

1634 Uppsatser om Performance Indicators - Sida 44 av 109

Med sikte på Counter-Strike : Om pro gamers val av gaming gear

Counter-Strike has established itself as one of the most popular computer gaming phenomenon the last decade with a major online community and loyal fan base. Within the world of e-sports it has also become one of the most lucrative games to compete in. In order to keep up with the competition it has always been important to use the best hardware available for the task. This thesis is about these tools that gamers use to play - gaming gear - and how pro gamers train to increase their chances of winning. We investigate various factors that might be important in their choice of gaming gear when they play, and how they train to use these artifacts more efficiently to get maximum performance.

Metodik för fastställande av bärförmåga på befintliga betongkonstruktioner

Many buildings are now nearing the end of their service life. This applies to both the older houses from the 40's and 50's to the million project houses that did not prove to be as sustainable in the long run. Often there is a desire to extend the service lifetime, but to do that you need to make detailed inspections. The Folkets hus in Gävle is one of those buildings that is in need of renovation and to fulfill the new requirements that must be met in today's buildings. It is desired to make the buildings rentable space more attractive and to extend the building with two more floors.

Jämförande studie av effekter på rotningen hos toppsticklingar, Helichrysum petiolaris ?Gold?, doppade i två IBA-lösningar respektive i salixvatten framställda från fem olika salixarter.

Denna uppsats är ett förarbete för att formulera ett protokoll för provtagning och för bedömning av hygienstatus av ytvatten som ska användas för bevattning av frilandsgrödor. Studiens syfte var att beskriva hygienstatus hos ytvatten med hjälp av heterotrofa organismer vid 22°C, totalantal koliforma bakterier, fekala koliforma bakterier, Escherichia coli, fekala streptokocker och Salmonella spp. Erhållna resultat jämfördes med tyska DIN 19650 och kanadensiska Water Quality Criteria for Microbiological Indicators. Försöket gjordes i två odlingar och för varje odling genomfördes två provtagningsserier. En serie bestod av fem provtagningstillfällen vilka genomfördes inom en 30-dagarsperiod.

Unga truppgymnasters rörelsekontroll beskrivet med ett screeningtest ? Performance Base Matrix : En pilotstudie

Bakgrund: Truppgymnastik är en relativt ung tävlingsgren inom gymnastik med ursprung från de Nordiska länderna. I Sverige är det den mest utövade formen av tävlingsgymnastik med flest rapporterade  skador i nedre extremiteten samt återkommande besvär i ryggen. Tester i syfte att förebygga skador är efterfrågade och få studier har utvärderat tester för idrottande barn och ungdomar.Syftet med studien var att beskriva en grupp unga truppgymnaster utifrån bakgrundsvariabler, och rörelsekontroll med screeningtestet Performance Base Matrix samt att mäta förekomst av muskuloskelettala skador under en period på sju månader. Metod: Nitton unga truppgymnaster (flickor,7-9 år) genomförde screeningtestet Base Matrix i syfte att bedöma deras rörelsekontroll vid låg respektive/ low threshold och hög belastning/ high threshold. Testerna analyserades visuellt och genom videoupptagning. Resultatet av testerna dokumenterades i ett protokoll som bearbetades on-line samt för beräkning av procentuell förekomst av sämre utförd test i form av svaga länkar.

Uppvärmningens betydelse för hopphöjd och fem sekunders sprintprestation : En experimentell studie om hur anaerob prestation påverkas av uppvärmningsintensitet

Syfte och frågeställningarStudien genomfördes med syftet att specificera vilken intensitet och duration vid uppvärmning som är optimal för att få ut största möjliga effekt vid anaerob prestation i form av maximalt vertikalhopp och fem sekunders maximal cykelsprint. Studien byggde på tre frågeställningar: På vilket sätt påverkar uppvärmningen prestationen vid ett maximalt vertikalhopp? På vilket sätt påverkar uppvärmningen prestationen vid ett maximalt fem sekunders sprinttest? Vilken uppvärmning är optimal för maximal muskulär explosivitet?MetodDesignen var en kvantitativ experimentell studie som innefattade fyra fysiskt aktiva kvinnor med genomsnittsålder på 24 år. Testerna bestod av nio tillfällen där en slumpad uppvärmning på ergometercykel genomfördes varje gång. Därefter genomfördes tre vertikalhopp, så kallade counter movement jump, på en kraftplatta och tre fem-sekunders sprint (5sCST) på Monarks Peak Bike.

Implementering av Patientsimulator för Anestesimaskiner

In order to facilitate testing of anesthesia machines a patient simulator has been required by Maquet Critical Care AB. A patient simulator has been developed to reduce expensive and time consuming animal experiments and temporary lab arrangements. The patient simulator has been developed and designed to simulate human lungs with regards to anesthetic uptake, production of carbon dioxide and heating and moisturizing exhaled air.The system comprises a container and a test lung to simulate the volume and the dynamic of the human lung. The simulation of uptake of anesthetics has been implemented by pumping a fraction of the gas from the container through a bypass circuit with an active charcoal filter that adsorbs volatile anesthetics. The flow through the bypass circuit is generated by a pump and is controlled by a linear valve.The resulting performance of the patient simulator has fulfilled the requirements.

