

10086 Uppsatser om Person-Situation - Sida 1 av 673

Investigating the bond between research dogs and a familiar person and validation of the Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP)

In the dog-human relationship humans are the ones who provide the dog with safety and comfort. Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP), which was originally developed in humans to study the relationship between mothers and infants, has been modified to investigate the emotional bond research dogs have to a familiar person. Twelve research dogs were tested to investigate whether the dogs performed any behaviours indicating a secure-base effect, such as more exploration and play in the presence of a familiar person and proximity-seeking behaviours when this person is or has been absent. In the ASSP the dog enters a room with a familiar person, is introduced to a stranger, is left alone for a short period of time and experiences moments of separation and reunion. A second variation of the ASSP was added where the familiar person was replaced by another, to the dog, unfamiliar person.

Känsla av sammanhang hos försäljare av Situation Sthlm

Studier som undersöker hemlösa människors upplevelser med annat fokus än det elände de befinner sig i kan bidra med förståelse och kunskap som behövs för att kunna hjälpa de sämst ställda. Det salutogena begreppet känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hos försäljare av Situation Sthlm, en grupp hemlösa, före detta hemlösa och socialt utsatta människor, är inte tidigare känt och syftet med den här studien är att kvantitativt undersöka var på KASAM-13 skalan försäljare av Situation Sthlm befinner sig och kvalitativt att beskriva hur fyra individer ur urvalet upplever och beskriver sin känsla av sammanhang.  Slutsatser av studien kan sammanfattas i att levnadsvillkor påverkar en persons känsla av sammanhang, att försäljare av Situation Sthlm har KASAM-värden (54,67 p.) långt från medelvärdet i en befolkningsundersökning (70.83 p.) och att en låg skattning på KASAM Livsfrågeformulär (under medelvärdet 54,67) inte behöver betyda att en person inte upplever känsla av sammanhang i sitt liv och omvänt, en hög skattning (över medelvärdet 54,67 p.) inom undersöknings-gruppen försäljare av Situation Sthlm av KASAM behöver inte betyda att en person upplever känsla av sammanhang..

Förebygg och åtgärda mobbning på arbetsplatser :

Bullying in workplaces has been a growing problem the last ten years. Anyone can be a victim or a bully. Either you are a leader or a worker a bullying situation can be activated. There is no difference between ages, line of business, education or the size of the firm. A person is defined as bullied if he or she is repeatedly subjected to negative acts in the workplace. However, to be a victim of such bullying one must also feel inferiority in defending oneself in the actual situation. Bullying often occurs when situations or conditions at the workplace are unsatisfactory. Employers are always responsible for the working environment at the workplace. Victims of bullying very often develop psychological stress. To prevent bullying you have to accept the fact that bullying exists. If the company has a clear policy against bullying and a plan for action if the problem occurs, it will be easier to handle the situation.

Att komma ur ett missbruk och förbli drogfri : sett ur socialarbetares erfarenheter

The purpose with our essay was to increase our knowledge about what social workers, with experience from working with drug addicts, perceive as the explanations to a person stopping the abuse and succeed in staying drug free. Our framing of the question was:- How do social workers define the term drug free?- How big a roll do the social worker believes she/he has in the process in which a person stops abusing drugs?- How do the social worker work with a person towards getting that person drug free?- What do the social worker believe to be the reason why a person stops abusing drugs?- What do the social worker perceive as helpful for a person to stay drug free?We did qualitative interviews with six social workers. Our main conclusion was that it is difficult to define the term drug free. The reason for stropping the drug abuse can vary, it can be the family situation, "hitting rock bottom", finding love or tiring.

Dubbel bosättning : Bostadens betydelse vid flytt från Sverige

The Swedish tax on income for persons who are unlimited liable to tax is based on his domicile and double taxation treaties between Sweden and other countries are based on his residence. In order to determine a person?s tax liability, the dwelling or home is of vital importance to determine where a person has his domicile and residence.For a person who has moved from Sweden, to be unlimited tax liable here, there must be an essential link. This link can be through previous residence in Sweden, the person is not a permanent residence in a foreign country, in possession of housing for year-around-use or in possession of house property.Sweden has concluded double tax agreements with other countries for the reason to prevent double taxation on the same income. When a taxpayer may be regarded as a resident in two states, the situation must be resolved to avoid that double taxation will arise.

Anhörighälsa. En intervjustudie om de vårdgivande anhöriga till Alzheimersjuka och deras upplevelser av sin situation

Most of the people in today's society have at least some knowledge about Alzheimer's disease to some extent. When a person with Alzheimer's disease is being taken care of at home, the relatives have to change their own priorities and readapt themselves to the existing situation. The primary aim of this study is to describe how the relatives experience their own situation in life. The secondary aim of this study is to describe how the relatives understand their own relation with the health care authorities concerning the help and support issues. The authors have realized this study using the analytic inductive method and have interviewed four informants using a semi structured interview guide.

