687 Uppsatser om Perioperative documentation - Sida 31 av 46
Naturanpassat bostadsbyggande :
I am in this essay to find out how to successfully combine new development with preservation of natural values, mainly large scale vegetation and ground formations.This is done by studies of three developments.
The first development, Engeltofta backe, lies 7 km northeast of Gävle. The expectations of natural preservation were not fullfilled when this area, after the explotation, did not have any vegetation of value left.
The second example, Östra Kvarnskogen in the community of Sollentuna, shows, as far as one can tell at the moment, a sucsessful combination of new development and preserved nature.
The third example is a development in the community of Kullön. In this area the ambition of combining preservation and development was fullfilled.
After studying vital documentation in each planning process, I made interviews with different actors in each of the three processes. I thereafter compared the different documents and answers from the interviewed persons to find out if there were any significant similarities or differences which could be of importence when natural values is to be preserved in new developments.
My conclusion of this study is that it is of great importence to define key expressions often used in the process, such as natural values and preservation.
Det för(s)könade biblioteket En diskursteoretisk läsning av biblioteket vid KVINFO
This thesis applies a discourse theoretical approach in order to examine in whatways and with what possible meanings the library at KVINFO participates in the overall gender discourse in society. This means that our reading takes place at a metatheoretical level, focussing on the library as a constructor of meaning in relation to society's gender discourse.Besides the actual reading, the thesis argues for the fruitfulness of using both a discourse theoretical and a feministic perspective in the field of Library and Information Science. By looking at libraries in general through a lens provided by these perspectives, libraries are staged as battlegrounds for competing discourses,that attempt to promote its particular knowledge claim on how reality should be perceived.The reading shows that it is possible to perceive the library at KVINFO as amaterial articulation that takes shape by and is part in a feministic counterdiscourse against the masculinistic hegemonic discourse, which throughout ?hisstory? has positioned women as ?the other?, and established men as the normative category in society, including the libraries. Through its practise KVINFO has contributed to a change in the collective identity ascribed to women.
Manual för elMaster Concept 2012
This thesis includes a description of the project flow for our projects at Semcon. The emphasis is on designing a manual for elMaster Concept.The project flow provides several minor and major elements plotting schedules for this project and the establishment of a manual. When a schedule is drawn, lists and tables with components and connections can be created. This is done to better manage drawings and make changes. These diagrams and tables are used in product manufacturing, testings, controls.
Livsstilsförändringar och livskvalitet hos patienter med hjärt-kärlsjukdom : Litteraturstudie
Background:In Sweden and Northern Europe, cardiovascular disease mortality rates are high. The clinical picture in the Western world is dominated by lifestyle diseases in which individual behavior and attitudes have a significant impact on the health effect. In the society cardiovascular disease is seen as an illness factor and contribution to disability. Conditions for a good life are not only good health also factors such as intimate relationships and meaningful work which affect the person's quality of life.Aim:Lifestyle changes and quality of life for patients, regarding cardiovascular disease.Method:A literature review was made. Eight articles, quantitative and qualitative were analyzed.
Uppnås gällande kvalitetsmål för smärtbehandling på avdelningen för blodsjukdomar på Akademiska sjukdomar?
Introduktion: Smärta, smärtskattning samt smärtbehandling är centrala begrepp inom hematologin. Intresset att genomföra en studie huruvida kvalitetsmål för smärtbehandling som finns utarbetade på Akademiska sjukhuset (AS) i Uppsala följs, väcktes med anledning av detta. Syfte: Författarna valde i denna uppsats att undersöka om gällande kvalitetsmål för smärtbehandling uppnås på hematologen på AS för patienter med maligna blodsjukdomar. De mål som undersöks är dokumentation, kunskap hos behandlande personal på avdelningen, smärtskattning samt smärtbehandling.Metod: Studien är en journal- och enkätstudie med deskriptiv design. 30 journalers dokumentation på inneliggande patienter från november 2008 har granskats under en period med fokus på smärta.
Biblioteket i terrorns tid : en studie av hur the USA Patriot act har påverkat tre amerikanska bibliotek
The aim of this thesis is to study what impact the USA Patriot act has had on American libraries. The authors intent has been to see what changes have occurred in the librarians work-routines and to study their attitudes toward the Patriot act. The authors have also intended to find out what the consequences would be for the libraries. The findings are related to Swedish circumstances. The material used in this thesis consists of six interviews conducted at three libraries in the Bay Area in California.
Läslust : ett projekt för och med vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter, ett samarbete mellan en lärare och en bibliotekarie
This thesis presents and evaluates a project, undertaken in 2001 by a librarian the writer of this thesis and a teacher. We met with a number of adults with reading and writing disabilities, and presented and discussed books and experiences of reading, with the aim to increase their joy of reading, as well as finding out more about our own ways of co-operating with each other across our professional borders. The documentation and evaluation emphasizes on the process and the results of the project, and on our own participation, by asking the following questions: How did we carry out the project? What obstacles did we meet? What went well/wrong? What did we achieve related to our goals? In order to illuminate the project from different angles, consequences of reading and writing disabilities for adults are discussed, as well as the specific nature of adult education and projects more or less related to ours. Action research is chosen as a method, because it allows the process of the project, and our own learning process, to be exposed.
Känslan av att inte räcka till : en essä om tid, närvaro och förskolebarn i behov av särskilt stöd
In this essay I consider a self-experienced dilemma, and review how I, as a preschool teacher, treat a child with special needs. With the support of literature and theory, I can, with an essay writing approach, reflect and analyze the dilemma. In this way I will examine my practical knowledge and personal experiences of a complex situation. I want to examine whether children with special needs who are included in regular preschool activities, really get the support they need and deserve. Do educators have the conditions and does preschool have sufficient resources to realize this? Do educators have sufficient knowledge of how children with special needs should be responded to? I want to find out how the included children's social development and self-image is shaped by the treatment they receive at the preschool.
