6873 Uppsatser om Patient-centered communication - Sida 30 av 459
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Kommunikationen mellan två personer består av både verbala- och icke-verbala beteenden. Den icke-verbala kommunikationen kan förstärka (kongruent) eller vara motsägelsefull med den verbala kommunikationen. I vissa situationer har den icke-verbala kommunikationen en extra stor betydelse och ibland kan den vara en bättre väg att nå fram till en person, än med verbala uttryck. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att synliggöra den icke-verbala kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten samt belysa dess betydelse. Frågeställningarna som användes var följande: vad har den icke-verbala kommunikationen för betydelse i mötet mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten och hur kan sjuksköterskan använda kunskapen om den icke-verbala kommunikationen? Teoretisk referensram för arbetet var Hilde Eide och Tomas Eides syn på omvårdnadsinriktad kommunikation.
Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll och patientrollen i ett historiskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Aim: The aim of this qualitative interview study was to describe the nurse's professional role and the role as a patient during different time periods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, where respondents had a link to the nursing profession, either as a student, now working nurse or retired nurse. Method: The data were analyzed using a content analysis. Result: The older nurses believe that nurses today has a high status and is seen as a well-read and well informed person. Most respondents believe that collaboration between nurses and doctors has improved since past.
Kommunikativ interaktion i den synkrona elektroniska referenstjänsten : Den interpersonella kommunikationen mellan användare och bibliotekarie
The aim of this master thesis is to gain greater knowledge of interpersonal communication. This study explores on one hand how interpersonal communication can be used as an important part of reference work in a Swedish electronic synchronous reference service, and on the other how interpersonal communication affects the relationship between user and librarian. By using communication theory and establishing a positive relational contact with the user in the electronic environment, the outcome of the reference encounter can be successful for both the librarian and the user. Furthermore, the importance of recognising relational barriers is of great relevance to the relational contact. The scope of this master thesis is to find what relational factors are used and can be used in the interaction between user and librarian.
Visst gör det ont när möten brister : En kvalitativ uppsats om fyra före detta klienters upplevelse av mötet med myndighetsutövare och institutionalisering som behandlingsmetod
The purpose with the essay is to illuminate four former clients? personal stories about the meeting with the authority in the Swedish welfare system and the institutionalization theywent through. The questions being asked in the essay focus on communication, the relationship concerning power and the former clients attitude towards the institutionalization as a treatment. Four interviews were held with former clients who were institutionalized sometime between the ages of 15-25. The results were then analyzed by theories focusing on communication as a way to gain power and how social interaction may influence the individual attitudes towards authorities.
Intern kommunikation -ur ett organisationskulturellt perspektiv
Problem: How does the organisational culture affect the internal communication between the middle manager and his or herssubordinates?Purpose: The most common way is to study how the communication affect the organisational culture. In our study we have examined the reverse perspective. The purpose of this study would be to explain how the organisational culture affect the internal communication between the middle manager and his or hers subordinates.Theories: The basic theories in the study are The basic model, Internal communication, Levels of culture, High-power culture, Socialconstructions, Organisational structures and Leader Member Exchange Theory.Method: The study is based on the qualitative approach. We have used interviews for our collection of raw data.
Konflikt!?En studie i hur det är att vara patient och hamna i konflikt- eller våldssituation på en sluten psykiatrisk avdelning
I olika perioder har ämnet våld inom psykiatrin lyfts fram i media, ofta i samband med att ett våldsdåd har begåtts av en ?våldsam psykpatient?. Varken i media eller i den tidigare forskningen är det vanligt att ämnet blir belyst ur ett patientperspektiv. Denna kvalitativa studie försöker fånga ett inifrån-perspektiv och tar sin ansats i att försöka beskriva vad som kan leda fram till att det uppstår konflikt- och våldssituationer på en sluten psykiatrisk avdelning. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av samtal med sju personer med erfarenhet av våld under sin vistelse på en sluten avdelning.
