6873 Uppsatser om Patient-centered communication - Sida 14 av 459
Sjuksköterskan som höll min hand... Intensivvårdspatienters upplevelser av att vara intuberad eller tracheostomerad - en litteraturstudie
Being a patient in intensive care can be experienced terrifying. Studies have demonstrated the link between unpleasant memories of hospitalization in the ICU and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and perception of quality of life in its aftermath. Placed on a ventilator, the patient is exposed to multiple invasive procedures. The aim was to describe critical care patients' experience of being intubated or tracheostomated. Method: Literature review using conventional content analysis.
Att attrahera potentiella studenter: en fallstudie om svenska universitets och högskolors marknadskommunikation
The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how Swedish universities work with their marketing communication aimed at potential domestic students. The study focuses on how universities design and select channels for the marketing communication. A case study was conducted where four respondents from two Swedish universities were interviewed in order to generate empirical data. The results show that key factors for marketing communication are uniformity, honesty and trustworthiness. The results suggest that marketing communication should focus on the student?s experiences of university life and being a student, rather than marketing the university?s core service: education.
Torsby kommun kommunicerar för en yngre befolkning : En kvalitativ undersökning av en av kommunens målgrupper
AbstractThe purpose and vision for the municipality of Torsby are to connect with a younger population in the municipality by the year of 2012.This study is a qualitative survey of the target group ?the young ones? within the municipality of Torsby, which is the population between 17?35 years old.Because of the size and the different intrests between the individuals in this group it has been divided into three smaller groups.? High school students, 17-19 years old.? Returning seasonal workers, 20-26 years old.? People who has moved to Torsby and are now living in the municipality, 27-35 years old.The results of the study show that all the respondents believes that with the right communication channels a positive and strong communication between the municipality and the target groups can be reached. The message and the significance of the message are as important as the communication channels and all the target groups together would like to see a wider range of leisure pursuits that will suit the respective target group.The analysis and the results also show that the communication with the target groups should come about in different ways to be successful, both when it comes to fundemental reasons and choices of communication channels.The two youngest target groups has an adjacent and a similar need of well-founded and entertaining communication and information to rach a long-term result.The older group needs communication that will give them opportunity to reflect and concider the message, which means that the municipality of Torsby needs to adjust both the message and the communication channel for a quicker respons. This target group is also in need of further studies so the municipality of Torsby succesfully can plan a more detailed communication, this because the target group is a less homogeneous group than the two other target groups..
Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastik Patients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty
Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through knee- or hiparthropasty.
Sjuksköterskans roll i patientcentrerad vård.
Patientcentrerad vård har varit och är i fokus vid omorganisation och kvalitetsförbättringsarbete inom sjukvården. Det finns ett växande intresse hos myndigheter, forskare och patientföreningar nationellt och internationellt och det ställs numer krav på att vården skall vara mer patientcentrerad. Patientens upplevelse av vården och dennes livsvärld bör vara i fokus. Patientcentrerad vård är ett stort och komplext begrepp, vars definition kan tolkas som oklar och inte alltid enhetlig. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att försöka visa hur sjuksköterskans roll i patientcentrerad vård kan beskrivas.
Omvårdnad vid diagnos borderline personlighetsstörning
Background: Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that one to two percent of the population and at least every fourth patient that have received treatment at a psychiatric clinic has been diagnosed with. BPD is most common in women between teenage and early adulthood. Purpose: The aim of this literature study was to emphasize the nursing care of patients diagnosed with BPD within different perspectives. Method: A literature study was conducted to get a deeper understanding for the nursing care of patients with BPD. The search for pertinent articles, answering to the aim of the study, was done in different databases.
Egenvård av stomi - en litteraturstudie om patientundervisningens betydelse
Background: There are many possible reasons why a patient gets a stoma and in every case it?s of importance for the nurse to adjust nursing care, information and patient education from individual presuppositions. Problem: Patient education regarding stoma self-care is an important part of the nurse?s work within stoma care. The patient is depending on the guidance of the nurse and therefore it is relevant to illuminate the importance of education regarding gaining ability to perform self-care.
STRATEGISK KOMMUNIKATION OCH KOMMUNIKATION AV STRATEGIER : en intervjustudie kring en organisations kommunikation gällande strategier och mål
Purpose: Corporate communication strategies have a central role in disseminating and creating meaning to the organizations? visions, strategies and goals. But many employees do not know the organization?s overall strategies and goals, nor how well the organization achieves these. The aim of this study was to investigate and describe perceptions about internal communication, primarily focusing on communication about strategies and goals.