Design av PID-regulator baserad på kommersiell processormodul
The idea to develop a platform for a PID-controller came from the need to control the temperature in an espresso machine in a more exact way than a thermostat could perform. In discussions with Syntronic AB the idea developed into PID-control for industrial use. Syntronic AB suggested that the platform should be based on a commercially available processor module to shorten the development time. The suggestion included the use of the microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which supports USB, HDMI, memory card and Ethernet.The work began with establishing a schedule for the 10 weeks of the projects duration, and after that a system specification listing all functions, implementation and limitations was made. When the foundation of the system specification was done, a preliminary system design took shape.Because of the Raspberry Pi´s lack of Analog-to-Digital converter, a circuit board containing Wheatstone bridges, differential amplifiers and a two channel Analog-to-Digital converter was fabricated.
Skolbiblioteket : om skolbibliotek i och utanför Sverige med fokus på Svenska skolan i Berlin
The focus of this thesis is the library at the Swedish school in Berlin, Germany. Being a school in a foreign country, and playing a role also as a public library, the conditions for the library are somewhat unusual. Considering those conditions, how should the library be organised and developed to meet the users' needs in the best way possible? To put the library in Berlin into a greater perspective, the first chapters of the thesis are dedicated to the issue of school libraries in Sweden; their historical development, their importance in the school curriculum and their present situation. Swedish research in the field of school libraries is presented and includes descriptions of theoretical analysing models.
Bibliometrin och humaniora: En bibliometrisk analys av litteraturvetenskapen
The aim of this Master's thesis is to study whether bibliometrics can serve as a method to analyse the humanities.To investigate this a literature study was conducted that examined previous studies concerning bibliometrics and the humanities. Furthermore a bibliometric analysis of comparative literature was carried out. These research findings were then further examined through the perspective of theories on intellectual and social organization of the scienceThe bibliometrical study includes 38 literature journals (11 855 articles in total) which were downloaded from ISI's Web of Science. The material was analysed by using co-citation analysis and co-word analysis. The results of the study are presented in five co-citation maps.
Metadata för språkresurser : en Application Profile inom området kulturarv
The EU-funded project European Cultural Heritage Online (ECHO) aims to integrateresources from various domains within the field of cultural heritage, and make them availableon the Internet. To accomplish this integration it is necessary to describe the various resourcesin a way that will achieve cross-domain interoperability. This description of digital resourcesis commonly referred to as metadata. The most well known and used metadata standard is theDublin Core Metadata Element Set, a general standard developed for the purpose ofdescribing all types of digital resources. Since the mid-1990's a large number of specializedstandards have emerged in different communities, for example IMDI, designed for detaileddescription of language resources.This thesis aims to examine the possibility of combining a general and a specialized metadatastandard to achieve cross-domain interoperability and at the same time provide a sufficientlydetailed description of language resources for researchers within the field of linguistics.
Omvårdnadsdokumentation- faktorer som har betydelse för sjuksköterskans attityder : Nursing documentation- factors that have meanin to nurses´attitudes
Enligt patientjournallagen har sjuksköterskan skyldigheter att föra journal om patienten. I Sverige finns elektronisk- och pappersbaserad journalföring i olika utsträckningar. Elektroniskt beslutstödsystem är en vägledning för sjuksköterskan i arbetet. Attityd kan beskrivas som inlärda inställningar antingen för eller emot något och hur situationer upplevs. Syftet var att beskriva faktorer som hade betydelse för sjuksköterskans attityder till omvårdnadsdokumentation.
Resultatet av sjuksköterskans användande av smärtskattningsinstrument vid akut smärta : En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Smärta är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till att människor söker akut vård. Adekvat smärtbedömning är förutsättningen för god smärtbehandling. Syfte: Att belysa resultatet av sjuksköterskans användande av smärtskattningsinstrument för bedömning av akut smärta hos vuxna patienter på akutmottagning. Metod: Litteraturstudie med ett systematiskt arbetssätt. Resultat: Val av smärtskattningsinstrument: VAS och NRS är tillförlitliga instrument för att bedöma akut smärta.
Checklistan som verktyg inom intensivvården : Utvärdering av en checklista för patientens kliniska status och vårdplats
År 2003 introducerades en checklista för patienters kliniska status och vårdplats påneurointensivvårdsavdelningen (NIVA) på ett universitetssjukhus i Mellansverige.Studiens syfte var att utvärdera denna checklista som verktyg i klinisk verksamhet med fokuspå brister, åtgärder och användarvänlighet.Studien består av tre delar och är deskriptiv med kvantitativ ansats. En observationsstudie avtvärsnittskaraktär där funna brister och åtgärder studerats, en journalgranskning däranvändarvänlighet studerats och en enkätstudie avseende intensivvårdssjuksköterskornaserfarenheter och upplevelser.Resultatet visade att checklistan var användarvänlig med nyttjandefrekvens på 100 %.Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna ansåg att checklistan inverkar positivt på arbetet, utgör ett stödoch bidrar till ökad patientsäkerhet. Den vanligast funna bristen var larmgränser. Totaltpåträffades brister i 38 % av fallen och dessa gav en åtgärdsfrekvens på 77,5 %. Ensignifikant skillnad avseende åtgärdsfrekvensen påträffades mellan dag- och nattpass.Slutsatsen är att checklistan bidrar till att brister upptäcks och åtgärdas, den är användarvänligoch personalen är positivt inställd till den.