

1460 Uppsatser om Performance art - Sida 24 av 98

Self-efficacys påverkan på bänkpressprestationer.

Syftet med studien var att med en experimentell design undersöka ifall individens tro på sin förmåga, d.v.s. self-efficacy påverkar utfallet av idrotts prestationer. Detta undersöktes genom att manipulera self-efficacy i en bänkpressövning och därefter mäta eventuella prestationsförändringar under tre sessioner. 21 deltagare (10 kvinnor, 11 män, M = 23, SD = 2.95) med lite eller ingen tidigare erfarenhet av styrketräning deltog. Deltagare delades slumpmässigt in i tre grupper: (LG) lättare vikt än deltagarna trodde, (TG) tyngre vikt än deltagarna trodde och (KG) kontrollgrupp, vikten överensstämde med deltagarnas uppfattning.

Preaching to the choir? A Comparison of Fiscal Forecasts by Governments, Fiscal Policy Councils and the European Commission in the European Semester Framework

The high debt levels experienced in European Countries have lead to academic interest in the deficit bias -the tendency for governments to run budget deficits and accumulate debt. In part one of this thesis a surveyof the economic literature on the origins and solutions to the deficit bias are conducted. The proposedinstitutional solution to the deficit bias in the form of Fiscal Policy Councils (FPC) are outlined and existingEuropean FPCs presented. Based on the works of Calmfors and Wren-Lewis (2011) the EuropeanCommission (EC) is defined as an FPC. Based on this survey, two hypothesis are formulated: (1) theforecasts of future macro-economic events and fiscal performance will differ between the national FPCs andthe national government.

Fysträning för ishockeyspelare

To become a successful athlete requires several different components in which one of themost significant is the ability to develop their own physical strenght. What weight exercises has the best transfer effects for skating?Participants in the study were 20 male senior hockey players from Div. II in the Västra Gö- talands Regionen in which all participants had at least 10 years of hockey experience.Test subjects had to perform a five-minute individual warm up followed by an opportunity to familiarize with the upcoming exercise. The first on-ice test was a 35 meters sprint test and the second test was an S-cornering agility test.

Processchemaläggare för mångkärniga processorer ? Fördelning av minnesbelastning i NUMA-system

For systems with multicore processors contention for shared resources is a problem that occurs when several memory-intensive processes are executed in parallel within the same memory domain. This contention has a direct influence on the performance of the system and is a complex problem that has been recognized for a long time. An attractive and actively studied way to minimize this problem is by using a process scheduler adapted to allocate processor cores in a way such that contention for shared resources is minimized.With the introduction of multicore NUMA-systems (Non-Uniform Memory Access) the situation has become even more complex. In these systems the access time for processor cores to different memory domains vary depending on factors such as distance and load. Thus, the process scheduler also has to consider where the memory of each process is placed to minimize the distance and balance the load on each memory domain.This report presents a user-level process scheduler for a NUMA-system based on the multicore processor Tilera TILEPro64.

Gestaltningsförslag till ny förskola på Zakrisdal

Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.

SMICKRANDE KAPITALIST ELLER SANN IDEALIST? Företags sociala ansvar i årsredovisningen

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur svenska börsnoterade företag redogör för sitt sociala ansvar i årsredovisningar.Metod: Denna uppsats utgår från en kvalitativ metod. Vi har valt att göra en innehållsanalys för att strukturera det material som företag ger oss angående deras sociala ansvar. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen har sin utgångspunkt i legitimitetsteorin. Därefter använder vi oss av intressentteorin för att kunna förklara vem företaget ska vara socialt ansvarsfulla emot. Teorier kring corporate social responsibility används för att förklara hur företag kan vara socialt ansvarsfulla.

Matematisk generering och realtidsrendering av vegetation i Gizmo3D

To render outdoor scenes with lots of vegetation in real time is a big challenge. This problem has important applications in the areas of visualization and simulation. Some progress has been made the last years, but a previously unsolved difficulty has been to combine high rendering quality with abundant variation in scenes. I present a method to mathematically generate and render vegetation in real time, with implementation in the scene graph Gizmo3D. The most important quality of the method is its ability to render scenes with many unique specimens with very low aliasing.

Minnesallokering och debugverktyg

The aim of this report is to give a description of a diploma work of 20 points that has been performed during the spring 2006 at Ericsson AB in Borås. The report accounts for the problem and procedure during the diploma work. The software used for this project was embedded in a radio link. The RAM in this radio link was divided into several regions where two were used for memory allocation. The current allocation of memory in the radio link was not optimized with regards to performance, security and memory use and the configuration used made it difficult to determine the memory use of the system and the actual memory need.

