5 Uppsatser om Perseverance - Sida 1 av 1
Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus i miljonprogrammet
This thesis has been written with our society?s current energy-situation in mind.Although it only deals with one particular block of buildings, the solutions and suggestions presented herein are quite applicable on other objects of the same type.This thesis is intended to be used as a guideline for energy-preserving projects in general, with an eye to buildings erected during the Swedish ?million-programme? in the sixties and seventies.The paper starts with the acquiring of all necessary blueprints and technical specifications. It then moves on to a thorough description of the buildings in question, and their heating- and ventilation-systems.Followed by this the reader is guided through the successive stages of energy-Perseverance measures that are available, and possible. Reasoning around the economic factors concerning all measures is also held.The paper ends with conclusion, and a discussion concerning the delicate issue of the higher return-temperatures possibly reaching the district-heating plant..
En sjuk arbetslinje? : En studie av rehabiliteringskedjans hälsoeffekter
This qualitative study involves the implementation of Lean and Kaizen methods in a Swedish service industry. Lean philosophy is based on a method to achieve more with less. In practical terms this means that the use of an organization's resources is improved. The origin of Lean is the Toyota Production System. Now, Kaizen methods give managers and employees a better more efficient system to reach their goals within the organization or company.
Lean & Kaizen -dröm eller verklighet? : En kvalitativ studie med kundperspektiv i fokus
This qualitative study involves the implementation of Lean and Kaizen methods in a Swedish service industry. Lean philosophy is based on a method to achieve more with less. In practical terms this means that the use of an organization's resources is improved. The origin of Lean is the Toyota Production System. Now, Kaizen methods give managers and employees a better more efficient system to reach their goals within the organization or company.
Diskonteringsräntan påverkar graden av miljöpolitiska styrmedel : En studie om koldioxidskattens påverkan på koldioxidutsläppen
This qualitative study involves the implementation of Lean and Kaizen methods in a Swedish service industry. Lean philosophy is based on a method to achieve more with less. In practical terms this means that the use of an organization's resources is improved. The origin of Lean is the Toyota Production System. Now, Kaizen methods give managers and employees a better more efficient system to reach their goals within the organization or company.
Luftburen försörjning i utveckling för insats
Luftburen försörjning har internationellt varit ett nyckelverktyg för större stater i snart 70 år. Att som militärenhet kunna agera och påverka motståndaren via de platser denne är som svagast och inte har förmåga att se våra lösningar, gör att vi kan skapa överlägsenhet och skapa taktiska fördelar. All militär verksamhet är i behov av förnödenheter och ett logistiskt stöd. För att detta stöd skall kunna nå enheter långt borta under svåra förhållanden, måste organisationen skapa förutsättningar till handlingsfrihet. I omvärlden har metoden luftburen försörjning varit en självklar del i det flexibla och föränderliga stridsrummets logistiska stöd.