

4572 Uppsatser om Perceived occupational status scale - Sida 31 av 305

Fosforläckage från växtodling - orsaker och ågärder :

Phosphorus is essential to all plants and is taken up from the soil as the ion H2PO4 - (and to some extent HPO42-). Plant availability depends on, among other factors, the soil pH. In order to provide for plant available phosphorus, it is applied as mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure. However, that causes phosphorus leaching from arable land to surrounding surface waters and lakes and contributes to the eutrofication. There are three types of soils in Sweden that are at higher risk of contributing to phosphorus leakage.

Självobjektifiering och självkänsla hos medelålders kvinnor och män

Idag lever vi i en kultur där vi objektifierar våra kroppar och utseendet blir allt viktigare. Idealen är orealistiska och det kan leda till skamkänslor, kroppsmissnöje, depression och lägre självkänsla. Studien undersökte hur relationen mellan självobjektifierng och självkänsla ser ut hos medelålders kvinnor och män.  Enkätstudien omfattade 111 personer mellan 40 och 65 år. Av dessa var 68 kvinnor och 43 män. Som mätinstrument användes ?The Self-Objectification Questionnaire?, en skala som mäter självobjektifiering och ?Basic Self-esteem Scale? samt ?Earning Self-esteem Scale? som båda mäter självkänsla.

PLUG-IN : small scale design process

This degree project is a realization of a strategy for collaboration between an industrial designer and employed workmen of a producing company. The collaboration aims to engage everyone involved in the co-authorship of a products design and manufacturing history. The realization has taken place in an open dialogue where the designer no longer owns the design process by himself. The project has been carried out in cooperation with the company Iris Hantverk. The company is owned by the Swedish body for visually impaired and has their main production facility in Stockholm.

Ekologisk och småskalig uppfödning av slaktkyckling och kalkon i Sverige :

In Sweden in January 2005, there is only one producer of organic broilers and none of organic turkeys. But there are, on the other hand, a few small-scale producers whose housing systems to some extent are similar to what is stipulated in the organic standards. The aims of this work are to investigate what housing systems are used by the Swedish small-scale producers of broilers and turkeys, what main challenges they are confronted with and if there is an interest and a possibility for a change-over to organic production. For the first part of this work a literature study was performed with the purpose of detecting the main health problems in conventional as well as smallscale production. A special focus was on coccidiosis and leg weakness as those were considered to be of particular importance. A study was made of Swedish small-scale poultry production units. In two groups of broilers from the same producer and in three flocks of turkeys the level of Eimeria oocysts in faeces and litter was investigated.

Flickors kroppsuppfattning och måltidsmönster : Förändring under pubertet och moderns betydelse

Within the ambulance care in Uppsala County a vacuum splint is used to immobilize fractures on extremities. The research available on which method of immobilizing to prefer during pre-hospital treatment is limited. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the perceptions of the ambulance personal in Uppsala County on the issue of usability of SAM-splint and vacuum splint when immobilizing extremities. The project was also aimed at researching if SAM-splint could be seen as an alternative or a complement to vacuum splint, and to get an apprehension on any evident differences in patients? perceived pain when treated with the two different approaches. A descriptive comparative study was carried out. All patients, regardless of age and sex, with the need of immobilizing supposed fractures, were included.  Patients with suspected femur fracture, collum fracture, or where pre-hospital care was not possible or in question, was excluded.

Historien längs tuvor och slingriga vägar : En jämförande studie av tematisk och kronologisk undervisning i historia för gymnasieskolan

In the following study the author compares two methods of teaching history, the thematic approach and a more traditional chronological approach. Aiming at distinguishing the perceived notions of strength and weaknesses of each method, from the perspective of teaching, the author uses semi-structural interviews with four teachers in order to shed light on the reasons why each method is chosen. The perceptions of the thematical and chronological method in teaching history are further compared with the result in students? grades. The result shows that the thematic method is perceived as being better at teaching the student about causality and different understandings of changes in history, which would have positive impact on higher grades.

En skola för alla : Pedagogers syn på integrering och inkludering av särskoleelever i grundskolan

This study examines the cultural place and status of video and computer games in the Swedish public library. Using works on popular culture and the theories of Pierre Bourdieu, this study employs quantitative methods, as well as textual analysis, to analyze the results of an online questionnaire with 19 questions focusing on selection criteria, shelf placement, perceived competence, as well as reasoning for having or not having these games in the library. 286 out of the 440 libraries contacted is participating in the study, and the libraries consist exclusively of public libraries in Sweden that are found in the database of the Royal Library.The results of this study show that a larger number of libraries than previously indicated have started to provide electronic games to their patrons. At the same time, patterns in the data and comments suggests that these games in many cases still do not enjoy the same level of cultural recognition as other media. Indicative of this is the way most libraries seem to focus on the medium being exclusively for their young patrons, with seem-ingly very little in the way of investment for adults.

Kunskap och självvärdering : En experimentell studie av självkänsla

Tidigare forskning har påvisat att självkänslan är möjlig att tillfälligt förändra. Detta har undersökts genom experimentella studier där manipulationer av olika slag har genomförts. Manipulationerna har bestått av indirekta undersökningar om prestation och andra direkta undersökningar om individernas självuppfattning.Studien undersökte om direkt och indirekt manipulation påverkade självkänslan i två experiment. I Experiment 1 användes kunskapstest i geografi och i Experiment 2 skulle deltagarna avgöra om positiva eller negativa egenskaper passade dem. Resultatet visade att varken geografikunskaper eller egenskaper påverkade självkänslan.