Gymnasielärares icke verbala kommunikation i klassrummet
This paper compares and discusses teachers´ nonverbal communication in the classroom. The purpose of the study is to find out what the teachers´ nonverbal communication looks like in the classroom and with that information increase teachers´ awareness of nonverbal communi-cation and its impact on the teaching. Ten teachers at the upper secondary school have been observed for twenty minutes when having a lecture. The result shows that the most common nonverbal expressions are hand and arm gestures used to enhance what is said by the teacher. The result also shows that the nonverbal communication is similar with all observed teachers.
Betydelsen av att bekräfta identiteten hos inneliggande patienter på sjukhus : ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Bakgrund: Otillräcklig information, att inte bli uppmärksammad, lyssnad på, samt att inte bli sedd som en individ med individuella behov, har visats leda till osäkerhet i interaktionen mellan vårdare och patient samt missnöje med vården. Det är en fördel för sjuksköterskan att ha självkännedom för att kunna skapa ett bekräftande möte. Bekräftelse i ?Jag-Du-mötet? anses vara grunden för allt mänskligt liv. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva betydelsen av att bekräfta identiteten hos inneliggande patienter på sjukhus, utifrån ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv.
Språkets betydelse för positiv informationsförmedling mellan inspektörer och brukare
This degree project focuses on the importance of being professional doing a job at the same time as being able to express one self in a professional way. The degree project also focuses on how the work as an environmental- and health inspector could be made easier by making the inspectors aware of their language and open to change. Finally the focus of this degree project lies on how positive contacts can be made with people despite them being informed of difficult or unwanted things.In order to get an overview of the inspectors? communication skills today the environmental- and health inspectors at the environment office in Laholm´s municipality were evaluated. The inspectors´ communications styles and languages were checked on the basis of the ?nonviolent communication model? by Marshall Rosenberg.The content and the result of this report were presented for the head of the environment office, the chairman of the committee and the participating inspectors in Laholm´s municipality.
Individanpassad omvårdnad : ett steg mot optimal stationärvård för hund och katt
When nursing human patients during hospitalization, the nurse is the one responsible. The nursing is controlled by different models of nursing and careplans, shaped by every patient?s individual needs. This is to guarantee the quality of the care. The veterinary nurse is not ultimately responsible for patient care.
Användarinvolvering - en viktig faktor vid implementering av affärssystem i små företag
Idag är det många företag som misslyckas med sina implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem och många forskare anser att det beror på bristande användarinvolvering. Implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem blir allt vanligare i små företag, men effekten blir dock stor om ett mindre företag misslyckas med sitt projekt. Små företags misslyckanden är oftast relaterade till finansiella och humanitära kritiska framgångsfaktorer. Ett affärssystem kan ge ett företag en rad olika fördelar och möjligheter. Men för att ett företag ska uppnå dem krävs ett lyckat implementeringsprojekt samt att användarna omgående efter driftstart kan använda affärssystemet. Därför måste företagsledare under projektet se till en rad olika kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är relaterade till användarinvolvering.
Gaussiska heltal
This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..
AstraZeneca : Vikten av intern marknadsföring och kommunikation i samband med fusioner
In the society of today it?s very hard for companies to succeed with mergers. (A.L.Pablo, M.Javidan:2004) This study intends to elucidate the importance of internal marketing and internal communication with mergers. The intention with this essay is to study and analyse the merger between the two companies Astra and Zeneca and study the employers at the time when the merger took place in 1999.I have chosen to do this study on the basis of an employer?s perspective.
Minnen i marknadsföring: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events
Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.
Styrning via internkommunikation : trendsnack eller en bortglömd självklarhet...?
In regards to a request placed by the manager of Måltidsservice I Sollentuna Kommun, we have agreed to investigate the internal communication within the organization. The purpose of the essay is to describe the necessity of internal communication within the organization and to identify its strengths and weaknesses.It?s of the utmost importance that the internal communication is under constant care. It contributes to creating fellowship and to motivate people to greater achievements. At the end of the day it?s the managers responsibility to create a well-developed internal communication.