Att kommunicera hela vägen - : - En fallstudie av kommunikation via webbplatsen
AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to find out how the company Japanporten can improve their communication through their website. I want to find possible weaknesses in the communication style, and suggest solutions to those. All for the purpose of managing to create understanding and interest to fulfil the purpose and goal for the communication.Material/Method: I have used a qualitative research method, where I have interviewed the manager of Japanporten and made an contents analysis of their website.Main results: Japanporten supplies good functions on their website. The have a clear purpose and explain who they are and what the can do for the visitor. The main weakness is the argumentation to create and keep an interest from the visitor.
Effektiv intern kommunikation : En studie av kommunikation mellan värdar och värdledare i en idrottsförening
AbstractTitle: Effective internal communication ?A case study on communication between a manager and the employees in a sportsclub.Number of pages: 40, without enclosuresAuthor: Susan AnderssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Second term 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: I aim to do a case study of a work situation, where there is no natural or direct form of feedback between the manager and the employees, and compare the purpose of the information efforts with how it is perceived by the employees.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, including an assembling method in the form of interviews, and a processing method of those interviews.Main results: All the used channels combined together (except one channel) seem to have created the right condition so that the content of the information can be perceived and used as the way it was supposed to, even though there?s no direct feedback of the information. The manager gets feedback indirectly and can therefore adapt the messages, or the information efforts, to the receivers.Keywords: Organizational communication, Internal communication, Information, Feedback..
Kommunikation i kulturens tjänst : En kvalitativ studie om Umeå kommuns kommunikationsarbete under kulturhuvudstadsåret 2014
Purpose/aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine if, and in that case how, the municipality of Umeå worked strategically with its communication during 2014 when Umeå was chosen as ?European Capital of Culture?. The research is mainly focused on the outlines of their communication plan, main goals, what communication strategies the municipality has chosen to and their choice of media channels.Material/method: Two methods are used for this research; qualitative interviews with four employees within the communication team during Umeå2014 and a text analysis of three formal documents which provide the framework of communication policies and media strategies during Umeå2014.Results: The results clearly indicate a well structured, strategic planning outlined in the formal documents. The four people intreviewed all had a good knowledge of the policies and strategies in the documents, they also described their work in accordance with these..
Att vårdas på sjukhus : Patienters upplevelser av vårdmiljön på sjukhus
Bakgrund: Vårdmiljön på sjukhus har traditionellt utformats av arkitekter. Fokus på patienten har skiftat från subjekt till objekt, för att åter gå mot en syn som subjekt. Intresset för utformning av vårdmiljön har de senaste åren ökat. Problem: Patienterna inneliggande på sjukhus befinner sig i en utsatt situation. Sjuksköterskor på sjukhus har lite kunskap om hur vårdmiljön påverkar patienterna vilket behövs för att kunna arbeta efter ett personcentrerat perspektiv.
Kommunikationens betydelse för att främja föräldrars interaktion i barnets vård
Kunskap och förståelse för kommunikation och interaktion mellan sjuksköterskan och barn/föräldrar är nödvändigt för att förbättra patientsäkerheten. Alla har rätt att få information utifrån sina egna förutsättningar, individanpassad information. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa kommunikationens betydelse för föräldrars delaktighet i barnets vård. Både kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar hittades vilket matchade syftet. Slutsatserna i artikelresultaten ledde fram till följande kategorier: omgivande faktorer, sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt och kommunikationsstrategier.
Kommunikationsstrategi för Renbruksplan : är det en fungerande modell för samebyarna vid samråd?
The reindeer planning system (Renbruksplanen, RBP) is a communication and planning tool designed for Sami groups. A key purpose of this is that it will act as a tool in consultation with other market players, including forestry. Sami groups have asked for a model of how this can be used in a flexible manner. With the Swedish Forest Agency as a project manager, a communication model for how to use the RBP has been designed. It consists of a number of points divided into ?before?, ?during? and ?after? the consultation.
Omvårdnad ur patientperspektiv - En litteraturstudie om patientens upplevelse av mötet med sjuksköterskan
A literature study abot the patient´s experience of the meeting with the nurse.