3318 Uppsatser om Patient- sjuksköterskeperspektiv - Sida 5 av 222
Omvårdnad vid diagnos borderline personlighetsstörning
Background: Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that one to two percent of the population and at least every fourth patient that have received treatment at a psychiatric clinic has been diagnosed with. BPD is most common in women between teenage and early adulthood. Purpose: The aim of this literature study was to emphasize the nursing care of patients diagnosed with BPD within different perspectives. Method: A literature study was conducted to get a deeper understanding for the nursing care of patients with BPD. The search for pertinent articles, answering to the aim of the study, was done in different databases.
Egenvård av stomi - en litteraturstudie om patientundervisningens betydelse
Background: There are many possible reasons why a patient gets a stoma and in every case it?s of importance for the nurse to adjust nursing care, information and patient education from individual presuppositions. Problem: Patient education regarding stoma self-care is an important part of the nurse?s work within stoma care. The patient is depending on the guidance of the nurse and therefore it is relevant to illuminate the importance of education regarding gaining ability to perform self-care.
Omvårdnad ur patientperspektiv - En litteraturstudie om patientens upplevelse av mötet med sjuksköterskan
A literature study abot the patient´s experience of the meeting with the nurse.
Kartläggning av kvinnors amningsupplevelser på BB : -en enkätundersökning
Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.
Från information till interaktion : En studie om hur en visualiserad digital patientjournal kan påverka patientkonsultationen.
Swedish healthcare are in need of radical changes to meet the requirements from both the government and the patients to create organisational working methods that better support the patients through their healthcare processes. Digitalization of patient data has been going on for decades in order to increase participation and understanding among patients in their care processes. However, availability of information does not ensure understanding. Therefore, resources should be devoted to create conditions to enable participation. The purpose of this study is to explore how visualization of patient data in the patient?s journal can affect the consultation in the encounter between the doctor and the patient.
Patienters upplevelse i samband med MR-undersökning.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and painless diagnostic method. The patient may become concerned, suffer from anxiety and experience the examination as unpleasant. Detailed information and a good treatment can reduce anxiety and distress for the patient. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the patient?s experiences in connection to MRI, and to describe the patients needs for information and treatment.
Effekter av sjuksköterskeledda interventioner i undervisning av äldre patienter med hjärtsvikt : en litteraturstudie
Patients with heart failure have a high mortality and often readmits to hospital care, due to a lack of compliance in the treatment plan. Patient education on self-care provided by nurses is important in improving patient and clinical outcomes.The aim of this study was to describe effects of nurse led interventions of patient education for elderly patients with heart failure. Literature study based on nine quantitative scientific articles. The results shows that different nurse led interventions of patient education with patients with heart failure had positive effects on self-care management, quality of life, health related quality of life and hospital care. E-mail reminder to community nurses and telephone education shows to be the most effective patient education interventions.
Bakgrund: Idag drabbas cirka 300 000 barn i v?rlden av cancer varje ?r. Barncancer kr?ver
l?nga behandlingar vilket leder till att barnet spenderar mycket tid i h?lso- och sjukv?rden.
F?r?ldrars delaktighet i barnets v?rd ?r central och ?r n?dv?ndig f?r barnets v?lm?ende,
d?rmed kr?vs deras n?rvaro n?r barnet behandlas p? sjukhus. Att vara f?r?lder till ett barn
med cancersjukdom leder till stora f?r?ndringar och utmaningar.
Nutritionsbehov vid inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar
Hos patient med inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) har nutrition en central betydelse. Nutrition ska betraktas som en medicinsk behandling samtidigt som nutrition är ett av sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsansvar. Syftet var att belysa nutritionsbehovet hos patient med inflammatory bowel diseases. Resultatet baseras på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att patient med IBD lider av malnutrition eller ligger i riskzon för att bli malnutrierad.
Det perioperativa samtalet-nyexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar
The perioperative nurse's primary responsibility is to care for the patient during the operation?s three phases; before, during and after. The communication between colleagues in the surgical department is increasing opportunities for safe care for the patient and a good dialogue with the patient can alleviate the concerns facing the unknown environment such as an operating theater. The pilot study was to investigate the surgical nurses' perceptions of conversations with the patient one year after graduation. To answer the pilot study's aim a qualitative interview study was chosen with a phenomenographic approach.
VÃ¥rdpersonalens uppfattningar om fibromyalgi
Aim Our aim is to highlight perceptions of fibromyalgia among health care personell.MethodsA systematic literature review conducted with a deductive approach.FindingsHealth care personell felt insecure because of a lack of understanding which lead to avoiding contact with these patients. Many felt that the fibromyalgia patient was categorised and that they would have been better served with another name of their disease. There was a great distrust against the diagnosis and its aetiology. The patient was perceived as troublesome, illness-fixated and draining the personell of energy. The paradox that the patient is looking so healthy but bearing so much pain was confusing for the health care personell.Conclusions Communication and an empathic encounter was identified as important elements for patient care.
Patienters upplevelser av ett akutmottagningsbesök
The pressure is getting tougher on Accident and Emergency departments. Therefore it is crucial to study how the patient?s perceive their visit to the Emergency department. Knowledge about this enables improvement of routines, patient participation and patient safety. The purpose of the study was to investigate patient?s experiences of their visit at the Emergency department.A descriptive design was used.
Fra?n slutenva?rd till va?rd i kommunal omsorg- en patients utskrivning ur sjuksko?terskeperspektiv
SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Fo?r att patientsa?kerheten ska kunna garanteras vid en utskrivning fra?n slutenva?rden till kommunen a?r det viktigt att ra?tt information ges mellan instanserna. Det finns dock problem med kommunikationen vilket kan fa? olyckliga konsekvenser.Syfte: Att beskriva en patients utskrivning, fra?n slutenva?rd till kommunal omsorg, ur kommunsjuksko?terskors perspektiv.Metod: En kvalitativ metod med en explorativ design har anva?nts fo?r att besvara studiens syfte. Grundutbildande och specialistutbildade sjuksko?terskor fra?n fyra olika kommuner intervjuades till studien.
Distriktssköterskors dokumentation i omvårdnadsjournal vid telefonrådgivning.
The aim of the study was to describe what district nurses, who work with telephone- advice, document in patient record, to be able to develop their documentation. The Authors have examined 50 patient records. The examination tool is collected from ?Lokal anvisning för hälso- och sjukvården I Södra Älvsborg?. The audit areas was record keeping, review and planning, realization, individual nursing and the patients participation, information, education and agreement.
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med stroke - en litteraturstudie
Background: Living with stroke not only means coping with physical limitations, but a stroke also leads to other losses, which in various ways may change an individual?s life. A nurse can play a significant role in regards to consequences in the ordinary day of life for patients with stroke. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe patients? experiences living with stroke.