

418 Uppsatser om Paradigm shift - Sida 2 av 28

The shift in forest and tree limits in Troms County - with a main focus on temperature and herbivores

To better understand how various factors affect the establishment of forest and trees around the tree line-ecotone, this study was conducted in Troms County, Norway. The altitude of different forest and tree limits together with the surrounding vegetation type were collected during August 2011. Comparisons of the collected data were made with previously collected data from the same sites conducted 1914 and 1915. On average the forest limit has expanded with 26 meters in altitude, however, an expansion is not statistically significant for the whole area. The tree limit has significantly expanded in altitude.

Empowerment: vetenskapligt paradigm eller politisk kameleont?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the success of theconcept of empowerment in the field of social science can be explained by referring to it as the new paradigm replacing the former paternalistic era. Therefore, I investigate if the character of its history, domicile and practice has the same distinguishing features as the scientific progress. The analysis is based on Thomas Kuhn's definition of a scientific paradigm through the concepts of consensus, crisis and revolution. I also look for alternative ways to explain the sudden appearance of empowerment at the world agenda. Due to the lack of a uniform definition of the concept and the absence of common approaches in the stimulation of empowerment it's difficult to argue that the situation is marked by consensus.

Lönsamhetsbedömning av utökad MR-kapacitet på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

This thesis analyses how a radiology department at the largest hospital in Sweden, Karolinska University Hospital, most profitably could expand its capacity for investigating cancer patients using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The queues today for patients waiting to be scanned are long, which delays the start of cancer treatments. Meanwhile the hospital has a budget deficit of half a billion SEK, which make any expansion hard. In this thesis we evaluate the alternatives of investing in new machinery; utilize the current machinery better by using them more days annually or through a shift work system. Finally we evaluate a combination of these.

Power Shift and Retailer Value in the Swedish FMCG Industry

Background: The recent years in the Swedish Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry have been characterized by a palpable shift in power balance, favouring the retailers. Since the shift in power balance has strengthened the negotiation position of the retailers, the suppliers now have to, to a greater extent than before, accommodate to the retailers? goals, whether they be financial or strategic. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate how this recent power shift has affected the relationships of suppliers and retailers. This development has resulted in the rather new and unexplored area of retailer value, which this study further aimed to explore.

Kommunalt naturskydd som en del av markanvändningsplaneringen : en fallstudie av olika synsätt i samband med upphävande av naturreservat

In metropolitan areas where the exploitation pressure increases, also the importance to point out nature areas grows, both for the sake of outdoor life and for biodiversity conservation. Since nature conservancy and spatial planning constitute two different parts of the municipalities land use control, a case study has been carried out in two municipalities in the Stockholm region, Huddinge and Järfälla. Both these municipalities have protected about one third of their land and today there are plans to repeal parts of the reserves to enable exploitation. This thesis shows ? from the theoretical concept of sustainable development ? officials, politicians and non-governmental organizations perspectives on questions concerning land use together with the work with nature reserves and repeals.

Krigföring - Manöverkrigföring eller en ny paradigm

Generations of war. William S. Lind and Thomas X. Hammes are two advocates of fourth generation warfare. Fourth generation warfare combatants uses all available tools to reach their goals.

Hur många luftvärmepumpar har Warren Buffet? eller Är payoffkejsaren naken? : En uppsats om att förväxla företagsekonomiska abstrakta begrepp med privatekonomisk konkret realitet.

Uppsatsen behandlar payoffbegreppets användning vid privatekonomiska beslut. Författaren visar att privatekonomi och företagsekonomi, två oförenliga paradigm, begreppsmässigt förväxlas och blandas samman i energibranschen Företagsekonomiska abstraktioner utan konkreta motsvarigheter i privatekonomisk praxis skapar osäkerhet, förvirring och tvekan. De aktörer och kunder som undviker paradigmatisk sammanblandning och fokuserar privatekonomiska begrepp går oberörda förbi de svårigheter som annars väntar. Nyckelord: Lönsamhet, payoff, abstraktioner, mentala konstruktioner, privatekonomiska begrepp, företagsekonomiska begrepp, fenomenografi, argumentationsanalys, paradigm..

Estetik och funktion i stadsplaneringen : Substitut eller komplement?

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

Revidering av Arboga kommuns översiktsplan : -Hållbar utveckling i översiktsplanering

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

Corporate Social Responsibility - ett sätt att skapa förtroende?

