979 Uppsatser om Periodontal maintenance therapy - Sida 12 av 66
The Hardscape Room : ett trädgårdsrum i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgårdar
This master thesis covers the design of a special garden room, The Hardscape Room, in The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp, in southern Sweden, as well as describes the design process. The Rehabilitation Gardens are intended to serve several purposes. It will offer horticultural therapeutic treatment programs for people diagnosed as having had burnout disease for an extended period. Research is also aimed at studying the possible impact of different garden design hypotheses as well as different forms of horticultural therapy. In The Rehabilitation Gardens at Alnarp the most extreme and demanding garden room focused on cultivation and horticultural therapy is The Hardscape Room.
Framtagning av automatiskt system för hantering av arbetsorder till SAAB 340
Som dom flesta underhållsbolag jobbar även TAM (Täby Air Maintenance) med arbetsordrar. Dessa för att visa vilka arbeten som skall utföras, var de skall utföras och hur de skall utföras. Uppgiften som tilldelades var att effektivisera TAM:s (Täby Air Maintenance) arbetsordersystem på flygplansmodellen SAAB 340. Deras nuvarande tillvägagångssätt är att arbetsordern först läggs in manuellt i Microsoft Excel för att sedan redigeras och anpassas för den specifika kunden. Arbetsorden delas upp i olika sektioner av flygplanet, detta görs för att underlätta teknikernas och mekanikernas arbete när de bestämmer hur arbetet skall fördelas.
Motiv och förutsättningar för Arbete med spänning på det svenska stamnätet
In this thesis, the conditions of using the maintenance method live work at the Swedish TSO, Svenska Kraftnät has been analyzed. The study is limited to only include live work on 220 and 400 kV. The live work method is a type of maintenance that can be done, on lines or stations, even though they are still energized. The purpose of this thesis has been to map the present live work situation at these levels in Sweden. The study is based mostly on interviews with people who have specific field competence with in live work but also with personnel at Svenska Kraftnät.
"Ibland hjälper han mig mer än vad alla ni i personalen gör." : Hur djur i vården påverkar välbefinnandet hos personer med långvarig ohälsa - en litteraturstudie
Background: Animals have been shown to have a positive effect on people. The nursing science approach says that a person can experience well-being despite illness. The positive attributes of animals can be used in health care to help ill people experience well-being. An animal-assisted intervention can be a form of activity or therapy involving pets (AAA / AAT) or horses (EAT).Aim: The purpose of this study was to elucidate how animals in health care promote well-being for people with long-term illness.Methods: Literature review based on fourteen original scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative approach.Results: The compilation of the results led to four main categories with two subcategories respectively. These were: Physical aspects with subcategories Physical well-being and Bodily functions; Psychic aspects with subcategories Psychic well-being and Reduced psychiatric symptoms; Existential aspects with subcategories Quality of Life and Safety; Social Aspects with subcategories Social behavior and Relationships.Discussions: Review and discussion of the selected method.
Allians i familjeterapi : Fyra familjeterapeuter i en fokusgrupp
Internationell forskning visar att samtliga etablerade psykoterapier är likvärdigt effektiva och att utfallet påverkas av såväl egenskaper hos terapeut samt klient som av relationen dem emellan. Syftet med studien var att identifiera innebörden i fenomenet allians i systemisk familjeterapi och studien har genomförts med fyra familjeterapeuter i en semistrukturerad fokusgrupp. Studien visade att allians i familjeterapi är ett samspelsfält inkluderande två relaterandenivåer såsom ram och interaktion. De två nivåerna omfattade aspekterna förtrogenhet, asymmetri, relatera till flera, samförstånd, närvaro och berördhet. I resultatet visades också att allians i systemisk familjeterapi handlar om flera allianser mellan terapeut och klienter i olika system.
Styrningens vindlingar: substitutionsbehandlingens premisser
For over 40 years, there's been a debate in Sweden of whether it's good or bad with maintenance therapy for heroin addicts. This method is far more acknowledged in other parts of Europe and in USA. The aim of this paper was to explore how public actors manifest their thoughts concerning the subject of the substitution program in Sweden. This approach includes the complex of problems that can be found in statements and the discourses that these operators stand for and support. In my analysis the philosophical thread was principally based on Michael Foucault ideas, but also on other theories related to social constructionism.