Huddinge kommun ur ett genusperspektiv : Bild- och textanalys av Huddinge kommuns personaltidning

The aim of this paper is to critically examine and analyze how the informal performance about masculinities and femininity are being expressed and produced by the text and pictures in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration. The concrete questions are:By which patterns constructs the performance of gender in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration?Are the femininity and masculinities being expressed in a static way or have it changed in Huddinge kommuns internal magazine for the staff working within the public administration throw the examined years 1985, 1995 and 2006?A quantitative and qualitative method is used. The point of departure is organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory we examine the structures, leadership, symbolics and changes through the examined years.

Implementering av en PSS i Trängslets kraftstation

The purpose of this master thesis is to implement and validate a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) to a generator at Trängslet hydropower station in Dalarna, Sweden. Problems with local rotor oscillations can occur at the hydropower station when power is transferred on a new power line (130 kV) from Northern to Southern part of Dalarna. To ensure good operation properties on this power line Fortum Generation AB and Fortum Distribution AB wants to activate a PSS on a generator.There have been investigations in which situations and what equipment that contributes to rotor oscillations. When this is known the PSS is tuned to damp these oscillations by choosing a good set of parameters. The most important parameters for good performance are to choose amount of gain and phase compensation.

En studie om elevers självkänsla : Elevers utsagor om uppmuntran och stöd i en sjätteklass

 Abstract Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15hpUniversity of SkövdeTitle: A study on students' self-esteem Students' statements on the encouragement and support in a sixth gradeNumber of pages: 26 pagesAuthor: Marie Agapuu & Ingrid SvenssonTutor: Anna-Stina AhlrikDate: January 2009 Keywords: Self-esteem, encouragement, support  A good self-esteem of students will often coincide with good academic performance, but it has also shown that students do not have low self-esteem due to low academic performance. Students' self-esteem is both a complex topic and concepts. We want this study to draw attention and to discuss teachers' efforts to enhance students' self-esteem in school. Encouragement and support of the school adopted in the study contribute to strengthening students' self-esteem. The study examines whether and how nine pupils in a sixth class is that they get encouragement and support of / from their teachers in school subjects and in learning situations.

MEMS baserad referensoscillator

The interest in tiny wireless applications raises the demand for an integrated reference oscillator with the same performance as the macroscopic quartz crystal reference oscillators. The main challenge of the thesis is to prove that it is possible to build a MEMS based oscillator that approaches the accuracy level of existing quartz crystal oscillators. The MEMS resonator samples which Philips provides are measured and an equivalent electrical model is designed for them. This model is used in the simulations of the Pierce oscillator and the transresistance amplifier oscillator that are evaluated in this thesis. Finally the Pierce oscillator is implemented in the A BCD2 process and manufactured at Philips Semiconductors in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Ekonomisk frihet och nationers välstånd

This bachelor thesis examines the relation between countries? degree of economic freedom and their economic performance. Economic freedom as a concept is defined as the degree of market economy within a nation.The variable of measure that is used is the Frasier institute Economic freedom of the world index (EFI). The paper is built upon the Solow growth model and is extended by incorporation of additional variables; among which of course economic freedom. The study is performed through regression analysis, based on the neoclassical model both on rich countries, poor countries and on all investigated countries.Two investigations are performed: i) the impact from economic freedom on countries level of GDP per capita and ii) the impact from economic freedom on the growth rate in GDP per capita.The finding is that economic freedom can be seen as a relevant determinant of differences in GDP per capita growth rates between nations.

E-handels vara eller inte vara : En kvalitativ studie av svenska företags e-handelsverksamhet.

One of the biggest changes which have affected businesses during the last ten years is the accelerating speed at which Internet technology and e-commerce has developed. If Internet earlier was used in the purpose to entertain it is now accepted as an essential business tool and companies are investing more of its resources in e-commerce activities. Everyone ?has to be on the net? today but that implies a challenge in matching e-solutions to the company?s business goals. It is necessary to have clear goals, carry out research and plan a strategy in order to operate an optimal e-commerce website for the company?s needs.The purpose with this dissertation was to see how well companies adjust to new demands in the rapidly changing e-environment.

Hållbarhetsaspekter på tillvaratagande av spillvärme i borrhålslager- ur ett företags- och samhällsperspektiv

The objective of this study is to examine the sustainability of recovering industrial wasteheat from several heat sources in a foundry constructed in a plant belonging to ITT Waterand Wastewater in Emmaboda, Sweden. A triple bottom line perspective will be appliedto achieve this objective. The triple bottom line approach takes into account ecologicaland social performance in addition to financial performance. The technology forrecovering the waste heat is a Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES) which is aconstruction consisting of 140 vertical boreholes, 150 meters deep with an internal spaceof four meters.The calculated amount of energy for storage is approximately 3800 MWh annually. Ofthis amount 2500 MWh are expected to be utilized, while storage losses accounts for theremaining part.

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