Idrottslig prestation och ekonomisk ställning : En sambandsstudie i fotbollsklubbar

Purpose: Examine if there is a connection between the athletic performance and the financial status in football clubs.Theoretical perspectives: This thesis is based on the theory that the modern football club is like every other company trying to maximize profit. The clubs should therefore use the same business strategies.Empirical foundation: The study is based on 25 observations over five years and five Allsvenska football clubs. The data is a compilation of the key ratios from the annual reports and the league table, years 2004 through 2008 in the clubs. Year 2009?s league table place is also included since tests have been done with one year?s displacement between the financial status and the league table.Conclusion:There is no correlation between solidity and the place in the league table in Allsvenska football clubs.There is no correlation between net profit and the place in the league table in Allsvenska football clubs.There is no correlation between equity and the place in the league table in Allsvenska football clubs..

Kiviksgraven : analys av dess historia och framtid sett utifrån bevaringsfrågor

This essay focuses upon the Kivik monument and its conservation difficulties, since its discovery at 1748 until modern time. The Kivik monument is found in southeast of Scania, and dated within the Bronze Age period. The perspective of the conservation on the monument has merely been on the monuments inner cist of stone and the rock carvings on the cist-slabs. When the monument was first archaeological examined at 1931, its sizeable cairn (75 m in diameter) had almost vanished and the cist was sheltered by a casing of concrete and metal roof. Between 1932 and 1933 the monument has undergone a large-scale restoration, and this criticized restoration resulted in a low antiquarian value with the responsible authority.

Den informella kommunikationens betydelse för de anställdas välbefinnande på Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB på Tetra Pak i Lund

Work is an important part of the lives of humans, fulfilling several functions; it establishes possibilities to interaction and to feeling as belonging to a context, it gives structure to time and space, creates common goals and it leads to a general well-being in individuals. For the well-being of employees it is essential with recuperation in a pleasant environment where you under relaxing and informal forms have a chance to interact with colleagues. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent the employees of Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB at Tetra Pak in Lund experience that the informal communication during the coffee-break contributes to their well-being. The aim was also to distinguish if this potential well-being effects how the employees experience how work in general makes them feel. The hypothesis of the study is that the coffee-break effects the well-being in a positive way, and that it has a positive effect on how work in general makes the employees feel.

Spektakulärt dålig smak : Om representation av smak, status och klass i svensk reality-TV

I denna studie undersöks hur smak, status och klass uttrycks i reality-TV-programmen Färjan (Kanal 5) och Danspalatset Playa del Sol (TV3). I program som dessa får vi följa människor som åker på kryssningar, semestrar och shoppar, alltmedan vi förväntas skratta åt dem. De ämnen som dessa program behandlar är tätt förbundna med en förståelse av klass. Syftet med denna uppsats är således att belysa klassaspekter och smakhierarkier. Vidare kommer representationen av smak diskuteras i relation till klass och status. Utifrån denna förståelse av klass som relaterat till smak och status skall sedan klasspositionering i programmen undersökas.

Heliga vatten : Vattencentrerad kult och vattnets symbolik under Skandinaviens kristnande

This essay aims to explore continuity in water centric cult within the period of the Christianization of Scandinavia (ca 800-1100 AD) and to understand the changing of symbolism of water in pre-Christian cult and early Christian religion. It has previously been thought that Christian priests took over the old holy wells and renamed them after saint, all to ease the pagan people into a Christian lifestyle. But archaeological evidence shows that the cult at these wells, and other water centric sites, where almost completely abandoned a few hundred years before the Christians came to Scandinavia. The Christians should not have felt the need to transform this tradition since it was only practiced in a very small and supposedly private scale. On the contrary, religious activities at these wells seems to increase with the new religion and perhaps this is explained by Christianity itself.

"Jo men det är ju en betong? : En kvalitativ studie om pojkars syn på och attityd till polisen studerat utifrån socialekologisk teori

Denna studie undersöker pojkars syn på och attityd till polisen genom sju kvalitativa intervjuer med pojkar i åldrarna 15-19 år. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är socialekologisk teori, utvecklad av Shaw och McKay, där deras beskrivning av hur brottslighetens omfattning skiljer sig i olika delar av staden ligger till grund för att två kommuner i Stockholms län valdes ut för denna studie. Teorin beskriver att ungdomar som lever i de mer utsatta områdena ofta övertar normer och värderingar ifrån personer i detta område. Detta gör att attityder till polisen kan antas ärvas via personer i området vilka torde se olika ut i olika utsatta områden. Detta gör denna studie kriminologiskt relevant då syftet var att undersöka huruvida ungdomars bild av polisen skiljer sig i kommuner med olika nivåer av socioekonomisk status.

Upplevt hälsotillstånd och arbetssituation relaterat till ländryggsbesvär bland poliser

SAMMANFATTNINGLändryggsbesvär är generellt vanligt förekommande i befolkningen och samhällsekonomiskt kostsamt. Riskfaktorer för ländryggsbesvär beskrivs vara flerdimensionella, där nämns främst arbetsrelaterade och psykosociala faktorer. Poliser är en yrkesgrupp där arbetssjukdomar rapporteras vanligt förekommande oavsett kön. Trots det är polisers arbetssituation dåligt utforskad. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga upplevt hälsotillstånd och arbetssituation bland utryckningspoliser med fokus på ländryggsbesvär, som underlag för preventiva åtgärder.

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