

6870 Uppsatser om Patient-centered communication - Sida 2 av 458

?Ja, det är ju de det handlar om, det är ju kommunikation, annars kan man ju låta bli.? : -en studie om kulturhistoriska museers syn på kommunikation i utställningssituationer

Purpose/Aim: Exhibitions in cultural-historical museums have traditionally been object-centered and associated with one-way communication. The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how exhibition producers ? and educationalists at swedish cultural-historical museums today relate to communication in exhibitions from a communication scientific perspective.Material/Method: The method of the thesis is interviews exhibition producers ? and educationalists at five swedish cultural-historical museums about how they work with communication issues in exhibitions. The empiricism gained from the interviews have been analyzed from a communication scientific angle, using two communication theories as idealtypes for communication processes; Shannon and Weaver´s model and Stuart Hall´s encoding/decoding-theory.Main results: Communication in exhibitions have developed, much due to the use of more channels for communicating with the visitors and the acknowledgement of the visitor as an active subject in interpreting the exhibitions and their message.Despite this development, communication in exhibitions still have features of a one-way communication. The main feature is the lack of possibilities for visitors to communicate their interpretations and point of views of the exhibition back to the exhibition producers.

Färdigheter som sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att skapa goda vårdrelationer i ambulans och på akutmottagning : en litteraturstudie

Background: Encounters between patient and health care have been shortened and fragmented. Times when the patient is in the continuum of care is related to how well the patient feels confirmed in the meeting with his/her carers. Aim : The aim of this study is to highlight skills that nurses use to provide good care relationships with patients in the ambulance and emergency room. Method: A literature review was done. Search for articles was conducted in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Med Personen i Centrum - Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om att vårda patienter med ett palliativt vårdbehov på en akutkirurgisk vårdavdelning

Introduction: On the surgical wards in most hospitals in Sweden patients with different surgical needs are cared for. Patients with gastrointestinal conditions are, for example, nurtured alongside patients with urological disorders or patients in need of observation for head trauma. When the nurse, in addition to these patients, have to care for patients with palliative care needs can be perceived as problematic for nurse and patient alike.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore nurses' perceptions of care for patients with palliative care needs on an acute surgical ward, based on a person-centered perspective.Method: A focus group interview was conducted with the strategic selection of nurses from two acute surgical wards in a county hospital in western Sweden. The data from the interview were analyzed with qualitative directed, deductive content analysis with person-centered care as a theoretical framework. The theoretical background shows that person-centered care includes partnership, participation and structured documentation.Results: The results of this study show that even a fourth category, organization, emerged and needed to be reported.

Psykiatrisjuksköterskors upplevelser av patienters delaktighet

Introduction: Psychiatric nurses in the psychiatric care can meet complex situations if the basic knowledge is not enough. Therefore it demands research for secure, improve and develop care processes that will be benefit for both patients and nursing staff. Aim: The purpose of this study was to highlight psychiatric nurses? experiences of patients' involvement in their own care. Method: Qualitative method was chosen for this study.

Narkossjuksköterskors upplevelse och erfarenhet av kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal i en akut situation : en intervjustudie

Background: Good communication is very important for the safety of patients in emergency situations. Few studies have been conducted regarding communication among health care staff. The aim of the present study was to investigate anesthetist nurses experience of communication among health care staff during a situation of emergency in a hospital ward.Methods: The study is explorative and based on interviews with six anesthetist nurses. A qualitative content analysis was used as an analyses model.Result: The six anesthetist nurses experienced structured communication as of great importance during an emergency situation. Three main categories appeared from the material: i) the importance of the organization ii) communication structure and communication patterns and iii) education and experience with nine subcategories.

