

7368 Uppsatser om Patient factors - Sida 26 av 492

Attityder till friskfaktorer på arbetsplatsen - En enkätstudie bland personal på Högskolan Kristianstad Attitudes towards factors of well-being at the workplace ? a questionnaire survey among personnel at Kristianstad University

For a long period of time there has been an extensive documentation of how things are presumed not to be at our workplace. However there is little knowledge on how it is supposed to be, what makes us feel good and what makes us retain our well-being. The aim of this study was to survey the attitudes towards factors of well-being at the workplace among personnel at four institutions at Kristianstad University. The work method used in this study is quantitative and a questionnaire survey was carried out to produce an overall picture. The majority considered praise from manager and the opportunity of development discussions of great importance.

Entrén vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund : hälsosjukhuset med frånvaro av trivsamhet

Scientific research shows that humans regain their strength when they are spending time in nature. Ulrich, Kaplan & Kaplan, among others, has shown in their research that nature can reduce stress and decrease the after effects of stress. Lund University Hospital, USiL, is a big working place and has a large number of patients. To be a patient often means that you lose control of your daily life which could cause stress. For the personnel high workload can be a stress factor.

En studie av fysiska, organisatoriska och individuella riskfaktorer hos arbetstagare med datorarbete

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are common in individuals with computer based work. Thecurrently known risk factors for these disorders is in the literature derived to physical,organizational and individual factors. A recent survey of three working groups at a companyin Stockholm explored that more than 50% of the employees had neck and shoulder problems.Aim: The study aims to create a better understanding for the current musculoskeletalproblems at the company. Such an understanding is created by examining the physical,organizational and individual risk factors in the workplace and the result can provide a goodbasis for intervention proposals.Method: In order to answer the aim of the study the authors chosed to use both qualitativeand quantitative methods of data collection through interviews and questionnaire survey. Theinterview and questionnaire was designed to create both a specific and comprehensive pictureof the physical, organizational and individual risk factors having a bearing effect on theexisting MSD problem.Result: Seven categories were compiled from interviews, which largely deals with the factthat high demands can lead to behaviors that may pose a significant risk for the occurrence ofMSD.

?What is going on??: En studie av internationella studenters informationsbehov på Högskolan i Borås

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis was to examine the information needs of the international students at the University of Borås. A further aim was to examine the types of information sources the international students was using to satisfy their information needs and the environmental factors keeping them from achieving this. This was done through focus group interviews with international students from four different countries ranging from the ages 20 ? 35.

Kraften i motivation! : Studiemotivation hos elever i åk 9

Following study is about motivation from a student perspective. Based on the prescribed literature and published research, the concept and field of motivation have been illuminated. The purpose of the study was to examine how students in ninth grade perceived their educational motivation and what kind importance they considered it had for their performance in school. The study is also supposed to base upon the result; clarify the differences if any between schools. In an attempt to get a clear image of this a quantitative method in the form of surveys was made on two schools in the Stockholm region. One of the schools had a really good merit value, and the other had a rather poor merit- value. By choosing a quantitative method a relatively large number of students where able to participate and equally large quantity of statistics have been presented. The result point at motivation in the participating students in both schools can increase and decrease through different factors.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av patienter med psykossjukdom och deras delaktighet i den psykiatriska öppenvården

Several studies show that the clinical reality in psychiatric care does not correspond to the demand of consumer participation from a variety of policy documents that has been produced recently. Studies also show that there is a lot to do in improving, patients with sever mental illness, becoming more involved in their own care. The nurse has a central role in this work. The Norwegian nursing theorist Jan-Ka?re Hummelvolls holistic, existentialistic model for psychiatric nursing were used as theoretical ground.The aim of this study was to examine how nurses in psychiatric outpatient units, caring for patients with psychotic disorders, experiences consumer participation.Qualitative phenomenological method was used.

