

1841 Uppsatser om Peace building - Sida 41 av 123

Det trettioåriga kriget i tyska och svenska uppslagsverk 1845-2005

In this essay I compare the description of the Thirty Years? War in a number of German and Swedish encyclopedias published between 1854 and 2005. The essay is a historiographical research with focus on three areas; the description of the war background, the reason of the Swedish intervention in the war and the picture of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf with the consequences of the war and the peace of Westphalia. I want to analyze the differences and similarities in the way the history is being told in the German and Swedish encyclopedias. The research shows a transformation from a narrative, nationalistic, partial description with focus on individuals and specific events to a more analytical and objective description with focus on structures.

Hur varumärkeskapital kan byggas via apotek - En fallstudie av Ferrosans varumärkeskommunikationsstrategi

Purpose: The aim of this study is to test four different hypotheses from the aspect of the title of this paper. H 1 Consumers trust the pharmacy employees? advice and suggestions for their purchase decisions more than the brand awareness they have received through the companies marketing communication H 2 Consumers are enough affected of a company?s marketing communication to choose their brand even if the pharmacy employees recommend other brands. H 3 Building brand equity through pharmacies can only be successful if the company has built up a trust for their brand among the pharmacy employees. H 4 Without building brand equity the marketing communication strategy for Ferrosan cannot increase their brand value and create loyalty. Methodology: The research method that was chosen is a detective argumentation that starts from theories and explain different parameters regarding the subject I am concentration on. It is a case study where the companies branding strategy towards pharmacies in Sweden is analyzed bys a mix of semi-structured interviews, documentation analysis and a quantitative research . Theoretical framework: The theoretical model that has been prepared gives me the possibility to analyze different parameters regarding branding that are important when building a brand in an new market.

Värmeförluster vid utvändigt placerade ventilationssystem

To be able to handle tomorrows need for limited energy consumption we need to reduce our use of energy. The building sector stands for around 40 % of all energy consumption in the society. The government has put up a goal to reduce the energy consumption in our buildings with 20 % by year 2020 and 50 % by year 2050 compared with year 1995. To be able to do reach that goal we need a more energy efficient building stock.The main part of the energy used in our buildings is used for space heating. By installing ventilation systems with heat recovery on the exhaust air it is possible to use the heat-energy in the exhaust air to warm up the incoming air.

Utveckling av krigföringens principer i små stater. : Fallet Sverige

ABSTRACT:The aim of this essay is to analyze whether the development of the Principles of War in small states´ doctrine has been influenced by the doctrinal development of alliances after the start of an international cooperation.The author suggests that the development of the Principles of War can be understood through theories of doctrinal development. The theory used for this analysis states that small states depend on alliances, such as NATO, and therefore adapt their doctrine to better match the doctrine of the alliance. Since the Principles of War are the foundation of doctrine, such an adaption should lead to an adaption of the Principles of War as well.The analysis will be made using Swedish Army field manuals as a basis. These will be compared to NATO´s, in order to see whether or not Sweden has adapted its Principles of War following its membership of the Partnership for Peace.The results show that today the Swedish Principles of War are more similar to NATO´s than they were in 1982, which suggests that they have been adapted to better match those used by NATO. Although this essay does not analyze the reasons why, the results imply that theories of doctrinal development also include the development of principles of war.

Byggkonstruktion i förskolan. : En studie om 4-5 åringars intresse och förkunskaper till byggkonstruktion.

