

1464 Uppsatser om Performance enhancers - Sida 54 av 98

Förskolepedagogers uppfattningar av sitt arbete kring energiomsättningen

The aim of this study is to examine the understanding, preschool teachers, have about their work related to energy conversion in the human body. Through individual interviews, answers have been sought to the following questions: What do the preschool teachers believe they need to know about the link between food and energy? What are the different methods preschool teachers use to workwith the area of energy conversion in the human body?The results show that preschool teachers have knowledge in terms of food and its nutrients as an energy source for the body to cope with. However the more thorough and detailed questions become all the more uncertainty there is about the topic. Preschool teachers on their own initiative do bring up the topic with the children and begin conversations as well as ask questions, perform experiments and demonstrations.

En analys av nuvarande och framtida trygghetsarbete i fastighetsbolag "trygghet och säkerhet en investering för framtiden"

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Så här upplever vi ett arbete : fyra kvinnor med Aspergers syndrom berättar

People with Aspergers syndrome (AS) have proven difficulties maintaining jobs according to previous research. This is a quality study. Four women with AS were interviewed about their experience of employment. What difficulties and contributions have they experience at work? What is the self experienced need of support within the research group? The result has been analyzed with different types of ?support?.

En läroplan utan stort tolkningsutrymme? : En undersökning av Lgr11 ur ett läsarorienterat perspektiv

This essays aim is to investigate the possibilities of subjective interpretation of Lgr11, the Swedish curriculum for elementary school. The assignment that the Swedish authority Skolverket got in 2009, was to create a curriculum that would grant that the students achievements would not be influenced by any subjective opinions and that all elementary schools in Sweden will give an equivalent education. In the Government bill this is a theme throughout the text and the Minister of Education has also claimed that this document will leave very limited space for subjective reading and interpretation. He says that Lgr11, in contrast to the previous curriculim Lpo94, will clarify what the purpose of the different subjects is and on what grounds the assessment of the students should be based.The method used is the literary theories of reader ? response as they are expressed by Literarycriticist Stanley Fish.

Bedömning- en viktig uppgift för läraren : Hur fyra lärare beskriver sitt arbete med bedömning i skolans yngre åldrar

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Konsultbranschens hunger efter egenskaper - En studie av tre konsultbranschers rekryteringsprocesser och sökta egenskaper

Consultancy as a profession has always been a debated topic and has constantly been surrounded with a kind of secrecy. People have a hard time defining what consultants actually do and how they do it. It seems that they are simply waving their magic wands, performing wonders. We have therefore decided that the purpose of this study is to unveil the secrecy around the profession. By conducting interviews and analysing literature we have examined recruitment processes in three different consulting industries and their wanted personal characteristics.

pm3-revision : En välgrundad metodutveckling av metod för revision av förvaltningsstyrning

In the field of maintenance management there are but a few models an organization can use. The one model that has risen to the status of being the de facto standard in Sweden is pm3(på maintenance management model). The aim of this study is to lay the groundwork for a new method of evaluate the use of pm3within organizations. Today there is no uniform way of performing such an evaluation, which is necessary in order to diagnose the performance of the systems maintenance organizations.In the process of creating our own method for performing this kind of pm3audit, we further developed the ideas from a study by Lagsten & Nordström (2013) that was performed at the county Region Skåne. The authors of that study had developed ideas about using method rationale as a basis of creating a method for pm3auditing.

?Stå inte och häng!? En undersökning av bemötandepolicyer på svenska folkbibliotek

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to survey what personal encounter at the library can signify, and to examine Swedish public libraries? policies for personal encounter. The posed questions are: What does personal encounter at the library signify? How are users and library staff represented in the collected policies? What do the policies say about digital encounter? 290 e-mail queries were sent to Swedish public libraries in May 2010. Of 140 responses, 107 stated that they did not have a written policy on personal encounter.

