

4064 Uppsatser om Parent support - Sida 35 av 271

Andlighet och sociala stödets betydelse för att sluta med narkotika : Upplevelser om 12 stegsprogrammet

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Mödrar till flickor med Asperger syndrom/högfungerande autism: En jämförelse mellan stressorer och samhällets stöd i Sverige och Spanien

The main purpose of the thesis was to investigate if mothers of girls with Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism experienced the same stressors regardless of society and culture or in which way the stressors might differ.A special purpose of the thesis was to investigate if the society by different types of support could relieve stress and eliminate or reduce stressors.The method of the thesis was to interview three mothers in Sweden and three in Spain, who all had a daughter, 10 - 15 years old, with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism.The result shows that mothers in both countries experienced equal level of stress, though the Swedish mothers got more support from the society. However, the stressors differed. For the Spanish mothers the main stressor was the girls´ problems at school. The main stressor for the Swedish mothers was how to find time to fulfil their different roles, e.g. mother, wife, housewife, professional, friend.

Den demokratiska döden : En motivstudie av döden i Vilhelm Mobergs Din stund på jorden och Jan Fridegårds Torntuppen

The purpose of this paper is to view Karlstad Municipality and their financial support to non-profit organizations within equestrian sports. Despite the varying representatives of various equestrian sports in Karlstad, there seems to be a single beneficiary within the sport when it comes to financial support from the municipality. The policies and plans concerning cultural development are directly compared to the Karlstad Municipality and its contribution to these organizations within equestrian sports. Through interviews and reports I have studied the process of financial support from the Karlstad municipality using an intersectionality theory based on Nina Lykkes guide on gender studies and feminist theory. Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on field, habitus and capital are also used as a method to enhance the understanding of equestrian sports and its role in modern Swedish society. The conclusion is that the Karlstad Municipality is, for a several of reasons, promoting non-profit organizations within equestrian sports, which are operating as riding schools.

Män som mikroföretagare : Hur beskriver de balansen mellan arbete och övrigt liv?

The aim of this study was to explore how six men who run a micro-enterprisewith a maximum of 10 employees handle the balance between work and otherlife. Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was conducted and thesample consisted of six men with micro-enterprises of varying ages. The themesused in the interviews were boundless work, roles, boundaries strategies anddemand / control - social support. The results showed that micro- entrepreneursdo not experience any major imbalance between work and other life. The studyrevealed that the division of roles in the home of the elderly respondents was ofthe classical gender character that woman took great responsibility in the home.Among the younger respondents the unpaid work at home was equal divided.Social support was perceived highly by all respondents, and they alsoexperienced a high level of control over the requirements of the job.

Franska dotterbolags etableringar på den svenska marknaden.

Today?s globalisation has opened up borders between countries as can especially be seen with the opening of the European Union. This has increased possibilities of communication and transportation, which has provided companies with greater expansion opportunities throughout the world. However, difficulties may occur when companies choose to establish abroad, for instance when French companies establish in Sweden through subsidiaries, the lack of knowledge and understanding, when it comes to the business culture, customs, and values within the host country, as well as the culture and the structure within the company, may contribute to misunderstandings and inability to work in an amalgamated manner. These barriers are a cause of unsuccessful penetration within foreign markets.

Undervisning och dyslexi : Några gymnasieläraren arbetssätt för att stödja elever med dyslexi

According to the curriculum the teachers have a responsibility to adjust the activities in the classroom in order to suit the pupils and to give them the means of assistance the pupils need to be successful in their learning. The teachers should also stimulate the interest to learn and support the pupils? self esteem. One of the problems a dyslectic pupil faces is an often weak self esteem. Another is the weak phonological awareness which makes it hard to fully understand the context and to recognize different phonemes when writing.

Att prata om, till eller med elever : En kvalitativ studie om lärares sätt att möta elever i svårigheter

To talk about, talk to or with children. A conversation between a child and its teacher should be more than the teacher telling the child what to do, how to act. It should be more like a respectful and reverent meeting between two people where the adult sets the tone. The purpose of this research is to investigate teachers' experiences of conversations with children in need of special assistance. Our issues: What do teachers say about how they meet children in need of support? How do teachers response to students who are in difficulty? What ability have teachers and their school's to meet children in need of support and what appear to be particularly important or problematic issues for them in that work? In order to find some answers to our questions we interviewed ten teachers at two schools.