Denna studie syftar till att se på hur barn tar sig an konstruktionsritningar i jämförelse med fritt byggande i en lekfull gruppmiljö. Tidigare forskning visar skillnad mellan mängden män och kvinnor i tekniska yrken och även män och kvinnors inställning till de tekniska ämnena. Vissa forskare visar också på åldersskillnader mellan hur barn lär sig tekniska ämnen. Tar fyra- och femåringar frivilligt sig an konstruktionsritningar, följer dem och färdigställer de konstruktionen? Studien har särskilt tittat på om det fanns skillnader mellan flickorna och pojkarna när de byggde? Hur påverkar barnens eget intresse hur de bygger? Om barn, fyra och fem år gamla kan följa bygginstruktioner?Resultatet av denna studie, i viss mån, stödjer tidigare forskning om att det finns en genus aspekt redan i förskoleåldern, pojkarna var mer försekomna och hade lättare för att följa lego instruktioner än flickorna, men frågan kvarstår; varför finns denna skillnad? Förutom genusaspekten fanns det också ett tydligt resultat som visade på skillnad i byggkunskap mellan fyraåringar och femåringar.

Humanitära interventioner. Europeiskt handlingsutrymme i förhållande till ett modernt interventionsbegrepp

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of international conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of international law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community? The conclusion of the thesis is that international law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the nation, but also as a responsibility.

Alternativa byggsystem för att minska transmissionsförlusterna på miljonprogrammets byggnader

The purpose with this project is to explore and verify three renovating systems for Miljonprogrammet (common expression forbuildings constructed during the years 1965-1975 when over a million houses where built in Sweden) to take measure to thelargely transmission losses of these buildings. Many of the buildings from this period have similar constructions and thereforethe same techniques can be used to renovate several of them. This project only considers the climate scale, although thereare many more factors to concern for to efficient the buildings of Miljonprogrammet.This thesis presents examples of renovations carried out using two of the three renovation systems.The essay presents a reference house of choice on which we apply the three systems and calculate the new U-values,consumption of energy and the investment costs. The new U-values the building is given is matched to the values ofrecommendation for passive houses. Our reference house is a two story apartment building, located in the village ofLammhult, with brick facades at the ends and plaster at the long sides.

Säkerhetisering av migration i EU - En studie om hur migranternas mänskliga säkerhet påverkas av européernas samhälleliga osäkerhet

Det blir svårare och svårare för migranter att på laglig väg ta sig till Europa och människor dör varje dag vid Europas gränser. Detta beror, som vi ser det, bland annat på att migrationsfrågan har säkerhetiserats och åtgärder som i normala fall inte accepteras, rättfärdigas för att skydda säkerheten inom Europa. Vi utgår i denna uppsats från de två säkerhetsbegreppen samhällelig säkerhet och mänsklig säkerhet och vårt syfte är att se inom vilka aspekter som säkerhetisering av migration har skett och se vad detta får för påverkan på immigranternas mänskliga säkerhet. De områden vi identifierat där migrationsfrågan har säkerhetiserats är kriminell, ekonomisk, välfärd och kulturell. Denna säkerhetisering påverkar migranterna både på vägen mot Europa och när de väl är där och påverkar såväl illegala som legala migranter.

Effektivare informationshantering hos fastighetsbolag genom ett utökat nyttjande av IT-stöd

Konceptet Building Information Modeling, tillsammans med den snabba IT-utvecklingen ger företag i bygg- och fastighetssektorn möjlighet att utveckla och effektivisera sin verksamhet. Vi tror att det finns utrymme för fastighetsbolag att förbättra och effektivisera sin verksamhet. Ett sätt att utvecklas och nyttja nyare teknologi ser vi i digitalisering av fastigheter där all relevant information ska finns samlad, tillgänglig och ständigt uppdaterad..

Trädgård - en angelägen fråga : Carl Adam von Nolcken, Jordberga gods och trädgårdskulturens främjande i Skåne 1834-1857

Baron Carl Adam von Nolcken was born in 1811. In 1834 he took over Jordberga Estate in the South of Skåne from his father. The estate remained in his possession until his death in 1857. von Nolcken was interested in agriculture and horticulture from an early age and attended the newly started Institute of Agriculture, Degeberg in Västergötland in the early 1830:s. At Degeberg, von Nolcken learnt all about modern farming methods, which he put into practice on his own estate. von Nolcken was one of the persons who during the mid 19th century worked intensely to develop horticulture and the art of gardening in Skåne.

