

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 39 av 481

Upplevelsen av att leva med en kolostomi efter en rektumamputation

ABSTRACTBackground: People with colorectal cancer undergoing rectum amputation get a permanent colostomy, which affects the social life. It may be valuable for health care what these people experience living with colostomy in order to provide the greatest possible support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how people who received a colostomy experience their daily lives and the support they have received from the health services.Method: Qualitative interview study with six people, with a descriptive phenomenological approach.Results: The analysis of the interviews about how it's like to live with a colostomy resulted in three themes: 1) Living with a colostomy gives an uncertainty that affect the social life, 2) Physical and psychological impact of getting a colostomy and 3) Support for health care and relatives.Conclusion: Subjects had a positive attitude towards life, which contributed to that they could adjust to living with a colostomy and feel a meaningfulness of life. The study shows that all the interviewed people overall were satisfied with the information provided by the healthcare personnel. It was good with both oral and written information and very appreciated with repeated information. One aspect that could be improved was the information given aboute the closure of anus during surgery and the following complications.

Patienters upplevelser av att vara vaken under operation när pacemaker anläggs

Det är en unik upplevelse att bli opererad med lokalanestesi och vara vaken under ett operativt ingrepp. Patienten överlämnas till vårdpersonalen och är beroende av deras omhändertagande och kunskap. Kontinuerlig information under ingreppet samt ett gott bemötande från personalen kring patienten är avstor vikt för att skapa en trygg miljö och ge god omvårdnad. Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelse och känslor av den perioperativa omvårdnaden när de var vakna under ett operativt ingrepp. Fyra intervjuer med konsekutivt utvalda patienter som genomgått operationen på sjukhus i sydvästra Sverige inkluderades i studien.

?Livet gör så förbannat ont? : En litteraturstudie om hur vården upplevs av patienter med borderline personlighetsstörning

BACKGROUND: Previous research shows that many nurses feel that patients with borderlinepersonality disorder (BPD) are more difficult to provide care to than patients with otherdiagnoses. Experiences of these meetings with BPD patients are often negative. With thisbackground, a literature study was made in order to elucidate the patients' perspective. AIM:Compiling knowledge of how patients diagnosed with BPD experience their treatment and themeeting with health care professionals. METHOD: Through the databases PsycINFO andPubMed, twelve qualitative articles were selected and summarized in a literature study.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med stroke - en litteraturstudie

Background: Living with stroke not only means coping with physical limitations, but a stroke also leads to other losses, which in various ways may change an individual?s life. A nurse can play a significant role in regards to consequences in the ordinary day of life for patients with stroke. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe patients? experiences living with stroke.

Vad som kännetecknar personcentrerad vård : Att utmana traditionella rutiner och se personen bakom patienten

Benämningen patient är ett kollektivt begrepp, som sätter sjukdomen och dess behandling i fokus. Hälso-och sjukvården har haft svårt att förändra sitt traditionella perspektiv där patienten betraktas längst ner i den hierarkiska sjukvårdsorganisationen. För att förändra det traditionella perspektivet så har ett nytt synsätt utformats där begreppet "patient" byts ut till "person". Personcentrerad vård började införas inom äldre- och demensvården, men tankar finns om att det även ska införas inom specialistvården. Syftet med studien var att utifrån litteraturen beskriva vad som kännetecknar personcentrerad vård ur ettomvårdnadsperspektiv.

Identifiering av upplevelse av smärta hos patienter med cancer som får palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

One third of all Swedish people will suffer in cancer. Pain is a common symptom in cancer patients. The pain is subjective and includes several dimensions. The dimensions of pain are the physical, psychological, social and spiritual. This is a literature review and the aim with this study was to identify the pain experience in patients with cancer receiving palliative care.

För ung för att dö : En litteraturöversikt baserad på yngre patienters tankar om hur de hanterar att leva med cancer

Background: Approximately one in three Swedish people will receive a cancer diagnosis. Cancer primarily affects the elderly but also young people suffer. Young people are in a period of life that could put a strain of the ordinary when they are faced with choices and new challenges. The basic sense of security in everyday life is not so obvious and many suffer from, for example, stress and the feeling of being inadequate in relation to the requirements. It is relevant that the nurses can put themselves into what it is like to be young and afflicted with cancer, with the pressures of life itself and what the disease represents.

Palliativ vård i hemsjukvård - trygghetens betydelse ur ett patient perspektiv

Studier visar att många patienter som befinner sig i livets slutskede väljer att få vara hemma och avsluta sina liv bland familjen. Den vård, som dessa patienter får, oavsett var de befinner sig, kallas för palliativ vå rd. För att kunna ge en god omvårdnad i hemmet till patienter som befinner sig i livets slutskede, är det viktigt som sjuksköterska att ta reda på patientens upplevelser om vad som inger trygghet, vilket inte har upp-märksammats tillräckligt. Syftet med studien är att beskriva patientens upplevelser av vad som inger trygghet i samband med palliativ vård i det egna hemmet. Vi har gjort en litteraturstudie och utgått från Evans (2003) analysmodell.