?Jag känner mig frustrerad och otillräcklig? - Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av vården kring den suicidnära patienten

Självmord, eller suicid som det också kallas, är i vårt samhälle ett tabubelagt ämne där en känsla av utanförskap har belysts hos den suicidnära patienten som ibland upplever sin vård som otillräcklig. Syftet med följande studie är därför att belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda den suicidnära patienten och för att genomföra detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts på fyra kvalitativa- samt fem kvantitativa artiklar där resultatet visar att sjuksköterskans syn på patienten, på sig själv samt på sin kompetens i stor utsträckning påverkar patientens upplevelse av vårdandet. Vidare beskrivet är att sjuksköterskan tycks vara benägen att sätta etiketter på patienten där vissa grupper upplevs som svårare att vårda. Sjuksköterskan uppfattar vårdandet som tungt, då den vård som förmedlas inte upplevs ge önskad effekt. Eftersom relationen mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten är av stor vikt för att främja en framtida patienthälsa anses det att en bredare utbildning bör erhållas den grundutbildade sjuksköterskan för att underlätta förmågan att sätta sin förförståelse åt sidan och därmed öka förutsättningen för den psykiskt sjuka patienten.

Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.

Mellanchefers ledarskap ur ett förändringsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers arbete med patientsäkerhet under besparingstider

No accidents or injuries should occur because of our public health care. It should be a place with high security and good quality in order to avoid this type of accidents. This is a tough situation when the public health care organization should have as good quality as possible despite savings. It is difficult for middle managers to improve patient safety in the absence of money.The purpose of this study is to explain the work with patient safety that middle manager perform during saving times. The perspective we will look into is how they work with patient safety as an ongoing change.

Vad orsakar skador på kvarstående träd vid mekaniserad gallring - en intervjustudie

This thesis includes a review of scientific studies of tree injuries following mechanized thinning. Interviews have been made with drivers of single grip harvesters and forwarders in forest thinning and a number of essential factors have been identified as the most important to take into account in order to minimize and/orprevent injuries to stems and roots of remaining trees..

Neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder och missbruk: de professionellas syn på riskfaktorer och skyddsfaktorer ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of our study is to examine what risk factors can contribute to a child/youth with neuropsychiatric disorders developing an addiction to drugs. We also wanted to find out what protective factors can contribute not to develop an addiction. In order to find out these two different aspects we interviewed twelve professionals to get their view upon the matter. The professionals work within different sectors such as school, healthcare, social services and one of the interviewed is a member of an organization that specialises in neuropsychiatric disorders.When analysing our result of the interviews we used Bronnfenbrenner´s theory on the ecology of human development. What we found was that there are significant risk factors and protective factors on different levels of the child's environment.On the first level, the microsystem, interpersonal relations have an impact on the child's development.

Kommunicera professionellt : Kommunikationens betydelse för patienter med diabetes typ 2

Diabetes typ 2 är en av de vanligast förekommande sjukdomarna i Sverige. Eftersom sjukdomen ställer stora krav på egenvård är det viktigt att patienten själv förstår sjukdomen. Kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient har därför en central roll. Syftet var att belysa kommunikationens betydelse för samspelet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med diabetes typ 2. Studien gjordes i form av en litteraturstudie där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar utgjorde grunden för resultatet.

Anorexia Nervosa : anorektikern, familjen och sjuksköterskan, svårigheter med att ge en god omvårdnad. En litteraturstudie

Background: Anorexia nervosa is a disease that often strikes teenager girls. The causes of the disease are not entirely known, but there are redeemed and maintenanced factors. The factors describes as biological, psychological and sociocultural. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate the nurses problem in caring of girls that developed anorexia nervosa. Method: The method of this essay is a literature study.

Mötet med sjukvården - En komparativ närläsning av fem svenska patografier

Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie där fem patografier, självbiografiska sjukdomsskildringar jämförs. Detta görs för att belysa hur relationerna kan se ut mellan olika karaktärer inom sjukvården, i synnerhet förhållandet mellan patient och läkare, patient och sjusköterskor, men också förhållandet mellan sjukvårdspersonalen och patientens anhöriga..

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö : patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

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