Att vårda en person som drabbats av stroke : Anhörigas upplevelser

Background: Each year approximately 30 000 people suffer from stroke in Sweden, often with substantial mental and physical consequences. Those who suffered from stroke handled the situation by mourning what they had lost and by accepting their changed body and life situation. For those who provide care for people who has suffered a stroke help and support was required. The caring science perspective was based upon caring and suffering. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe family caregivers? experiences of caring for persons who had suffered a stroke.

Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet : Vid generationsskifte

When a person of the older generation in a family owned company wish to transfer his ownership to a person in the younger generation this can be done through a succession of generation. Different methods can be used to proceed with such a matter, selling the company shares for a price below the market value is one example of this.When the owner transfers shares to a person in the younger generation, either as a gift or by selling them to a price below the market value, the provision in the 7th chapter 4 § ÄB can be applicable. This provision establish that; when a gift that has been given during the grantors lifetime and when the purpose of this gift is to be equivalent to a testament, the gift shall be returned to the receiver if this action confines with the direct heirs statutory portion.A gift is to be equivalent to a testament when the giver had the intention to arrange the succession when the gift was given away, and when this gift did not amount to any economical sacrifice for the giver. There are two situations which causes a gift to be equivalent to a testament. The first situation arises when the gift is given by the giver right before his death, on his deathbed so to speak.

Attityder till presenter - en studie om gifting och self-gifting bland svenska konsumenter

The process of gift-giving is something that occurs all around the world, and most people are both givers and receivers of gifts. While receiving a gift is often associated with joyous feelings, purchasing and giving a gift may not generate the same feelings. The worries of giving a gift may include anguish of finding the right gift for the right person, and not to mention it shall be appropriate given the situation. This paper aims to describe consumer attitudes in various gift-giving occasions. To give another perspective the paper also discusses and describes the term of self-gifting, when the giver and receiver is the same person - you.

"Leva med cancer" Bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnors upplevelser av att hantera sin situation - en litteraturstudie

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer which struck women around the world. When a human is exposed to threat or stress, e.g. breast cancer, different coping strategies are used in order to cope with the situation by the afflicted person. The aim of this literature study was to describe how women, who suffered from breast cancer, experienced coping with their situation. Scientific articles were found in the databases Medline (Pub Med) and Cinahl.

Familjemedlemmars upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med schizofreni.

Background: Schizophrenia is a serious disease with potential to implicate consequences on both the family and the sick. Nurses have a fundamental responsibility to relieve suffering, and also to offer support to both the individual and the family.Aim: To illuminate experiences of being a family member to a person with schizophrenia.Method: A systematic literature review was chosen. Nine articles were included. After having analyzed the results six categories were found.Result: The family members experienced the disease as fluctuating and stressful. Some felt ashamed for their sick family member and withdrew from the rest of the society.

Biblioteksanvändning & Läsning. Tre användares levnadsberättelser.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how a person?s library use and reading can change with time. It also examines how different factors in a person?s context or in the life situation can affect these activities. The analysis is based upon qualitative interviews with three persons, two women and one man between 67 and 69 years of age.

Individen bakom sjukdomen

Identity includes an individual´s self-image and the consciousness about their self. It is about being the same person despite changes in their life situation. The identity often get´s fragile because of the disease. Beacuse of the individual´s feeling of lost identity there may arise a conflict between the person and people in his or her surroundings. They may no longer see the sick person in the same way as they used to.

Fritidspedagogens möte med ett barn som har koncentrationssvårigheter : Reflektioner utifrån egna erfarenheter

The purpose of this essay is to explore how I can meet children with different kinds of attention deficit disorders. What can I do when the child kicks me and makes me cry? How can I handle it right so that the child and I can feel good? In my text I am writing about how I can prioritize my way when I am angry. I wonder how to prioritize my feelings and feel safe with the other person. I am developing these questions in my text.

Fattigvården i Eskilstuna 1883-1913 : en undersökning av fattigpenningen 1883-1913

In this essay I will analyze how the poor relief was used in Eskilstuna during the years of 1883 to 1913. In the records over who took allowance from the authorities it will also be mention the year of birth, which block the person lived in, sometimes if that person had any children, and if the person was a women it was often written down what profession the (often dead) husband have had when he was alive, or as an alternative what the fathers profession had been and finally its notified how much the person had every month in allowance.I want to see how the poor relief changed over time. I will do four close checkups, i choose the years 1883, 1893, 1903 and 1913. I will read in the records and compare how many it was that needed the poor relief for that year and further on I will mark out where these people was living in Eskilstuna city. For that propose I will use a map from 1890 and mark out every block in town that received the allowance.

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