Förståndshandikapp : Livsvillkor och undervisning för barn och ungdomar i Sydafrika

AbstractDuring my university trip to South Africa I visit a black township called Lingehlile. There I examined the life situation and education for children and youth with mentally disabilities. I was interested in knowing more about what basic condition they have, period of school and what kind of support they get outside the school. The subjects that I have handled are a school for all, support for the person with mentally disabilities and their family, the opinion of the society, education and life after school. I got my result by two interviews.

Haspelsystemet Camcoil 1500

Our employer Camatec Industriteknik AB gave us the assignments to increase theirs range of versions on Camcoil that is their own patent product. Camcoil is a capstan system that is used when steel band fabricated. Exist for example in production lines their steel band should be annealed. Our goal with this work is to come up with a completed production basis on a Camcoil for heavy industry. The basis should contain calculations, 3D-constructions, drawings and cost proposal on manufacturing and detail purchase.Demands on this project:1.

Bones are Beautiful : En etnografisk studie av ungdomars användning och behov av Pro-anakulturen på Internet

There are several possibilities for those with an eating disorder, who wishes to get treatment and recover to get help and support. But for those who are not ready to recover, there are not any help to receive. Pro-ana is a youth culture where individuals who want to achieve the anorectic ideal help and support each other. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the content and the need for the Pro-ana community on Internet, among young people with eating disorders. More specifically the aim was to find out how young Swedish people uses the Pro-ana communities on Internet.

Reporting Management för den interna rapporterings processen med hjälp av verktyget Tivoli Decision Support : TDS

Rapporten inleds med en beskrivning av WM-datas Network Management struktur och Reporting Management behov. Därefter följer en beskrivning av de två analys tekniker Datamining och On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) vilka är de mest använda databasbaserade tekniker. Verktyget Tivoli Decision Support (TDS) är ett stödssystem som ska underlätta för beslutsfattare inom organisationen. TDS baseras på OLAP ? tekniken och rapporten visar avslutningsvis de möjligheter som verktyget ger avseende WM-datas Reporting Management..

Toleransens betydelse i socialt stödutbyte En kvalitativ studie bland sju Tamangfamiljer i Kathmandudalen, Nepal

Society is characterized by patterns of behavior and interaction that is created and recreated inthe interplay between individuality/collectivity and freedom/constraint, thus represents avariety of social issues and social phenomena. One of these phenomena is social supportexchanges and social capital. In order to obtain views on how this might appear in a specificsociety and contribute to the knowledge about social support exchanges and social capital, thisstudy was done with seven families in a village in Nepal. The village and the families gave aview and an example of how it might look in a place where social support exchanges plays acrucial role in this way of living. Through observations and interviews I have tried to make thesocial support exchange areas and meanings visibile.

Tankar och erfarenheter kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd : Tre röster ur skolans värld

The purpose with this essay is to illustrate what divides and unites three educationalists approach on ?children in need of special support? within the first years of school. Three educationalists with significant positions within the school system have been chosen for interviews. On basis of the results of the interviews three themes has been selected and divided into the conceptions; ?children in need of special support?, ?resource? and ?a school for everyone?.

System för att upptäcka Phishing : Klassificering av mejl

Denna rapport tar en titt på phishing-problemet, något som många har råkat ut för med bland annat de falska Nordea eller eBay mejl som på senaste tiden har dykt upp i våra inkorgar, och ett eventuellt sätt att minska phishingens effekt. Fokus i rapporten ligger på klassificering av mejl och den huvudsakliga frågeställningen är: ?Är det, med hög träffsäkerhet, möjligt att med hjälp av ett klassificeringsverktyg sortera ut mejl som har med phishing att göra från övrig skräppost.? Det visade sig svårare än väntat att hitta phishing mejl att använda i klassificeringen. I de klassificeringar som genomfördes visade det sig att både metoden Naive Bayes och med Support Vector Machine kan hitta upp till 100 % av phishing mejlen. Rapporten pressenterar arbetsgången, teori om phishing och resultaten efter genomförda klassificeringstest..

Husdeklaration av Stadiums nya distributionscentral

The distributioncentral of Stadium has an area of 31,6 acre and is being build in Herstadberg in the region of Norrköping. It is Mattssons Fastighetsutveckling (Mattssons Real-estate development) who also has ordered the building. They will also take care of the operation and support of the distributioncentral. Peab has got the assignment as a total contractor and it is for them I have done my degree project.I have been drawing-up a description of the goods in the distributioncenter. In the declaration a description of the goods will be found, there substance for all the materials that has been built in to the building describes.

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