

7209 Uppsatser om Patient-focused care - Sida 25 av 481

Individualiserad omvårdnad : Begreppsanalys ur ett omvårdnadsteoretiskt perspektiv

Individualiserad omvårdnad är något både patienter och sjukvårdspersonal strävar efter. För att legitimera individualiserad omvårdnad som eftersträvansvärd krävs dock en förankring av begreppet i omvårdnadsvetenskaplig litteratur. Studiens syfte är att utifrån omvårdnadsvetenskaplig litteratur undersöka:? Vad individualiserad omvårdnad är? Hur denna individualiserade omvårdnad beskrivs i omvårdnadsteoretisk litteratur? Hur individualiserad omvårdnad kan uppnås? Hur omvårdnad kan se ut när den inte är individualiseradDatamaterialet består av omvårdnadsteoretisk litteratur från sent 1800-tal fram till idag och resultatet visar att individualiserad omvårdnad är grunden för god omvårdnad. Denna goda och individualiserade omvårdnad skapas i en jämbördig relation mellan sjuksköterska och patient, en relation där sjuksköterskan lyssnar och kommunicerar.

A qualitative study about nurses' experiences of working and caring in a Palestine refugee camp in Jordan and methodological reflections while conducting a study within this field

Jordan is a developing country and there are ten Palestine refugee camps throughout Jordansince the Arab-Israel conflict in 1948 and the Arab-Israel war in 1967. The camps are run byUnited Nation Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)which is the main provider of health care in the camp. Today, the fourth generation ofrefugees lives in the camps which are extremely overpopulated. The social and economicconditions in the camps are poor. The nurses' workload in the Health care centre in the campis getting harder and UNRWA's resources are getting strained due to funding shortfalls.

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

Det är bara ett litet stick. Nålfobi hos ungdomar och vuxna : En litteraturöversikt

Background Adolescents and adults suffering from needle phobia have an unreasonable fear of needles that leads to negative experiences if they do not get the support they need. Negative experiences lead to patients avoiding health care, or these experiences affect important aspects of life. The suffering that a patient experiences may be obvious to some, but others hide it, and then it will be more difficult to detect. The nurse's role is to recognize the suffering and its different reactions in order to alleviate and prevent unnecessary suffering of the patient. AimThe purpose of this study was to describe about young people's and adults' experiences of having needle phobias.

?Vem knackar på min dörr? Palliativa patienters upplevelse av att bli vårdade i hemmet

Palliativ vård är en helhetsvård av patienten och dennes familj. Fler människor önskar att få dö i det egna hemmet och olika hemsjukvårdsformer har vuxit fram. Hemsjukvården är en form som har ökat och målet är att ett stort antal personer med sjukvårds- och omvårdnadsbehov ska kunna bo kvar i det egna hemmet. Det vårdvetenskapliga perspektivet beskriver att målet med vårdandet av den palliativa patienten är att förhindra eller lindra lidandet och skapa villkor för välbefinnande. Det är också viktigt att stödja patienten och dennes familj så att de upplever en så bra livskvalitet som möjligt, något som den tidigare forskningen visar.

Distriktssköterskans arbete med sexuella övergrepp på barn : tecken, upptäckt, agerande och samverkande med andra yrkesprofessionella grupper

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Införande av IT-system i slutenvården : En studie vid Lasarettet i Enköping

As the ability to computerize processes and tasks increase, the proliferation of complex systems in our society continues. How these systems are deployed in the organizations where they are meant to be utilized has been shown to have a large impact on how well they function.In January of 2011 the Enköping hospital initiated the deployment of an IT-support for drug management, a module in the general health care system Cambio COSMIC. Other health care providers in the county, and in the rest of Sweden, have had mixed feelings toward the module. Some have outright refused the module, claiming that it is detrimental to patient safety. One of the arguments for deploying the module in Enköping, however, was that it was needed to improve patient safety.The Enköping hospital is considered to be a well organized institution with good leadership and earlier good experiences regarding IT-systems.

Närsjukvård : en ny vårdnivå med betydelse för samarbete och samverkan mellan olika vårdaktörer

An ageing population calls for enlarged needs of care and treatments that is followed by an increased demand on social and medical care. Present organization and structure are not adjusted to these new requirements. Due to this fact, necessary alterations ought to be made between and within the different institutional and non-institutional care actors. This work should be settled locally. In this study, the aim was to describe "Chealth care nearby" as being a new standard of care as well as investigate its significance in the co-operation and collaboration between different care actors.

