

1300 Uppsatser om Pacific Sustainability Index (PSI) - Sida 4 av 87

Vi tar tempen på ert CO2-utsläpp! : en studie av hållbarhetsredovisningars användbarhet

The environment has become an important part in people´s lives, and in today´s society stakeholders demands have increased upon companies when it comes to sustainability reports. How these sustainability reports are designed depends on whom it?s for, laws and regulations, and the companies own norms and values. The purpose of sustainability reports is to measure, monitor and compare a company´s enviromental impact. It?s not only about integrating economics, but also enviromental and social standards together to get both financial and competitive advantages.Sustainable Value method is a new model and is the first real method that can be used to evaluate a company´s resources, both financial, social and enviromental to a sustainable value.This model is used to compare the resource efficiency between companies.In this thesis, a documentary study with an experimental approach has been made.Sustainability reports from six selected companies (in the engineering and forestry sector) have been investigated with respect to their accounting for carbon dioxide, and an experiment using the method ?Sustainable Value Approach? was subsequently performed.

Bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisning : kostnad & nytta

Sustainability reports have during the last decade had a strong development. Both in terms of establishing a sustainability assurance, in its form, and get it assured together with standards, principles and regulations which organisations and accountants have utilized. The growth of sustainability reports and the choice of getting them assured have in particular favoured the accounting business. Due to this result, some critics have voiced that assuring a sustainability report gain accounting firms more than it gains the actual organisation. Other say that it is necessary in order to increase the credibility and the eligibility of the report, while it also has become a requirement from stakeholders.

Disclosure Tone in Environmental Reports ?A study of companies in the energy sector

Background and problem discussion: Sustainability reporting has recently risen in importance and a rising number of companies choose to issue voluntary stand-alone sustainability reports. Their non-regulated nature increases the opportunity for management to angle the information in these disclosures to their own advantage. Lately the focus has shifted from examining what kind of information is provided in environmental disclosures, to analyzing how the information is presented.Purpose: The purpose is to examine if managers in the energy sector use optimistic tone when issuing sustainability reports. The aim is to find out if the tone applied in environmental disclosures is in congruence with either the environmental or economic performance or if an excessively positive tone is being used to mislead readers.Limitations: This study is limited to information found in environmental disclosures from private companies in the energy sector, issued in 2012 or 2013. Environmental performance is defined as the amount of CO2e emissions and economic performance refers to annual company revenues.Methodology: The quantification of optimistic tone is conducted using a content analysis, relying on a pre-specified wordlist and a pilot study.

Livförsäkringar och efterarv

In recent decades, demands has emerged that the companies shall take a greater social responsibility for the impact that they have on their environment and that this impact shall be reported, which is known as Sustainability Reporting. The Sustainability Report is based on a number of general principles that ensure the content and the quality of the Sustainability Report. One of these principles is the principle of completeness. In the research, this principle seems to have been interpreted in terms of number of reported aspects and indicators, which can be a limited view where only the existence of the aspects and indicators is observed. By including the degree of the reporting in terms of full, partial and no reporting as well as a comparison between the real and the alleged reporting, our intention is to extend the principle of completeness and to develop a tool that we also apply through an empirical survey in a particular area.

Är värdeinvesteringar bättre än index? : En studie av värdeinvesteringar i Norden under perioden 1980 - 2010

Det finns få studier där kombinationer av nyckeltal används för att indentifiera undervärderade bolag. Denna undersökning kombinerar P/E-tal, P/B-tal samt direktavkastning för att ta reda på hur värdeinvesteringar har gett för avkastning mellan 1980 till 2010. Risken tas även hänsyn till.Denna studie testade hypoteserna statisktikt, vilket inte gjorts tidigare i stor utrstäckning. Resultaten blev att värdeinvesteringar har överavkastat index i Norden under tidsperioden, men det blev inte statistiskt signifikant. Värdeinvesteringar avkastade i genomsnitt 55,72 % mot index som avkastade 18,87 % i genomsnitt.Vi undrar om det är värt att ta hänsyn till risken vid värdeinvesteringar över så lång tidsperiod.

Socialt arbete och hållbar utveckling, hur då? : En kvalitativ studie om socialt arbete och hållbar utveckling i två arbetsintegrerande sociala företag.

The aim of this study was to examine how two integrating social enterprises relate to and combines social, ecological and economic sustainability and how they work with sustainable development in the field of social work. The study has been focusing on three questions: What are the values underpinning ?Macken? and ?Vägen uts? approach to sustainable development? What motivates these companies to work with ecological sustainability in the creation of new jobs? How do these companies combine social, ecological and economic sustainability? To answer our questions we have been interviewing nine employees through semi-structured interviews combined with observations and this study was analysed through a symbolic perspective. The conclusion of this study showed that these companies worked with specific themes to reach social sustainability. Recurring themes in the study was empowerment, recovery and the employee?s own experience of exclusion.

Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer

The long-term external financing of a corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.

Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management ? Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing

Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM).This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation?s use of these services.

TRADITIONSPRINCIPEN INOM SVENSK RÄTT : En jämförelse med avtalsprincipen

In organizations today Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a common means to try to gain legitimacy and credibility for their business. A successful CSR strategy has the potential to generate positive outcomes for a company and reaching out to stakeholders about the corporation?s contribution in the field is an important part of the work. In this study I examine how the employees at Max Hamburgare receive the corporation?s efforts within sustainability, how it is perceived and what this means to the employees.

Hållbarhetsredovisning- För Vem? : centrala intressenters möjliga påverkan på icke-statliga företags hållbarhetsredovisning

Companies today face more and more demands from society and stakeholders. It is no longer about just satisfying shareholders, sales and making a profit. Consumers are becoming more aware of products effects and the consequences it has on humans, our environment and the generation ahead of us. NGO:s and society request that companies take responsibility and actions toward a more sustainable business. Many investors analyze companies? sustainability regarding social and environmental issues when it comes to choosing a company to invest in.

Ha?llbarhetsredovisning i bostadsfo?retag : En rekommendation

This project was conducted on behalf of the organization SABO (Swedish Association of Public Housing Companies). The aim of this project was to investigate which relevant environmental aspects and indicators there are for housing companies to present in their sustainability report. The project consists of three main goals: to decide if there is a need for common guidelines when conducting a sustainability report, determine appropriate environmental indicators and to create a simple model of how the companies can present them. This was done by a literature study, analysis of 13 sustainability reports and interviews with seven housing companies. The result of the project suggests that there is a need for common guidelines to, among other things, make it easier to make a comparison with other companies.

Effektivisering av lagringsstrukturer i RDB2

RDB2 är en relationsdatabashanterare som har utvecklats på Högskolan i Skövde för att användas i undervisningssyfte. Åtkomsten av data i den nuvarande versionen av RDB2, version 0.93, anses vara ineffektiv. Lagringsstrukturen är uppbyggd med hjälp av en lagringsteknik som kallas hashing. Hashingen påverkar hur datan lagras fysiskt. När hashing inte kan användas måste åtkomsten ske sekvensiellt vilket leder till att åtkomsttiden blir dålig.

SUSTAINABILITY-REDOVISNING - en komparativ kvalitetsstudie

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Sustainability redovisning ? en komparativ kvalitetsstudie. Seminariedatum: 2002-01-25 Kurs: FEK 591 Magisterseminarium ? Redovisning 10 poäng. Författare: Markus Håkansson, Martin Sehag och Mikael Ullman Handledare: Fredrik Ljungdahl Företag: ABB, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, British Airways, BP, COOP, Föreningssparbanken, ITT Flygt, NCC och Shell.

Kost, kön och prestation : En studie om årskurs nio elevers kostvanor i olika inkomstområden

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka årskurs nio elevers matvanor, och betyg i ämnet i idrott och hälsa utifrån genus. Studien genomfördes på två stycken skolor den ena i ett område med lågt socioekonomiskt index och den andra i ett område med högt socioekonomiskt index. Examensarbetet genomfördes med hjälp av information sammanställt från 77 stycken enkäter, betyg och relevant litteratur. Resultat av undersökning visar att det finns viss korrelation mellan elever som lever i områden med högt socioekonomiskt index har högre betyg i ämnet idrott och hälsa och god kosthållning i jämförelse med elever som bor i områden med lågt socioekonomiskt index som har lägre betyg och sämre kosthållning, dock går sambandet inte att säkert fastslå. Resultaten av studien visar att eleverna på skolan med lågt socioekonomiskt index äter mer onyttig mat och betydligt mindre frukost i jämförelse med eleverna på skolan med högt socioekonomiskt index.

Servicemötet : En studie om vilka brister och förbättringsmöjligheter som finns i servicemötet mellan säljare och kund

In recent decades, demands has emerged that the companies shall take a greater social responsibility for the impact that they have on their environment and that this impact shall be reported, which is known as Sustainability Reporting. The Sustainability Report is based on a number of general principles that ensure the content and the quality of the Sustainability Report. One of these principles is the principle of completeness. In the research, this principle seems to have been interpreted in terms of number of reported aspects and indicators, which can be a limited view where only the existence of the aspects and indicators is observed. By including the degree of the reporting in terms of full, partial and no reporting as well as a comparison between the real and the alleged reporting, our intention is to extend the principle of completeness and to develop a tool that we also apply through an empirical survey in a particular area.

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