

1315 Uppsatser om Pacific Sustainability Index (PSI) - Sida 59 av 88

Vilka faktorer predicerar terapeutisk framgång? : En studie med patienter från psykiatriska öppenvården i Stockholms läns landsting

Effekterna av psykoterapi har visat sig positiva i en mängd olika studier. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka potentiella prediktorer för terapeutisk framgång bland psykoterapipatienter från den svenska psykiatriska öppenvården. Patienter kategoriserades till tre olika utfallsgrupper kliniskt signifikant förbättring, reliabel förbättring, och svarade inte på behandling genom att använda Reliable Change Index och GSI av SCL-90 som kriterievariabel. Grupperna jämfördes med hänsyn till patienternas självskattningar, terapeuternas bedömningar, terapeutvariabler, och enhetskarakteristika. Variabler som visade på signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna inkluderades i en multipel diskriminantanalys.

Beräkning av direktljud genom homogena betongväggar : Densitetens och tjocklekens påverkan på reduktionstalet

Today's urban centers become denser, which contributes to higher demands on sound and noise. It is therefore highly relevant to build homes with good sound environment while maintaining living space. This thesis aimed to reduce the current concrete walls and see how the mass law affects the reduction index value and flanking transmissions. Handmade calculations were calculated according to the Swedish standard SS-EN 21354-1, where only air sound was calculated.Calculations we­­­re performed on wall elements with different weights and thicknesses, and compared with results from Bastian.In Bastian calculations of flanking transmissions were also made, this was made to see the impact of the flanking transmission when changing the mass per unit area. Mass law's impact was examined by flanking transmission and the result shows that they are not affected as long as the ratio between the thickness and the density remains the same.A questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the actual sound experience; this questionnaire was conducted on three concrete buildings in Växjö.

Droppar i havet - Mönsterdesignens relation till design för hållbar utveckling

Ett mönster är uppbyggt av ett motiv som upprepas. Denna upprepning kan fortsätta i all oändlighet. Hållbar antyder långsiktighet. Mönstrets övergripande egenskap är oändlighet. Hur kan denna egenskap hos mönstret nyttjas inom mönsterdesign för att främja hållbar utveckling? Det här kandidatarbetet undersöker mönsterdesignens möjlighet att verka för hållbar utveckling genom att se till begreppet mönster ur ett bredare perspektiv, samt i relation till design för hållbar utveckling.

Prim, Stadsförnyelse i Barcelona

This final project discusses renewal and upgrading of the area of Prim. It is discussed how this industrial area can be an attractive neighborhood with a varied range of services and commercial trade. Prim is located 2km north-east of the center of Barcelona. The area boarders to a deep railway valley that historically has separated Prim from its neighboring districts. At present there is almost no housing, services or commercial trade within the area and the industry is discontinued or the existing industrial buildings are derelict. There is also a lack of green recreational areas.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En fin fasad eller klädbranschens väg till legitimitet?

I dagens samhälle väljer många företag inom klädbranschen att presentera en hållbarhetsredovisning, angående företagets arbete för hållbar utveckling. Hållbarhetsredovisningen kan beskrivas som en viktig del av den strategi som används i syfte att profilera organisationen som socialt ansvarstagande. Däremot blir informationen som redovisas mer och mer omfattande för varje år, samtidigt som en färsk granskningsrapport visar att klädbranschens hållbarhetsarbete inte motsvarar den önskvärda utvecklingen. Den senaste tidens omfattande redovisningen kan därför diskuteras, om det är en form av fasadbygge, eller om redovisningen ändå kan uppfattas som legitim och trovärdig?Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den interna kommunikationens betydelse för hållbarhetsredovisningens trovärdighet.

Förekomst av parodontit och karies hos typ 2 ? diabetiker

The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of gingivitis, periodontitis and dental caries in individuals with type 2 ? diabetes. The study was conducted in a form of a general literature review with the restricted to the following conditions: human studies, English, and articles published between 2007 - 2012. Articles lacking a control group were excluded. The data were collected through searches of the medical database PubMed. A compilation of 11 scientific articles was examined.

Designprojektet BEDÅRANDE BARN AV SIN TID - Ett innovationsprojekt om material, traditioner och en arbetsmöbel

ADORABLE CHILD OF ITS TIMEThis text will describe a inovative project about material, traditions and someideas about furniture for work in an home inviroment. The content is partlyabout exploring ancient marine- and textile techniques to find somethinguseful for furniture of the twenty first century. It is also about the designprocess of creating a sustainable piece of furniture that questions the paradigmathicsabout usage and the context about manufacturing furniture.The text will briefly describe the design process and then reason about theresult in a deeper sense. Questions that has been considered from the verybeginning of the project as well as those one stumbled across during theevolution of the work will be objectives for the discussion. The result will bein focus as a foundation for the discussion and also the values and issuesabout that.

