1464 Uppsatser om Performance enhancers - Sida 65 av 98
Tre studenter med ADHD berättar om upplevelsen av att läsa i högre utbildning
Research shows that there is a lack of knowledge of adult students with ADHD.
Most of all research focuses on children with ADHD in school. The purpose of
this study was to gain a better understanding of how adult learners with ADHD
experience academic studies related to cognitive difficulties, emotion,
motivation, and their experience of SOC. The questions tried to determine how
any cognitive difficulties and emotions are perceived, how students' motivation
to study impacted and their experience of SOC based on studies in higher
education. To answer the purpose and questions used qualitative interviews
based on three students with ADHD using a hermeneutic method.
Variation in fattening pig exterior, gait and weight gain in commercial organic herds
Pigs in Swedish organic production systems have been shown to have more findings of arthritis at slaughter, compared to pigs in conventional pig production. With this in mind a study was performed, to primary, investigate variation in exterior, gait and weight gain between sire breeds and, secondly, to investigate variation between herds, season, gender, age and assessment occasion on these recordings. Swedish commercial hybrids, crosses between Norwegian Landrace and Swedish Yorkshire were inseminated with either Hampshire or Duroc as terminal sire. All the pigs had known pedigree as each semen dose contained sperms from one individual boar. All piglets were individually tagged closely after birth, and exterior and gait assessment were performed at two separate occasions, early and late during the fattening period.
Tala är silver, men är tiga guld? : En studie av den socialdemokratiska regeringens kommunikation till väljarna, åren 1994-2006
In this study, I have examined the previous Social Democratic government?s communication with the voters, focusing on its promises during election campaigns, and the presentation of achieved results. The theories used are the mandate- and sanction theory; the first focuses on voters comparing manifestos to find the most agreeable, whilst the latter concentrates on voters evaluation the work of the previous government, to either discharge or support it. For the sanction theory to work, voters must have the necessary information to evaluate the government in progress. The question is; did the previous government provide the voters with such information?This has been done through scrutinizing the Social Democrats? election manifestos that was used between 1994 and 2006, to examine what the party promised to achieve in economics and the labor market.
Effekter av skendräktighet och kastration på tikens beteende
Pseudopregnancy is a condition that is estimated to affect 40 % of all female dogs. Common symptoms are decreased activity level, weight gain, mammary enlargement, milk production, nesting behavior, anorexia and maternal behavior. The symptoms are displayed during metoestrus. Prolactin is one of the causes behind pseudopregnancy, but the full process is not yet known. Due to the fact that the condition affects that many bitches and often is recurrent, it is relevant to examine how the condition affects the bitch?s behavior and performance.
Var är min frukost? : En studie av hur elevers övergång till gymnasiet och idrottsinriktad studiegång påverkar elevers frukostvanor
According to the national curriculum guidelines for elementary school, preschool and after-school 2011, (i.e. Lgr11), the Swedish school is based on a democratic foundation. Schools should prepare students to develop an understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity not only in the society as a whole but also how this should be reflected in the morals and ethics between us. The purpose of this study was to describe how teachers in multicultural schools perceptions and experiences on teaching pupils with diverse immigrant origin, and how they apply these cultural expression in practice.In particular, I focus on four teachers in multicultural schools and how they reason about applying cultural expressions that are transmitted at these schools and by them. Explicitly, I review how from policy documents and their own personal pedagogic are reflected in the actual teaching.
Aktiv bullerdämpning i ventilationssystem
Active headsets have been on the market for years and now it is time for something else to enter the stage. The technology of active noise reduction can for exmple also be used in ventilation systems for reducing ventilation noise. An active control system principally consists of four important components, namely the downstream error microphone, the upstream detection or reference microphone, the digital signal processor (DSP) and a loudspeaker. The upstream reference microphone listen to the primary ventilation noise and sends it to the DSP which makes a phase shift to the signal and sends it to the loudspeaker. The loudspeaker sends out the opposite waveform of the incoming one and reduce the primary ventilation noise.
(O)möjligt uppdrag? : - om redovisning som synliggörare av värdeskapande i verksamhet med offentligt uppdrag
Uppsatsen gör en genomgripande kvalitativ analys av redovisningens roll i institutionsteatern, i två fallstudier, med fokus på synliggörande av värdeskapande. Syftet är att öka förståelse för redovisningens funktion vid styrning av verksamheter med icke-finansiella mål. Ytterligare en ambition med uppsatsen är att föreslå ett förhållningssätt till icke-mätbara värden i redovisning och styrning.Inledningsvis presenteras de två analysobjekten som valts för fallstudier; Stockholms stadsteater och Västerbottensteatern. Genom samtalsintervjuer och observationer gör författaren närläsningar av analysobjekten som sedan relateras till utvald litteratur, praktiker och modeller av relevans för studien. Här förs resonemang kring de båda analysobjekten utifrån rådande teori inom redovisning, styrning och arts management.Studien antyder att redovisningens roll i teatern är mångfacetterad; den fyller en inre och en yttre funktion, i en konkret respektive abstrakt dimension.
