfill in palliative care? and how satisfied is the elderly, dying person with the palliative care that are giving to him/her? The information were collected by a data based search trough science magazines and technical literature. Four relevant studies were found; Costello (2001), Heyland (2005), Wilson (1999) and Formiga (2004).

Användarcentrerad Systemdesign

This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usabilitymeans to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.Development using a user centered system design means that knowledge about the end-users andit?s opinions becomes a crucial part of the development process. The question of this essay is if usinguser centred system design will lead to good usability.We used methods from a user centered system design point of view while developing an applicationfor a Swedish bookstore company called Bokia AB. This included user and task analysis following by aclose relationship between the developers and end-users by using sketches and showing themprototypes of the system while collecting feedback.After concluding our case study we determined that using methods from user centered systemdesign could be used as a great tool to further improve the usability and to improve an applicationssuccess chances..

Sköra äldre patienters upplevelse av vistelsen på akutmottagningen

Background: The number of older people is increasing in Sweden. The elderly patient often requires a more complex type of care, than younger patients. The concept of frailty is often used to describe individuals who have a high biological age and a decreased physiologic reserve which could be associated with acute illness and an increased vulnerability. Emergency medical care today is not suitable for elderly patients and adaptions for these elderly patients and the demands this places on the health care is necessary. Mölndal Hospital emergency department has around 42 000 visitors per year, many of the clients have a high age.

Feed up, Feed back, Feed forward? En studie av tre gymnasielärares arbete med Lärande Bedömning i klassrummet

The aim of the study was to illustrate how care managers reflect and act in regards to self-determination and integrity when caring for residents over 65 years old who have a dementia diagnosis. Our main questions dealt with how care managers handle the right to self-determination and integrity when a person has dementia, to which extent the care managers listen to the person with dementia and how the care managers look upon the residents with dementia?s ability of self-determination. To find the answers to our questions, we interviewed ten care managers within the elderly care in Gothenburg, Sweden. We used qualitative interviews based on a semi-structured interview guide.

Det är mig det handlar om ? en intervjustudie om patienters upplevelse av möjlighet till delaktighet

Background: In Sweden it is a legal right for patients to have the possibility to participate in their own care. Several studies highlight the importance of a good relationship, good communication and good cooperation in order to increase a sense of security and thus the possibility of participation. One way to increase patients' ability to influence and participate can be to adapt Person-centered care. This moves the focus from the patient's illness to the patient and his/her resources. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe patients' experiences of the possibility to actively participate in decisions regarding its care and treatment at surgical wards.

Psykisk störning och samhällsskydd : Finns det ett behov av att kunna  skydda samhället mot vissa särskilt farliga individer?

Background For patients in need for psychiatric care who refuse treatment, coercive care might be necessary due to The Law of Psychiatric Compulsory Care, LPT. The purpose of this law is to make sure the patient later on will be able to increase autonomy. The most frequent patients in coercive care suffer from psychosis, heavy depression or having high risk of committing suicide. One of the most important tasks in the nurse profession is to increase patients? autonomy.

Upplevelsen av hopp vid olika tillstånd av ohälsa : En litteraturöversikt

Om eller när en person drabbas av ohälsa, orsakad av exempelvis sjukdom eller olyckshändelse kan känslan av hopp vara en styrka som bidrar till att klara av situationer som kan upplevas svåra eller krävande. Hopp beskrivs som ett mångdimensionellt begrepp och kan vara en nödvändig del i anpassningen till en ny situation. Transition innefattar processen i en förändring hos människor som av olika anledningar drabbas av ohälsa, där hoppet är en väsentlig del. Hopp kan upplevas på olika sätt, därför finns det ett värde om vårdpersonal kan ge personcentrerad omvårdnad, en individuellt utformad vård. Litteraturöversiktens syfte är att beskriva personers upplevelser av hopp vid olika tillstånd av ohälsa.

Från Taylorism till Salutogenes : En studie inom svensk äldreomsorg

A publicly funded elderly care that is widely available at people?s homes has been described as unique for the Nordic countries. There is much research that focuses on the relationship between caregivers and care receivers, and also about how work is organized in these organizations. However, research into how care work is organized in organizations that have implemented a salutogenic approach is limited. This is a qualitative study aimed to examine how caregivers feel that the organization of work in elderly care change after implementation of salutogenic elements in their daily work.

Biståndsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen : En studie av genusperspektivet inom biståndsbedömning gällande hemtjänst

Our purpose was to study how care managers in practice evaluate needs in eldercare. A specific focus was set on elderly persons' sex, an area where former research show that decisions vary considerably. Were the care managers influenced in their decision making by the elderly person's sex? If so, in what ways? Were there variations in the definition of eldercare needs between the four chosen municipalities. And, finally, how did the care managers handle set criteria and priorities in their evaluation of such needs?The study was based on literature as well as interviews with eight care managers, chosen from four Scanian municipalities.We arrived at the conclusion that there is no specific difference in how the care managers evaluate eldercare needs in relation to sex..

Utveckling av poleringsmodul

The company Sound Precision has developed a new Line Array loudspeaker system (VHA-40). When using this system, their customers need computer aid to get the best possible sound-quality and control of sound levels for the whole audience. The aim of this thesis is to develop a truly useful sound quality simulator for the VHA-40. The system will help the sound engineers to position the loudspeakers for optimal sound by simulating loudspeaker configurations and visualizing the resulting sound quality and quantity. To solve this a human-centered design (HCD) approach is taken to implement a system that is truly useful for the users, meaning that they will use it more and hence deliver better sound for the audience.

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