

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 22 av 596

Hypotermibehandling efter hjärtstopp : Kognitiv och fysisk funktion samt självskattad hälsa efter 6 månader relaterat till tidsåtgång i vårdkedjan och primär hjärtrytm

AbstractAim of the study: Aim of the study was to investigate whether there were any connections in time between different parts of care in patients with cardiac arrest and hypothermia treatment and cognitive and physical function six months after cardiac arrest and to investigate neurological outcome related to primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm after six months and if there were any changes in cognitive and physical functions as well as self-related health between discharge from hospital and six months after cardiac arrest.Method: The study included 39 patients admitted to three Swedish hospitals between 2008-2011. Cognitive and physical function was evaluated with Cerebral Performance Cathegory, CPC completed with Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE for cognitive function and Bartels Index, BI for physical function and Euroqol-VAS for evaluating the self-related health.Result:  A significant connection was shown between time to start hypothermia treatment and BI, patients with longer time showed improved physical function after six months.Majority of the participants (66,7 %) had Ventricular fibrillation/Ventricular tachycardia, VF /VT, as primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm and in this group CPC and BI was significant better compared with the asystole /Pulsless Electrical Aktivity, PEA group.CPC, MMSE, BI and Euroqol-VAS were all improved over time.Conclusion: Participants with VF /VT as primary registered cardias arrest rhythm had significant better cognitive and physical function 6 months after hypothermia-treated cardiac arrest compared with participants with asystole/PEA as primary registered rhythm. This shows the importance of access to defibrillators in public places in the society and in hospitals and optimal education of lay people and medical staff. Cognitive and physical function and self-rated health improves over time, which might be a very important reason to convey patients, relatives and medical staff to continue cognitive and physical rehabilitation. Keywords: Cardiac arrest, hypothermia, cognitive and physical function, wellbeeing.

Vidareutveckling av PV/T-receiver för koncentrerat solljus

The rising demand for electricity and heat raises a big challange for the society and engineers. Many products have been introduced to the market to supply more energy to the energy systems. Absolicon AB is a Swedish company that develops and markets a combined heat and power generating product. The product, Absolicon X10, uses a parabolic trough to concentrate the radiation of the sun onto a receiver. The receiveris equipped with mono crystalline solar cells and is cooled by a circulating liquid media.

En uppgörelse med unkna ideologiers våld

Hedemyr?s project has been about finding a meaningful position of utterance and a language for her practice. The general theme is performative art in public spaces.This text is a meta-narrative about this development and transformation process. It is also a proposal for choreographic practice as text, and thus a suggestion for what performative text could be.Her master project includes three intertwined parts. The foundation is an ongoing ?doing?.


Husqvarna AB operates two warehouses located in the area of Jönköping. The most important task is to manage the large volume fluctuations during the peak season. DHL Exel Supply Chain (DESC) run the warehouses and the domestic transportations is outsourced to DHL Express. A number of forwarder agents are responsible for distributing the export gods. In the present situation a bottleneck occurs at the warehouse loading section, and the consequence is fulfill the time of delivery for all customer orders.

Överensstämmelse mellan bedömningsinstrumenten Bergs balansskala och Short Physical Performance Battery-Svensk version,utvärderat på strokedrabbade individer, 1-3 år efter stroke

SammanfattningSyfte: Att undersöka hur prestationen av deltagarnas resultat var för stroke drabbade individer,med relativt god gångförmåga, ett till tre år efter stroke, utförda med bedömningsinstrumentenBergs Balanstest (BBS) och Short Physical Performance Battery - svenska versionen (SPPB-S)som mäter bland annat balans och fysisk funktionsförmåga. Samt undersöka hur stortsamband (samtidig validitet) som förelåg mellan SPPB-S och BBS samt sambandet (samtidigvaliditet) mellan delmomentet statisk balans inom SPPB-S och BBS.Metod: Deskriptiv och korrelerande studie som analyserade redan insamlad journaldata frånbedömningsinstrumenten SPPB-S och BBS. Antal försökspersoner bestod av totalt 67personer i åldern 65-85 år med gångförmåga på minst 10 meter, ett till tre år efter stroke.Resultat: Undersökning av prestationen för SPPB-S visade medianvärde 9 av 12 poäng,interkvartilavståndet 3 och lägsta erhållna poäng var 0 och högsta poäng var 12. Prestationenför BBS visade medianvärde 50 av 56 poäng, interkvartilavståndet 7, minimun 6 ochmaximum 56 poäng. Prövningen av samtidig validitet för SPPB-S och BBS visade en starkkorrelation, med korrelationskoefficienten 0,8 (p<0,00).

CSR och lönsamhet i tre dimensioner : Praktiska exempel, Economic Value Added och tidigare forskning

Title: CSR and profitability in three dimensions ? practical examples, Economic Value Added and previous researchAuthors: Linda-Marie Emilsson & Martina Classon Subject: Business AdministrationDate: 2011-05-26Mentor: Krister BredmarProblem description: Scientists have for a very long time disagreed about whether or not companies should work with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and if there is any correlation between CSR and profitability. There are mainly three different views according the correlation: CSR have a neutral impact on financial performance, CSR have a positive impact on profitability and CSR have a negative impact on profitability. One of the reasons behind the disagreement is the complexity measuring CSR. Scientist claims that EVA is a measure that can be used to measure the correlation between CSR and profitability.        Purpose: The intention with our essay is to find out if there is any correlation between CSR and profitability.

