

1843 Uppsatser om Perceived norms - Sida 39 av 123

Vad gör vissa medarbetare mer benägna att sluta än andra? : En studie om hur medarbetares organisationsidentifikation och yrkesstatus påverkar deras intentioner att lämna sin organisation.

Lojalitet gentemot arbetsgivare har tidigare ansetts vara en merit för anställda, medan det i dagens arbetsliv kan upplevas vara mer av en belastning. Lojala medarbetare får ofta en sämre löneutveckling och blir mindre attraktiva på arbetsmarknaden än de som med jämna mellanrum byter arbetsplats, vilket kan vara en orsak till att organisationer idag har problem med personalomsättningar där individer lämnar sina anställningar i snabbare takt än vad som förväntas. Detta ställer höga krav på organisationer att arbeta strategiskt med sitt personalarbete för att rekrytera rätt personal samt behålla dem. Studiens syfte var att undersöka varför vissa individer är mer benägna till att lämna sina organisationer än andra. Detta genomfördes genom att kvantitativt studera variablerna organisationsidentifikation, upplevd yrkesstatus och dess korrelation med individens intention att lämna sin organisation.

Klientinflytande vid fastighetsvärdering

The aim of this study was to examine young adult cannabis users? attitudes towards cannabis and their perception of the normalization of cannabis. The purpose was also to explore how their views of cannabis correspond with norms regarding cannabis. This study is based on interviews with five young adult cannabis users. The theoretical framework is based on Parker?s normalization thesis, Goffman?s notion of stigma, Becker?s definition of outsiders and the definition of social identity developed by Stone.

Socialarbetares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM: ur ett genusperspektiv

The law (1988:870) concerning care of substance abusers is constructed in a way that gives the social workers room to interpret and apply the law individually. This may contribute to differences in treatment between female and male substance abusers. The purpose of the essay was to investigate whether the client's gender had any significance to how the social worker interpret and apply the law (LVM).The specific questions we worked around were:- What significance does the client's gender have in the decision-making?- Does the social worker's opinion about the law have any significance?- What factors can effect the social worker's interpretation and application of the law?- What importance do the social workers attach to prevailing norms about men and women when they interpret and apply the law?We chose to use a qualitative method to answer the above questions. Six social workers were interviewed and 39 LVM sentences were analysed.

"Så därför förbjöd vi dom" - Hur lärare motiverar regler och normer

Tumpach, Mikael och Williams, Adam, (2006). Så därför förbjöd vi dom, hur lärare motiverar regler och normer. (That´s why they were forbidden, how teachers motivate rules and norms). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur lärare implementerar de regler och normer som ska gälla i klassrummet och hur motiveringen till ställningstagandet kan se ut. Arbetet behandlar vad lärare vid en grundskola 7-9 tagit i åtanke när de implementerat de regler och normer som ska gälla i klassrummet och hur motiveringen till ställningstagandet kan se ut.

Libyenkrisen ? en humanitär intervention? : En kvalitativ textanalys som syftar till att förklara motiven bakom NATO:s och FN:s beslut att intervenera Libyen

Humanitarian intervention is a concept that generates several problems in our time. The idea of humanitarian intervention concerns the modern norms of sovereignty and noninterventional principals. It also concerns the conventional norm, which declares that states are not allowed to interfere in other states? internal affairs. The use of military force to implement humanitarian intervention is restricted according to international law.

"Yes! Man kan bli kranförare." : - En studie av manligt tolkningsföreträde i svensk inrikesnyhetsjournalistik

The free press is an invaluable part of the democratic society and a pillar stone in the creation of ideas, opinions and norms. According to theories such as agenda-setting and framing the media have a significant influence on people?s perspectives and opinions. With this view of media along with the gender system provided by Yvonne Hirdman as a framework, this study intends to examine the gender representation in Swedish domestic news journalism. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of two major Swedish morning papers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, where the gender representation regarding journalists, main news sources and pictures are being accounted for.

Mervärden inom svensk nötköttsproduktion : kommunikation och drivkrafter

Today a lot of consumer and media interest lie in food production. Food is something everyone of us has a relationship to hence foodstuff and their making is a topic of current interest.Cattle?s rearing is one of many factors that have begun to play a bigger role when consumersare selecting beef from the shops? meat counters. This may well be a result of productdiversification and greater investments towards marketing. Many cattle rearers considerseveral grounds for added values being linked to their products and consumers are becomingmore aware of these primary sector related added values.