Vad kan hunden tillföra sjukgymnastisk rehabilitering i Sverige?: en problemformulerande och deskriptiv studie om AAT.
Bakgrund och syfte: Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) står för en direkt och målinriktad intervention där hunden stimulerar till en fysisk, social, emotionell och/eller kognitiv funktionsutveckling hos patienten. Det är en dokumenterad och utvärderad process i USA som används av många professioner. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad hunden kan tillföra den sjukgymnastiska rehabiliteringen i Sverige. Metod: En enkät med öppna frågor skickades ut till två sjukgymnaster, en rekreationsterapeut och en omsorgspedagog för att undersöka hur de använder hunden i aktivitet med rehabilitering av patienter. Resultat: Inom AAT brukas hunden främst som en motivations höjande faktor inom geriatrik, barnhabilitering, neurologiska sjukdomar samt vid traumatiska hjärnskador.
ACTa våra stressade lärare: en randomiserad studie om Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) för stressade lärare
The present study examines the effect of a nine-hour Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) intervention for teachers who experience stress. Twenty-two teachers from four different counties in southern Sweden were randomly allocated to an ACT intervention (n=15) and a control group (n=7). The ACT condition received three three-hour sessions of ACT over a six-week period, and the control group received a three-hour stress lecture at one occasion. At a follow-up four-weeks after completed intervention, ACT participants showed significant in-group differences on stress, psychological flexibility, general health, and burnout. At a between group comparison, only psychological flexibility was significantly enhanced at the follow-up.
Prevalens och behandling av parodontit hos yngre vuxna personer med diabetes typ 1
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka prevalensen av parodontit hos yngre vuxna personer i åldrarna 19-44 år med diabetes typ 1. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om behandling av parodontit med eller utan antibiotika ger effekt på parodontalt status samt på blodglukosvärdet. Studien är en allmän litteraturstudie som består av nio vetenskapliga artiklar som har sökts i databaserna PubMed och ScienceDirect. Fem artiklar handlade om prevalensen av parodontit hos personer med diabetes typ 1 och fyra artiklar om parodontal behandling med (n=2) eller utan antibiotika (n=2). Resultatet visade att parodontit var vanligare eller förekom i högre grad hos yngre vuxna personer med diabetes typ 1 jämfört med icke diabetiker. Parodontal behandling med eller utan antibiotika, visade en god förbättring av de parodontala parametrarna.
Strålbehandling på hund och katt :
Jönköping Small Animal Hospital is today the only clinic in Sweden to offer radiation therapy as a treatment of tumours.
The body contains of billions of cells that all have to obey the regulations that are established. If a cell is exposed to a harmful substance, for example a chemical, it can be transformed into a tumourcell. Normally the body has a good defence but the tumourcell can survive and start to divide unrestrained. A tumour is starting to develop.
En kulturhistorisk undersökning av minneslunden på Stola herrgård ? förslag till en underhållningsplan
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design22,5 hp, 2014.
Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective
Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.
Överrapportering av patient från räddningstjänstpersonal till ambulanspersonal vid I Väntan På Ambulans (IVPA) larm : Patient Handover from local rescue services to paramedics
Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.
Orala problem vid Parkinsons sjukdom
Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative neurological disorder. In Sweden there are 15 000-20 000 individuals affected by the disease.The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oral diseases in individuals with Parkinson's disease. The material for the literature review was gathered in the medical database PubMed. Keywords used for the data research were ?Parkinson?s disease?, ?oral diseases?, ?dry mouth?, ?gingivitis?, ?caries? and ?periodontitis?.
Förutsättningar att utforma stationsbatterier i vattenkraftverk med Li-jonteknik
In hydropower plants it is necessary to always have local power supply. Therefore, the plants are equipped with batteries as stationary back up power. Vattenfall Vattenkraft is using lead acid batteries but has been investigating alternatives to replace them. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of using Li-ion technology as back up power.The study showed that Li-ion batteries have many qualities. The Li-ion technology will decrease the space and maintenance demand.