En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikativa strategier och professionell interaktion mellan logoped-patient med afasi och arbetsterapeutpatient med afasi

In the present study, the institutional discourse in health care was examined, focusing onspeech therapists and occupational therapists in interaction with a common patient withaphasia. The purpose of the present study was to identify common communication strategiesused in the professional conversation between a speech therapist and a patient and between anoccupational therapist and the same patient. Specific research questions were: Whatcommunicative strategies are used in interaction between a speech therapist and a patient withaphasia and between the occupational therapist and the same patient? Are theredifferences/similarities between how speech therapists and occupational therapists interactwith patients with aphasia?Six people in total, two patients in interaction with a speech therapist and an occupationaltherapist respectively, were recorded during treatment sessions of each profession. Generaland specific aspects of the institutional interaction were then analysed according to principlesof conversation analysis.Similarities in the use of closed questions as a strategy to increase the effectiveness ininteraction could be seen between the two different professions studied.

PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård

Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld! : att belysa kommunikation; samtal, lyssnande samt kommunikationshinder i mötet mellan patient och vårdare i vårdmiljö ? en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Kommunikation innebär en relation mellan en sändare och en mottagare samt ett möte på en jämlik nivå. Att lyssna aktivt är en grundläggande kunskap inom omvårdnad och lyssnandet leder till att sedan kunna kommunicera effektivt. Vårdprofessioner kommunicerar på varierande sätt, har olika mål med kommunikationen samt att det finns flera samtalstekniker. Ett hinder i kommunikationen beskrivs som avsaknad av ett gemensamt språk eller att tolk används till hjälp. Syfte: Att belysa kommunikation, samtalet och lyssnandet i mötet mellan patient och vårdare i vårdmiljö.

Användarcentrerad Systemdesign

This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usabilitymeans to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.Development using a user centered system design means that knowledge about the end-users andit?s opinions becomes a crucial part of the development process. The question of this essay is if usinguser centred system design will lead to good usability.We used methods from a user centered system design point of view while developing an applicationfor a Swedish bookstore company called Bokia AB. This included user and task analysis following by aclose relationship between the developers and end-users by using sketches and showing themprototypes of the system while collecting feedback.After concluding our case study we determined that using methods from user centered systemdesign could be used as a great tool to further improve the usability and to improve an applicationssuccess chances..

Kommunikationsstöd för cancerpatienter. Upplevelse, trygghet och säkerhet

Telephone counselling has been around for more than forty years and remains a widely accepted communication support, both in the primary care and the outpa-tient departments of our hospitals. In many cases, this form of communication might be the only way in which the patient will have contact with the health ser-vices, primarily the nurse. In this study, the authors have chosen the word com-munication support as a generic name for the various technology tools, which are already present or in the future, might be an important link between the patient and the nurse. The aim of this study was to examine which communication sup-port that is available and patients´ perceptions of those and the patients´ percep-tions. Our patients can sometimes be affected by their illness, which means that their perception might be influenced and the advices or the prescriptions given by telephone will not be correctly perceived.

Men först, låt mig ta en "röstie"

Today, we see tendencies of politicians being more active in social media using selfies. According to previous research using selfies is associated with being self-centered and narcissistic. It is not known though what implications the behavior will have for a selfie-using politician in terms of chances of being elected. This study aims to contribute to the research on political communication and social media behavior. More specifically the study intends to investigate whether there is a difference between voters' views if a politician uses selfies or not, and whether there is a difference by gender.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe, from an ethical point of view, how the patient?s autonomy could preserved at palliative care.Method: A general literature study where 11 scientific articles have been analysed from a qualitative checklist whereof the result has been discussed based on the principles of ethics.

Patientens upplevelser av smärta vid venösa bensår och dess påverkan på livet : Patient´s experiences of pain at venous leg ulcer and the effects on their daily life.

Background: Patients with leg ulcer suffers often of woundpain. Healthcare professionals will strive after having knowledge and understanding for how woundpain influences the patient's quality of life. Aim: The aim is to elucidate the patient's experiences of pain at venous leg ulcer and the effects on their daily life. Method: The procedure has been a systematic literature overview with a systematic search in different databases. The search resulted in nine scientific articles.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv - en litteraturstudie

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.

Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande på akutmottagningen : En litteraturstudie

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

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