8028 Uppsatser om Participatory research - Sida 15 av 536
Studie till uppstartande av annonskatalog
Sten Jonsson wants to start a production of an advertising catalogue for small companies in Sweden. Acatalogue where the advertisingcost is so low that most of the companies can afford to participate. Thecompanies who will advertise should be manufacturing companies in trades of carpentry, sheet metalworkshops, forging workshops and engineering workshops.The catalogue will facilitate for the manufacturer to reach the costumer without any middleman.Without a middleman creates a possibility for an opinion about the product at the same time as theprice can be held low. A catalogue of this type would benefit the marketing of the companies at the sametime as it would generate an occasion for innovations.The possible target groups are property companies, construct companies and farmers.A market research has been carried out contained a postal interview and a phone interview. Themarket research carried out to get an understanding in what the companies think about the idea butalso to see if the companies are in interest of advertise in the catalogue.
Respiratorisk sinusarytmi under påverkan av emotionell stimuli: en studie av emotionell påverkan från biologiska och ickebiologiska hotrelaterade bilder.
In this paper respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was examined in relation to two kinds of threatening pictures, biological and nonbiological. Based on the results of prior research the hypothesis was claimed to note a difference between the two types of pictures regarding RSA and gender differences regarding cardiac activity due to the emotional stimulus. ECG and respiration were collected from 36 adults, 17 women and 19 men. There were no significant relationship between the different types of threatening pictorial stimuli, and no significant effects of gender were found. The results support some of the prior research on the topic but are in conflict with other.
Lärandemiljön i klassrummet : hur lärare och rektor kan bidra till en god lärandemiljö
Abstract The purpose of this essay was to study understandings, determine the meening of a good learning environment in the school class, and how teachers and principal can contribute to it. On the basis of existing research that says: the common attitudes and standpoints between the school management and the teachers, is fundamental in case a good learning environment will occur in the classroom, the study has analyzed if the principal?s and the teacher?s attitudes in this study, are the same. The study is based on four main questions: What is a good learning environment, according to teachers, principal and existing research? How can teachers and principal contribute to a good learning environment, according to teachers, principal and existing research? Do the teacher?s and principal?s attitudes concerning what defines a good learning environment, agree? Do the teacher?s and principal?s attitudes concerning how teachers and principal can contribute to a good learning environment, agree? To reply to the purpose of the study, five qualitative interviews were made. The interviews were done with five teachers and one principal, working in the same school. Research and litterature of interest, has been read, and these are presented in this essay. The study result shows that the existing research gives a wide definition of what a good learning environment is, and how a teacher and principal can contribute to it.
Patientjournalen på fickan - en studie som visar att handdatorn kan stödja distriktssköterskans yrkespraktik och hur det grafiska gränssnittet utvecklats när distrikttsköterskor deltagit i designprocessen.
Projektets syfte var att undersöka om en handdator kan stödja
distriktssköterskans arbete. I rapporten beskrivs hur vi tillsammans med
distriktssköterskor har iakttagit i vilka situationer handdatorn kan vara ett
hjälpmedel. Om patientjournalen är tillgänglig via handdatorn vid hembesök
skulle det styrka de av oss utvalda nyckelorden som representerar
distriktssköterskans yrkeskunnande; "seende", lyhördhet, kommunikation,
flexibilitet, prioritering, beslutsfattande, dokumentation, framförhållning
samt utveckla ett minne och självständighet. I rapporten skriver vi också om
hur distriktssköterskorna tillsammans med oss har påverkat utvecklingen av det
grafiska gränssnittet i designprocessen. Vi visar med mock-upbilder hur denna
process har framskridit och vi pekar på hur viktig användarmedverkan är.
Vägen till icke kriminell.? En livsstilsförändring.
What is it that drives a person with criminal behavior to change their lifestyle? What are the obstacles to a lifestyle change? These issues have been guiding us during this study. In the introduction, we describe the previous research that has been done among crime in men. The themes that will follow us through the course of the study are as follows; cause of crime, Self-efficacy, social network and lifestyle change. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that a former prison convicted individual believes has been significant, as they break their criminal behavior associated with a lifestyle change.
