

2032 Uppsatser om Perceptions and middle managers - Sida 37 av 136

Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie

Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.

Lantbruksföretagets utveckling av ny verksamhet : en studie av fem lantbruksföretag

The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.

Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie

Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.

Projektledning i virtuella teams - Förtroende, gemensam förståelse och groupwares

Virtual teams are teams where team members don?t sit and work in the same place, they canwork in different countries, cities and buildings. It?s not the distance between team members that defines a virtual team, it's the extent to which the team is dependent on information technology to communicate and carry out a task. Virtual teams is becoming more common in organizations, to use virtual teams organizations can reduced time and travel costs and create a larger knowledgebase.A project manager for virtual teams faces many challenges, they have to build trust with and among team members they rarely or never meet, create a common understanding of project objectives and manage the challenges that culture and information technology creates.

Nyanlända föräldrar och den svenska skolan : om relationen mellan lärarna och nyanlända föräldrar

This study rises up an untouched area of ??research where the relationship between newly arrived parents and teachers is examined from a structural perspective. Previous research has looked only at the interaction between parents and teacher; this study is thus a theoretical contribution to the research. The aim of the study is met by examining the perceptions newly arrived parents have of their meeting with the Swedish school, the relationship with their children?s teacher, cooperation, collaboration between home and school, as well as their own influence in their children's learning.

Folkbibliotek och resursfördelning. En jämförande studie av sju folkbibliotek i Uppsala kommun.

Allocation of funds to public libraries is uneven and this study will try to explain the reasons and clarify why the allocations of funds are distributed like they are and what calculations influenced the financial apportionment. This master thesis accounts for allocation in seven public libraries in Uppsala. The study shows that one reason for uneven allocations is demographic. Another reason is that the library has come into a good or bad circle. There are no models for allocation of funds to public libraries in Uppsala, thats why their allocations are given after a percentage increase of earlier years allocations, and that leads to a good or bad circle.

Hedervärda kvinnor och vördnadsvärda män : Kön och trovärdighet i tre sennmedeltida svenska mirakelberättelser

The purpose of this essay is to look upon the gender structure in Sweden, during the late Middle Ages. Mainly I focus on how the church viewed men and women, since the material of my research, the miracle stories of three saints, was found credible and was written down by churchmen. The saints, whose miracles I have studied, are Birgitta Birgersdotter and Katarina Ulfsdotter of Vadstena and Niklas Hermansson of Linköping. These miracles have earlier been studied by the historian Anders Fröjmark, who has noticed that there are fewer heeled women than men figuring in the miracles. Because of this, Fröjmark draws the conclusion that women were less able to leave their homes and travel as pilgrims to the holy sites of the saints.

Sport manager : en kartläggning av rollen inom golf och ishockey

Att det har hänt väldigt mycket inom idrotten sedan dess start vet vi, men frågan är hur idrotten kommer att utvecklas i framtiden? Ett begrepp som blivit alltmer modernt inom svensk idrott på senare år är Sport management. Med tanke på att management eller sport inte är några nya företeelser så är sport management eller management of sport heller inga nya företeelser. För flera tusen år sedan anordnades matcher och tävlingar som arrangerades av managers. Idag har kommersialiseringen och professionaliseringen ökat och vuxit sig allt starkare inom den nationella idrottssektorn.

Statistik, nyckeltal och mätmetoder ? Vad ger de för bild av bibliotekens verksamhet?

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to investigate how library statistics, performance measurement and indicators represent the modern public library activity. During the last decades the public library has gone through a lot of changes. Information overall has increased and new technology has been introduced into the library. This new development has had effects on the library users. The statistics reported to the Statens kulturråd (National Arts Council) has not changed in the same way.

Motivation : Hur motiverar en butikschef inom detaljhandeln sina anställda i syfte att förbättra kundservicen samt öka försäljningen

Intense competition and pressure from various market participants is prevalent in today?s modern and technologically developed society. It is important to keep a high standard of service and customer care to be able to keep your position on the market. The focus of the paper is to study how a store manager can influence their employees to perform better on the job, in terms of service to customers and increased sales. The aim is to analyze the different tools store managers use to motivate their employees with the goal of improving service to the customer and to increase sales.

Den professionella kommunikatören : En undersökning av svenska kommunikations-ansvarigas syn på sitt arbete jämfört med de formuleringar som anges i Stockholm Accords

The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish Public Relations and Communication profession from the Stockholm Accords point of view. The Stockholm Accords are an attempt to reflect Public Relations and Communication Management practice as it stands today and to provide a global common ground for the practitioners.The method used for this study is a quantitative research method conducted by a web survey answered by more than 400 Swedish communication managers. The questions posed were examining these managers view of their profession compared to the Stockholm Accords.The research shows that the Swedish way of implementing communication in the organization broadly corresponds to the Stockholm Accords when it comes to internal and external communication. However, there are some areas where Swedish communication practice diverges from Stockholm Accords. The issues which link governance, management and sustainability to communication have a much wider distribution of responses.

Dubbla karriärer : Elitidrottsstudenters uppfattningar om kombinationen elitidrott och akademiska studier

Retiring from elite sport can be a difficult and disruptive process for an elite athlete. To improve the quality of the transition after retirement, elite athletes are recommended to have dual careers which mean they combine their sport with education to be prepared for a new career when they retire from elite sport. To help elite student-athletes with this combination, universities and sport organizations provide different kind of support. This study was conducted and aimed to investigate elite athletes? perceptions of support offered by a university in Sweden and the elite athletes? perceptions of combining top level sport and academic studies.

Likhet och särart - en studie av Internationella biblioteket och dess besökare ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv

The underlying purpose of this study is to see whether a library focused solely on providing literature in other languages than Swedish serves as a unifying, integrating force, or as an agent for division and exclusion. The study focuses on the International Library in Stockholm. The authors have created a profile of the visitors of the selected library, concerning their characteristics, their library habits and their perceptions of the International library. This profile has then been compared with the staff?s perception of the visitors as a group.

Millennials- Den nya och krävande generationen

Psykologisk forskning visar på att unga medarbetare, den så kallade Millennialgenerationen, efterfrågar en annan typ av ledarskap än deras äldre föregångare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga medarbetares föreställningar om transformativt ledarskap samt i vilken utsträckning dessa föreställningar motiverar dem i arbetet. Hypotes: Transformativt ledarskap är gynnsamt för unga vuxnas motivation på arbetsplatsen jämfört med andra ledarstilar så som laissez-faire och transaktionellt ledarskap. Undersökningsmetoden som använts var en webbaserad enkätdesign med 28 deltagare i åldrarna 20-38. Resultatet stödjer studiens syfte och hypotes, det transformativa ledarskapet var det som motiverade unga vuxna mest på arbetsplatser.

Case Managements spridning i kommunala organisationer : En organisatorisk förändring inom socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to comprehend and explain the idea and function of Case Management and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. More specifically its aim was to investigate factors for the diffusion of Case Management and its differences to similar professional roles. The study was based on interviews with four managers at various levels and two case managers representing two municipalities in Sweden. Five themes were identified that were especially interesting when discussing the function of Case Management, its differences to similar professional roles and its diffusion in Swedish municipalities. The themes were: shortcomings in the welfare system, the functions of Case Management, differences to similar professional roles, descriptions of Case Management and factors for the diffusion.

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