

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 7 av 481

Mellanchefers ledarskap ur ett förändringsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers arbete med patientsäkerhet under besparingstider

No accidents or injuries should occur because of our public health care. It should be a place with high security and good quality in order to avoid this type of accidents. This is a tough situation when the public health care organization should have as good quality as possible despite savings. It is difficult for middle managers to improve patient safety in the absence of money.The purpose of this study is to explain the work with patient safety that middle manager perform during saving times. The perspective we will look into is how they work with patient safety as an ongoing change.

Dokumentation vid vård av patienter med demenssjukdom i palliativt skede på särskilda boenden : -En retrospektiv journalstudie

Abstract          Background: End of life is difficult to establish in patients with dementia and many patients die due to complications related to the disease. To document that care are palliative in this group of patients is not common among nurses and physicians. This may depend on that the palliative course is extended and not similar to the palliative course common among patients with cancer. Aim: To describe how the registered staff in nursing homes document the care of persons with dementia in a late palliative phase. Method: A retrospective record study with a deductive approach.

Magomvridning hos hund : akutsjukvård och postoperativ intensivvård

The aim of this literature study was to give a clear picture of what gastric dilatation-volvulus is, and how the acute- and postoperative treatment and care is managed. The general aim is to support and help the veterinary technicians in their clinical work. Gastric dilatation volvulus is always an emergency. The primarily goal when these dogs are hospitalized is to establish an adequate cardiovascular function. This is done by immediate intravenous fluid therapy followed by decompression of the dilated stomach.

Det perioperativa samtalet-nyexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar

The perioperative nurse's primary responsibility is to care for the patient during the operation?s three phases; before, during and after. The communication between colleagues in the surgical department is increasing opportunities for safe care for the patient and a good dialogue with the patient can alleviate the concerns facing the unknown environment such as an operating theater. The pilot study was to investigate the surgical nurses' perceptions of conversations with the patient one year after graduation. To answer the pilot study's aim a qualitative interview study was chosen with a phenomenographic approach.

Vad kvinnor är mest nöjda med i samband med sin förlossning : Validering av instrumentet KUPP-I

AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women´s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care??. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta utifrån de fyra hörnstenar i den palliativa vården inom avancerad hemsjukvård

The aim of this study was to investigate nurse?s experience of working from the philosophy of palliative care in end of life at home. The study had a qualitative design. Semi-structured interviews were performed with nine nurses working in advanced palliative home care. The analysis of the material revealed four categories and two subcategories.

Vilken omvårdnad får den polikliniska patienten vid cytostatikabehandling för att uppleva livskvalitet

Every year an avorage of 40 000 Swedes fall ill with different forms of cancer. Chemotheraphy has an effect on the tumour cells as well as the healthy cells in the body, this causes many side effects which can be very problematic for the patient. The study was carried out in order to indicate the care measures that are taken to deal with the side effects i. e stomatit, loss of hair and sickness/vomiting, that are connected with chemotheraphy so that the outpatients will experience a quality of life. The method used was a qualitative interview with six nurses from the South if Sweden, all of whom are working with chemotheraphy patients.

Mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie

Men abuse women every day. It has become a Health Problem which we affects all of us. Help is available for those women who have the strength to seek it. Health care personnel are often these women?s only contact with the surrounding world.


ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Idrott för alla? : Intresse och engagemang för breddverksamhet

  Aim. The aim of the study was to describe how nurses in home care experience to pursue palliative care in ordinary housing. Methods. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 nurses in home health care from two medium-sized Swedish municipalities. The material was analyzed with manifest and latent content analysis. Findings. The underlying theme that emerged in the study was: Working with palliative care in the patient´s own homes is positive but challenging. Informants describe among other things that they perceived palliative home care as meaningful and that relatives have a central role in the palliative home care since they are close to the patient around the clock. The stress that emerges from the heavy work load and the long geographic distances are described as strenuous and to affect the care in a negative way. Informants describe the home environment as challenging as it is often not adapted for care and the collaboration with the palliative team is described to be experienced as both positive and negative.

Vården av äldre med delirium kan förbättras- en litteraturstudie i omvårdnad/ The care for elder with delirium can be improved- a literature review in nursing science

Background: Delirium is a serious condition that often affects hospitalized elder. The condition can be described as an overstrain of the brain which results in a disturbed consciousness. Elder people are particularly vulnerable since many of the risk factors develops with old age. The treatment aims to find and treat the underlying cause. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate factors beneficial for the nursing care of hospitalized elder with delirium.

Anhörigas uppfattning om vården på en hospiceavdelning : En kvantitativ studie

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate relatives opinions of information, interaction, support, participation and care at a hospice unit. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a difference between women and men.Method: The study is a descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study. A questionnaire with closed and open-end questions was sent out to 66 relatives to patients who had died at the hospice unit. The closed questions were analyzed with SPSS. A content analyze was used for the open-end questions.Results: The most of the relatives were fully pleased with information, interaction, support and care.

Orsaker till låg följsamhet till handhygienföreskrifter : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Hand hygiene is the simplest and most fundamental means to prevent care related infections. It is of great importance that the guideline of hand hygiene is followed for the patient?s sake. Unfortunately, healthcare workers perform hand hygiene too seldom. If the patient comes down with a care related infection, the suffering will increase.

Färdigheter och förutsättningar för sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter med psykisk ohälsa : En litteraturstudie

Background:The definition of mental illness is characterized by a lack of management regarding mood, thoughts or behavior. It is difficult for the person to cope with everyday duties as well as relationships with other people.The study revealed that the society should take action to prevent social isolation for those with mental illness. The central concepts of care theory is love, learning and well-being, where nurses' conditions and actions create results in the patient.Aim:Describe skills and prerequisites nurses need at the meeting of patients with mental illness. A further aim was to examine the ethical considerations included studies made use of.Method:A descriptive literature studyMain result:Nurses feel they do not have skills regarding mental illness. When nurses care for patients with mental illness are often formed stigmatizations regarding these patient groups and care will suffer.

Paternalism:The Conflict Between Autonomy And Beneficence In The Case Of The Temporarily Mentally Ill Patients

The health care formulation of the principle of autonomy can be expressed as follows; ?you shall not treat a patient without the informed consent of the patient, or his or her lawfulsurrogate, except in narrowly defined emergencies?. The principle of beneficence refers to a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others. In heath care, the good or benefit in question is the restoration of the health of the patient. In fulfilling this obligation of beneficence, the physician sometimes intentionally overrides the patient?s preferences or actions for the purpose of benefiting the patient.

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