This essay recognizes and criticizes a commonly held assumption that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) functions as a ?savings account of trust? between corporations and consumers. Based on five focus group interviews, the authors discuss how corporations that engage in society can sometimes raise and sometimes destroy the trust of potential consumers. One of our main findings is that CSR seems to raise the expectations among consumers. We then compare this phenomenon with the classical theory of the disconfirmation paradigm.

En jämförande studie av JDBC och Hibernate med avseende på användbarhet

Två grundläggande paradigm inom datavetenskap är objektorienterad programmering och relationsdatabasteknik. En kombinering av applikationer gjorda i ett objektorienterat programmeringsspråk med den beständighet och funktionalitet som ges av relationsdatabaser är en möjlig vidareutveckling av ens kunskaper inom dessa områden. Kombinationen av dessa båda förutnämnda paradigm innebär åtminstone ett problem som uppkommer då en relationsdatabas lagrar data i tabeller och en objektorienterad applikation lagrar data i objekt. Detta problem kallas objekt/relations paradigmens missanpassning. På grund av detta problem så måste kopplingen mellan paradigmen skötas av ett ramverk av något slag.

Skiftarbetares självskattade hälsa : Anledning till skiftarbete och kontroll i arbetet

ABSTRACTBackground:To work irregular hours, so called shift work, involves a greater risk to develop bad health compared to work daytime. The society today requires availability 24-hours per day which makes shiftwork necessary. We have to find a way to make shift working people remain at a good health.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine the self estimated health of shift workers. This study concerns significant differences between self estimated health and: main reason for shiftwork, possibility to decide what to do at work and possibility to decide how to perform work tasks.Method:A cross sectional study was performed in four companies in industrial manufacturing, printing business and service business in the community of Örebro. 113 questionnaires were delivered and 71 persons filled the questionnaires and returned them, the reply fervency were 65 %.Results:In this population almost 80 % of the participants declared their health good, very good or excellent and no one declared their health as poor.

Generationsväxlingen ? De gamla ska man ära, de unga ska man lära?

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine how managers apprehend today's leadership and how they believe that future leadership will be influenced and developed when the people bourn during the nineteen forties pass on their management positions to a younger generation.Method: I share the hermeneutic view on science. I believe that knowledge is born with in the person who seeks to obtain it. I have chosen to conduct my study using a qualitative and inductive approach. I use an inductive approach as I answer my questions by using interviews in order to respond to my question at issues, and assumes from the empiric in my study.Result & Conclusions: The leadership role has changed from being? the one who decides?,? the director?, to becoming less peculiar and prestige.

Liv i den övergivna trädgården? : Tro och sekularisering i Sverige, speglad mot dominerande teorier om sekulariseringsprocesser

This master thesis summarizes contemporary theories on secularization processes in the Western world, and compares these with the example of Sweden, which by many scholars is considered to be the most secularized country in the Western world.I do this by dividing the most influential theorists in five different groups. In each group I explain how the theorists formulate and motivate their positions. These groups are:1) The secularization paradigm, where secularization always accompanies modernization. (Therorists: Steve Bruce and Peter Berger (in the 1960s)2) The paradigm basically accepted, but revised to depend on existential security, rather than modernisation as such. (Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart)3) Religion returned in the public sphere.

En analys av storbankers informationssäkerhetsarbete

Författare: Annika Hagner, Hedvig AnnerstenSyfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka och analysera hur bankverksamheter har struktureratsinainformationssäkerhetsarbete. Datainsamlingen har skett genom intervjuer hos tvåstorbanker och det har resulterat i kvalitativ data som belyser riskbedömning, hur arbetet efteren säkerhetspolicy sker samt hur de strukturerat informationssäkerhetsarbetet gällande rutinersom storbankerna arbetar utefter samt hur organisationsstrukturen ser ut. Utifrån ett ramverkav paradigmen kommer det ske en analys som syftar till att ta reda på vilket sätt storbankernaarbetar med informationssäkerheten på.Metod: Metoden som användes var två semistrukturerade intervjuer med två storbanker ochforskningsstrategin som användes hade inslag av en fallstudie.Resultat: Studien resulterar i att storbankerna präglar sina verksamheter utifrån ettfunktionalistiskt paradigm interpretivistiska inslag..

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