

4572 Uppsatser om Perceived occupational status scale - Sida 56 av 305

Environmental work in preschools : three case studies in Uppsala

Environmental issues are global problems and they are a major challenge for any successful organizational business worldwide. Many challenges and opportunities emerge during the certification process of an EMS. Therefore it is interesting to contribute in understanding these emerging problems during this process.The aim of this study is to explore how the environmental objectives could be achieved at preschools in Uppsala, investigate the perceived challenges and opportunities and to identify the outcome of implementing the ISO 14001, Green Flag at such set up.A qualitative method is used and three Green Flag certified preschools, affiliated to the Uppsala Municipality and located at different geographical location were selected. A structured interview with the environmental representatives from the preschools and the municipality was completed. The so-called PDCA-cycle as a method of evaluating sustainable development and analysing the imperial data is used.The study showed that environmental certification constitutes a great challenge for the municipality of Uppsala.

Expertis, service och autonomi : Analys av professionalisering och professionalism i bibliotekarieyrket

The purpose of this study is to examine and compare librarian profession with different professional theories. The intention is to describe how the librarian profession meets the different professional criteria and to what extent the librarian profession can be said to be professional in expertise, service and autonomy. Nolin?s modern theory provides an opportunity to analyze occupational groups based on professionalized basic concepts. The analysis of relevant material showed that the librarian is a service profession with high skills, but does not hold a high degree of autonomy.

Den Bortglömda Kanalen

The matter of CSR and sustainable products has gained an increased amount of interest in recent years as "green products" are becoming a trend with more "eco"-alternatives in the assortment of many retailers. However, among the increasing number of socially oriented customers, it seems that although they claim an increased demand for these kind of products, its easier to "talk the talk" that to actually "walk the walk". This is due to a discrepancy between attitude and behavior, called the attitude-behavior gap. The purpose of this paper is to examine how to overcome this gap by using three different studies to get a nuanced and reality-based view of the problem. The focus within these different studies is on the potential effects inside the store and how information provided has an effect on perceived credibility and purchase intention.

Hussvamp : Skadeverkan och tänkbar ökning i Kronobergs län

Serpula lacrymans infestation has become an increasingly common problem, and is usually perceived as a tip of an iceberg.During the 21st century there has been a perceived increase of damage caused by serpula lacrymans, at AB Mats Fransson Saneringstjänst ? Anticimex in the county of Kronoberg. A similar increase has also been noted by employees at the offices in Kalmar, Karlstad, Piteå, Stockholm, Malmö, Söderhamn, Halmstad and Visby.The methods used to collect data for the project has been interviews with a number, for the project, relevant key persons, such as analysis engineers at Trygghansa and Anticimex, as well as personnel at the botanical institution at Gothenburg University and the Botaniska Analysgruppen in Gothenburg, further statistics from SMHI and analyses of reported instances of infestations have been used.The majority of the people interviewed believe that the increase is caused by renovations of old houses, higher precipitation during the summer months, as well as a moister climate and warmer winters. The latter can also be gleaned from statistics from SMHI concerning temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity.Analysed damage reports show that the most common cause for the infestation is ground moisture, even when combined wooden materials.Older houses that where built around 1900 are the ones most frequently infested with serpula lacrymans. The part of the building most frequently infested is the foundation, where cellars and suspended foundation are the most common types to be infested.

Och kvinna : en kritisk analys av den mediala diskursen kring kvinnliga politiker

The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media’s discursive representations of female politicians in Swedish printed media. The focus of the analysis is to show if, and how these images can be understood and interpreted in terms of a socially constructed gender stereotyped suborder. The paper takes it's theoretical and methodological departure in the discourse analysis, which is combined with feminist political theory. Feminist political theory is concretised in the use of what Yvonne Hirdman calls the "gender system" which arranges the sexes into their respective genders and is based upon two rules/principles/logics: 1) the rule of distinctive separation, and 2) the male norm. Closely related to the aim of the paper lies also the critical theoretic assumption that people has to be aware of their own part in the production and reproduction of the discourse in order to change make a change.

Business Intelligence inom humanitära organisationer

Several studies has identified the locker room experience as a potential deterrent for participation in physical education. Both psychological and physical issues arise due to several factors. Psychological issues include different kinds of verbal and physical violations, comparisons between pupils, feeling of vulnerability along with a stressful schedule. The physical environment can contribute to negative experience for pupils in terms of filthy premises and cold showers. These factors may contribute to higher absentee rates in physical education.

Genus i relation till stress. En tvärsnittsstudie om stress och folkhälsa ur ett genusperspektiv

BAKGRUND: Stress är ett nutida folkhälsoproblem som drabbar båda könen även om individer reagerar med olika symptom när de utsätts för olika stressorer. Forskning visar att stressorer skiljer sig åt för män och kvinnor och att de hanterar dem på olika sätt. Stress har visat sig påverka utveckling av sjukdom och dödlighet och har således betydelse församhällets vårdkostnader och sociala utgifter. Det saknas i dagsläget forskning som undersöker stress ur ett genusperspektiv och dess konsekvenser för den upplevda hälsan. SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att med mätinstrumentet Percieved Stress Scale undersökaom genus påverkar stress hos män och kvinnor eller om stressen beror på individen eller miljön.