Fokus på : utveckling av nyckeltal för effektiv internlogistik
Detta arbete inom prestationsmätning av effektiv logistik är utfört på Scanias produktionsenhet MB i Oskarshamn. Denna produktionsenhet tillverkar hytterna till Scanias lastbilar på europamarknaden, från plåtrulle till färdigmålad hyttkaross. Produktionsenheten MB består av en pressverkstad, en karossverkstad och ett måleri.Uppgiften i detta arbete är att utveckla ett antal mätetal för prestationsmätning av MB:s internlogistik, och utifrån dessa ge förslag på förbättringsmöjligheter i verksamheten.Uppgiften löses genom att använda Bourne och Neelys metoder för utveckling av mätetal, så som en framgångskarta för den kritiska framgångsfaktorn effektiv logistik och utformandet av ett definitionsblad, vilket explicit definierar varje mätetal. Detta tillsammans med Parmenters definitioner angående mätetal och arbetssätt vad det gäller prestationsmätning, avser att spegla moderna tillvägagångssätt för prestationsmätning och för implementering av dessa i ett företag.De mätetal som rekommenderas för implementering i MB:s logistiska verksamhet är trucktimmar per hytt, leveranspålitlighet, lageryta, energianvändning per hytt för transporter och materialhanteringskostnad per hytt. Flera förbättringsförslag rekommenderas också vad det gäller den förbättringspotential som finns vid införandet av en gemensam materialhanteringsfunktion på MB.
Klinikintern statistik : en fallstudie kring behov av och möjligheter till framtagandet av ett statistikverktyg
The health care sector is one of the most information-intensive institutions in Sweden. Big investments in information technology have been made to ensure efficiency and quality within organisations in health care. This has led to high requirements in documentation and resulted in an increase in administration which gradually more often is done by nurses and doctors. A major problem is that it is difficult to gain access to the information recorded in all the different systems, which is their objective. This causes double documentation instead of being a support in follow-up performance.
Socialsekreterare och stolt? : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares yrkesstolthet
The aim of this thesis is to study whether social welfare secretaries experience occupational pride and what affects this feeling. Previously made research indicate that occupational pride is essential for performance and work-related health. Research has also shown that social welfare secretaries often experience unhealthiness due to working conditions and a lack of professional self-esteem.This thesis is based on four qualitative interviews which have focused especially on critical incidents, according to the critical incident technique. This study has a hermeneutic, interpretative approach. As a theoretical framework, Pierre Bourdieu? s theory on social space and positions aswell as Aaron Antonovsky´s theory on Sence of coherence have been used. The result shows that the interviewed social welfare secretaries do experience occupational pride.
Anorexia Nervosa - en fast identitet i en flytande modernitet? : En kvalitativ undersökning av individer som utvecklat anorexia
The aim of this study is to analyze how individuals experience their eating disorder, the focus being if anorexia may be perceived as a secure safe zone in the new modern world. The aim is to examine if individuals affected with anorexia nervosa understand the disorder as a solution to the modern worlds changes and the new individual freedom that it entails. This will be analyzed with the help of terms in Erich Fromms theories about escape mechanisms and Catarina Kinnvalls theories about the modern worlds ontological insecurity.The study is based on data collected from four informants of different ages and gender. The interviews were conducted through email and informants were chosen based on a strategic selection and snowball sampling. For the analysis of the empirical material Fromms escape mechanisms (authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity) and Kinnvalls theories of identity in the modern world have been used.The results of the analysis show that the eating disorder has a great significance for the individual construction and maintenance of identity and that the eating disorder becomes a safe zone to retreat to in a world of performance anxiety.
Uppföljningsparametrar vid förbättringsprojekt : En fallstudie inom Laboratoriemedici
Enligt Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om ledningssystem för kvalitet och patientsäkerhet i hälso- och sjukvården, SOSFS 2005:12, krävs det av vårdgivaren att denne arbetar efter mål. Att formulera mål inom hälso- och sjukvården kräver eftertanke. Målen måste vara mätbara och inkludera flera olika delar av verksamheten. Varje förbättringsprojekt är unikt och bör relateras till de resurser som avsatts. Ett stort problem vid kontinuerlig uppföljning är att välja ut parametrar som ger tillräcklig information och är lätta att skapa.
Distributionsekonomisk optimering av dagligvaruhandelns lokalisering : förstudie till ett forskningsprojekt
The structure and performance of grocery distribution in Sweden has changed profoundly since the second world war. Increasing access and usage of the private car, in combination with an accommodating town planning has enhanced the exploitation of scale economies within distribution firms. There is, however, some ambiguity concerning the overall efficiency of the distribution system when the costs associated with travelling and purchasing performed by households are treated as an integrated part of the total distribution cost function. The purpose of this master thesis is to develop the foundation of a spatial optimisation model, which defines the most efficient distribution system. The underlying idea is that the optimal localisation and size of grocery stores is a function of economies of scale within the firms weighed against distributions costs within the households, such as transportation costs.
Spelifiering : En fallstudie med fokus på framställning och slutgiltigt värde
This bachelor thesis is an exploratory investigation about the phenomenon 'Gamification', which by some definitions is about implementing game elements into non-game contexts. For example exercise services as Runkeeper and Nike Plus who both are available on android and iOS platforms. This study is mainly about the potential value of gamified systems and services for companies and its users and how such a system or service is developed. The thesis also discusses the development aspect of gamified systems in order to give the reader a more ?in depth? understanding about the phenomenon.
Analys av leukocytinnehållet i framställd plasmakomponent för transfusion
Vid mätning av HbA1c i blod visas medelkoncentrationen av glukos som en person har haft under de senaste tre månaderna och analysen används vid uppföljning av patienter med diabetes mellitus. DCA VantageTM är ett patientnära analysinstrument som utvecklats för att kunna utföra laboratorieanalyser inom till exempel primärvården. Patientnära analysinstrument är viktiga för att minska tiden från provtagning till behandling. DCA VantageTM är ett halvautomatiskt analyssystem som utformats för kvantitativa mätningar av HbA1c i blod. Syftet med studien var att utföra en verifiering för att se om DCA VantageTM (immunoturbimetrisk metod) kunde användas som ett komplementinstrument till VariantTM II Turbo (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC).