

6873 Uppsatser om Patient-centered communication - Sida 9 av 459

?Jag ska bara...? Sjuksköterskans tidsfördelning mellan administrativt arbete och patientkontakt på en pediatrisk avdelning : - En Observationsstudie

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor på en allmänpediatrisk avdelning disponerar sin tid gällande administrativa arbetsuppgifter jämfört mot direkt och indirekt patientkontakt. För att granska detta fenomen utfördes en aktivitetsstudie. Metod designen var icke experimentell deskriptiv observationsstudie. Där sju olika sjuksköterskor följdes under femton dagar där tidmätning skedde av på förhand kategoriserade aktiviteter. Kategoriseringsschema innehöll nio olika kategorier.


Background: Obesity has expanded to a nationwide issue that affects millions of people. The healthcare system struggles to handle the epidemic as the problem grows. Studies show that healthcare workers have negative attitudes toward obese and overweight people and that they lack knowledge and proper tools to support this patient group. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a known technique for initiating lifestyle changes with patients. Aim: The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of MI as a tool for weight loss and sustainable lifestyle changes for people with obesity and overweight. Method: This study uses a literature review methodology with a systematic perspective. Data is gathered and analyzed to investigate how MI affects weight loss.

Patientens upplevelser av trygghet och tillit i personcentrerad vård

Personcentrerad vård beskrivs som att se hela människan och kunna sätta sig in i den andras livssituation. Respekt och förståelse för val och önskningar ska leda till självbestämmande och delaktighet i vård och behandling. Implementering av ett personcentrerat synsätt förordas för att möta de förväntningar som finns på god vård där patienten kan vara trygg och känna tilltro till vården. Att utvärdera personcentrerad vård är viktigt för att visa hur grundläggande behov som trygghet och tillit tillgodoses vid en förändrad vårdmodell. Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer i personcentrerad vård som påverkar patientens upplevelse av trygghet och tillit.

Brytningstid i Internkommunikationen? : vilken roll har Intranät och e-post i organisationers kommunikation?

Having a functioning internal communication is necessary for the survival and existence of every company. Traditional communication channels are for example meetings, noteboards and personnel newspapers. During the last ten years we have witnessed an explosion of new channels, who are based on information technology. IT is a natural part in new IT-companies, like Framfab and Icon Medialab, but what role does IT have in a large, manufacturing company with a long history? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how IT has influenced the internal communication in a company.

Babels torn återuppstår : Den interna kommunikationens påverkan i agila projektteam.

Internal communication is an important factor in organisations today. For many system development teams it?s critical that the communication works well. Without communication, success would be impossible. This study aims to highlight the effect communication has on the members of agile project teams.

Att kommunicera en innovation : Hur kunskap om självbetjäningen spreds inom ICA 1945-1960

The communication of self-service within the ICA-sphere, 1945-1960, points tothe central role of communication in technological change. The study coversthe communication from ICAAB, ICA-Förbundet, AB Köpmannatjänst, threepurchasing centres (Hakon, Essve and Eol) and their respective councils oftrustees. The councils communicated their reservations early on, while theother actors spread knowledge (both economic and practical) of the innovation tothe retailers, and some also to the consumers. The communication of thepurchasing centres and Köpmannatjänst gave greater opportunity for learning,due to higher levels of interaction..

INTRANÄT - Ett medium för kommunikationsverktyg

This report explains how different communication tools can be used in a company?s intranet. It gives a short description of the different parts in an intranet and their field of application, and what communication means. It?s only the communication tools that the company uses that we are illuminating in this report.

Är du privat eller offentlig? : En studie om vad som utmärker marknadskommunikationen i en privat respektive offentlig organisation.

The market communication in organisations is vital to manage the competition. Studies have shown the importance of market communication in both private and public organisations.Since the past decade market communication has been acknowledged as an instrument to provide the organisations target group with valid information.This thesis is a study about the differences in market communication between private and public organisations. To manage this we asked ourselves the question:?- What distinguish the market communication in a private respective a public organisation??We have done qualitative interviews to get the best result for our study. We have interviewed both types of organisations and our respondents have leading strategic position in their organisations.Our research highlights important differences between private and public organisations in matter of tactics in market communication.In conclusion the result shows a great difference in how an organization is managing their communicative strategies all depending on if it is a private owned company or a public organisation..

Svåra samtal - en del av sjuksköterskans vardag : En intervjustudie

I det dagliga arbetet och som en del av omvårdnaden måste sjuksköterskan samtala med patienterna. Samtal kan vara väldigt svåra, vissa samtal är svårare än andra. För att oerfarna sjuksköterskor lättare skall kunna relatera och hantera dessa samtal i yrkeslivet var syftet med studien att beskriva vad sjuksköterskor anser vara det svåraste i svåra samtal. Ett fåtal studier beskriver vad sjuksköterskor anser vara svåra samtal och ingen studie har funnits som beskriver vad de anser vara det svåraste i dessa samtal. En kvalitativ metod valdes och innehållsanalys användes som metodanalys.

Kommunicera professionellt : Kommunikationens betydelse för patienter med diabetes typ 2

Diabetes typ 2 är en av de vanligast förekommande sjukdomarna i Sverige. Eftersom sjukdomen ställer stora krav på egenvård är det viktigt att patienten själv förstår sjukdomen. Kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient har därför en central roll. Syftet var att belysa kommunikationens betydelse för samspelet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med diabetes typ 2. Studien gjordes i form av en litteraturstudie där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar utgjorde grunden för resultatet.

E-post och internkommunikation : en studie av upplevelser kring användandet av ny kommunikationsteknik

Purpose/aim: To investigate individual experiences of how a new communication technology, e-mail, influences a) the structure of the internal communication ? does it for example make networking any easier? ? and b) the form of the persons everyday language.Material/method: A theoretical framework gathered through a literature study and empirical data gathered through interviews with two persons.Main results: Differences and similarities exist between the experiences studied in this paper. The most unexpected result is that the system of e-mail does not seem to be able to create new channels of communication. If anything, it reinforces the structure that already exist. An aspect of decisive importance is the original rules and norms concerning internal communication within the organization..

Ett bankkontors präglade kommunikation : Arbetet med ett kontors interna kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to investigate two Handelsbanken offices and how they work in similar ways when dealing with internal communication. The goal is to answer if and in what way the managers` and the employes perceive their internal communication at the two bank officies. By a comparation between the two decentralisized officies the aim is also to study what differences and/or similarities that exists in internal communications?Are managers and employees satisfied with the communication that flows in the organization? I find it interesting to investigate in wheather there exist a similarity in the internal communication between the managers and the employees since it is a decentralized organization.I have made five semi-structured interviews with two managers at two different Handelsbanken offices. Additionally two interviews with two employes at one of the offices and also one interview at the other Handelsbanken office.By the study I have found that all respondents have a positive impression according the internal communication.

Cherry Casino : - en kommunikationsgranskning

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper was to identify the communication process at the company Cherry casino and see what opinions the employees had about it. Moreover, an evaluation of the used strategies was done and an analysis about what perhaps could be done to improve the attitude, communication and in the end the result for the company.Material/Method: The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews and theory application.Main results: The transmission of information regarding the regular work related information works just fine and the channels used are well chosen. But more large-scale information that deals with the company?s plans, strategies and targets is not handled in the right way. Neither is the respond.

Kommunikation mellan bank och kund: en studie angående kommunikationen mellan akademiker med några års arbetslivserfarenhet och banken

The purpose of this thesis was to examine what the communication between bank and customer looks like. We have more specifically studied how the bank communicates with the customer when communicating different offers, how the customer wants the communication to take place, what communication problem looks like and how the customer wants the bank to design their offers. Our target group was bank customers with academic degree, with one to seven years of working experience. This study was conducted trough interviews with bank customers and representatives at the bank. On the basis of our studies we found that the communication between bank and customer works fairly well.

Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring

Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.

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