Riskhantering och kreditvärdighet : En undersökning av Enterprise Risk Management och dess relation till företags kreditbetyg

Background: Investors use companies? credit ratings as a base in their buy and sell decisions. Companies? credit ratings are also used as indicators of safety in the legislation. This means that credit rating agencies have an important role in the society because they communicate the company?s credit rating to investors and other actors in the society.

Corporate Social Responsibility - ett sätt att skapa förtroende?

This essay recognizes and criticizes a commonly held assumption that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) functions as a ?savings account of trust? between corporations and consumers. Based on five focus group interviews, the authors discuss how corporations that engage in society can sometimes raise and sometimes destroy the trust of potential consumers. One of our main findings is that CSR seems to raise the expectations among consumers. We then compare this phenomenon with the classical theory of the disconfirmation paradigm.

Kvinnliga ledare kommunicerar : Motiv och former inom den svenska mediebranschen

From an early age kids learn that their good performance and efforts will be rewarded. Unfortunately, not all leaders in the media industry are rewarded or given the same opportunities to exercise their communicative leadership, according to studies in media research. The aim of our study is to highlight female managers' experiences of their communicative leadership in the Swe-dish media industry. This study was based on qualitative interviews with four female respondents in management positions. The core of the study concerns female communicative leadership and interpersonal communication.

Skräckens politik : Hedersrelaterat våld i den svenska demokratin

The purpose of this paper was to carry out and evaluate a pedagogic ICT-project, where the computer was implemented in art class. Focus was on the consequences of collaboration and also on the students? understanding of their own performance, compared to techniques in traditional art class.The study was qualitative and began with studies in literature. The contents of the literature are the foundation of the discussion, especially theories concerning the learning process, IT and computer-based learning. In the project, three different groups of students from upper secondary school attended and they where given tasks to solve in the image editing program Paint Shop Pro.

"Rabarbers" - Processen med texten

The essay is an analysis of the theatrical and dramatic aspects to a playtext. Based on the production and manuscript Rhubarb by Maria Blom.With the essay I intend to answer the following questions: What happens to the manuscript Rhubarb during the transformation from being a dramatic text to becoming a theatrical text? What are the similarities and differences between reading a manuscript and watching the performance of a play?The essay is based on literature, two interviews with Maria Blom and the manuscript to Rhubarb by Maria Blom. Besides two versions of the script I also had the opportunity to watch videotaped material from the original production. And I compared the original cast of Rhubarb with twoamateurproductions of the play..

Masskattning av tunga fordon i realtid genom systemidentifiering

As trucks are getting more and more advanced, information about their weight has become a key factor for controlling them in a more fuel efficient and safe manner. Knowing the mass of a heavy duty vehicle in real time has been a difficult challenge for the truck manufacturers. With the processing power for electronic control units in trucks steadily increasing, more advanced algorithms for calculating the mass has been developed, but at the moment there still is a wish for better performance.Since there is a lack of good information regarding the external forces acting on the vehicle, forces that depends on the slope of the road, foundation of the road and the wind, the methods have to be able to disregard these. Such an approach, based on an indirect least square solution, has been evaluated in this thesis. The results have been promising and based on these a recommendation about further evaluation has been made..

Aktivt ägande och lönsamhet i svenska företag

Active ownership is widely regarded as positive for the development and performance of businesses. In this paper, we investigate the impact of ownership concentration and owner identity on return on equity (ROE) in Swedish companies between 1986 and 2008, and show that active ownership might suffer from opposing effects. We find evidence, albeit weak, that ownership concentration has a positive effect on profitability, but that it levels off at high levels of ownership shares. Furthermore, we propose that family ownership has a negative effect on profitability. Our results are dependent of choice of statistical method, but show nonetheless a need to reevaluate what seems to be a universally positive view of active ownership..

Det mångfacetterade islam : En studie i hur islam och muslimer framställs i ledare

The way in which media discusses religion has changed over time. Due to the separation of state and church in 2000, the Swedish state to a lesser extent legitimizes its political ruling with references to religious concepts. As a result, a higher tolerance towards religious minorities can be said to have taken place. This is an ambiguous change however, where critique raised towards religious practices and expressions of minorities also occurs to a higher extent. The public debate is in large part conducted through the media, but is also seen to be produced and reproduced through the media?s discourse.

Datorn i bildundervisning : En studie på tre elevgrupper med fokus på samarbetet

The purpose of this paper was to carry out and evaluate a pedagogic ICT-project, where the computer was implemented in art class. Focus was on the consequences of collaboration and also on the students? understanding of their own performance, compared to techniques in traditional art class.The study was qualitative and began with studies in literature. The contents of the literature are the foundation of the discussion, especially theories concerning the learning process, IT and computer-based learning. In the project, three different groups of students from upper secondary school attended and they where given tasks to solve in the image editing program Paint Shop Pro.

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