Motion som egenvård : en studie om personer med erfarenhet av självupplevd psykisk ohälsa och psykiatrisk vård

Backround: Many studies indicate that people with mental illness often suffer from physical illness. Many people with mental illness do not exercise even though they often have knowledge about the benefits of physical activity. Studies suggest that psychiatric patients have the desire to have an everyday life with more content. It is apparent in studies that healthcare professionals believe that it is the patients' own responsibility to keep themselves physically active.Aim: The primary objective with this study is to examine motivation and possible obstacles to exercise for persons with self-perceived mental illness and experience of psychiatric care. The secondary objective is to investigate how psychiatric care may be of importance to people with mental illness when it comes to exercise.Methods: Semi-structured interviews.

Vårdgivares uppfattning om fallrisker och fallprevention inom tre vårdnivåer

The progress of the health among the elderly has a major meaning for the needs of care, nursing and social services. The health of the elderly has improved but fall and fall accidents are a major problem. Acute diseases, activities and environment risks are often related to fall accidents. The aim of the study was to describe health care staffs? opinions about fall risk and fall prevention.

Från Taylorism till Salutogenes : En studie inom svensk äldreomsorg

A publicly funded elderly care that is widely available at people?s homes has been described as unique for the Nordic countries. There is much research that focuses on the relationship between caregivers and care receivers, and also about how work is organized in these organizations. However, research into how care work is organized in organizations that have implemented a salutogenic approach is limited. This is a qualitative study aimed to examine how caregivers feel that the organization of work in elderly care change after implementation of salutogenic elements in their daily work.

Familjehem och sexualitet: Familjehemssekreterares resonemang kring familjehem bestående av homosexuella par

New family stuctures are constantly emerging in society. Are these changes mirrored in foster care practice? The aim of this study was to explore to what extent homosexual families are represented when a child is given a foster home. The nuclear family has throughout history been assured a stable position both in society as well as in the foster care practice. During the last ten years a homosexual relationship has been legaly accepted through different amendents and it has also been more integrated and accepted in society.

Doula - Ett positivt komplement för fäder i samband med barnafödande : Kvalitativ intervjustudie med några fäder

Title: The nurse's dilemma in psychiatric inpatient care - a balancing act between good and evil Objective: To describe the nurse's experience of relieving patient suffering caused by coercive measures on a closed psychiatric ward . Frame of reference : The results are discussed in light of Eriksson´s theory of suffering and caring relationships Method: A qualitative analysis based on focus group discussions Results: The analysis resulted in six categories, to protect the patient , to involve the patient , not to lose control , to remain , to justify compulsion , and to be touched . The results showed that nurses had the experience of being able to relieve the suffering of patients caused by coercive measures. It was also found that the nurses had a tendency to justify coercive measures , the more experience they had of performing these . Conclusion: The results describe that nurses have the experience and knowledge of how to relieve patients' suffering caused by coercion but also their experiences of performing these .

Värdegrundsarbete på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fritidspedagogers arbete med värdegrundsarbetet

The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer picture of how after-school-care teachers? work with fundamental values in after-school care, both practically and theoretically based on the curriculum Lgr 11. I wanted to acquire a broader understanding of the school's core values and what kinds of tools teachers used to cope with their task. I proceeded with two questions:How does after-school care proactively work with core values based on gender, ethnicity and class?How does the work on value issues at after-school care centers compare with Lgr 11?In my study, I used literature studies and a qualitative analysis of five interviews with afterschool care teachers.

Tidig postoperativ övervakning av smådjur : förekomst av standardiserade rutiner

Background. Anesthetic-related death in small animal anesthesia is about ten times more common than in human anesthesia. Recent research identifies the early postoperative period as particularly risky and highlights the need for regular and careful monitoring of the veterinary patient during this period. Objective. The aims of this study were to investigate whether there are standard procedures in terms of regulated routine patient observations and record-keeping during the early postoperative period at Swedish veterinary clinics, and if there are any guidelines for monitoring the veterinary patient during recovery. Methods. A small survey including ten Swedish veterinary clinics was carried out as well as a literature review. Results.

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