Private-Public Partnerships (PPP) : collaborating for a sustainable business in Sweden

In theory, the logic behind partnerships is simple: All organisations have strengths, but no organisation has all the strength required to do everything. Triggered by global perspectives and challenged by sustainability objectives, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 pointed out needs for corporate responsibility. In this conference, Private-public partnership, PPP, was identified as a potential way to work towards sustainability, especially as a way to emphasize a corporate responsibility commitment. Nowadays, organizations exist to satisfy the needs and interests of all their stakeholders, such as customers, markets, shareholders, as well as secondary stakeholders such as media, NGOs, and society at large. Addressing all stakeholders and working towards a sustainable business development makes PPP a potential solution, but also a source of challenges.

Tankar om pedagogrollen : en vetenskaplig essä om vad som utmärker en god pedagog i dagens förskola

In this essay I reflect on what makes a good preschool teacher today. I discuss the importance of education, the importance of experience and practical knowledge, but also the importance of capacity for self-reflection and listening. I bring up examples from my workplace, where some think more about their limitations than on what and how much they actually can. Others are more satisfied by what they can and see less of their limits. Some are also lack of the will to see differently and to do changes.

Corporate Social Responsibility - ett sätt att skapa förtroende?

This essay recognizes and criticizes a commonly held assumption that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) functions as a ?savings account of trust? between corporations and consumers. Based on five focus group interviews, the authors discuss how corporations that engage in society can sometimes raise and sometimes destroy the trust of potential consumers. One of our main findings is that CSR seems to raise the expectations among consumers. We then compare this phenomenon with the classical theory of the disconfirmation paradigm.

Rollspråk i dubbning och undertextning : En analys av rollspråket i den japanska undertextningen och dubbningen av en svensk barnfilm

I Japan är s.k. rollspråk, dvs. stereotypt språk kopplat till en viss typ av karaktär, vanligt i material riktat till barn, såsom barnfilmer. Trots att rollspråk som forskningsområde är relativt nytt finns ett antal studier som behandlar rollspråk i litterära översättningar, undertextningar och dubbningar till japanska. Få eller inga har dock jämfört hur rollspråket påverkar karaktäriseringen dels i undertexterna, dels i dubbningen av en och samma film.Denna uppsats analyserar japansk undertextning och dubbning av den svenska barnfilmen Du är inte klok Madicken och finner att båda versionerna använder rollspråk på ett liknande sätt för att förenkla karaktäriseringen och framhäva de kvinnliga karaktärernas femininitet genom bl.a.

Diskursanalys av skoldebatten i svensk press åren 1994 och 2013 : "det är eleverna som har rätt att välja skola, det är inte skolan som har rätt att välja elever"

In the two years 1994 and 2013 the focus of the Swedish media in the school debate has been on segregation, freedom of choice, and support for weak students. In 2013 while the media was still united on the above issues the overall emphasis is on profitability. In 1994 the focus was more on weak students who in 2013 are considered unprofitable.The purpose of this essay is to study the Swedish media and their debate on Swedish schools and witch concepts related to "one school that fits all" in the year 1994 and also in 2013.We have analysed related articles and their concepts, norms, and values to see if there are any differences between their focus on the said issues in the two years.We have also studied the ideas and concepts that came under scrutiny and discussion in these two years, and shall investigate if there are differences in the debates conducted in 1994 and those conducted in 2013..

Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationellt Sverige

The essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.

Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationelltSverigePerihan

AbstractThe essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.

?Thy sanningen bliwfer ändånäst Gudz hielp alltid ochallena bestående.? : Naturrättsliga influenser i några karolinskakrigares källor kring 1700.

This study aims to describe the influence of natural law on the common concept of justiceamongst Swedish officers around 1700. Through this study I intend to establish that therewere discrepancies and expressions of other norms in 17th and 18th century military culture.Both from natural law but also from Christian belief. A secondary aim is to establish howsuch variances were manifested and how they can be explained.A few theoretical starting-points have been used as a guide in developing the purpose andrelevant questions for this study. I intend to describe the key features of the concept of naturallaw as thoroughly as needed, through relevant legal literature. The next step will be to mapthese outlines against texts from the time, through a qualitative close reading.This study has investigated, at least, seven diaries from the time.

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