Ett (o)tillåtet undantag eller en (ny)etablerad regel? : - En studie av den nuvarande folkrättsliga regleringen av humanitär intervention

AbstractThis essay has as its purpose to discuss the current legal regulation of the concept of humanitarian intervention. The inconsistencies in the debate over the legal status of this concept, and the legal uncertainty it brings to the acts of states and the lives of their nationals is a motivating factor for the writing of this essay. However, it has been clear from the outset that the concept of humanitarian intervention is intricately connected to political and moral ideas and values. Thus, the attitude taken towards this doctrine will be highly dependent on the perspectives of the state, government or single author representing it.Following this starting point, the aim of this essay is not to present a single answer as to whether humanitarian intervention is, or is not, legal, but to research, compare and analyze the different arguments put forward in this subject in international law today. Hopefully, this will provide the reader of this essay with some insight into the sources of international law of today and how the principles of state sovereignty, non-intervention, the prohibition of force and the protection of human rights relate to the concept of humanitarian intervention.A frank overview of the UN Charter does not support use of force except in the case of self-defence or without a Security Council mandate.

Brodéns bryderier rörande Russells paradox

We follow Torsten Brodén through his writings on Russell's Paradox. By comparing his work to that of his fellow colleagues at the time, we acquire an understanding of the context in which he wrote. Brodén is somewhat unique among contemporary mathematicans in his philosophical approach and thorough treatment of the most fundamental logical building blocks of set theory. With this mindset, he considers Russell's Paradox from a new point of view and believes himself to have successfully found a way to rid the world of it..

Genuspedagogis i Förskolan

Several cities have implemented various projects to improve traffic safety in city centers.During 1970s and 1980s the city centers changed as the suburbs grew and large shopping centers were located outside the center. At the same time, several projects were initiated with construction of pedestrian streets and restriction of traffic in the center. In year 1994,shared-used areas were introduced in Sweden and these areas are often used in center environments.In Sweden, municipalities are responsible for integrating security in public places and in comprehensive plans and detailed development plans. The National Board of Housing,Building and Planning is the authority for administrating planning issues and develop general guidance about planning. Traffic is one of their key issues, although today there are no concrete guidelines from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planningfor the design of traffic safety in city centers.Traffic safety in city centers affects many people because the city center is a public place.It is therefore important that there are current guidelines available that are helpful for changes and improvements in traffic safety in the city center.The purpose of this report is to formulate guidelines for planning city centers from a traffic safety perspective.

Sommargården - Hållbara uppvärmningsalternativ för stugbyn Sommargården, Finnhamn

Finnhamn is a group of islands that are located in the middle north part of Stockholm?s archipelagos. On the main island Stora Jolpan there is a camp called Sommargården, which consists of eleven different buildings in various sizes. The assignment given by the Archipelago foundation (Skärgårdsstiftelsen) is to analyze if it?s benefited to replace Sommargårdens current heating system that consists of electricity radiators, with a more energy efficient heating system. This research is done with help of the literature review and a visit to Finnhamn in order to map Sommargården?s current state and its energy usage.

Från Chiapas till världen - Zapatisterna, revolutionen och det globala civilsamhället

Den 1 januari 1994 reste sig Zapatistgerillan i en revolt och förklarade krig mot den mexikanska staten. Men ganska snabbt stod det klart att Zapatisterna inte var en vanlig gerilla. Efter 12 dagar slöts en vapenvila och det sägs att Zapatisterna inte avfyrat en kula sedan dess. Zapatisterna fick snabbt sympatier från hela världen och genom en seriös politisk agenda presenterade Zapatisterna sina krav och sina idéer om hur det demokratiska projektet kunde radikaliseras. Kampen för ett rättvist och inkluderande samhälle har allt sedan 1994 också bedrivits på ett globalt plan där man genom universella värden som frihet, demokrati och rättvisa utlyst behovet av en dynamisk global rörelse, för att infria dessa för alla världens marginaliserade och förtryckta grupper.

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