385 Uppsatser om Painting conservation - Sida 9 av 26
Lagning av revor i textilt målningsunderlag Långsiktig stabilitet och karaktäristiska egenskaper hos adhesiv och metoder
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:18.
Bevarandevärt i domstolsprövning ? plan- och bygglagens egentliga skydd ur bebyggelseantikvarisk synvinkel
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:20.
Kommunala bolag och demokratin - Om bolagiseringstrendens inverkan på folkstyret.
Kulturvårdscentrum was a project that had great significance for local folklore societies in Bohuslän.Bohusläns museum was i charge of the project that lasted from 1987 until about 2001 when most ofthe original staff have retired. The staff was mainly recruited from a large shipyard, Uddevallavarvet,at it's closure due to recession. Financing was largely made by the government to help outthose unemployed who otherwise should have a hard time finding a new job. At start there was about25 employees who where trained for one year by staff from Swedish museums, conservation studios,and teachers the university. The education was aimed at serving local folklore societies, and dealingwith their special problems.
Materians och energins bevarande : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattningar
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka elevernas uppfattningar om materians uppbyggnad och om materians och energins bevarande. Den föreliggande studien baseras på en kvantitativ analys i form av en elektronisk enkät, som föregicks av en kvalitativ analys i form av, strukturerade intervjuer och demonstrationer.Eleverna har kunskap om vardagsnära exempel, som till exempel vad en stekpanna är uppbyggd av. De ansåg att dessa är exempel på materia men när det gäller mer abstrakta begrepp som ljus, magnetfält, skugga, vakuum, värme och ljud uppvisar eleverna mer osäkerhet och brist på kunskaper. Hälften av eleverna svarade att luft är materia, vilket tyder på ?gasblindhet? hos de övriga.
Listdragning i kalkbruk. En jämförande studie mellan två i litteraturen skiljande metoder
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bygghantverk, 22,5 hp 2014.
Byggnadsminnesförklaring - skyddsbestämmelser, ersättning och överklagande
In this report listed buildings, according to the Swedish Heritage Conservation Act, have been studied with a focus on cases where economical compensation has been given to the owner of the building and cases where the listing of the building has been appealed by the owner. In order for a building to become listed it needs to be particularly valuable from a cultural and historical standpoint. The listed buildings are protected through a list of regulations that determines which parts of the building can or cannot be changed, what methods and materials should be used for changes and repairs, and how the building should be maintained. These regulations should as far as possible be formulated in agreement with the owner, but a building can become listed against the owners will. To decrease the damage this causes the owner he can in some cases have the right to economical compensation. There is also a possibility for the owner to appeal the listing of the building.
Evaluation of an ectomycorrhizal macrofungi as an indicator species of high conservation value pine-heath forests in northern Sweden
Since the 1950s, the development of modern rotation forestry in boreal Fennoscandia has resulted in a severe reduction of older forests, and a high degree of fragmentation among the small patches that remains of old forest. In Sweden, when performing conservation value assessments in order to identify and preserve the remaining forest habitats, the government authorities use to a significant extent a set of indicator species that indicate habitats of high biological conservation value. One species considered to indicate high conservation values in pine-heath forests is the red-listed ectomycorrhizal (EM) macrofungi Sarcodon scabrosus (Fr.) P. Karst. In the present study, the validity of using S.
Pyrit i arkeologiska benföremål ? ett dolt problem? Undersökning och skadeinventering av järn och svavel i arkeologiska ben- och benhornföremål
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2015:05.
Trä och fukt ? Mätmetoder för fuktrelaterade dimensionsförändringar hos trä och deras användbarhet, med två fallstudier inom konservering
This thesis deals with different methods for measuring moisture-related dimensional changes ofwood. Typically relative humidity is measured to determine if the ambient climate around anobject is harmful to it or not. Values between 40 to 65% RH are recommended for hygroscopicmaterials. To know how a wooden object actually reacts to changes in the surroundingenvironment requires methods that involve the object itself. Because of the wood anisotropy,differences in wood structure, finishes and other restraints, it is not always possible to predict themovements.This paper addresses various measurement methods, primarily methods that have been testedin the field of conservation, with examples of their use.
Hur ett företags processer påverkas utav införandet av en säsongsprodukt : en jämförande studie mellan ett storskaligt och ett småskaligt företag veksamma inom livsmedelsindustrin
Matte painting och camera projection är ett relativt snabbt och kostnadseffektivt sätt att skapa miljöer som inte existerar. I denna rapport redovisar jag om matte paintings användning inom VFX-produktion och går igenom hur man uppnår ett effektivt arbetsflöde med godtagbara slutprodukter. Jag redovisar skillnaden mellan 2D, 2.5D och 3D-genererade miljöer och vad som bör användas vid olika situationer. Jag rapporterar även om områdets generella utveckling samt i vilken riktning dess utveckling ser ut att gå..
Weave Weave - Vävda ytor i rum
Verket Pose kretsar kring frågeställningen vad det är att vara kropp i en rumslig situation. Verket består av sju textila föremål som på olika sätt förhåller sig till kroppen och söker etablera en relation till betraktaren, bäraren och det omgivande rummet..
Museibelysnings påverkan på gula krompigment -utifrån Vincent van Goghs målning Olivskog, Saint-Rémy, 1889
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:16.
Deadwood in piles or distributed : does it make any difference to saproxylic beetles?
Piles of deadwood are often retained in forests after management to support the biodiversity ofsaproxylic organisms which depend on deadwood to survive. Any knowledge about the crucial role ofpiles as suitable habitat of saproxylic organisms compared to single distributed deadwood objects thatare around the piles would help conservation actors to motivate more forest owners to supportsaproxylic organisms during their management. Therefore to give facts to this the saproxylic fauna ofdifferent pile positions (up and low) was studied and compared to distributed deadwood samplesaround each pile. Our study was focused on saproxylic beetles. Some other parameters such asdiameter, deadwood volume, pile volume and decay stage were assessed to define any effect.
Utvärdering av Hultdins prototyp för portabel bro (drivningsbro) :
Stronger demand has been put on forestry to show environmental considerations during harvesting. This is especially for crossings of brooks with sensitive elements and great care should be observed when they are to be crossed during harvesting by logging machines. For that reason Hultdins has constructed a portable bridge that can be used for those occasions. The bridge has been developed in accordance with wishes from SCA forest, since they have a great deal of brooks in their forests and in private forests from where they buy part of their wood supply.
The aim for this report is to investigate if this portable bridge can be of interest for the forestry market. The research has been made at SCA skog in Medelpad and Norrskog in Medelpad.
Tillämpning av naturvårdsavtal :
Nature conservation agreement (NCA) is a way to voluntarily protect and manage nature for limited time-periods. The agreement is settled between the government and a landowner. All public authorities can represent the government but it is only the Swedish Forest Administration who does that regularly (because it is the only authority with economic resources for that purpose). Therefore, NCAs are almost only used to protect forested nature.
The government agencies have experienced NCAs for about ten years and it is now time to examine how they are applied in the forests. This study is based on a computerized questionnaire to the persons responsible for the LEKO-projekt.