Predikaren och jakten på mening : En undersökning av intertextualiteten mellan Predikaren och filmerna Under solen och Sånger från andra våningen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

Cross-language information retrieval : sökfrågestruktur & sökfrågeexpansion

This Master?s thesis examines different retrieval strategies used in cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). The aim was to investigate if there were any differences between baseline queries and translated queries in retrieval effectiveness; how the retrieval effectiveness was affected by query structuring and if the results differed between different languages. The languages used in this study were Swedish, English and Finnish. 30 topics from the TrecUta collection were translated into Swedish and Finnish.

Mekaniserad ungskogsbehandling för röjning och skörd :

Earlier attempts at mechanising pre-commercial thinning have been met with varying degrees of success. Most attempts have been based on techniques where residual stems are straddled. Early treatment is essential to limit damage on residual trees. One part of the present study is an evaluation of mechanised pre-commercial thinning using the new Vimek 404R. Vimek 404R is a fairly small machine that permits selective removal of stems, making it potentially suitable also for areas overdue for pre-commercial thinning. The study established the level of performance for the machine, as well as the improvement needed to make it an economically viable option.

Flygteknik : Konceptstudie av ett obemannat flygplan

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV?s) are nowadays greatly appreciated. The advantage over manned airplanes are great since UAV?s can be much smaller and therefore lighter. The goal of this project is to evaluate the performance of an environmentally friendly UAV using only lithium-ion batteries.

Hållbarhetsredovisningens budskap : en komparativ studie av Vattenfall och E.ON

Companies today are expected to communicate their responsibility to the world around them. Society?s expectations differ and stakeholders are demanding that companies act responsibly on matters related to climate, work environment and human rights. The purpose of sustainability reports is that companies should measure, present and take responsibility in relation to their internal and external stakeholders. It is intended that a reasonable picture of the company's sustainability performance should be communicated, containing both positive and negative effects.Companies efforts with sustainability issues is industry-dependent and industries with significant environmental problems perform the most advanced environmental statement.

Intäktsredovisning i tjänsteföretag ? En studie över olikheterna i intäktsredovisningen för onoterade tjänsteföretag med liknande tjänster

Laws, regulations and generally accepted accounting principles hold options on how companies should recognize revenue. Generally accepted accounting principles are determined by standard-setting bodies as the Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Supervisory Authority, which is influenced by international standard-setting bodies as the IASB. Service revenue is generally recognized when performance is completed, but there are variations in when a performance is considered complete. The different accounting options available create difficulties in comparing companies over time and between companies, which in turn creates difficulties to achieve a true and fair view. By clarifying what methods and principles in accounting for service income the unlisted companies in Sweden are using and why these differences exist, we have been able to study how the comparability and the true and fair view is affected by these differences.

Belöningssystem? hjälpande eller stjälpande? : En fallstudie om karriärreformen förstelärare på en gymnasieskola i Gävle

SAMMANFATTNINGTitel: Belöningssystem - hjälpande eller stjälpande? En fallstudie om karriärreformen förstelärare på en gymnasieskola i Gävle.Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Alice Viklund & Erika LundströmHandledare: Monika Wallmon & Lars EkstrandDatum: 2015 ? januariSyfte: Syftet med studien är att med avseende på prestation och motivation skapa förståelse för hur de anställda upplever implementeringen av performance management i form av monetära incitament.Metod: Syftet med uppsatsen var att skapa förståelse för det rådande belöningssystemet och studien har utförts genom en kvalitativ metod. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio lärare på en gymnasieskola i Gävle. Därefter har vi genom tematisk analys presenterat materialet och resultaten i en slutsats.Resultat & slutsats: Slutsatsen vi kom fram till i vår studie var att karriärsreformen på kort sikt har skapat en något försämrad kollegial atmosfär och en känsla av orättvisa. Detta tror vi är mycket på grund av att belöningssystemet fortfarande är i en initieringsfas och att dessa reaktioner kommer att avta.

Tidlös ensembleundervisning? : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger undervisar Time i ensemble

Syftet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i hur ensemblepedagoger ser på Time samt hur de didaktiskt arbetade med detta. Vi avsåg att få djupare inblick i olika förhållningssätt som ensemblepedagoger kan ha till Time i en undervisningssituation, samt vad begreppet Time innebär. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på hur människor använder olika redskap för att kommunicera med sin omgivning.Vi anser att vi har fått en bredare ingång i ämnet genom att alla pedagoger spelar olika instrument. Den gemensamma faktorn är att de undervisar i ensemble på folkhögskola. I undersökningen använder vi oss av den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun för att söka svar på våra frågor.

Ledtidsanalys på Peltor AB med logisk gruppindelning på elektronikprodukter

This report is the result of a case study at Peltor AB during the spring semester of 2007. The task Peltor gave us was to improve the delivery accuracy and to lower the high finical value of delayed orders (backorder), and to divide the products into logical groups. The logical group will be a useful tool to remain a high level of service. If the level of service increases the company will be more competitive.The electronic department at Peltor has problems with delayed orders. According to Peltor, the problem is based on delivery lead time which is presumed.To increase the delivery accuracy, a lead time analysis is made to find the accumulated delivery lead times for each product.

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