När det sociala tar överhanden ? en explorativ studie om Facebookberoende bland gymnasieungdomar.

Facebook. Ett fenomen som på relativt kort tid fått en allt större inverkan påmänniskors liv. Men vad händer när det tar överhanden? När vad som var tänktsom en social plattform för att hålla kontakt med vänner blir till ett beroende? Denhär explorativa studien utforskar Facebook-beroende bland vad som enligt tidigareforskning anses vara en riskgrupp: gymnasieungdomar. Hur stor andel avgymnasieungdomarna skulle kunna vara beroende av Facebook, och finns detaspekter av deras fritidsliv, umgängespreferenser, hälsa och Facebook-användandesom verkar kunna bidra till ett beroende? Med hjälp av en kvantitativ ansats dären översatt version av den norska Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale har delats ut ienkätform undersöks Facebook och dess inverkan på gymnasieungdomar på enskola i Göteborgsområdet, och resultaten visar att en betydande andel avgymnasieungdomarna skulle kunna vara beroende av Facebook.

Andlighet och sociala stödets betydelse för att sluta med narkotika : Upplevelser om 12 stegsprogrammet

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Wild boar paradise : What makes the Swedish wild boar reproduce more or less successfully?

Due to the growing wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) population in Sweden there has been an increase in wild boar related traffic accidents, damage on cropland, and conflicts regarding the management of the wild boar. Knowing what makes the wild boar reproduce and survive more or less successfully in different geographic areas is an important part of managing the population. According to previous studies the wild boars rate of increase varies from county to county. The aim of this study was to test, on the county scale level, if landscape composition and diversity as well as people and hunter densities might be the reason for this variation. The first hypothesis was that a big proportion of forests and cropland would increase the rate of increase.

Mer än ett pris - : En studie om information, uppfattningar och användning av internpriser.

Background: When companies decentralize their operations into profit centers, transfer pricing often becomes an integral part in intracompany trade. A profit center may affect both revenues and costs and seek to maximize profit. Transfer Pricing is a complex subject because it is affected by a large number of factors including the profit centers will to generate profits. This leads us to the subject of decision-making in a transfer pricing-systems. On what grounds are decisions made? Are transfer pricing purposes, factors and interests taken into consideration? What type of information is used in such decisions, how is the transfer price issue perceived and how is it used?Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze which type of information that is makes up transfer prices, how the transfer price is perceived by different parties and how it is used for decision-making.Completion: A qualitative study has been performed with current theory as a starting point.

Underlåtenhet att avslöja och hindra brott : ­­Ett kompletterande verktyg vid fleras deltagande i brott eller en oanvändbar kvarleva?

En uppsats som behandlar obehörig vinst och dess tillämpning i svensk rätt idag. Från att ha  varit ett kritiserat institut i den svenska juridiken har den de senaste åren fått mer genomslag och en mer accepterad status..

Bakgrundens betydelse för individens kost- och aktivitetsvanor

Övervikt och fetma hos den vuxna befolkningen är ett växande hälsoproblem i stora delar av västvärlden. Utvecklingen i Sverige är likartad. Även bland barn och ungdomar har andelen individer med övervikt och fetma ökat mycket de senaste decennierna. Ett ökat intag av energirik mat i kombination med ett alltmer stillasittande liv är viktiga faktorer.I stora delar av befolkningen i Sverige verkar dock den stora ökningen ha stannat av och till och med minskat. Undantag från denna positiva förändring utgör vissa grupper med individer med låg socioekonomisk status.

Tidsmaskinen och rörligt arbetsliv : En studie om kommunikationsteknologier och rumsligt gränslösa arbetsliv

This essay is a time-geographic study of workinglife mobilities and investigates two days of work for five respondents. One from home and the other from the persons workingplace. Qualitative and quantitative methods has been applied to illustrate and analyze the two days along with time-geographic constraints. The findings are concluded into themes which represent the two local pockets of order: Home and Workplace. Themes of home are: Comfort station, Household, Curtained-off, Tele-contact and Environment.

Jag måste få bäst ? Upplevda skolrelaterade prestationskrav hos barn i år 8 i områden med hög socioekonomisk status

Högstadieelever kan antas uppleva skolrelaterade prestationskrav och forskningen tyder på att höga krav hos unga kan hänga samman med ökad risk för psykisk ohälsa (Rose & Perski, 2008). Syftet var att få en bild av upplevda skolrelaterade prestationskrav hos barn i år 8 samt möjliga uppkomst- och vidmakthållandefaktorer avseende dessa krav. Data insamlades via semistrukturerade intervjuer med 20 elever från skolor i områden med hög socioekonomisk status och bearbetades genom omväxlande induktiv respektive deduktiv tematisk analys. Analysen resulterade i teman kring barnens egna upplevda prestationskrav samt möjliga uppkomst- och vidmakthållandefaktorer, såväl externa som individrelaterade, till dessa krav. Det faktum att barnen befinner sig i tonåren uppfattades som en etablerande omständighet.

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