Lagsammanhållning hos handbollsspelare : Herr- och damlags uppfattning om sammanhållning samt ledarens uppfattning om team buildning

Syftet med föreliggande studie är främst att studera sammanhållning hos herr- respektive damlag samt undersöka eventuella skillnader/likheter. Författarna avser vidare att undersöka ledares uppfattningar om sin egen roll för sammanhållningen i ett lag samt deras uppfattningar om hur sammanhållning skapas och bibehålls. Totalt deltog 96 manliga och kvinnliga handbollsspelare, från division 1 och 2, i åldrarna 16-34 i den kvantitativa undersökningen och 4 tränare deltog i den kvalitativa undersökningen. Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan sammanhållningen i dam- respektive herrlagen då kvinnor upplevde en högre grad av sammanhållning. Resultaten visade vidare att tränarna ansåg att sammanhållningsarbetet bör se olika ut för kvinnor och män då kvinnor lägger större vikt vid att känslan i gruppen var bra och män fokuserar mer på prestation.

Förebyggande konflikthantering : En kvalitativ studie om lärares förebyggande arbete i skolan

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta fram en Corporate Performance Management strategi som man kan nyttja för att ändra organisationsstrukturen till att uppnå en mer holistisk struktur med hjälp utav Business intelligence verktyg. Helt enkelt hur man skapar en helhet inom organisationen med en Business intelligence strategi. Den forskningsfråga som författaren har fokuserat mest på involverar hur man utvecklar och implementerar en CPM-strategi. De andra frågorna utreder vilka fördelar som finns med att införskaffa en CPM strategi och vilka Business intelligence verktyg som används i en CPM-strategi. I denna uppsats utförs en studie om begreppet Corporate Performance Management och kunskapsbidraget är en strategi för hur man utvecklar och implementerar CPM.

CPM - strategi : Planering, utveckling och implementering utav en övergripande Business intelligence strategi

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta fram en Corporate Performance Management strategi som man kan nyttja för att ändra organisationsstrukturen till att uppnå en mer holistisk struktur med hjälp utav Business intelligence verktyg. Helt enkelt hur man skapar en helhet inom organisationen med en Business intelligence strategi. Den forskningsfråga som författaren har fokuserat mest på involverar hur man utvecklar och implementerar en CPM-strategi. De andra frågorna utreder vilka fördelar som finns med att införskaffa en CPM strategi och vilka Business intelligence verktyg som används i en CPM-strategi. I denna uppsats utförs en studie om begreppet Corporate Performance Management och kunskapsbidraget är en strategi för hur man utvecklar och implementerar CPM.

Tvåsamhället : Om att förhålla sig till normer som skaver

This study focuses on single peoples construction of their lifes in relation to normative heterosexual coupledom. It is based on five interviews made with single women and men at the age of 24 to 51 who live by themselves. The queer theory which puts the heteronormativity in question is used as a theoretical framework. Discourse psychology functions as an analytic approach. It focuses on the use of language in the construction of reality in a world of determinant discourses.

Automatisk genreklassifikation : en experimentell studie

This thesis aims at examining to what extent a few, algorithmically very easily extractable document features can be used to classify electronic documents according to genre. A set of experiments is therefore carried out, using only 11 such simple features in an attempt to classify 84 documents belonging to electronic academic journals into three manually identified genres: table of contents, article, and review. The 11 features are also divided into three sets, containing metrics of words and sentences; punctuation marks; and URL links, respectively. The performance when using these sets of features is then measured with regard to classification accuracy, using a k-NN classifier, four different values of k (1, 3, 5, 7), and both leave-one-out and 10-fold cross-validation. Best results are achieved when using all three feature sets (i.e.

Översvämningsrisker i kustnära städer : Sölvesborg, Karlshamn, Ronneby, Karlskrona

This report describes the design and implementation of a multi-master, packet based protocol for small and tiny microcontrollers where resources are limited. The protocol was named "Tiny Controller Network" or TCN for short. The protocol is meant mainly as a control bus for automation and sensor acquisition applications but due to its flexibility can also be used for other purposes as well. It borrows some of its functionality and design ideas from the well known CAN bus and Modbus but also has a number of major differences like the use of standard hardware and time synchronisation. One of the key aspects during the design was the use of very little system resources and common on-chip hardware peripherals like a UART.

Afasi-vänlig information : inför funktionell undersökning av språk med magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, can be used for analyzing brain activity in subjects performing language tasks. The purpose of this study was to develop aphasia-friendly information adjusted to aphasic subjects participating in fMRI studies. The objectives were to investigate if adjusted information was important for the ability to perform language tasks and if the information could be used for different types of aphasia.Sixteen aphasic subjects participated in the study, six of these underwent fMRI. The participants varied in grade and type of aphasia. They had Swedish as their native language and were aged between 26 and 89, mean 57.

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