"Impact can come in many guises" : en kvalitativ studie om forskares erfarenheter av parallellpublicering
Self-archiving as a way to provide open access to research publications is gaining ground in the area of scholarly publishing. An increasing number of research funders and universities are mandating open access for output associated with their research, which calls for evaluation of the effects of the phenomenon.This two years master?s thesis aims to investigate researchers? experiences of self-archiving. A qualitative web survey was conducted and answered by 41 researchers from several different countries, and a vast majority of the respondents concur with the principle of open access. Although self-archiving shows not to be a guarantee of increased impact for the single researcher, the study shows that might be the case.
Elevers syn på hållbar utveckling
The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.
Med sinne för detaljer : En domänanalytisk studie av ämnet Textilvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet med fokus på föremålsdokumentation
The aim of this two year master thesis is to study the knowledge production within the field of Textile Studies at Uppsala University, with special focus on the use of artifact documentation as a research method. With domain analysis as a theoretical framework, ontological and epistemological assumptions as well as historical and social aspects are studied in relation to the research process. Qualitative research methods are used, including interviews, observations and text analysis. In the analysis of the knowledge processes in the field, perspectives on tacit knowledge and the concept of documents, are used as a theoretical basis. In the field of Textile Studies, the artifacts are used as one of the main objects of study, along with archival and pictorial sources. The main epistemological assumptions are that artifact analysis is dependent on a knowledge base, where technical handicraft skills, contextual knowledge and practical experience of object observation are the most important qualifications.
Svensk dagstidningsbevakning av klimatförändringar : En flermetodsstudie med tyngdpunkt på aktörernas roll
Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.
Hållbar avkastning : En studie av hur finansiella institutioner engagerar sig i företags arbete med CSR
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the perception of value and risk in CSR as well as analyzing how financial institutions influence responsible behavior in business in order to create sustainable economic growth.Methodology: The study has a qualitative research method used by an abductive process. Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with respondents from three venture capital companies and three banks. The sample of respondents was done through a convenience sample with respect to access and expertise in the research area.Conclusion: The most important meanings of the research results have shown that CSR holds an intrinsic value concerning contributing value as its conceptual meaning in terms of sustainable development. CSR can also be regarded as a dimension of risk management to reduce the risk of negative externalities on corporate activities. Investors and financiers contribute to sustainable companies through active ownership and improvements in the CSR dimensions.
Det är svårt att lära en gammal hund sitta : En jämförande studie mellan högstadieelevers och gymnasieelevers syn på jämställdhet
The aim of this research is to do a comparison between students? view of equality in secondary school and in gymnasium. The research begins with four focus groups, two on each grade to conduct material. The focus groups with girls and boys were separated from each other. With help from the researcher, acting as a moderator in the focus groups, the students have discussed advertisement and what message it convey.
Politiskt kvitter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av politisk kommunikation på Twitter
Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.
?En sista utväg? : Gymnasieungdomars föreställningar kring ungdomar som rymmer eller kastas ut hemifrån
The purpose of this study was to examine high school students conceptions of young people who run away or get thrown out of their homes. Earlier research shows that this group of young people often come from families were physical, psychological and sexual abuse is reappearing factors. They often face a life of homelessness, drug abuse and prostitution. Still there is little research done about this phenomenon and what kind of help and support these young people could need. This study was done in a qualitative approach with the use of focus groups.
Grupphandledning i socialt arbete: Upplevelser kring gruppformatet och dess effekter
Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.
Den kulturpolitiska forskningens intellektuella bas och inriktningar ? En författarcociteringsanalys av artiklar publicerade i International Journal of Cultural Policy 2002-2007
The aim of this thesis is to map the intellectual base, and identify the general research interests, of Cultural Policy studies. In addition to this the thesis also aims to trace the uses of theoretical and conceptual approaches within the identified research interests. This is done by analysing citations from 130 articles published in the leading scientific journal International Journal of Cultural Policy between the years 2002-2007 using the bibliometric method author cocitation analysis (ACA). The results of the ACA confirm the overall notion that the research field of cultural policy studies is an ambiguous one, even when it?s studied with a quantitative method specialised in uncovering hidden structures within a given field as ACA.