

4064 Uppsatser om Parent support - Sida 46 av 271

"Du måste helt enkelt äga ditt klassrum" : En studie om lärares ledarskap och strategier i mötet med störande elever

The title, ?You simply must own your classroom?, is taken from a quote from one of my informants.After review of earlier research on how teachers handle their leadership in the meeting with disturbing pupils and which strategies they use to solve problems in the classroom, interesting questions developed. What experiences do teachers have of disturbing situations in the classroom? Which strategies do they use to solve the problems? What kind of support do the teachers consider necessary in teaching? Are there any differences in teachers? experiences and strategies between the two selected schools? The study is supported by earlier research that deals with pupils? and teachers? perspective and strategies in different classroom cultures in terms of norm-breaking behaviour of pupils. The study is also supported by three different theoretical perspectives such as power structure, social order/disorder and support strategies.I conducted the study through interviews with sex teachers who work in the same municipality but in two separate schools.

Koncerninterna Transaktioner i Kommunala Företagskoncerner : Fallet Linköpings Stadshus

Background: In newspaper articles, we can nowadays read headlines as"Stop the robbing!"and"They pay extra tax through rent". A column in Göteborgsposten describes enormous amounts of money, pouring between municipal companies. Numerous of local newspapers have started to pay attention to their municipal companies and the transfer of profits from municipal housing enterprises and electric power companies. What are upsetting these journalists then? Both Hyresgästföreningen (The Swedish tenants? association) and Boverket (The Swedish National Housing Board) indicate that the fiscal purpose of transactions within the group no longer is primary for municipalities.

Den skapande bildens betydelse för hälsan hos personer med depressions- och ångestsyndrom

The main objective of this study has been to explore how art therapists experience the visual art´s that can be used in the promotion of health among people with depression - and anxiety disorders. The concept of SOC- sense of coherence has been a central term and a link between imaging and SOC were identified in the study. The underlying method in the study was a qualitative form, where semi-structured interviews were used. Through a strategic- sample five female art therapist were contacted, who all came to participate in the study. The study is essentially based on hermeneutical method and the analysis of interview material has been analyst by using thematic analysis.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för övervakning och larmhantering

Netadmin Systems är ett Linköpingsbaserat IT-företag där huvudprodukten NETadmin är ett Operation support system/Business support system (OSS/BSS) som i huvudsak används i öppna nät för bl.a. kund- och lagerhantering, provisionering, övervakning och ärendehantering. Ett växande behov finns att göra det möjligt att använda övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter för att kunna felsöka och hantera driftstörningar effektivt.Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur övervakningssystemet kan göras tillgängligt på Android samt att ta fram en prototypapplikation för hantering av grundläggande övervakning. Genom fallstudien som har genomförts har slutsatsen dragits att Netadmin API är lämpligt för kommunikation via mobila enheter men att API behöver vidareutvecklas med ytterligarefunktioner. De viktigaste av dessa har implementerats och arbetet har även mynnat ut i en applikationsprototyp för Android.Genom utvecklingen av denna applikation ges Netadmins kunder möjlighet att hantera övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter..

I skuggan av pojkarna : En kvalitativ studie om flickor med ADHD

Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illuminate and analyze what girls with ADHD say they experienced during their school time. The study will also answer the questions of issues; how did the girls say they were treated by their teachers and classmates and which pedagogical experiences can we learn from their statements?Method: In order to investigate this, six semi structured interviews were carried out. I decided not to interview girls in their school age, but women with ADHD who has already graduated, since I believe it can be very sensitive for young girls to talk about the subject and they are not able to give the overall perspective on their school time that I was looking for.Result: The results of the interviews shows that all of the women felt misunderstood during their childhood and they all had bad experiences from school.Conclusion: One of the conclusions of this study is that there are not sufficiently knowledge about girls with ADHD and many of them are not diagnosed until they are grown up which leads to that the girls does not get the support they need in school..

Samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola En studie om huruvida samarbete kan främja barns och särskilt invandrarbarns språkutveckling

This Masters thesis concerns how library and preschool can cooperate in supporting childrens language development and especially that of bilingual children. We have investigated how librarians and preschool teachers different competences can complement each other to gain the best result in work with childrens language development. This study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians and three preschool teachers. The answers from them have been analysed according to different categories. Our results show that both librarians and preschool teachers think that bilingual children need extra support and that it takes longer to learn two languages.