Vårdsituationer utan bot- Att vårda äldre palliativa patienter i en kurativ vårdkontext

Bakgrund: Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre vilket skapar ett krav på kunskap om vård och omsorg till den äldre patienten. Sjukhusavdelningar är fyllda av äldre patienter och många av dem är svårt sjuka och kommer spendera sin sista tid på en vårdavdelning. För att ge en helhetsvård till den döende patienten ska vården bygga på de fyra hörnstenarna symtomlindring, kommunikation, relation och stöd till närstående samt ett multiprofessionellt samarbete. Som sjuksköterska vill man göra sitt yttersta för att patienten ska må bra, vare sig det är att må bra mot ett tillfrisknande eller att må bra i livets slutskede. Den ofta hektiska vårdmiljön på en vårdavdelning kan motverka en god palliativ vård.Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda äldre svårt sjuka patienter i livets slutskede på vårdavdelningar utan palliativ inriktning.Metod: Studien har en induktiv kvalitativ design.

Beröring och dess betydelse för mötet mellan patient och vårdpersonal - En litteraturstudie

Background: Nursing staff use touch on a daily basis, often without reflecting over it. It is not only the touch itself that emerges, everyday nursing staff get involved in the meeting with patients. The use of touch can be divided in to different kinds of touch, due to its purpose these are instrumental- and expressive touch. Purpose: The purpose with the study was to illustrate what physical touch means for the meeting between patient and caregiver. Method: A literature review has been done, based on ten scientific articles and by these four domains emerged.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av triageprocessen på en vuxenpsykiatrisk akutmottagning : En empirisk studie

Title: Nurses´ Experience of Triage Process in the Psychiatric A & E Departmentfor AdultsAuthor: Miljatovic, MilosDepartment: School of Life Sciences, University of SkövdeCourse: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Thesis in Nursing Care, 15 ECTSSupervisor: -Examiner: Brovall, MariaPages: 23Keywords: Triage, Nurse, Psychiatric A & E Department for Adults, Triage scaleBackground: In the beginning of 21st century some psychiatric A & E departments inSweden have introduced triage process and psychiatric triage scales. The aim was to meetthe growing numbers of patients with mental health problems attending psychiatric A & Edepartments, in order to shorten waiting and transit times.Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate nurses´ experiences of triage process in thepsychiatric A & E department.Method: Qualitative empirical study was conducted.Results: Three categories were identified: Triage process creates confidence, Obstacles intriage assessment, Possibilities for improved patient care through triage process; and sixsubcategories: Aid and support in having an assessment tool, Sense of comradeship,Getting possibility to take answer and show the competence, Deficiencies with assessmenttool, Sense of inadequateness due to long waiting times to physician, Sense of ambiguityduring the triage process.Discussion: Safe triage process is needed to achieve quality care in the psychiatric A & Edepartment, thus it is important that nurses have adequate triage scale, and the resultssuggest that it is important for nurses to have an adequate triage scale which makes iteasier for nurses in nursing care..

Förankring av ett salutogent perspektiv och arbetssätt i ett äldreomsorgsteam i Kalmar kommun. : -En processanalys

The aim of this study is to describe and analyse an elderly care team?s prerequisite to anchor a salutogenic perspective and approach in an elderly care team in Kalmar municipality. The study identifies factors that could impede or promote the anchoring and examine how the organisation aims to work in a single direction even if the multidisciplinary team processes a diversity of knowledge, education and abilities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews from representatives of all professions in the multidisciplinary team; social workers, paramedical professions, nurses and care-givers. The theoretical frame consisted of a translating perspective, leadership and ideas of interaction and power.

Gym ombord på fartyg : Behöver sjömän träna och hur?

Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes for longlasting sequelae, among themloss in cognitive function, like aphasia. Aphasia effects the patients ability to understandand express themselves in speaking and writing. To be able to reach a good level of care,the careproviders and patients ought to have the same goals and values. This requires agood communication between the careproviders and patients. Which can be problematicfor the caregivers when they don't feel secure in their way of getting close to these patients.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate caregivers experience of caring forpatients with the diagnosis aphasia following stroke.Method: This is a literature study where nine studies, with qualitative design, has beenanalyzed and compiled.

Verklighet eller en politisk illusion? : En studie av den svenska pressens syn på sjukförsäkringsreformen i USA.

Essay in Political Science, C-level, by Camila Alvarez Cea, spring semester 2010. Tutor: Alf Sundin?Reality or a Political Mirage? ? A Study of the Swedish Press Views on the Health Insurance Reform in the USA? The purpose of this essay is partly to examine whether the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the US, which is part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Act bill, will be of crucial importance to the possibilities that the American population has to receive health insurance. The main research question is accordingly: ?Does the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the USA, seem like something that will be of radical importance to the possibilities of the population to receive healthcare?? The purpose is also to examine in which model (demand or market) the opinions of the Swedish press fits. This purpose will be answered by using three specific questions asking whether their opinions differ when it comes to three criterions: organization, financing/resources and delivery systems.

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