Förtroendeklyftan : politiskt deltagande och förtroende i Europa och Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to study causes for the lack of political trust in Europe and especially in Sweden. The essay starts with a presentation of two theories about the reasons for low political trust. Robert D. Putnam among others presents a theory that gives social capital an important role when viewing the low political trust. As Putnam sees it a person that participates in any kind of organization, political or not, develop trust for other human beings that in the long run affects political trust.

Flygburen laserskanning kopplat till skördarmätning för datainsamling till operativ planering :

The requirements for operative planning activities are increasing. The forest industry wants to gain better control over wood flow. A felling that is more market adjusted is desirable. However, this causes problems in the operative planning process because of the data collection methods used today. Data about timber assortments and data about the distribution of the tree diameter, etc., are often lacking. Airborne laser scanning is used to a greater extent than before for estimation of forest variables and should perhaps be used to the same extent in operative planning activities as well.

Wild boar paradise : What makes the Swedish wild boar reproduce more or less successfully?

Due to the growing wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) population in Sweden there has been an increase in wild boar related traffic accidents, damage on cropland, and conflicts regarding the management of the wild boar. Knowing what makes the wild boar reproduce and survive more or less successfully in different geographic areas is an important part of managing the population. According to previous studies the wild boars rate of increase varies from county to county. The aim of this study was to test, on the county scale level, if landscape composition and diversity as well as people and hunter densities might be the reason for this variation. The first hypothesis was that a big proportion of forests and cropland would increase the rate of increase.

Prognostisering av aktieavkastningar med hjälp av makroekonomiska variabler - en svensk studie

Forecasting stock market returns is an interesting topic since more and more Swedes enter and invest in this market. Theory implies, however, that such exercises should be impossible. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to forecast future stock returns by looking at macroeconomic variables? history. The study is limited to the Swedish market as it is based on the OMXS30-index which represents the 30 most exchanged stocks on Stockholms¬börsen, the Swedish stock exchange.

Institutions Matters - En teoriprövande studie om institutionell struktur och ekonomiskt välstånd inom transitionsländerna

This thesis analyzes and discusses the role of institutions concerning countries' abilities to create economic wealth. The countries that we are analyzing are the former members of the Warsaw pact and former Yugoslavia. These countries are referred to as transition countries. In order to analyze the transition countries institutional structure we are using Douglass C. North's theory regarding institutions and institutional building.

Är den hållbara staden möjlig utan en levande landsbygd? : en studie av den miljömässiga hållbarheten i Det flerkärniga Skåne

Stora delar av världen genomgår idag en omfattande urbanisering, där allt fler flyttar från land till stad. Samtidigt ges diskussionen om hållbar utveckling mer och mer relevans och utrymme. Som en följd av rådande urbaniseringstrender tycks resonemang kring miljömässig hållbar utveckling ofta beröra hur de urbana strukturerna ska kunna komma att möta framtidens klimatutmaningar, snarare än att alternativa strukturer lyfts fram som möjliga, mer miljövänliga, alternativ. Denna uppsats syftar till att ge en djupare förståelse för vilken betydelse relationen mellan stad och landsbygd har för en miljömässigt hållbar utveckling. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i en beskrivning av och diskussion kring miljömässig hållbarhet (och icke-hållbarhet) i staden respektive på landsbygden. Denna beskrivning och diskussion ligger sedan till grund för en analys av huruvida Region Skåne förhåller sig till de miljömässiga fördelar en stärkt relation mellan stad och landsbygd innebär.

Ståndortsanpassning och produktionspotential för björk i Gävleborgs län

Large amounts of birch-timber are imported to Sweden, from particularly the Baltic States, since the domestic production can?t support the pulp industry. The goal of this study was to show the potential of birch and the area?s most suitable for birch production. The study was limited to Gävleborg County. Using site characteristics, site index (SI) for birch was estimated on all National Forest Inventory plots in Gävleborg County.

 Förmågan till etiskt resonemang hos svenska auktoriserade revisorer :  Tillämpning av Defining Issues Test

The aim of this paper is to examine the capacity for ethical reasoning of Swedish certi-fied auditors in the five largest accounting firms in Stockholm, and also how ethics courses affect the auditors' ability to ethically statement. To calculate the auditors ability to ethical statement, questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire is based on a psychological instrument, the so-called Defining Issues Test. At the beginning of the questionnaire some questions are asked about the ethics courses. From the questionnaire a calculation was made of an average index called p-score (Principled score).

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