Gör skolbibliotekarien någon skillnad? En studie av skolbibliotekariens betydelse för unga elevers läs- och språkutveckling

The purpose of this study is to investigate? how a professional librarian can support the work with pupils, age six to twelve years, in their reading and linguistic development? how the conditions at the school have to be for this to become possible? what kind of attitudes the teachers have, and how they relate to the impact of a librarian for the pupils reading and linguistic development.The methods used are analyses of steering documents concerning school libraries and analyses of the means of the local school culture. The latter has been carried out by literature studies and through interviews of eight teachers and two school librarians. The result of the interviews showed a limited insight into how a professional librarian can support and assist teachers and pupils in the work with reading and linguistic development. They also showed the influence of existing traditions and local school culture for the use of a librarian?s services, and also how all the teachers, once they have become used to the services a librarian can provide, now find their support invaluable.

Andrahandsuthyrning av bostadsrätter

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Parents`experiences when their children are tended at hospitals

Background: In Sweden the healthcare has moved from the homes to the hospitals, as the system has developed. Parents were not allowed to visit their children when they were hospitalised in the past. It was noticed in the beginning of the 20th century that it might be harmful for the children to be left without parents at the hospital. Today it is considered a fact that the parents should stay with their hospitalised children and the healthcare is based on a family-centered care. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to elucidate parents experience when having hospitalised children.

Faktorer som påverkar deltagande : Psykosocialt stöd vid prostatacancer

Aim: The aims of this essay were first to see if there were any factors that could have an inpact on participating in supportive care groups and activities after a prostatic cancer diagnosis. The second aim was to examine what kind of support the patients would chose. Methods: Data was collected with a survey handed out to the prostate cancer patients visiting the urologist reception at the hospital in Uppsala, during two weeks in the fall of 2011. Main Results: Men show very little interest in participating in supportive care groups and activities. When asked to chose which kind of support they could consider, individual sessions and group sessions were the most common choice. Conclusion: Men diagnosed with prostate cancer chose not to participate in supportive care. Further studies are required to determine what may be the reason to that..

Det (o)möjliga föräldraskapet : Reproduktion och etablering av en god familjerelation

This theises focus on how a ideal parentship can be reproduced and established in an organization that is incorporated in the familycourt, provided by the social institution. The organization provides help for parents and children during and after a divorce or separation, the organization also provides help for families where violence has occured or in cases when parent and child doesn´t know one another. When a custodial dispute arise´s and one of the two is granted soul costody of the child, the guardian in most cases is the mother. Therefor this organization mostly handels fathers and their children. The study shows that gender, class and possesing of the right will are the three main aspects that have an effect on who ends up at the organization.

Tvärfunktionell produktutveckling : - En utredning på Scania om samverkan mellan konstruktörer och produktsamordnare

The role distribution between designers and product coordinators and the system support between these roles are adapted according to the method of working that product models primarily are created for production and after sales market. At the same time models are also created to support a cross-functional way of working. This means that product structures exists on paper and as CAD-models before they are created in Scanias PDM-system environment which leads to unnecessary work and to information not being shared as early as it should be possible.A theoretical study has been performed with the purpose of understanding the problems and to create a foundation for improvement suggestions. Representatives from both roles have been interviewed together with other individuals with insight in the collaboration. A minor study concerning the roles of interests? collaboration at Volvo CC was also performed to be able to relate the study to another company.

Miljöcertifiering av byggnader : En studie av certifikatets immateriella värde

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Ordfrekvens och repetition i läromedlet Lieber Deutsch : En analys av den språkdidaktiska förankringen i ett svenskt läromedel i tyska

The aim of this study is to examine the word acquisition, focusing on the nouns and word exercises, in two Swedish textbooks for German in the upper secondary school. The chosen method for investigating the nouns was corpus analysis. The noun frequency and distribution in the textbooks were analysed and discussed in relation to research in second language acquisition. The Involvement Load Hypothesis by Batia Laufer and Jan Hulstijn was used to examine the exercises in the textbooks. The study showed that most nouns only occurred once in the textbooks, but the most frequent nouns were well spread in the textbooks.

Ungdomars mognad, en avgörande faktor : en kvalitativ studie inriktad på en grupp föräldrar gällande tillhandahållande av alkohol till sina barn

Our purpose was to shed light on how parents act in respect of providing alcohol to young people when they ask for a taste of home, or wish to bring alcohol to such a party. We used qualitative interviews and the results show that some of the respondents think that it may be acceptable to provide alcohol, while some do not. The results also show that the respondents think that parents are important as a model for the young. They could not purchase alcohol for the purpose of giving it to the young but only if alcohol is available at home. The reason for this behavior is the parents' assessment that the young person demonstrates a level of maturity for his age that they are presumed to be able to handle a small amount of alcohol.

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